
Comment '6'
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    #   This script is NOT required to be installed.  In fact, you can configure
    # states within the Config script inself.  These are for the example
    # States 23 to 26 in the demo.  Please use this as an example on how to setup
    # your own customized regen/slip damage states, autolife, etc. - Mr. Bubble

    module RPG
      class State
        alias extra_demo_example_extension extension
     # ● State Enhancement Extension Settings
     # - Note about REFLECT and NULL states:
     #      An item/skill is considered physical if "Physical Attack" is
     #      checked under "Options" in your Database.  Otherwise, it is magical.
     # "AUTOLIFE/50"      - Automatically revives when Incapacitated.
     #                      Value after "/" is % of MAXHP restored when revived.
     # "MAGREFLECT/39"    - Reflects magical skills to the original caster.
     #                      Value after "/" is Animation ID when triggered.
     # "MAGNULL/39"       - Nullify magical skills and effects.
     #                      Value after "/" is Animation ID when triggered.
     # "PHYREFLECT/39"    - Reflects physical skills to the original caster.
     #                      Value after "/" is Animation ID when triggered.
     # "PHYNULL/39"       - Nullify physical skills and effects.
     #                      Value after "/" is Animation ID when triggered.
     # "COSTABSORB"       - Absorbs the MP (or HP) cost of an incoming skill when
     #                      affected.  This will not appear as POP Damage.  This
     #                      function is similar to Celes' "Runic" from FF6.
     # "ZEROTURNLIFT"     - State is lifted at the end of turn regardless.
     # "EXCEPTENEMY"      - Enemies will not use animation sequence assigned
     #                      under State Affliction Wait Animation Settings when
     #                      afflicted. (Actors still will.)
     # "NOPOP"            - State name will not appear as POP Damage.
     # "HIDEICON"         - State icon will not appear in the BattleStatus Window.
     # "NOSTATEANIME"     - State's caster and enemies will not use animation
     #                      sequence assigned under State Affliction Wait Animation
     #                      Settings when afflicted.
     # "SLIPDAMAGE"       - Apply slip damage.  Assign values under Slip Damage Settings.
     # "NONE"             - No extension. Used as a default.
        def extension
          case @id
          when 2 # 독
            return ["SLIPDAMAGE"]
          when 22 # 출혈
            return ["SLIPDAMAGE"] 
          when 23 # Regneration
            return ["SLIPDAMAGE"]
          when 24 # Mana Font
            return ["SLIPDAMAGE"]
          when 25 # Auto-life
            return ["AUTOLIFE/40"]
          when 26 # Physical Reflect
            return ["PHYREFLECT/39"]
     # ● Slip Damage Settings
     # - Also includes regeneration options.
     # when 1 <- State ID. Slip Damage only applies if "SLIPDAMAGE" is assigned above.
     #      Multiple settings may be applied. Ex)[["hp",0,5,true],["mp",0,5,true]]
     #        Type, Constant, %, POP?, Allow Death
     # return [["hp",    0,  10, true,  true]]
     # Type       – "hp" or "mp".
     # Constant   – Set a constant value to apply each turn.
     #              Positive values are damage.  Negative values are recovery.
     # %          - Set a percentage value to apply each turn based on MAX HP/MP.
     #              Positive values are damage. Negative values are recovery.
     # POP?       - Determines whether or not you want slip damage value to
     #              appear as POP Damage.
     # Allow Death - true: Slip damage can kill.
     #               false: Slip damage will not kill. (Battler will be left at 1 HP)
        alias extra_demo_example_slip_extension slip_extension
        def slip_extension
          case @id
          when 2 # 독
            return [["hp", 0, 5, true, true]]
          when 22 # Regeneration
            return [["hp", 0, 5, true, true]]
          when 23 # Regeneration
            return [["hp", 0, -10, true, true]]
          when 24 # Mana Font
            return [["mp", 0, -5, true, true]]

  • ?
    칼리아 2009.08.25 20:36
  • ?
    괴도키드 2009.08.25 20:35

    뭘 어찌하라는건지;;

