# Learn Skills By Use
# Version: 1.0
# Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
# Date: August 27, 2009
# Description:
# This script allows you to have actors learn skills by using other skills.
# For instance, you could set it so that an actor will learn Fire II only
# after he has used Fire 50 times. You can also set it so that there can be
# multiple paths to learning a skill and multiple skill requirements. For
# instance, that same actor could also learn Fire II if he has used Flame
# 60 times and Flame II 25 times. However, you can also set class
# prohibitions and level requirements, so if you never want a Paladin to
# learn Fire II no matter how many times he uses its root skills, then it is
# easy to set that up, and if you don't want Fire II to be learned by any
# actor until they are at least level 7, then that can be setup too. You may
# also set it up so that it is like an upgrade - Fire becomes obsolete once
# Fire II is learned, and so you can simply forget Fire once you have Fire II
# Also, the actors will only learn these skills upon level up, not as soon
# as they meet requirements, so if you are using any display levelup scripts,
# the skills learned by use should show up in that script no problem.
# Further, this doesn't interfere with the regular skill learning system, so
# if you set it that a mage will learn Fire II at level 6 in the Class Tab
# of the database, than the mage will learn Fire II at level 6 no matter if
# she has met the use requirements of its root skills, and no matter what
# the class prohibitions or level requirements are.
# Instructions:
# Place this script above Main and below Materials in the Editor. It should
# also be below any custom levelup scripts you may have.
# To set up a skill to be learned through use, you must use this code in a
# notes box:
# ROOT_SKILL[skill_id, number_of_uses, <supplement_skills>, forget]
# skill_id : The ID of the root skill that leads to this skill.
# number_of_uses : An integer - the number of times the root skill has
# be used before it teaches this skill.
# <supplement_skills> : a list of skill IDs that also have to have their
# root requirements fulfilled before the skill will be learned. It is
# of the format: <x, y, z> where x, y, and z are the IDs of the other
# skills that must have usage requirements met. You can have as many
# as you like. Note, however, that you must set up one of these
# requirements notes for each of the other skills as well, and you
# must cross-reference the skills in this path. Defaults to <>,
# meaning that the only usage requirements needed to be filled is this
# one
# forget : If this is set to 1, then the root skills will be forgotten
# once this skill is learned. If left blank or set to any other digit,
# than the root skills will be retained.
# This code in the notebox of a skill:
# ROOT_SKILL[9, 100]
# There is only one path to learning this skill:
# (i) Use the skill with ID 9 at least 100 times.
# No skill is forgotten
# These codes in the notebox of a skill:
# ROOT_SKILL[1, 20, 1]
# ROOT_SKILL[4, 15, <5>]
# ROOT_SKILL[5, 8, <4>]
# With these codes, there are two paths to learning this skill.
# (i) Use the skill with ID 1 at least 20 times.
# (ii) Use the skill with ID 4 at least 15 times and use the skill with
# ID 5 at least 8 times.
# No matter which path is taken to the skill, the skill with ID 1 will be
# forgotten as soon as the new skill is learned.
# The following codes in the notebox of a skill:
# ROOT_SKILL[6, 100]
# ROOT_SKILL[7, 100]
# ROOT_SKILL[6, 20, <7, 8>]
# ROOT_SKILL[7, 25, <6, 8>]
# ROOT_SKILL[8, 15, <6, 7>]
# With these codes, there are three paths to learning this skill.
# (i) Use the skill with ID 6 at least 100 times
# (ii) Use the skill with ID 7 at least 100 times
# (iii) Use the skill with ID 6 at least 20 times, the skill with ID 7 at
# least 25 times, and the skill with ID 8 at least 15 times.
# No matter which path is taken, no skills will be forgotten.
# To prohibit a class from learning a skill through usage requirements,
# put this code in a notebox of a skill:
# PROHIBIT_CLASS[class_id]
# class_id : ID of class not allowed to learn this skill through use
# To set a minimum level for learning a skill through usage requirements,
# put this code in the notebox of a skill:
# x : an integer that is the minimum level. An actor cannot learn
# the skill until his level is at least equal to x.
# ** Skill
# Summary of Changes:
# new methods - ma_root_skills, ma_class_prohibited, ma_level_requirement
class RPG::Skill
# * Skill roots
# Root_Skill[skill_ID, # of uses, <supplement_skills>, forget?]
def ma_root_skills
if @ma_root_skills.nil?
@ma_root_skills = []
text = self.note.dup
while text.sub!(/ROOT_SKILL[(d+),?s*?(d+),?s*?<?(.*?)>?,?s*?(d?)]/i) { "" } != nil
id = $1.to_i
n = $2.nil? ? 0 : $2.to_i
forget = $4.nil? ? false : $4.to_i == 1
supplement_skills = []
unless $3.nil?
txt = $3
while txt.sub! (/(d+?)/) { "" } != nil
supplement_skills.push ($1.to_i)
@ma_root_skills.push ([id, n, forget, supplement_skills])
return @ma_root_skills
# * Class Prohibited?
# Prohibit_Class[class_ID]
def ma_class_prohibited? (class_id)
if @ma_prohibited_classes.nil?
@ma_prohibited_classes = []
text = self.note.dup
while text.sub! (/PROHIBIT_CLASS[(d+)]/i) { "" } != nil
@ma_prohibited_classes.push ($1.to_i)
return @ma_prohibited_classes.include? (class_id)
# * Level Requirement
def ma_level_requirement
if @ma_level_req.nil?
