
# MOG_BATTLEBACK_XP V1.0                         #
# By Moghunter
# http://www.atelier-rgss.com
# Allow you to use a picture as a background in battles
# Inside the GRAPHICS folder, create a new folder named Battlebacks.
# Put the pictures inside the Battlebacks folder.
# To select an picture as a Battleback, use the command Call Script in a event,
# with this code:

# $game_system.bb = "FILE_NAME"
# In the place of FILE_NAME you have to put the  name of the Battleback picture.
# If you want that the map graphic be your Batteback, just place a name of a absent
# file.
#   CONFIG    #
module MOG_VX02
# On/OFF Wave Effect
# On/OFF VX Standard
$mogscript = {} if $mogscript == nil
$mogscript["battleback_xp"] = true
# Game_System #
class Game_System
attr_accessor :bb
alias mog_vx02_initialize initialize
def initialize
@bb = ""
# Module Cache #
module Cache 
  def self.battleback(filename)
    load_bitmap("Graphics/battlebacks/", filename)
# Spriteset_Battle #
class Spriteset_Battle
include MOG_VX02
  def create_battleback
    @battleback_sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport1)
    source = Cache.battleback($game_system.bb.to_s) rescue empty
    if  $game_switches[BB_WAVE_SWITCH] == true
    bitmap = Bitmap.new(640, 480)
    bitmap = Bitmap.new(544, 416)
    bitmap.stretch_blt(bitmap.rect, source, source.rect)
    bitmap.radial_blur(90, 12) if  $game_switches[BB_VXEDITION_SWITCH] == true
    @battleback_sprite.bitmap = bitmap
    wave_on if  $game_switches[BB_WAVE_SWITCH] == true
def wave_on
    @battleback_sprite.ox = 320
    @battleback_sprite.oy = 240
    @battleback_sprite.x = 272
    @battleback_sprite.y = 176 
    @battleback_sprite.wave_amp = 8
    @battleback_sprite.wave_length = 240
    @battleback_sprite.wave_speed = 120    
def empty
   @battleback_sprite.bitmap =  $game_temp.background_bitmap
def create_battlefloor
    if  $game_switches[BB_VXEDITION_SWITCH] == true
    @battlefloor_sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport1)
    @battlefloor_sprite.bitmap = Cache.system("BattleFloor")
    @battlefloor_sprite.x = 0
    @battlefloor_sprite.y = 192
    @battlefloor_sprite.z = 1
    @battlefloor_sprite.opacity = 128
    @battlefloor_sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport1)



Who's 라이네크



XP - 아인 스토리 (만들다가 어려워서 포기)

VX - 타르타로스 -운명의검- (모든것을 쏟아부엇지만 아버님이 삭제하셔서 멸망)

2003 - 타르타로스 -운명의검- Again (다시 2003으로 도전하지만 몇달만에 컴터를다시키니 자료증발)

XP - 엘티어즈 ~고대의병기~ (현재만드는중 이건 완성한다 ... 젠장..)


으으 자료복구할방법은 업는겝니까 ㅠㅠ

지금만드는건 완성시킨다 젠장

Comment '2'

  1. 아방스 게시물 · 댓글 작성 규칙 (최근 수정일 2015.11.25)

    Date2012.07.17 Category공지 By완폐남™ Views41204
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  2. 푸사 데이터 날라감

    Date2009.10.23 Category잡담 ByEvangelista Views859
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  3. 게임제작 다시 가동?

    Date2009.10.23 Category잡담 By완폐남™ Views940
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  4. 비울님이 만든 배경음 듣고 감동..

    Date2009.10.23 Category잡담 By귤농 Views1189
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  5. 걷기모션과 겜에 적용 +_+..

    Date2009.10.23 Category잡담 By봉시기 Views964
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  6. 내일 인천 세계도시축전감

    Date2009.10.22 Category잡담 By'알중_ Views997
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  7. 우스이의 회 상반신 or 전신 일러 있는분!

    Date2009.10.22 By배군 Views1078
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  8. 이런거 도와주실분없을까요..

    Date2009.10.22 Category잡담 By칼리아 Views1012
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  9. Fancy 아이템 색상...

    Date2009.10.22 Category잡담 By코르뉴 Views802
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  10. 닉네임 이미지랑 프로필 사진 변경했어요 ~~

    Date2009.10.21 Category잡담 By시옷전사 Views694
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  11. RPG VX스크립트 질문요

    Date2009.10.21 By레니스 Views1262
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  12. 무한의검제 다시 수정 "ㅆ";

    Date2009.10.21 By라이네크 Views873
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  13. 이건뭐.. 가가채팅 이 안되여 ㅜ_ㅜ

    Date2009.10.21 Category잡담 ByRPGRTP Views1100
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  14. 스핀

    Date2009.10.21 By라이네크 Views811
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  15. 게임추천

    Date2009.10.21 Category잡담 By누군가 Views873
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  16. 채색?ㅋ

    Date2009.10.20 Category잡담 By완폐남™ Views1130
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  17. 스킬님~

    Date2009.10.20 By라이네크 Views840
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  18. ㅎㅎ

    Date2009.10.20 By라이네크 Views804
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  19. 6프레임 대기 모션 +_+..우측 하나;;

    Date2009.10.20 Category잡담 By봉시기 Views1173
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  20. 이클립스 온라인게임제작프로그램

    Date2009.10.19 By小子非 Views1517
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  21. 차기작 : 폭풍의 아이 끄적,끄적

    Date2009.10.19 Category잡담 By달표범 Views1017
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