
regendo - MenuScreen While Message

by 혜인 posted Jan 23, 2014


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# MenuScreen While Message (MSWM)
# by bStefan aka. regendo
# by request from AABattery
# : http://www.rpgmakervxace.net/index.php?/user/608-aabattery/
# please give credit if used
# for use with RMVX ACE
# Call Scene_Menu while a message
# : is being displayed
# implement over Main
# customize:
# : add Scenes you don't want the
# : script to happen to NOCALLMENU
# : (like Scene_Battle, which would
# : be really annoying)

module Regendo
  unless @scripts
    @scripts = Hash.new
    def self.contains?(key)
      @scripts[key] == true
  @scripts["Menu_during_Message"] = true
  module Menu_during_Message
    NOCALLMENU = [Scene_Battle] #scenes in which call_menu shall not work.
    BUTTON = Input::B #which button will trigger the menu?
class Window_Message < Window_Base

  BUTTON = Regendo::Menu_during_Message::BUTTON
  NOCALLMENU = Regendo::Menu_during_Message::NOCALLMENU
  alias update_old update
  def update
    call_menu if Input.trigger?(BUTTON) && !forbidden_scene_by_regendo
  def call_menu
  def input_pause
    self.pause = true
    case BUTTON
    when Input::B
      Fiber.yield until Input.trigger?(:C)
    when Input::C
      Fiber.yield until Input.trigger?(:B)
      Fiber.yield until Input.trigger?(:B) || Input.trigger?(:C)
    self.pause = false
  def forbidden_scene_by_regendo
    return false unless NOCALLMENU
    NOCALLMENU.any? do |scene|





혹시 몰라서 남겨두는 스크립트 링크입니다.


메시지가 표시되는 중에도 메뉴를 열 수 있게 해주는 스크립트입니다.

CONFIG 부분에서 메뉴를 열지 못하게 할 Scene과 메뉴를 열 때 사용하는 버튼을 바꾸실 수 있습니다.