@ma_level_req = self.note[/MIN_LEVEL[(d+)]/i] != nil ? $1.to_i : 1
return @ma_level_req
# ** Game_Actor
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - initialize, level_up
# new_method - lsbu_check_skill_requirements, skill_count
class Game_Actor
# * Object Initialization
alias modalg_brnchskill_init_1cx3 initialize
def initialize (*args)
@lsbu_skill_count = []
@lsbu_forget_skills = []
# Run Original Method
modalg_brnchskill_init_1cx3 (*args)
# * Level Up
alias malg_skl_brnches_byuse_lvlplus_0kb2 level_up
def level_up (*args)
# Run Original Method
malg_skl_brnches_byuse_lvlplus_0kb2 (*args)
# Check all skills to see if requirements have been met to learn the skill
$data_skills.each { |skill|
next if skill.nil? || skill.ma_root_skills.empty?
if !@skills.include? (skill.id) && lsbu_check_skill_requirements (skill)
# Learn Skill
learn_skill (skill.id)
@lsbu_forget_skills.each { |id| forget_skill (id) }
# * Retrieve Skill Count
# skill_id : ID of skill checked
def skill_count (skill_id)
@lsbu_skill_count[skill_id] = 0 if @lsbu_skill_count[skill_id].nil?
return @lsbu_skill_count[skill_id]
# * Increase Skill Count
# skill_id : ID of skill increased
def increase_skill_count (skill_id)
@lsbu_skill_count[skill_id] = skill_count (skill_id) + 1
# * Check Skill Requirements
# skill_id : ID of skill checked
def lsbu_check_skill_requirements (skill)
return false if skill.ma_class_prohibited? (@class_id)
return false if @level < skill.ma_level_requirement
skill_paths = []
skill.ma_root_skills.each { |requirements|
@lsbu_forget_skills.push (requirements[0]) if requirements[2]
# FALSE If root skill not possessed
next if !@skills.include? (requirements[0])
# If skill not used enough
next if skill_count (requirements[0]) < requirements[1]
# Add path to skill_paths only if other requirements are true
path = [requirements[0]]
requirements[3].each { |supplement| path.push (supplement) }
# Add to skill paths array
skill_paths.push (path)
# Check if any paths to this skill have been fulfilled
while skill_paths.size > 0
path = skill_paths[0].dup
skill_paths.delete_at (0)
count = 1
# Check if the number of true requirements of this path equal to path size
while count < path.size
index = skill_paths.index (path)
# If there aren't enough reqs for this path, do not return true
break if index == nil
skill_paths.delete_at (index)
count += 1
return true if count == path.size
return false
# ** Scene Battle
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - execute_action_skill
class Scene_Battle
# * Execute Skill
alias mdrnalg_exctskl_lsbu_4nv2 execute_action_skill
def execute_action_skill (*args)
# Increase User's skill count if actor
@active_battler.increase_skill_count (@active_battler.action.skill.id) if @active_battler.actor?
# Run Original Method
mdrnalg_exctskl_lsbu_4nv2 (*args)
# ** Scene Skill
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - use_skill_nontarget
class Scene_Skill
# * Use Skill Nontarget
alias malgbra_usesklnotrg_lsbu_5na2 use_skill_nontarget
def use_skill_nontarget (*args)
# Increase User's skill count
@actor.increase_skill_count (@skill.id)
# Run Original Method
malgbra_usesklnotrg_lsbu_5na2 (*args)
이 스크립트는 당신이 배우가 다른 기술을 사용하여 기술을 습득하도록 허용합니다. 예를 들어, 그렇게 배우 후에만 그가 불의 사용한 50 회 소방 II를 배울 것입니다 그것을 설정할 수 있습니다. 기술과 복합 기술 요구 사항을 학습하는 당신도 그래야 그것을 설정할 수 있습니다 여러 경로를하실 수 있습니다. 그는 화염 사용한 경우 예를 들어, 같은 배우도 소방 II를 배울 수있는 60 번 및 화염 II에 25 번 읽혔습니다. 하지만, 당신은 또한, 그렇게한다면 당신은 친위가 화재 II에 당신이 원하지 않는다면 그것은 설치가 용이하며 수없이은 루트 기술을 사용하든, 그때 배우고 싶지 않은 수업 금지와 수준의 요구 사항을 설정할 수 있습니다 화재 II에 어떤 배우로 그들은 적어도 다음 레벨 7에 그 설치도있을 수 있습니다까지 배울 수 있습니다. 당신은 또한 너무 그것이 업그레이 드처럼 - 소방 II에 배운되면 화재가 오래된, 그리고되고 당신은 소방 II를 가지고 나면 당신은 단순히 화재를 잊을 수를 설정할 수 있습니다
또한, 배우 유일한 수준에 따라 최대 이러한 기술을 배울 것입니다, 안 나오자 마자, 그래서 만약 당신이 어떤 디스플레이 levelup 스크립트를 사용하는 요구 사항을 충족, 기술을 이용하여 배운 해당 스크립트 아무런 문제에 게재됩니다.
또한, 이것은 일반적인 기술 학습 시스템과, 방해가되지 않도록 그 마술사는 클래스 탭 데이터베이스의 수준 6에,보다 마술사 레벨 6에 상관없이 발사 II를 배우게됩니다 발사 II를 배울 것입니다 그것을 설정하면면 그녀와 상관없이 해당 루트 기술의 사용 요구 사항을 충족해야할 클래스 금지 또는 수준 요구 사항이 없습니다.