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# Drop Options
# Version: 1.1
# Author: modern algebra (
# Date: September 11, 2010
# Description:
# This script is very simple. All it does is allow you to make item drops a
# little less static in some very simple ways:
# (a) you can make more than two drops for each enemy, so enemies can drop a
# greater variety of loot;
# (b) you can place a cap on the amount of these extra drops, so if you want
# a boss to have a 100% chance of dropping one of three items, but only
# one,then you can do that; and
# (c) you can randomize the amount of gold dropped by setting a range within
# which it can fall.
# If you are using any scripts that show loot drops of enemies (such as a
# bestiary), the effects of this script will not be reflected in that without
# direct modifications. If you are using such a script, please feel free to
# post a link to it in this script's thread in RMRK and I will write a patch
# for it.
# This script may not work with some custom battle systems, particularly
# ones that do not use troops.
# Instructions:
# Place this script above Main and below any other scripts in the Script
# Editor (F11).
# All configuration happens in the note boxes of enemies. If you wish to add
# a new drop, place this code in a note box for the enemy:
# drop[type id, probability]
# type : the type, either Item, Weapon, or Armor. Armour is also
# accepted.
# id : This is the ID of the item, weapon, or armor.
# probability : This is the probability the item, weapon, or armor will
# drop. If you put a % sign after the number, then it will
# drop that percentage of the time. If not, then the number
# you put here will be the denominator, same as with
# regular drops. The number has to be an integer.
# drop[Item 1, 65%]
# This will mean that the item with ID 1 (Potion by default) will drop
# 65% of the time when you kill this enemy.
# drop[armor 5, 8]
# This will mean that the armor with ID 5 (Mithril Shield by default)
# will drop 1/8 times you kill this enemy.
# To set a maximum on the number of extra drops (note that this only applies
# to extra drops set up in the note field - the two default drops are exempt
# from this cap), you can use the code:
# max_drop[x]
# x : the maximum amount of extra drops that you want.
# If an enemy is set up like this:
# drop[weapon 20, 100%]
# drop[weapon 21, 100%]
# max_drop[1]
# Then that means that the enemy will definitely drop either Weapon 20
# (Mythril Spear) or Weapon 21 (Mythril Blade), but will not drop both since
# the max_drop code prevents it from dropping more than one of the notebox
# drops.
# To randomize the amount of gold an enemy drops, place the following code
# in its note box:
# gold[variance]
# variance : this is an integer, and the amount of gold dropped is
# calculated by randomly selecting a number between 0 and this value,
# and then adding it to the regular gold drop you set in the database.
# If an enemy has 5 gold set as its drop in the database, then the
# following note:
# gold[12]
# will mean that the enemy will drop anywhere between 5 and 17 gold upon
# its death.
# ** RPG::Enemy
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - gold
# new method - random_gold, extra_drops
class RPG::Enemy
# * Gold
alias ma_drpopt_gold_2go9 gold unless self.method_defined? (:ma_drpopt_gold_2go9)
def gold (*args)
return (rand (random_gold + 1)) + ma_drpopt_gold_2go9 (*args)
# * Random Gold
def random_gold
(@rand_gold = self.note[/GOLD[(d+)]/i] != nil ? $1.to_i : 0) if !@rand_gold
return @rand_gold
# * Extra Drops
def extra_drops
if @extra_drops.nil?
@extra_drops = []
self.note.gsub (/DROP[(item|weapon|armou?r)s*(d+),?s*(d+)(%?)]/i) {
drop =
case $1.downcase
when "item"
drop.kind = 1
drop.item_id = $2.to_i
when "weapon"
drop.kind = 2
drop.weapon_id = $2.to_i
drop.kind = 3
drop.armor_id = $2.to_i
drop.denominator = $4.empty? ? $3.to_i : $3.to_f
@extra_drops.push (drop)
return @extra_drops
# * Max Drops
def max_drops
if !@max_drops
@max_drops = self.note[/MAX[ _]DROPS?[(d+)]/i].nil? ? 999 : $1.to_i
return @max_drops
# If using Note Editor
if self.method_defined? (:ma_reset_note_values)
# * Reset Note Values
alias mala_nedo_restnte_9yn2 ma_reset_note_values
def ma_reset_note_values (*args)
mala_nedo_restnte_9yn2 (*args) # Run Original Method
@rand_gold, @extra_drops, @max_drops = nil, nil, nil
# ** Game_Troop
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - make_drop_items
class Game_Troop
# * Create Array of Dropped Items
alias mlgb_drpop_mkeitm_4rx1 make_drop_items
def make_drop_items (*args)
drop_items = mlgb_drpop_mkeitm_4rx1 (*args)
for enemy in dead_members
ie_drops = []
for di in enemy.enemy.extra_drops
next if di.kind == 0
if di.denominator.is_a? (Float)
next if rand (100) > di.denominator
next if rand(di.denominator) != 0
case di.kind
when 1 then ie_drops.push($data_items[di.item_id])
when 2 then ie_drops.push($data_weapons[di.weapon_id])
when 3 then ie_drops.push($data_armors[di.armor_id])
while ie_drops.size > enemy.enemy.max_drops
ie_drops.delete_at (rand (ie_drops.size))
drop_items += ie_drops
return drop_items