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스크립트는 아래 부분....
#=============================================================================== # # Yanfly Engine RD - Subclass Selection System # Last Date Updated: 2009.06.28 # Level: Hard # # There's been a lot of scripts where class changing is possible, but I've yet # to see anything about a subclass system. Although this script allows changing # primary classes, its main focus is the subclass system. There are many rules # you may set for your subclass system. You can enable or disable equipment # sharing amongst classes. You can choose how subclasses affect your base stats # or not at all. You can determine how skills can be learned via subclass, etc. # # CLASS SYSTEM # Classes are now split between primary and secondary classes. You can set many # different rules for each class here inside the script. Secondary classes will # expand the skill pool and equipment pool an actor has. With the class system, # actors can also get a change in their base stats depending on which class they # have equipped at the time. They can also get different amounts of boosts for # their stats upon leveling up. The possibilities are vast. # # JP SYSTEM # There is a new stat for each actor called JP. This new stat can be earned # through various ways. It can be earned in battle, from items, attacking, using # skills and items, and guarding. All of that can be modified. What JP does is # allow your actors to learn new skills through a JP purchase system. These # skills are unlocked when JP is spent on them and an actor will permanently # have the skill at their disposal. # # UNLOCK SYSTEM # Classes are unlocked via directly class changing, items, or learning specific # skills. Scripted events can also directly unlock classes for actors if that's # what floats your boat. There is no direct tier system implemented with this # script since there is too many different ways people would love to have their # classes unlock and whatnot. # #=============================================================================== # Updates: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # o 2009.06.28 - Added ALLOW_WEAPON and ALLOW_ARMOUR. # o 2009.05.26 - Compatibility with Scene Status ReDux # o 2009.05.17 - Small bugfix to the change actor graphics commands. # o 2009.05.16 - Upgrade Pack 2: # Primary-Only Classes and Subclass-Only Classes implemented. # Search for PRIMARY_ONLY_CLASSES and SUBCLASS_ONLY_CLASSES # Classes can now have special traits. # Actors can now change graphics when changing primary classes. # Can now event call the menus using the following: # $scene = Scene_Class_Change.new # $scene = Scene_Learn_Skill.new # Anti-crash methods updated. # o 2009.05.10 - Upgrade Pack 1: # Even more lag reduction. # Added level requirements and skill requirements. # Added Actor-Specific Common Skills Options # Added Primary-Class Only Skills Options # Added Subclass Only Skills Options # Added percentile growth rates dependent on primary and subclass # Added Actor-Restricted Classes Options # Added Primary/Subclass Stat Rate Percentage Options # Added two states that affect JP gain rate. # Added mechanic: Learning certain skills can unlock classes. # Fixed a few bugs regarding HP/MP during class changing. # o 2009.05.08 - Compatibility update with YERD Equip Skill Slots. # o 2009.05.07 - Lag Reduction. Ironed out crashes if people didn't input their # class data in correctly. # o 2009.05.05 - Finished demo. Fix up remaining bugs. # o 2009.04.30 - Finished script. Started creating demo. # o 2009.04.29 - Started script. #=============================================================================== # How to Use: Hard Mode #=============================================================================== # # I'm going to label all of this script as hard mode and above for multiple # reasons. This script is not meant to be taken lightly nor does it provide the # comfort of regular plug and playing that scripts with normal mode offer. I # made as much of the script to be plug and play as possible but it will still # require you to modify your classes properly before this skill will work the # way you would want it to. After all, this is your game. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Here are some tags you can put into your skills' noteboxes to give them JP # related effects. Note that if you're not using the JP system at all, you can # just flat out ignore most of these. # # <unlock class x> # If a skill is learned with this tag, it will unlock class x for the character. # Input multiple of these tags to unlock multiple classes. The lock class tag # is not included due to potential save corruption and crashes. # # <require level x> # The actor must be at least x level before they can buy the skill with JP. # # <require skill x> # The actor must know skill x before they can buy the skill with JP. Insert # multiple of these tags to increase the amount of skills required. # # <jp cost x> # The skill will cost x jp for the actor to learn it. # # <jp boost set x> # If an actor uses this skill, that actor will gain x set amount of JP. # # <jp boost ran x> # If an actor uses this skill, that actor will gain x random amount of JP. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Here are some tags you can put into your items' noteboxes to give them new # effects. These include JP effects but not all of them. Use accordingly. # # <gain jp x> # The item will give the target ally JP of x amount. JP is given to whatever # the ally's current class is. # # <unlock class x> # The item will unlock class x for the target ally. Use multiple of these tags # if you want an item to unlock more than one class. # # <lock class x> # The item will lock class x for the target ally. Use multiple of these tags if # you want an item to lock more than one class. Unlike the skill counterpart, # this will not corrupt the save file nor crash the game. # # <set primary x> <set subclass x> # This item will cause the target character to change primary or subclass to # whatever class x is. If subclass is set to 0, it'll remove the subclass. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # There's not much for enemy tags but here it is. # # <enemy jp x> # This determines the amount of JP given by that enemy. If nothing is determined # by this set value and you allow your enemies to give JP, then the JP delivered # will equal to the ENEMIES_DEFAULT amount. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # There's also not much for state tags but here they are. # # <bonus jp per x> # JP gain rate is x%. If x is 200, then the JP gain rate is 200%. # # <bonus jp set x> # x is added to JP gain. This means if JP gain is 20 and x is 10, total is 30. # #=============================================================================== # # Compatibility # - Works With: KGC HelpExtension, EquipExtension, CustomMenuCommand # - Works With: Yanfly Display Skill Query, Equip Skill Slots # - Alias: Game_Battler: attack_effect, skill_effect, item_effect, item_test # - Alias: Game_Actor: setup, class_id=, equippable?, level_up, skills, base_* # - Alias: Game_Actor: a lot of special traits # - Alias: Scene_Battle: process_battle_start, execute_action_guard # - Alias: Scene_Battle: display_exp_and_gold # - Alias: Scene_Menu: create_command_window, update_command_selection, # - Alias: Scene_Menu: update_actor_selection # - Alias: Scene_Title: create_game_objects # - Overwrites: Window_Base: draw_actor_class # #=============================================================================== # Credits: # KGC for Window_Command imports. #=============================================================================== $imported = {} if $imported == nil $imported["SubclassSelectionSystem"] = true module YE module SUBCLASS #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CLASS SYSTEM #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This part sets a bunch of rules regarding subclasses. Each one will allow # you to designate how you would like the subclass system rules to flow. # Read each part carefully since this will affect how the subclass system # will work for YOUR game. #---This allows actors to be able to wear equipment that is otherwise only # available for their equipped subclass. Set ALLOW_WEAPON to determine # whether or not characters can equip their subclass weapons. Set # ALLOW_ARMOUR to determine whether characters can equip subclass armours. ALLOW_EQUIP = true ALLOW_WEAPON = true ALLOW_ARMOUR = false #---These are two important switches for your game. If they are enabled, # their respective options will allow actors to switch their primary class # or their subclass. If not, the option to change them will not appear. ALLOW_CHANGE_PRIMARY_SWITCH = 65 ALLOW_CHANGE_SUBCLASS_SWITCH = 66 #---These are two important switches for your game. If they are enabled, # their respective options will appear in the menu. If not, they'll be # skipped. ENABLE_CLASS_CHANGE_SWITCH = 67 ENABLE_LEARN_SKILLS_SWITCH = 68 # This part affects all of the text you see inside the Class Change Menu. # Changing OPTION will enable/disable it inside your menu. Everything else # will adjust the text that appears. MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_OPTION = true MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_TITLE = "Class Change" MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_PRIM = "Primary" MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_SUB = "Subclass" MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_LEARN = "Learn" MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_DONE = "Finish" MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_PARAM = ["MaxHP", "MaxMP", "ATK", "DEF", "SPI", "AGI"] MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_ICONS = [ 99, 100, 2, 52, 21, 48] # This adjusts how the stats and arrows will appear. MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_USE_ICON = false MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_ARROW = ">" MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_ICON = 142 # This affects the display type for new stats. # Type 1 - Shows the new stat itself. # Type 2 - Shows the increase/decrease in the stat. MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_SDISPLAY = 1 # This allows you to designate icons for your classes. These will show up # whenever the class name is drawn. CLASS_ICONS ={ # Class.ID => Icon ID 0 => 176, # Nil Class 1 => 32, # Paladin(Knight) 2 => 6, # Warrior 3 => 128, # Priest 4 => 119, # Magician 5 => 3, # Knight(Paladin) 6 => 136, # Dark Knight 7 => 132, # Grappler 8 => 39, # Thief } # Do not remove this. #---This determines how the class and subclass is displayed inside menus. DISPLAY_FORMAT = "%s/%s" # This allows you to set how the class abbreviations will be displayed # in windows that will display the class abbreviations over the full name. CLASS_ABBREVIATIONS ={ # Class.ID => Icon ID 0 => "", # Nil Class 1 => "Kn", # Paladin(Knight) 2 => "Wa", # Warrior 3 => "Pr", # Priest 4 => "Ma", # Magician 5 => "Pa", # Knight(Paladin) 6 => "DK", # Dark Knight 7 => "Gr", # Grappler 8 => "Th", # Thief } # Do not remove this. #---This allows you to set complex class names if your classes managed to # meet a specific combination. Take into consideration the slashes if # those are used in your display format. USE_COMPLEX_CLASS_NAMES = true # This is the string transformation data for full complex class naming. # Make sure you match it with the display format in order for it to change. COMPLEX_CLASS_NAMES_FULL ={ # Combination Required => New Class Name "Knight/Warrior" => "Gladiator", "Knight/Magician" => "Magic Knight", "Knight/Paladin" => "White Knight", "Knight/Dark Knight" => "Black Knight", "Warrior/Knight" => "Combatant", "Warrior/Grappler" => "Fighter", "Warrior/Thief" => "Mercenary", "Priest/Magician" => "Shaman", "Priest/Paladin" => "Enchanter", "Magician/Knight" => "Spell Sword", "Magician/Priest" => "Archmage", "Magician/Dark Knight" => "Necromancer", "Paladin/Knight" => "Holy Knight", "Paladin/Priest" => "Soul Knight", "Paladin/Dark Knight" => "Arc Knight", "Dark Knight/Knight" => "Hell Knight", "Dark Knight/Magician" => "Death Knight", "Dark Knight/Paladin" => "Night Blade", "Grappler/Warrior" => "Brawler", "Grappler/Thief" => "Wrestler", "Thief/Warrior" => "Rogue Edge", "Thief/Grappler" => "Assassin", } # Do not remove this. # This is the string transformation data for abbreviated complex classes. # Make sure you match it with the display format in order for it to change. COMPLEX_CLASS_NAMES_ABBR ={ # Combination Required => New Class Name "Kn/Wa" => "Gl", "Kn/Ma" => "MK", "Kn/Pa" => "WK", "Kn/DK" => "BK", "Wa/Kn" => "Ct", "Wa/Gr" => "Fi", "Wa/Th" => "Mc", "Pr/Ma" => "Sh", "Pr/Pa" => "En", "Ma/Kn" => "SS", "Ma/Pr" => "AM", "Ma/DK" => "Nm", "Pa/Kn" => "HyK", "Pa/Pr" => "SK", "Pa/DK" => "AK", "DK/Kn" => "HlK", "DK/Ma" => "DtK", "DK/Pa" => "NB", "Gr/Wa" => "Br", "Gr/Th" => "Wr", "Th/Wa" => "RE", "Th/Gr" => "As", } # Do not remove this. #---These two options can set some classes to be equippable only as primary # or subclass. A primary-only class cannot be equipped as a subclass and # vice versa. If a class is in both, it can't be equipped at all unless # through force scripted or evented means. PRIMARY_ONLY_CLASSES = [] SUBCLASS_ONLY_CLASSES = [] #---This part determines whether or not some actors are restricted to only # a certain set of classes. If they're not on this list, those actors will # have access to all classes. There is no example shown in the demo. ACTOR_RESTRICTED_CLASSES ={ # ActorID => [Class ID's] 5 => [1, 2, 5, 6, 8], 6 => [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], } # Do not remove this. #---This allows actors to instantly learn their subclasses skills if they # meet the level requirements upon leveling up or simply changing classes. ALLOW_RETRO_LEARN = true # This allows you to set which classes allow the actor to use which skills. # Even if the actors have learned skills outside of their class/subclass, # they won't be able to use them unless the actors equipped those classes. # Class 0 designates common skills allowed for all classes. CLASS_SKILL_ALLOW ={ # ClassID => [Skill ID's] 0 => [81, 82, 85, 86], 1 => [33, 34, 41, 52, 67, 68], 2 => [ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7], 3 => [33, 34, 36, 39, 41, 75], 4 => [44, 47, 59, 60, 63, 64], 5 => [33, 39, 49, 50, 51, 52], 6 => [43, 44, 53, 54, 55, 56], 7 => [ 1, 2, 7, 27, 28, 38], 8 => [57, 58, 71, 73], } # Do not remove this. #---This part determines actor-based common skills. In other words, these # skills will always be available for specific actors no matter what # primary class or subclass they have equipped ACTOR_COMMON_SKILLS ={ # ActorID => [Skill ID's] 1 => [81], 2 => [85], 3 => [82], 4 => [86], } # Do not remove this. #---This part determines primary-class only skills. These skills will only # be available if the actor has the specific class equipped as primary. PRIMARY_ONLY_SKILLS ={ # ClassID => [Skill ID's] 1 => [35, 42, 69, 70], 2 => [ 8, 38], 3 => [35, 37, 40, 42, 51, 76], 4 => [45, 46, 61, 62, 65, 66], 5 => [36, 40, 77, 78], 6 => [46, 48, 79, 80], 7 => [ 3, 29], 8 => [31, 32, 72, 74], } # Do not remove this. #---This part determines subclass only skills. These skills will only # be available if the actor has the specific class equipped as a subclass. # There is no example of this shown in the demo. SUBCLASS_ONLY_SKILLS ={ # ClassID => [Skill ID's] 1 => [], } # Do not remove this. #---This determines whether or not actor stats are affected by their what # class they have equipped. You can also change whether or not subclasses # will affect the character's base stats at all. AFFECT_STATS_PRIMARY = true AFFECT_STATS_SUBCLASS = true # This adjusts how classes affect the actor's stats. CLASS_STAT_RATE ={ # Class.ID => [MaxHP, MaxMP, ATK, DEF, SPI, AGI] 0 => [ 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100], 1 => [ 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100], 2 => [ 120, 70, 120, 140, 70, 100], 3 => [ 90, 110, 80, 80, 110, 80], 4 => [ 85, 120, 70, 75, 120, 85], 5 => [ 115, 110, 100, 100, 110, 90], 6 => [ 120, 90, 115, 75, 115, 100], 7 => [ 125, 70, 125, 80, 70, 80], 8 => [ 80, 80, 85, 70, 80, 150], } # Do not remove this. # This determines what percentage primary and subclasses affect the class # stat rates. Normally, you should leave primary at 100% to avoid problems. PRIMARY_STAT_RATE = 100 SUBCLASS_STAT_RATE = 50 #---This determines whether or not actors will gain extra stat bonuses for # leveling with a specific class. You can decide if their primary class # will get the stat bonuses, the subclass getting the bonuses, or both. LEVEL_UP_BONUS_PRIMARY = true LEVEL_UP_BONUS_SUBCLASS = true # This determines the extra boost in stats actors will get when they level # up with that class as their primary or secondary (depending on which is # set to true). If a class's ID isn't included here, that class will not # get any bonus stats upon level up. Not even class 0. CLASS_STAT_BONUS_SET ={ # Class.ID => [MaxHP, MaxMP, ATK, DEF, SPI, AGI] 1 => [ 10, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1], 2 => [ 20, 0, 2, 3, 0, 1], 3 => [ 0, 10, 0, 1, 2, 0], 4 => [ 0, 20, 0, 0, 5, 0], 5 => [ 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 0], 6 => [ 5, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1], 7 => [ 30, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0], 8 => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5], } # Do not remove this. # This also determines the extra boost in stats when actors level up. This # is different than the other table in the way that these stats are random # increases. This means they can range anywhere from 0 to the numbered # amount. You have to enable this growth first. BONUS_RANDOM_PRIMARY = true BONUS_RANDOM_SUBCLASS = true CLASS_STAT_BONUS_RAN ={ # Class.ID => [MaxHP, MaxMP, ATK, DEF, SPI, AGI] 1 => [ 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2], 2 => [ 5, 0, 2, 2, 0, 2], 3 => [ 0, 5, 0, 2, 2, 0], 4 => [ 0, 5, 0, 0, 2, 0], 5 => [ 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 0], 6 => [ 5, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2], 7 => [ 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0], 8 => [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5], } # Do not remove this. # This determines the percentage growth rate applied depending if it's the # primary class or subclass. This affects both set and random increases. PRIMARY_GROWTH_RATE = 100 SUBCLASS_GROWTH_RATE = 50 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CLASS TRAITS #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This section governs traits unique to certain classes. These traits are # effects you can normally see under the character tab, weapon tag, and # armour tag. Traits can be set for primary or subclass. If you want a trait # to exist for both, just put it in both hashes. # # Here is a list of all the traits you can add: # "auto battle" - Actor will automatically attack. # "super guard" - Actor will take even less damage when guarding. # "pharmacology" - Items will have double effect when used by actor. # "fast attack" - Actor will strike quicker when using normals. # "dual attack" - Actor will strike twice when using normals. # "prevent crit" - Critical hits don't work against actor. # "half mp cost" - Actor spends 50% less MP. # "double exp" - Actor gains double the exp. # "double jp" - Actor gains double the jp. # # "barehanded" - Actor gains a boost to attack if no weapons equipped. # "maxhp up" - Actor gains a boost to maxhp outside of class rates. # "maxmp up" - Actor gains a boost to maxmp outside of class rates. # "atk up" - Actor gains a boost to atk outside of class rates. # "def up" - Actor gains a boost to def outside of class rates. # "spi up" - Actor gains a boost to spi outside of class rates. # "agi up" - Actor gains a boost to agi outside of class rates. # # "no weapon" - Actor cannot use weapon slot. # "no shield" - Actor cannot use shield slot. # "no helmet" - Actor cannot use helmet slot. # "no armour" - Actor cannot use armour slot. # "no accessory" - Actor cannot use accessory slot. # "no equips" - Actor cannot use any equip slot. # "all weapon" - Actor can use all weapons. # "all shield" - Actor can wear all shields. # "all helmet" - Actor can wear all helmets. # "all armour" - Actor can wear all armours. # "all accessory" - Actor can wear all accessories. # "all equip" - Actor can wear everything. # # To give a class more than one trait, separate them by commas. # This governs the traits available for classes when equipped as a primary # class. If you don't want a class to have a unique primary trait, either # remove the entry or keep the array blank. PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH ={ # Class.ID => [Traits] 1 => ["prevent crit", "super guard", "agi up"], 2 => ["fast attack", "all weapon", "atk up"], 3 => ["pharmacology", "no shield"], 4 => ["no shield", "spi up"], 5 => ["prevent crit", "def up"], 6 => ["super guard", "def up"], 7 => ["dual attack", "barehanded", "no weapon", "no shield"], 8 => ["double exp", "double jp", "no shield", "agi up"], } # Do not remove this. # This governs the traits available for classes when equipped as a subclass. # If you don't want a class to have a unique subclass trait, either remove # the entry or keep the array blank. SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH ={ # Class.ID => [Traits] 4 => ["spi up"], 7 => ["barehanded"], 8 => ["double jp"], } # Do not remove this. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CLASS CHANGE GRAPHIC #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This array lists which actors will change their graphic upon changing # classes. Note that this will only take effect if the primary class is # changed and not the subclass. If an actor's ID isn't listed here, that # actor's graphic is locked from being able to be changed. CHANGE_ACTOR_GRAPHICS = [1] # This hash determines which graphics each individual actor will switch to # when changing classes. Note that if you don't list an actor ID, the hash # will automatically pool the actor together with Actor ID 0. For that # reason, do NOT remove actor 0's hash information. If a class ID doesn't # appear, the actor will retain its current graphic settings. GRAPHIC_HASH ={ # Actor.ID => Do not remove Actor 0. It's a common pool for unlisted actors. 