Source Thread:
말 그대로 게임을 패치하는 스크립트입니다. 게임을 업로드한 뒤 수정할 것이 생겼을 때 전체 게임을 새로 올리는 대신 패치를 적용하여 게임을 업데이트시켜줍니다. 스크립트와 사용법은 링크된 쓰레드를 보기 바랍니다.
- Patcher 모듈의 KEY와 SALT는 인증된 패치만 적용되도록 하는 암호/보안키 관련 설정입니다.
Setting Up:
1) Change the KEY in the Patcher module. This is the password that lets only authorized patches work.
2) Change the DIR in the Patcher module if you want to use a different folder to get patches from.
3) Change the EXT in the Patcher module to have a different extension for patch files.
4) By rearranging SALT, even more security can be added!
Making a Patch:
1) Add scripts you want into a text file and give the file the extension ".rb". Save this file in your game's main directory. (OPTIONAL)
2) Call Script: $scene =
3) Select the script you want to use in the Script menu. (OPTIONAL IF DATA IS INCLUDED)
4) Select the data you want to include in your patch. Data is categorized, so it is easy to locate. The true/false in the top right corner indicates if the data will be in the patch file. (OPTIONAL IF SCRIPT IS INCLUDED)
5) Select ">FINISH". This will generate your patch file.
6) Rename your patch. The order in which the Game Patcher will load things is in this order: -, _, 0 to 9, A to Z, a-z. Patches that are loaded last can overwrite previously loaded patches.
7) Enjoy your small patch file.
**생성된 패치는 오디오파일(일반적으로 암호화에 포함되지 않음)에는 적용되지 않습니다.