module Fog_Map_Settings
# * Configure Fog numbers -> names for setup timesaving. Format:
# {fognumber => 'fogname.extension', ...}
# where 'Fogname.extension' must be the name of a fog picture and its extension
# located in the pictures folder
Fog_names = {1 => 'fog.png'}
# * Set maps you wish to have fogs here. Format:
# Fog_maps = {mapID => Fog number, mapID2 => Fog number, ...}
Fog_maps = {57 => 1, 65 => 1}
# * Set up fog settings. Uses (fog number => setting, ...) format
# - Opacity - Opacity of fog, ranging from 0 (invisible) to 255 (opaque)
# - Zoom - size of fog. '1' is normal not '100'.
여기서 보면
Fog_maps = {57 => 1, 65 => 1} 이렇게 나오느데
57번 맵에서 안개효과가 나타난다고해서
{1 => 1, 2 => 1}
이렇게 설정햇더니 들어가니까 오류뜨네요
1번이 바로 첫번째맵에서 켜지는거아닌가요 ?