0 => [#ClassID, CharName, Ind, FaceName, Ind], [ 1, "Actor1", 0, "Actor1", 0], [ 2, "Actor1", 2, "Actor1", 2], [ 3, "Actor2", 2, "Actor2", 2], [ 4, "Actor2", 4, "Actor2", 4], [ 5, "Actor1", 4, "Actor1", 4], [ 6, "Evil", 4, "Evil", 4], [ 7, "Actor3", 0, "Actor3", 0], [ 8, "Actor3", 2, "Actor3", 2], ],#Next Instance 1 => [#ClassID, CharName, Ind, FaceName, Ind], [ 1, "Actor1", 0, "Actor1", 0], [ 2, "Actor1", 2, "Actor1", 2], [ 3, "Actor2", 2, "Actor2", 2], [ 4, "Actor2", 4, "Actor2", 4], [ 5, "Actor1", 4, "Actor1", 4], [ 6, "Evil", 4, "Evil", 4], [ 7, "Actor3", 0, "Actor3", 0], [ 8, "Actor3", 2, "Actor3", 2], ],#Next Instance 2 => [#ClassID, CharName, Ind, FaceName, Ind], [ 1, "Actor1", 1, "Actor1", 1], [ 2, "Actor1", 3, "Actor1", 3], [ 3, "Actor2", 3, "Actor2", 3], [ 4, "Actor2", 5, "Actor2", 5], [ 5, "Actor1", 5, "Actor1", 5], [ 6,"People2", 5,"People2", 5], [ 7, "Actor3", 1, "Actor3", 1], [ 8, "Actor3", 3, "Actor3", 3], ],#Next Instance 3 => [#ClassID, CharName, Ind, FaceName, Ind], [ 1, "Actor1", 0, "Actor1", 0], [ 2, "Actor1", 2, "Actor1", 2], [ 3, "Actor2", 2, "Actor2", 2], [ 4, "Actor2", 4, "Actor2", 4], [ 5, "Actor1", 4, "Actor1", 4], [ 6, "Evil", 4, "Evil", 4], [ 7, "Actor3", 0, "Actor3", 0], [ 8, "Actor3", 2, "Actor3", 2], ],#Next Instance 4 => [#ClassID, CharName, Ind, FaceName, Ind], [ 1, "Actor1", 1, "Actor1", 1], [ 2, "Actor1", 3, "Actor1", 3], [ 3, "Actor2", 3, "Actor2", 3], [ 4, "Actor2", 5, "Actor2", 5], [ 5, "Actor1", 5, "Actor1", 5], [ 6,"People2", 5,"People2", 5], [ 7, "Actor3", 1, "Actor3", 1], [ 8, "Actor3", 3, "Actor3", 3], ],#Next Instance } # Do not remove this. # These govern the multipliers given to the various traits. BAREHAND_MULTIPLIER = 250 # Uses Yanfly Barehand modifier if have. MAXHP_MULTIPLIER = 125 # Additional multiplier regardless of rates. MAXMP_MULTIPLIER = 125 # Additional multiplier regardless of rates. ATK_MULTIPLIER = 150 # Additional multiplier regardless of rates. DEF_MULTIPLIER = 150 # Additional multiplier regardless of rates. SPI_MULTIPLIER = 150 # Additional multiplier regardless of rates. AGI_MULTIPLIER = 150 # Additional multiplier regardless of rates. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # JP SYSTEM #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The JP system is a system adapted from Final Fantasy Tactics. Your classes # will earn JP over battles and can use them to purchase new skills inside a # particular menu. This section will allow you to change JP system rules for # your game should you desire to use it. USE_JP_SYSTEM = true MAX_JP_EARNED = 9999 JP_DEFINITION = "%d JP" JP_ICON = 145 # This determines whether or not enemies will give JP if killed and the # default amount if not set with <enemy jp x>. ENEMIES_GIVE_JP = true ENEMIES_SHOW_MSG = false ENEMIES_DEFAULT = 10 ENEMIES_MESSAGE = "%s has earned %s JP from battle." # This sets whether or not you'd like your actors to display the JP they've # earned in battle (since every action adds JP). DISPLAY_ACTOR_JP = true DISPLAY_ACTOR_MSG = "%s gained %d JP this battle." # This will determine whether or not the Learn Skill scene can be accessed # from the main menu. This also adjusts the text for the scene's options. LEARN_SKILL_OPTION = true LEARN_SKILL_TITLE = "Learn Skills" LEARN_SKILL_SELECT = "Learn" LEARN_SKILL_CHANGE = "Change" LEARN_SKILL_DONE = "Finish" # This affects the string data for the status window shown on the side. # This also affects what sound effect is played when buying skills. LEARN_SKILL_STATUS_HELP = "Select class you would like to learn skills for." LEARN_SKILL_STATUS_LEARNED = "%d%% Mastery" LEARN_SKILL_STATUS_ALL = "Mastered!" LEARN_SKILL_SHOP_LEARNED = "Learned" LEARN_SKILL_SHOP_STRING = "%s JP" LEARN_SKILL_SHOP_SOUND = RPG::SE.new("Equip", 80, 100) # This is the string data used for required skills and levels before the # skill can be purchased with JP. REQUIRE_SKILL = "Requires" REQUIRE_LEVEL = "Level %d" # These icons will replace the JP icon if the class is a primary only skill # or a subclass only skill. PRIMARY_ONLY_ICON = 208 SUBCLASS_ONLY_ICON = 209 # JP is earned throughout battle from different effects. You can determine # what will earn JP here and by how much. Set amounts are the increases that # will always occur so long as the action is enabled. Random amounts will # increase the JP earned from 0 to that amount. EARN_JP_VIA_ATTACK_ENABLE = true # Normal attacks will earn JP. EARN_JP_VIA_ATTACK_AMOUNT = 10 # Earns at least this amount of JP. EARN_JP_VIA_ATTACK_RANDOM = 5 # Earns up to this random amount. EARN_JP_VIA_SKILL_ENABLE = true # Skills will earn JP. EARN_JP_VIA_SKILL_AMOUNT = 20 # Earns at least this amount of JP. EARN_JP_VIA_SKILL_RANDOM = 10 # Earns up to this random amount. EARN_JP_VIA_GUARD_ENABLE = true # Guarding will earn JP. EARN_JP_VIA_GUARD_AMOUNT = 4 # Earns at least this amount of JP. EARN_JP_VIA_GUARD_RANDOM = 2 # Earns up to this random amount. EARN_JP_VIA_ITEMS_ENABLE = true # Using items will earn JP. EARN_JP_VIA_ITEMS_AMOUNT = 8 # Earns at least this amount of JP. EARN_JP_VIA_ITEMS_RANDOM = 4 # Earns up to this random amount. # This will determine the multipliers for earning JP split between primary # and subclasses. This effect is determined every time "gain_jp" definition # occurs within the script. EARN_JP_MULTIPLIER_PRIMARY = 100 # Percentage for primary JP earning. EARN_JP_MULTIPLIER_SUBCLASS = 50 # Percentage for subclass JP earning. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMPATIBILITY ADD-ONS #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This following section is to determine compatibility showing for Display # Skill Query if you wish for that to be enabled. ENABLE_SKILL_QUERY = true SHOW_QUERY_BUTTON = Input::A SHOW_QUERY_HELP_WIN = true QUERY_HELP_WIN_TEXT = "Press Shift to view skill info." end # SUBCLASS end # YE #=============================================================================== # Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing computer # damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or halitosis. # Therefore, edit at your own risk. #=============================================================================== module YE module REGEXP module BASEITEM # These are skill related. JP_COST = /<(?:JP_COST|jp cost)[ ]*(d+)>/i JP_BOOST_SET = /<(?:JP_BOOST_SET|jp boost set)[ ]*(d+)>/i JP_BOOST_RAN = /<(?:JP_BOOST_RAN|jp boost ran)[ ]*(d+)>/i REQUIRE_SKILL = /<(?:REQUIRE_SKILL|require skill)[ ]*(d+)>/i REQUIRE_LEVEL = /<(?:REQUIRE_LEVEL|require level)[ ]*(d+)>/i # These are item related. GAIN_JP = /<(?:GAIN_JP|gain jp)[ ]*(d+)>/i UNLOCK_CLASS = /<(?:UNLOCK_CLASS|unlock class)[ ]*(d+)>/i LOCK_CLASS = /<(?:LOCK_CLASS|lock class)[ ]*(d+)>/i SET_PRIMARY = /<(?:SET_PRIMARY|set primary)[ ]*(d+)>/i SET_SUBCLASS = /<(?:SET_SUBCLASS|set subclass)[ ]*(d+)>/i end # BASEITEM module ENEMY # These are enemy related ENEMY_JP = /<(?:ENEMY_JP|enemy jp)[ ]*(d+)>/i end # ENEMY module STATE # This affects states. BONUS_JP_PER = /<(?:BONUS_JP_PER|bonus jp per)[ ]*(d+)>/i BONUS_JP_SET = /<(?:BONUS_JP_SET|bonus jp set)[ ]*(d+)>/i end # STATE end # REGEXP end # YE #=============================================================================== # RPG::State #=============================================================================== class RPG::State #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Yanfly_Cache_SSS #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def yanfly_cache_state_sss @bonus_jp_per = 100; @bonus_jp_set = 0 self.note.split(/[rn]+/).each { |line| case line when YE::REGEXP::STATE::BONUS_JP_PER @bonus_jp_per = $1.to_i when YE::REGEXP::STATE::BONUS_JP_SET @bonus_jp_set = $1.to_i end } end # cache #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # definitions #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def bonus_jp_per yanfly_cache_state_sss if @bonus_jp_per == nil return @bonus_jp_per end def bonus_jp_set yanfly_cache_state_sss if @bonus_jp_set == nil return @bonus_jp_set end end #=============================================================================== # RPG::Enemy #=============================================================================== class RPG::Enemy #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Yanfly_Cache_SSS #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def yanfly_cache_enemy_sss @enemy_jp = YE::SUBCLASS::ENEMIES_DEFAULT self.note.split(/[rn]+/).each { |line| case line when YE::REGEXP::ENEMY::ENEMY_JP @enemy_jp = $1.to_i end } end # cache #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # definitions #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def enemy_jp yanfly_cache_enemy_sss if @enemy_jp == nil return @enemy_jp end end #=============================================================================== # RPG::BaseItem #=============================================================================== class RPG::BaseItem #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Yanfly_Cache_SSS #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def yanfly_cache_baseitem_sss @jp_cost = 0; @jp_learn = false; @jp_boost_set = 0; @jp_boost_ran = 0 @gain_jp = 0; @unlock_class = []; @lock_class = [] @set_primary = 0; @set_subclass = -1 @require_skill = []; @require_level = 0 self.note.split(/[rn]+/).each { |line| case line when YE::REGEXP::BASEITEM::JP_COST @jp_cost = $1.to_i @jp_learn = true when YE::REGEXP::BASEITEM::JP_BOOST_SET @jp_boost_set = $1.to_i when YE::REGEXP::BASEITEM::JP_BOOST_RAN @jp_boost_ran = $1.to_i when YE::REGEXP::BASEITEM::GAIN_JP @gain_jp = $1.to_i when YE::REGEXP::BASEITEM::REQUIRE_SKILL @require_skill.push($1.to_i) when YE::REGEXP::BASEITEM::REQUIRE_LEVEL @require_level = $1.to_i when YE::REGEXP::BASEITEM::UNLOCK_CLASS @unlock_class.push($1.to_i) when YE::REGEXP::BASEITEM::LOCK_CLASS @lock_class.push($1.to_i) when YE::REGEXP::BASEITEM::SET_PRIMARY @set_primary = $1.to_i when YE::REGEXP::BASEITEM::SET_SUBCLASS @set_subclass = $1.to_i end } end # cache #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # JP definitions #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def jp_cost yanfly_cache_baseitem_sss if @jp_cost == nil return @jp_cost end def jp_learn? yanfly_cache_baseitem_sss if @jp_learn == nil return @jp_learn end def jp_boost_set yanfly_cache_baseitem_sss if @jp_boost_set == nil return @jp_boost_set end def jp_boost_ran yanfly_cache_baseitem_sss if @jp_boost_ran == nil return @jp_boost_ran end def gain_jp yanfly_cache_baseitem_sss if @gain_jp == nil return @gain_jp end def require_skill yanfly_cache_baseitem_sss if @require_skill == nil return @require_skill end def require_level yanfly_cache_baseitem_sss if @require_level == nil return @require_level end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class definitions #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unlock_class yanfly_cache_baseitem_sss if @unlock_class == nil return @unlock_class end def lock_class yanfly_cache_baseitem_sss if @lock_class == nil return @lock_class end def set_primary yanfly_cache_baseitem_sss if @set_primary == nil return @set_primary end def set_subclass yanfly_cache_baseitem_sss if @set_subclass == nil return @set_subclass end end #============================================================================== # Game_Battler #============================================================================== class Game_Battler #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # perform gain_jp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def gain_jp(amount) return unless self.actor? class1 = self.class_id class2 = self.subclass_id unless self.subclass == nil for state in states amount *= state.bonus_jp_per amount /= 100 end if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.class.id) pri_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH[self.class.id] if pri_hash.include?