  • ?
    칼리아 2009.08.25 20:37
  • ?
    괴도키드 2009.08.25 20:38

    글쎄 제가 댓글을 올릴당시에는 댓글이 하나도 없었는데요 ㅋㅋ

    등록된 시간을 보시면 1 초 차이로 등록이 되었군요 ㅋㅋ

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    # â–   SephirothSpawn's Slanted bars in VX
    #     25.4.2008
    #  Script by: Kylock (Based on SephirothSpawn's Original Slanted Bars)
    #    Inspired by Syvkal (http://rmvxpuniverse.com) who ported Cogwheel Style
    #  bars to VX, I realized how much I missed Seph's Slanted Bars.  So here they
    #  are.  Just add this script and it'll automagically transform your HP and MP
    #  bars.  Bar colors are easily customized in the following module.
    #  Change Log
    #  1.0 - Original Release.
    #  1.1 - Added option to use default window skin colors.

    module SLANT_BARS
      USE_WINDOWSKIN = false  # If set to true, the colors will be taken from the
                              #  current system skin and the following settings
                              #  will be ignored.
      DEFAULT_HP_BAR_COLOR = Color.new(208,48,65,255)    # Beginning color of HP bar
      DEFAULT_HP_END_COLOR = Color.new(231,185,94,255)# Ending color of HP bar
      DEFAULT_MP_BAR_COLOR = Color.new (38,47,187,255)  # Begenning color of MP bar
      DEFAULT_MP_END_COLOR = Color.new(153,57,204,255) # Ending color of MP bar

    class Window_Base < Window
      # * Draw Slant Bar(by SephirothSpawn)
      def draw_slant_bar(x, y, min, max, width = 152, height = 6,
        bar_color = Color.new(150, 0, 0, 255),
        end_color = Color.new(255, 255, 60, 255))
        # Draw Border
        for i in 0..height
          self.contents.fill_rect(x + i, y + height - i, width + 1, 1,
            Color.new(50, 50,50, 255))
        # Draw Background
        for i in 1..(height - 1)
          r = 78 * (height - i) / height + 0 * i / height
          g = 29 * (height - i) / height + 0 * i / height
          b = 1 * (height - i) / height + 0 * i / height
          a = 255 * (height - i) / height + 255 * i / height
          self.contents.fill_rect(x + i, y + height - i, width, 1,
            Color.new(r, b, g, a))
        # Draws Bar
        for i in 1..( (min / max.to_f) * width - 1)
          for j in 1..(height - 1)
            r = bar_color.red * (width - i) / width + end_color.red * i / width
            g = bar_color.green * (width - i) / width + end_color.green * i / width
            b = bar_color.blue * (width - i) / width + end_color.blue * i / width
            a = bar_color.alpha * (width - i) / width + end_color.alpha * i / width
            self.contents.fill_rect(x + i + j, y + height - j, 1, 1,
              Color.new(r, g, b, a))
      # * Draw HP gauge
      #     actor : actor
      #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
      #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
      #     width : Width
      def draw_actor_hp_gauge(actor, x, y, width = 131)
      # * Draw MP Gauge
      #     actor : actor
      #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
      #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
      #     width : Width
      def draw_actor_mp_gauge(actor, x, y, width = 131)

  1. 아방스 게시물 · 댓글 작성 규칙 (최근 수정일 2015.11.25)

  2. 오랜만에 동영상 투척~!

  3. 오랜만에 스샷투척

  4. 심심합니다.

  5. RPG VX 1.02 도움말 한글화 작업 들어갑니다.

  6. 안녕하세요. 근성제로人입니다.

  7. 강좌를 올릴려는데

  8. 채팅차단 됫지만,,

  9. 내 생의 첫 도트...=_=;;

  10. 이치고 미안...

  11. 유즈미님 이런거면 되나용?

  12. [98% 부족할 때] 2화 제작 중입니다.

  13. 님들 내가 이런사람입니다..

  14. 웃긴거 ㅋㅋ

  15. 쩝. 전 이제 쪽팔려서 학교 어케 다니죠..

  16. 배추벌레님 이거 가지셈

  17. 고기돌리기!!!

  18. No Image 27Aug
    by 독도2005
    2009/08/27 by 독도2005
    Views 1736 

    NHN DeView 2009가 열립니다.

  19. 잉여~~킹!

  20. No Image 27Aug
    by 아레나이
    2009/08/27 by 아레나이
    Views 1190 


  21. 오라테 여자친구있었어 ㅅ*ㅅ*ㅅ*ㅂ*ㅂ*ㅅ*ㅂ*

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