XP 스크립트

Final Fantasy Tactice Advance의 퀘스트 시스템과 유사합니다. 퀘스트 관련은 Missions.rxdata에 지정됩니다. 스크립트와 사용법은 데모를 참조하세요.

- Setting Up Rewards/Penalties

the format for these parameters is a hash setup like this
{type => parameter, type => parameter, ...}
where type is
'gold' for gold and parameter is the amount of gold to gain/lose
'items' are the items gained/lost parameter is an array of item_ids
'weapons' are the weapons gained/lost parameter is an array of item_ids
'armors' are the armors gained/lost parameter is an array of item_ids
alternatively if type is the name of a mission skill then parameter is the amount of exp to gain/lose in that skill

so from all of this If this was sent
{'gold' => 350, 'items' => [1,2,3], 'weapons' => 3, 'combat' => 100}
The player will lose or gain 350 gold, item ids 1, 2, and 3, weapon id 3, and 100 exp in the skill of combat

- Setting up Mission Skills (Adding/Deleting)

Located in the Script-x Data Structure located near the bottom is class Mission_Skill, just change/add/delete the attr_reader and the instance variables declared in the initialize method to get what you want

- Customizing

Located in the Script-x Constants/Windows is the list of Constants that affect how the script-x is ran what they do is self explanatory, but if not that's why those lines have been commented

- Calling the script-x

If you want the Mission shop just type using a call script-x event command
$scene = Scene_Mission.new(area)
where area is the mission area (affects which missions are shown if you defined it)

If you don't want the Mission shop just type
where id is the id of the mission

Mission completion/failure
$game_missions[id].completed = true
$game_missions[id].failed = true

where id is the id of the mission

Giving Out Rewards

where id is the id of the mission be sure to place a wait count
before calling these lines
Comment '3'

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