("double jp") or pri_hash.include?("double jp gain") amount *= 2 end end if YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.class.id) and self.subclass != nil sub_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH[self.class.id] if sub_hash.include?("double jp") or sub_hash.include?("double jp gain") amount *= 2 end end for state in states amount += state.bonus_jp_set end jp1 = amount * YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_MULTIPLIER_PRIMARY jp1 /= 100 jp2 = amount * YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_MULTIPLIER_SUBCLASS jp2 /= 100 self.jp_counter += [jp1, jp2].max if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle) change_jp(class1, jp1) change_jp(class2, jp2) unless self.subclass == nil end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # jp counter #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def jp_counter @jp_counter = 0 if @jp_counter == nil return @jp_counter end def jp_counter=(newvalue) @jp_counter = 0 if @jp_counter == nil @jp_counter = newvalue end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias attack effect #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias attack_effect_sss attack_effect unless $@ def attack_effect(attacker) attack_effect_sss(attacker) return unless attacker.actor? return unless YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_VIA_ATTACK_ENABLE amount = YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_VIA_ATTACK_AMOUNT unless YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_VIA_ATTACK_RANDOM == 0 amount += rand(YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_VIA_ATTACK_RANDOM) end attacker.gain_jp(amount) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias skill effect #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias skill_effect_sss skill_effect unless $@ def skill_effect(user, skill) skill_effect_sss(user, skill) return unless user.actor? return unless YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_VIA_SKILL_ENABLE return unless $scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle) amount = YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_VIA_SKILL_AMOUNT unless YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_VIA_SKILL_RANDOM == 0 amount += rand(YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_VIA_SKILL_RANDOM) end amount += skill.jp_boost_set unless skill.jp_boost_set <= 0 amount += rand(skill.jp_boost_ran) unless skill.jp_boost_ran <= 0 user.gain_jp(amount) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias item effect #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias item_effect_sss item_effect unless $@ def item_effect(user, item) item_effect_sss(user, item) return unless user.actor? user.gain_jp(item.gain_jp) #---------------------------------- if item.unlock_class != [] for class_id in item.unlock_class user.unlock_class(class_id) end end if item.lock_class != [] for class_id in item.lock_class user.lock_class(class_id) end end if item.set_primary > 0 user.class_id = item.set_primary end if item.set_subclass > -1 user.subclass_id = item.set_subclass end #---------------------------------- return unless YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_VIA_ITEMS_ENABLE return unless $scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle) amount = YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_VIA_ITEMS_AMOUNT unless YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_VIA_ITEMS_RANDOM == 0 amount += rand(YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_VIA_ITEMS_RANDOM) end user.gain_jp(amount) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias item test #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias item_test_sss item_test unless $@ def item_test(user, item) if self.actor? return true if item.unlock_class != [] return true if item.lock_class != [] return true if item.gain_jp > 0 return true if item.set_primary > 0 return true if item.set_subclass > -1 end return item_test_sss(user, item) end end #=============================================================================== # Game_Actor #=============================================================================== class Game_Actor < Game_Battler #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public Instance Variables #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :subclass_id #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias setup #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias setup_sss setup unless $@ def setup(actor_id) setup_sss(actor_id) @subclass_id = 0 # This determines the subclass ID. @unlocked_classes = [self.class.id] # What classes are unlocked. @class_jp = {} end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias learn skill #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias learn_skill_sss learn_skill unless $@ def learn_skill(skill_id) learn_skill_sss(skill_id) skill = $data_skills[skill_id] if skill.unlock_class != [] for class_id in skill.unlock_class self.unlock_class(class_id) end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class actor graphic #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def class_actor_graphic return unless YE::SUBCLASS::CHANGE_ACTOR_GRAPHICS.include?(self.id) if YE::SUBCLASS::GRAPHIC_HASH.include?(self.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::GRAPHIC_HASH[self.id] else narray = YE::SUBCLASS::GRAPHIC_HASH[0] end parray = [0, self.character_name, self.character_index, self.face_name, self.face_index] for tarray in narray if @class_id == tarray[0] parray = tarray break end end val1 = parray[1]; val2 = parray[2]; val3 = parray[3]; val4 = parray[4] self.set_graphic(val1, val2, val3, val4) return unless $game_party.members[0].id == self.id $game_player.set_graphic(val1, val2) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias class_id= #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias class_id_equal_sss class_id= unless $@ def class_id=(class_id) return if YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_ONLY_CLASSES.include?(class_id) if YE::SUBCLASS::ACTOR_RESTRICTED_CLASSES.include?(self.id) unless YE::SUBCLASS::ACTOR_RESTRICTED_CLASSES[self.id].include?(class_id) return end end return if class_id == self.class.id hp_per = (self.maxhp == 0) ? 0 : self.hp * 100 / self.maxhp mp_per = (self.maxmp == 0) ? 0 : self.mp * 100 / self.maxmp class_id_equal_sss(class_id) class_actor_graphic if self.subclass_id == self.class_id self.subclass_id = 0 end self.hp = Integer(hp_per * self.maxhp / 100) self.mp = Integer(mp_per * self.maxmp / 100) if YE::SUBCLASS::ALLOW_RETRO_LEARN for i in self.class.learnings learn_skill(i.skill_id) if i.level <= @level end end unless @unlocked_classes.include?(@class_id) @unlocked_classes.push(@class_id) end #--- for i in 0..4 change_equip(i, nil) unless equippable?(equips[i]) end if $imported["EquipExtension"] return if extra_armor_number == 0 for i in 5..armor_number change_equip(i, nil) unless equippable?(equips[i]) end end purge_unequippable_skills if $imported["EquipSkillSlots"] @unlocked_classes.sort! end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # return Subclass #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def subclass @subclass_id = 0 if @subclass_id == nil return $data_classes[@subclass_id] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # change Subclass ID #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def subclass_id=(newvalue) return if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_ONLY_CLASSES.include?(newvalue) if YE::SUBCLASS::ACTOR_RESTRICTED_CLASSES.include?(self.id) unless YE::SUBCLASS::ACTOR_RESTRICTED_CLASSES[self.id].include?(newvalue) return end end hp_per = (self.maxhp == 0) ? 0 : self.hp * 100 / self.maxhp mp_per = (self.maxmp == 0) ? 0 : self.mp * 100 / self.maxmp @subclass_id = newvalue @subclass_id = 0 if @subclass_id == @class_id self.hp = Integer(hp_per * self.maxhp / 100) self.mp = Integer(mp_per * self.maxmp / 100) return if @subclass_id == 0 if YE::SUBCLASS::ALLOW_RETRO_LEARN and self.subclass != nil for i in self.subclass.learnings learn_skill(i.skill_id) if i.level <= @level end end unless @unlocked_classes.include?(@subclass_id) @unlocked_classes.push(@subclass_id) end #--- for i in 0..4 change_equip(i, nil) unless equippable?(equips[i]) end if $imported["EquipExtension"] return if extra_armor_number == 0 for i in 5..armor_number change_equip(i, nil) unless equippable?(equips[i]) end end purge_unequippable_skills if $imported["EquipSkillSlots"] @unlocked_classes.sort! end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # clone class/subclass change #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def class_clone=(newvalue) return if YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_ONLY_CLASSES.include?(newvalue) @class_id = newvalue for i in 0..4 change_equip(i, nil, true) unless equippable?(equips[i]) end if $imported["EquipExtension"] return if extra_armor_number == 0 for i in 5..armor_number change_equip(i, nil, true) unless equippable?(equips[i]) end end end def subclass_clone=(newvalue) return if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_ONLY_CLASSES.include?(newvalue) return if newvalue == @class_id @subclass_id = newvalue @subclass_id = 0 if @subclass_id == @class_id for i in 0..4 change_equip(i, nil, true) unless equippable?(equips[i]) end if $imported["EquipExtension"] return if extra_armor_number == 0 for i in 5..armor_number change_equip(i, nil, true) unless equippable?(equips[i]) end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # return unlocked classes #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unlocked_classes results = [] @unlocked_classes = [self.class.id] if @unlocked_classes == nil @unlocked_classes.sort! if YE::SUBCLASS::ACTOR_RESTRICTED_CLASSES.include?(self.id) for class_id in @unlocked_classes if YE::SUBCLASS::ACTOR_RESTRICTED_CLASSES[self.id].include?