스크립트 불러오기

by 돈돈치 posted Jul 23, 2011


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Extra Form

#    The following are script commands that can be executed by using the
#  "Script..." command in your events.
#    ● $kts.stop            - Stops time (can be used for cutscenes) 시간 정지
#    ● $kts.go              - Resumes time (don't forget to use this!) 시간 정지 해제
#    ● $kts.sec(n)          - progresses time forward (n) seconds n초 만큼 진행
#    ● $kts.min(n)          - progresses time forward (n) minutes n분 만큼 진행
#    ● $kts.hours(n)        - progresses time forward (n) hours n시간 만큼 진행
#    ● $kts.days(n)         - progresses time forward (n) days n일 만큼 진행
#    ● $kts.jump_to_hour(n) - progresses time forward TO the specified hour.
#                                            n 시로 이동
#                             Particularly useful in a situation where you
#                             want a certain event to happen at a certain time,
#                             or an Innkeeper who should wake the party up at
#                             a certain hour.  This command MAY cause your game
#                             to appear to freeze for a few seconds on slower
#                             computers.

라는데 시간정지 할려고 스크립트 커맨드 키고 ● $kts.stop 라고 쳤더니 팅기던데 뭐라고 적어야하나요? 스크립트는 안써봐서;