(class_id) results.push(class_id) end end else results = @unlocked_classes end results.push(self.class.id) unless results.include?(self.class.id) return results end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # perform unlock class #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unlock_class(newclass_id) @unlocked_classes = [self.class.id] if @unlocked_classes == nil unless @unlocked_classes.include?(newclass_id) @unlocked_classes.push(newclass_id) end @unlocked_classes.sort! if YE::SUBCLASS::ALLOW_RETRO_LEARN newsubclass = $data_classes[newclass_id] for i in newsubclass.learnings learn_skill(i.skill_id) if i.level <= @level end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # perform lock class #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def lock_class(newclass_id) return if newclass_id == self.class.id @unlocked_classes = [self.class.id] if @unlocked_classes == nil @unlocked_classes.delete(newclass_id) @unlocked_classes.sort! end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # perform unlock all classes #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unlock_all_classes for i in 0..$data_classes.size unlock = $data_classes[i + 1] self.unlock_class(unlock.id) end @unlocked_classes.sort! end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # perform lock all classes #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def lock_all_classes for i in 0..$data_classes.size unlock = $data_classes[i + 1] self.lock_class(unlock.id) end @unlocked_classes.sort! end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias equippable? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias equippable_sss equippable? unless $@ def equippable?(item) result = false result = equippable_sss(item) #--- if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.class.id) check_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH[self.class.id] return false unless no_equip_hash(check_hash, item) return true if all_equip_hash(check_hash, item) end #--- if YE::SUBCLASS::ALLOW_EQUIP and !result and self.subclass != nil result = subclass_equippable?(item) end if YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.class.id) and self.subclass != nil check_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH[self.class.id] return false unless no_equip_hash(check_hash, item) return true if all_equip_hash(check_hash, item) end return result end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # no equip hash #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def no_equip_hash(check_hash, item) if item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) return false if check_hash.include?("no equip") return false if check_hash.include?("no equips") return false if check_hash.include?("no equipment") return false if check_hash.include?("no weapon") return false if check_hash.include?("no weapons") elsif item.is_a?(RPG::Armor) case item.kind when 0 return false if check_hash.include?("no shield") return false if check_hash.include?("no shields") when 1 return false if check_hash.include?("no helmet") return false if check_hash.include?("no helmets") when 2 return false if check_hash.include?("no armour") return false if check_hash.include?("no armours") return false if check_hash.include?("no armor") return false if check_hash.include?("no armors") when 3 return false if check_hash.include?("no accessory") return false if check_hash.include?("no accessories") end end return true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # all equip hash #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def all_equip_hash(check_hash, item) return true if check_hash.include?("all equip") return true if check_hash.include?("all equips") return true if check_hash.include?("all equipment") if item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) return true if check_hash.include?("all weapon") return true if check_hash.include?("all weapons") elsif item.is_a?(RPG::Armor) case item.kind when 0 return true if check_hash.include?("all shield") return true if check_hash.include?("all shields") when 1 return true if check_hash.include?("all helmet") return true if check_hash.include?("all helmets") when 2 return true if check_hash.include?("all armour") return true if check_hash.include?("all armours") return true if check_hash.include?("all armor") return true if check_hash.include?("all armors") when 3 return true if check_hash.include?("all accessory") return true if check_hash.include?("all accessories") end end return false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # subclass equippable? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def subclass_equippable?(item) return false if item == nil if item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) and YE::SUBCLASS::ALLOW_WEAPON return self.subclass.weapon_set.include?(item.id) elsif item.is_a?(RPG::Armor) and YE::SUBCLASS::ALLOW_ARMOUR return false if two_swords_style and item.kind == 0 return self.subclass.armor_set.include?(item.id) end return false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias level_up #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias level_up_sss level_up unless $@ def level_up #----- prm_rate = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_GROWTH_RATE sub_rate = YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_GROWTH_RATE if YE::SUBCLASS::LEVEL_UP_BONUS_PRIMARY if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_BONUS_SET.include?(self.class.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_BONUS_SET[self.class.id] self.maxhp += (narray[0] * prm_rate) / 100 self.maxmp += (narray[1] * prm_rate) / 100 self.atk += (narray[2] * prm_rate) / 100 self.def += (narray[3] * prm_rate) / 100 self.spi += (narray[4] * prm_rate) / 100 self.agi += (narray[5] * prm_rate) / 100 end end #----- if YE::SUBCLASS::BONUS_RANDOM_PRIMARY if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_BONUS_RAN.include?(self.class.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_BONUS_RAN[self.class.id] self.maxhp += (rand(narray[0]) * prm_rate) / 100 unless narray[0] == 0 self.maxmp += (rand(narray[1]) * prm_rate) / 100 unless narray[1] == 0 self.atk += (rand(narray[2]) * prm_rate) / 100 unless narray[2] == 0 self.def += (rand(narray[3]) * prm_rate) / 100 unless narray[3] == 0 self.spi += (rand(narray[4]) * prm_rate) / 100 unless narray[4] == 0 self.agi += (rand(narray[5]) * prm_rate) / 100 unless narray[5] == 0 end end #----- if YE::SUBCLASS::LEVEL_UP_BONUS_SUBCLASS and self.subclass != nil if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_BONUS_SET.include?(self.class.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_BONUS_SET[self.class.id] self.maxhp += (narray[0] * sub_rate) / 100 self.maxmp += (narray[1] * sub_rate) / 100 self.atk += (narray[2] * sub_rate) / 100 self.def += (narray[3] * sub_rate) / 100 self.spi += (narray[4] * sub_rate) / 100 self.agi += (narray[5] * sub_rate) / 100 end end #----- if YE::SUBCLASS::BONUS_RANDOM_SUBCLASS and self.subclass != nil if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_BONUS_RAN.include?(self.class.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_BONUS_RAN[self.class.id] self.maxhp += (rand(narray[0]) * sub_rate) / 100 unless narray[0] == 0 self.maxmp += (rand(narray[1]) * sub_rate) / 100 unless narray[1] == 0 self.atk += (rand(narray[2]) * sub_rate) / 100 unless narray[2] == 0 self.def += (rand(narray[3]) * sub_rate) / 100 unless narray[3] == 0 self.spi += (rand(narray[4]) * sub_rate) / 100 unless narray[4] == 0 self.agi += (rand(narray[5]) * sub_rate) / 100 unless narray[5] == 0 end end #----- if YE::SUBCLASS::ALLOW_RETRO_LEARN and self.subclass != nil for i in self.subclass.learnings learn_skill(i.skill_id) if i.level <= @level end end #----- level_up_sss end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias skills #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias skills_sss skills unless $@ def skills original_skills = skills_sss allowed_skills = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_SKILL_ALLOW[0] if YE::SUBCLASS::ACTOR_COMMON_SKILLS.include?(self.id) allowed_skills += YE::SUBCLASS::ACTOR_COMMON_SKILLS[self.id] end if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_SKILL_ALLOW.include?(self.class.id) allowed_skills += YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_SKILL_ALLOW[self.class.id] if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_ONLY_SKILLS.include?(self.class.id) allowed_skills += YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_ONLY_SKILLS[self.class.id] end end unless self.subclass == nil allowed_skills += YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_SKILL_ALLOW[self.subclass.id] if YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_ONLY_SKILLS.include?(self.subclass.id) allowed_skills += YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_ONLY_SKILLS[self.subclass.id] end end result = [] for skill in original_skills skill_id = skill.id result.push(skill) if allowed_skills.include?(skill_id) end return result end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # skills_learned #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def skills_learned(class_id) result = [] if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_SKILL_ALLOW.include?(class_id) class_skills = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_SKILL_ALLOW[class_id] if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_ONLY_SKILLS.include?(class_id) class_skills += YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_ONLY_SKILLS[class_id] end if YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_ONLY_SKILLS.include?(class_id) class_skills += YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_ONLY_SKILLS[class_id] end for i in class_skills result.push($data_skills[i]) if @skills.include?(i) end end return result end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias base stats #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias base_maxhp_sss base_maxhp unless $@ def base_maxhp n = base_maxhp_sss if YE::SUBCLASS::AFFECT_STATS_PRIMARY if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE.include?(self.class.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[self.class.id] else narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[0] end n *= 100 + ((narray[0]-100) * YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_STAT_RATE/100) n /= 100.0 end if YE::SUBCLASS::AFFECT_STATS_SUBCLASS and self.subclass != nil if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE.include?(self.subclass.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[self.subclass.id] else narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[0] end n *= 100 + ((narray[0]-100) * YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_STAT_RATE/100) n /= 100.0 end boost = false if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.class.id) check_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH[self.class.id] boost = true if check_hash.include?("maxhp up") end if self.subclass != nil and YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.subclass.id) check_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH[self.subclass.id] boost = true if check_hash.include?("maxhp up") end if boost n *= YE::SUBCLASS::MAXHP_MULTIPLIER n /= 100 end return Integer(n) end alias base_maxmp_sss base_maxmp unless $@ def base_maxmp n = base_maxmp_sss if YE::SUBCLASS::AFFECT_STATS_PRIMARY if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE.include?(self.class.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[self.class.id] else narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[0] end n *= 100 + ((narray[1]-100) * YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_STAT_RATE/100) n /= 100.0 end if YE::SUBCLASS::AFFECT_STATS_SUBCLASS and self.subclass != nil if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE.include?(self.subclass.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[self.subclass.id] else narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[0] end n *= 100 + ((narray[1]-100) * YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_STAT_RATE/100) n /= 100.0 end boost = false if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.class.id) check_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH[self.class.id] boost = true if check_hash.include?("maxmp up") end if self.subclass != nil and YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.subclass.id) check_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH[self.subclass.id] boost = true if check_hash.include?("maxmp up") end if boost n *= YE::SUBCLASS::MAXHP_MULTIPLIER n /= 100 end return Integer(n) end alias base_atk_sss base_atk unless $@ def base_atk n = base_atk_sss if YE::SUBCLASS::AFFECT_STATS_PRIMARY if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE.include?(self.class.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[self.class.id] else narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[0] end n *= 100 + ((narray[2]-100) * YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_STAT_RATE/100) n /= 100.0 end if YE::SUBCLASS::AFFECT_STATS_SUBCLASS and self.subclass != nil if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE.include?(self.subclass.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[self.subclass.id] else narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[0] end n *= 100 + ((narray[2]-100) * YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_STAT_RATE/100) n /= 100.0 end boost = false if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.class.id) check_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH[self.class.id] boost = true if check_hash.include?("atk up") end if self.subclass != nil and YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.subclass.id) check_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH[self.subclass.id] boost = true if check_hash.include?("atk up") end if boost n *= YE::SUBCLASS::MAXHP_MULTIPLIER n /= 100 end unless $imported["BattlerStatBarehand"] barehand_trait = false if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.class.id) and self.weapons[0] == nil and self.weapons[1] == nil check_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH[self.class.id] barehand_trait = true if check_hash.include?("barehanded") barehand_trait = true if check_hash.include?("barehands") end if self.subclass != nil and !barehand_trait if YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.subclass.id) and self.weapons[0] == nil and self.weapons[1] == nil check_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH[self.subclass.id] barehand_trait = true if check_hash.include?("barehanded") barehand_trait = true if check_hash.include?("barehands") end end n = barehanded_multiplier(n) if barehand_trait end return Integer(n) end unless method_defined?(:barehanded_multiplier) def barehanded_multiplier(value) value *= YE::SUBCLASS::BAREHAND_MULTIPLIER value /= 100 return value end end alias base_def_sss base_def unless $@ def base_def n = base_def_sss if YE::SUBCLASS::AFFECT_STATS_PRIMARY if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE.include?(self.class.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[self.class.id] else narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[0] end n *= 100 + ((narray[3]-100) * YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_STAT_RATE/100) n /= 100.0 end if YE::SUBCLASS::AFFECT_STATS_SUBCLASS and self.subclass != nil if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE.include?(self.subclass.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[self.subclass.id] else narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[0] end n *= 100 + ((narray[3]-100) * YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_STAT_RATE/100) n /= 100.0 end boost = false if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.class.id) check_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH[self.class.id] boost = true if check_hash.include?("def up") end if self.subclass != nil and YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.subclass.id) check_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH[self.subclass.id] boost = true if check_hash.include?("def up") end if boost n *= YE::SUBCLASS::MAXHP_MULTIPLIER n /= 100 end return Integer(n) end alias base_spi_sss base_spi unless $@ def base_spi n = base_spi_sss if YE::SUBCLASS::AFFECT_STATS_PRIMARY if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE.include?(self.class.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[self.class.id] else narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[0] end n *= 100 + ((narray[4]-100) * YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_STAT_RATE/100) n /= 100.0 end if YE::SUBCLASS::AFFECT_STATS_SUBCLASS and self.subclass != nil if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE.include?(self.subclass.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[self.subclass.id] else narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[0] end n *= 100 + ((narray[4]-100) * YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_STAT_RATE/100) n /= 100.0 end boost = false if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.class.id) check_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH[self.class.id] boost = true if check_hash.include?("spi up") end if self.subclass != nil and YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.subclass.id) check_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH[self.subclass.id] boost = true if check_hash.include?("spi up") end if boost n *= YE::SUBCLASS::MAXHP_MULTIPLIER n /= 100 end return Integer(n) end alias base_agi_sss base_agi unless $@ def base_agi n = base_agi_sss if YE::SUBCLASS::AFFECT_STATS_PRIMARY if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE.include?(self.class.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[self.class.id] else narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[0] end n *= 100 + ((narray[5]-100) * YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_STAT_RATE/100) n /= 100.0 end if YE::SUBCLASS::AFFECT_STATS_SUBCLASS and self.subclass != nil if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE.include?(self.subclass.id) narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[self.subclass.id] else narray = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_RATE[0] end n *= 100 + ((narray[5]-100) * YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_STAT_RATE/100) n /= 100.0 end boost = false if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.class.id) check_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH[self.class.id] boost = true if check_hash.include?("agi up") end if self.subclass != nil and YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH.include?(self.subclass.id) check_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH[self.subclass.id] boost = true if check_hash.include?("agi up") end if boost n *= YE::SUBCLASS::MAXHP_MULTIPLIER n /= 100 end return Integer(n) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # return class_jp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def class_jp(id_value) @class_jp = {} if @class_jp == nil @class_jp[id_value] = 0 if @class_jp[id_value] == nil limit = YE::SUBCLASS::MAX_JP_EARNED @class_jp[id_value] = [@class_jp[id_value], limit].min return @class_jp[id_value] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # action change jp #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def change_jp(id_value, jp_earned = 1) @class_jp = {} if @class_jp == nil @class_jp[id_value] = 0 if @class_jp[id_value] == nil @class_jp[id_value] += jp_earned limit = YE::SUBCLASS::MAX_JP_EARNED @class_jp[id_value] = [[@class_jp[id_value], limit].min, 0].max end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # forget all skills #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def forget_all_skills @skills = [] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias auto battle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias auto_battle_sss auto_battle unless $@ def auto_battle pri_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH sub_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH if pri_hash.include?(self.class.id) return true if pri_hash[self.class.id].include?("auto battle") end if self.subclass != nil and sub_hash.include?(self.subclass.id) return true if sub_hash[self.subclass.id].include?("auto battle") end auto_battle_sss end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias super guard #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias super_guard_sss super_guard unless $@ def super_guard pri_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH sub_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH if pri_hash.include?(self.class.id) return true if pri_hash[self.class.id].include?("super guard") end if self.subclass != nil and sub_hash.include?(self.subclass.id) return true if sub_hash[self.subclass.id].include?("super guard") end super_guard_sss end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias pharmacology #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias pharmacology_sss pharmacology unless $@ def pharmacology pri_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH sub_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH if pri_hash.include?(self.class.id) return true if pri_hash[self.class.id].include?("pharmacology") return true if pri_hash[self.class.id].include?("item boost") end if self.subclass != nil and sub_hash.include?(self.subclass.id) return true if sub_hash[self.subclass.id].include?("pharmacology") return true if sub_hash[self.subclass.id].include?("item boost") end pharmacology_sss end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias fast attack #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias fast_attack_sss fast_attack unless $@ def fast_attack pri_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH sub_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH if pri_hash.include?(self.class.id) return true if pri_hash[self.class.id].include?("fast attack") end if self.subclass != nil and sub_hash.include?(self.subclass.id) return true if sub_hash[self.subclass.id].include?("fast attack") end fast_attack_sss end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias dual_attack #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias dual_attack_sss dual_attack unless $@ def dual_attack pri_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH sub_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH if pri_hash.include?(self.class.id) return true if pri_hash[self.class.id].include?("dual attack") end if self.subclass != nil and sub_hash.include?(self.subclass.id) return true if sub_hash[self.subclass.id].include?("dual attack") end dual_attack_sss end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias prevent_critical #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias prevent_critical_sss prevent_critical unless $@ def prevent_critical pri_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH sub_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH if pri_hash.include?(self.class.id) return true if pri_hash[self.class.id].include?("prevent critical") return true if pri_hash[self.class.id].include?("prevent crit") end if self.subclass != nil and sub_hash.include?(self.subclass.id) return true if sub_hash[self.subclass.id].include?("prevent critical") return true if sub_hash[self.subclass.id].include?("prevent crit") end prevent_critical_sss end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias half_mp_cost #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias half_mp_cost_sss half_mp_cost unless $@ def half_mp_cost pri_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH sub_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH if pri_hash.include?(self.class.id) return true if pri_hash[self.class.id].include?("half mp cost") end if self.subclass != nil and sub_hash.include?(self.subclass.id) return true if sub_hash[self.subclass.id].include?("half mp cost") end half_mp_cost_sss end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias double_exp_gain #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias double_exp_gain_sss double_exp_gain unless $@ def double_exp_gain pri_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH sub_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH if pri_hash.include?(self.class.id) return true if pri_hash[self.class.id].include?("double exp gain") return true if pri_hash[self.class.id].include?("double exp") end if self.subclass != nil and sub_hash.include?(self.subclass.id) return true if sub_hash[self.subclass.id].include?("double exp gain") return true if sub_hash[self.subclass.id].include?("double exp") end double_exp_gain_sss end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias auto_hp_recover #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias auto_hp_recover_sss auto_hp_recover unless $@ def auto_hp_recover pri_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_TRAITS_HASH sub_hash = YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_TRAITS_HASH if pri_hash.include?(self.class.id) return true if pri_hash[self.class.id].include?("auto hp recover") return true if pri_hash[self.class.id].include?("auto hp regen") end if self.subclass != nil and sub_hash.include?(self.subclass.id) return true if sub_hash[self.subclass.id].include?("auto hp recover") return true if sub_hash[self.subclass.id].include?("auto hp regen") end auto_hp_recover_sss end end # end Game Actor #============================================================================== # Game_Troop #============================================================================== class Game_Troop < Game_Unit #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # JP Total #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def jp_total jp = 0 for enemy in dead_members jp += enemy.enemy.enemy_jp unless enemy.hidden end return jp end end # Game_Troop #============================================================================== # Window_Command (imported from KGC) #============================================================================== class Window_Command < Window_Selectable unless method_defined?(:add_command) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # add command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_command(command) @commands << command @item_max = @commands.size item_index = @item_max - 1 refresh_command draw_item(item_index) return item_index end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # refresh command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh_command buf = self.contents.clone self.height = [self.height, row_max * WLH + 32].max create_contents self.contents.blt(0, 0, buf, buf.rect) buf.dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # insert command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def insert_command(index, command) @commands.insert(index, command) @item_max = @commands.size refresh_command refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # remove command #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def remove_command(command) @commands.delete(command) @item_max = @commands.size refresh end end end #============================================================================== # Scene_Battle #============================================================================== class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias process_battle_start #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias process_battle_start_sss process_battle_start unless $@ def process_battle_start for actor in $game_party.members actor.jp_counter = 0 end process_battle_start_sss end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias execute_action_guard #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias execute_action_guard_sss execute_action_guard unless $@ def execute_action_guard execute_action_guard_sss return unless @active_battler.actor? return unless YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_VIA_GUARD_ENABLE amount = YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_VIA_GUARD_AMOUNT unless YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_VIA_GUARD_RANDOM == 0 amount += rand(YE::SUBCLASS::EARN_JP_VIA_GUARD_RANDOM) end @active_battler.gain_jp(amount) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias display_exp_and_gold #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias display_exp_and_gold_sss display_exp_and_gold unless $@ def display_exp_and_gold display_exp_and_gold_sss return unless YE::SUBCLASS::USE_JP_SYSTEM return unless YE::SUBCLASS::ENEMIES_GIVE_JP jp = $game_troop.jp_total if jp > 0 text = sprintf(YE::SUBCLASS::ENEMIES_MESSAGE, $game_party.name, jp) $game_message.texts.push(text) if YE::SUBCLASS::ENEMIES_SHOW_MSG end if YE::SUBCLASS::DISPLAY_ACTOR_JP $game_message.new_page end for actor in $game_party.members actor.gain_jp(jp) next unless YE::SUBCLASS::DISPLAY_ACTOR_JP text = sprintf(YE::SUBCLASS::DISPLAY_ACTOR_MSG, actor.name, actor.jp_counter) $game_message.texts.push('>' + text) end wait_for_message if YE::SUBCLASS::DISPLAY_ACTOR_JP end end #=============================================================================== # Scene Menu #=============================================================================== class Scene_Menu < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias create command window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias create_command_window_sss create_command_window unless $@ def create_command_window create_command_window_sss return if $imported["CustomMenuCommand"] if YE::SUBCLASS::MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_OPTION and $game_switches[YE::SUBCLASS::ENABLE_CLASS_CHANGE_SWITCH] scc_text = YE::SUBCLASS::MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_TITLE @command_class_change = @command_window.add_command(scc_text) if @command_window.oy > 0 @command_window.oy -= Window_Base::WLH end end if YE::SUBCLASS::USE_JP_SYSTEM and YE::SUBCLASS::LEARN_SKILL_OPTION and $game_switches[YE::SUBCLASS::ENABLE_LEARN_SKILLS_SWITCH] scc_text = YE::SUBCLASS::LEARN_SKILL_TITLE @command_learn_skill = @command_window.add_command(scc_text) if @command_window.oy > 0 @command_window.oy -= Window_Base::WLH end end @command_window.index = @menu_index end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias update command selection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias update_command_selection_sss update_command_selection unless $@ def update_command_selection call_yerd_command = 0 if Input.trigger?(Input::C) case @command_window.index when @command_class_change call_yerd_command = 1 when @command_learn_skill call_yerd_command = 1 end end if call_yerd_command == 1 if $game_party.members.size == 0 Sound.play_buzzer return end Sound.play_decision start_actor_selection return end update_command_selection_sss end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias update actor selection #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias update_actor_selection_sss update_actor_selection unless $@ def update_actor_selection if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $game_party.last_actor_index = @status_window.index Sound.play_decision case @command_window.index when @command_class_change $scene = Scene_Class_Change.new(@status_window.index, @command_class_change) return when @command_learn_skill $scene = Scene_Learn_Skill.new(@status_window.index, @command_learn_skill) return end end update_actor_selection_sss end end # Scene Menu #=============================================================================== # Scene Class Change #=============================================================================== class Scene_Class_Change < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(actor_index = 0, menu_index = nil) @actor_index = actor_index @menu_index = menu_index end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # start process #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start super create_menu_background @actor = $game_party.members[@actor_index] @actor_window = Window_Class_Change_Actor.new(@actor) @status_window = Window_Class_Change_Status.new(@actor) @class_window = Window_Class_Change_Jobs.new(@actor) create_command_window @class_window.refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # terminate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def terminate super dispose_menu_background @actor_window.dispose @status_window.dispose @class_window.dispose @command_window.dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # return scene #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def return_scene if $imported["SceneStatusReDux"] and $game_temp.status_menu_flag $scene = Scene_Status.new(@actor_index, $game_temp.status_menu_index) elsif @menu_index == nil $scene = Scene_Map.new else $scene = Scene_Menu.new(@menu_index) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Switch to Next Actor Screen #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def next_actor @actor_index += 1 @actor_index %= $game_party.members.size $scene = Scene_Class_Change.new(@actor_index, @menu_index) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Switch to Previous Actor Screen #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def prev_actor @actor_index += $game_party.members.size - 1 @actor_index %= $game_party.members.size $scene = Scene_Class_Change.new(@actor_index, @menu_index) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # frame update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super update_menu_background if @command_window.active update_command_window elsif @class_window.active update_class_window end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create_command_window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_command_window actions = [] if $game_switches[YE::SUBCLASS::ALLOW_CHANGE_PRIMARY_SWITCH] actions.push(YE::SUBCLASS::MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_PRIM) @command_primary = actions.size - 1 end if $game_switches[YE::SUBCLASS::ALLOW_CHANGE_SUBCLASS_SWITCH] actions.push(YE::SUBCLASS::MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_SUB) @command_sub = actions.size - 1 end if YE::SUBCLASS::USE_JP_SYSTEM and $game_switches[YE::SUBCLASS::ENABLE_LEARN_SKILLS_SWITCH] actions.push(YE::SUBCLASS::MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_LEARN) @command_learn = actions.size - 1 end actions.push(YE::SUBCLASS::MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_DONE) @command_done = actions.size - 1 @command_window = Window_Command.new(160, actions, 1, actions.size) @command_window.x = 384 @command_window.y = 0 @command_window.height = 128 @command_window.active = true @command_window.refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_command_window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_command_window @command_window.update if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel return_scene elsif Input.trigger?(Input::UP) @class_window.refresh elsif Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN) @class_window.refresh elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) Sound.play_decision case @command_window.index when @command_done return_scene when @command_primary @last_index = @class_window.item_max + 1 @command_window.active = false @class_window.active = true @class_window.refresh when @command_sub @last_index = @class_window.item_max + 1 @command_window.active = false @class_window.active = true @class_window.refresh when @command_learn $scene = Scene_Learn_Skill.new(@actor_index, @menu_index) end elsif Input.trigger?(Input::R) Sound.play_cursor next_actor elsif Input.trigger?(Input::L) Sound.play_cursor prev_actor end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_class_window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_class_window @class_window.update if @last_index != @class_window.index @temp_actor = @actor.clone if @command_window.index == @command_primary class_to_be = $data_classes[@actor.unlocked_classes[@class_window.index]] if @temp_actor.subclass_id == class_to_be.id unless YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_ONLY_CLASSES.include?(class_to_be.id) @temp_actor.subclass_clone = 0 end end @temp_actor.class_clone = class_to_be.id elsif @command_window.index == @command_sub class_to_be = $data_classes[@actor.unlocked_classes[@class_window.index]] if @temp_actor.subclass_id == class_to_be.id @temp_actor.subclass_clone = 0 else @temp_actor.subclass_clone = class_to_be.id end end @last_index = @class_window.index @status_window.refresh(@temp_actor) end if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel @command_window.active = true @class_window.active = false @status_window.refresh @temp_actor = nil elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) case @command_window.index when @command_primary determine_primary when @command_sub determine_subclass end elsif Input.trigger?(Input::R) Sound.play_cursor next_actor elsif Input.trigger?(Input::L) Sound.play_cursor prev_actor end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # determine primary #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def determine_primary class_to_be = $data_classes[@actor.unlocked_classes[@class_window.index]] if class_to_be == @actor.class Sound.play_buzzer elsif YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_ONLY_CLASSES.include?(class_to_be.id) Sound.play_buzzer elsif class_to_be == @actor.subclass Sound.play_equip @actor.class_id = class_to_be.id @actor.subclass_id = 0 scene_refresh(@temp_actor) else Sound.play_equip @actor.class_id = class_to_be.id scene_refresh(@temp_actor) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # determine subclass #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def determine_subclass class_to_be = $data_classes[@actor.unlocked_classes[@class_window.index]] if class_to_be == @actor.class Sound.play_buzzer elsif YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_ONLY_CLASSES.include?(class_to_be.id) Sound.play_buzzer else Sound.play_equip if @actor.subclass_id == class_to_be.id @actor.subclass_id = 0 else @actor.subclass_id = class_to_be.id end scene_refresh(@temp_actor) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # scene_refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def scene_refresh(fake = nil) @actor_window.refresh @class_window.refresh @status_window.refresh(fake) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # index_primary #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def index_primary if @command_window != nil return true if @command_window.index == @command_primary end return false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # index_subclass #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def index_subclass if @command_window != nil return true if @command_window.index == @command_sub end return false end end # Scene Class Change #=============================================================================== # Scene Learn Skill #=============================================================================== class Scene_Learn_Skill < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(actor_index = 0, menu_index = nil) @actor_index = actor_index @menu_index = menu_index @last_index = -100 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # start process #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start super create_menu_background @actor = $game_party.members[@actor_index] @help_window = Window_Help.new if $imported["HelpExtension"] @help_window.row_max = KGC::HelpExtension::ROW_MAX end dy = @help_window.height @status_window = Window_Learn_Skill_Status.new(384, dy, @actor) dy += 56 dh = 416 - @help_window.height - 56 @class_window = Window_Learn_Skill_Classes.new(0, dy, 384, dh, @actor) create_command_window create_skill_query end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # terminate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def terminate super dispose_menu_background @help_window.dispose @status_window.dispose @class_window.dispose @command_window.dispose @skill_data_window.dispose if @skill_data_window != nil @help_info_window.dispose if @help_info_window != nil end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # return scene #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def return_scene if $imported["SceneStatusReDux"] and $game_temp.status_menu_flag $scene = Scene_Status.new(@actor_index, $game_temp.status_menu_index) elsif @menu_index == nil $scene = Scene_Map.new else $scene = Scene_Menu.new(@menu_index) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create_command_window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_command_window actions = [] actions.push(YE::SUBCLASS::LEARN_SKILL_SELECT) @command_select = actions.size - 1 if YE::SUBCLASS::MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_OPTION and $game_switches[YE::SUBCLASS::ENABLE_CLASS_CHANGE_SWITCH] actions.push(YE::SUBCLASS::LEARN_SKILL_CHANGE) @command_change = actions.size - 1 end actions.push(YE::SUBCLASS::LEARN_SKILL_DONE) @command_done = actions.size - 1 @command_window = Window_Command.new(384, actions, actions.size) @command_window.x = 0 @command_window.y = @help_window.height @command_window.active = true @command_window.refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create skill query #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_skill_query return unless $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"] return unless YE::SUBCLASS::ENABLE_SKILL_QUERY sdy = @help_window.height sdh = 416 - sdy @skill_data_window = Window_Skill_Data.new(0, sdy, 272, sdh) @skill_data_window.active = false @help_info_window = Window_Base.new(0, sdy, 384, 56) text = YE::SUBCLASS::QUERY_HELP_WIN_TEXT @help_info_window.contents.draw_text(2, 0, 344, 24, text, 1) @help_info_window.visible = false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Switch to Next Actor Screen #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def next_actor @actor_index += 1 @actor_index %= $game_party.members.size $scene = Scene_Learn_Skill.new(@actor_index, @menu_index) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Switch to Previous Actor Screen #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def prev_actor @actor_index += $game_party.members.size - 1 @actor_index %= $game_party.members.size $scene = Scene_Learn_Skill.new(@actor_index, @menu_index) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # frame update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super update_menu_background if $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"] and @skill_data_window.active update_skill_query_window elsif @command_window.active update_command_window elsif @class_window.active update_class_window elsif @skill_list_window != nil update_skill_list_window end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_skill_query_window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_skill_query_window @skill_data_window.update if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel @skill_data_window.disappear @skill_list_window.active = true elsif Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT) or Input.trigger?(Input::UP) @skill_data_window.previous_page elsif Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT) or Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN) @skill_data_window.next_page elsif Input.trigger?(Input::L) @skill_data_window.top_page elsif Input.trigger?(Input::R) @skill_data_window.bottom_page end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_command_window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_command_window @command_window.update if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel return_scene elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) Sound.play_decision case @command_window.index when @command_done return_scene when @command_select Sound.play_decision @class_window.active = true @command_window.active = false class_id = $data_classes[@actor.unlocked_classes[@class_window.index]].id @status_window.refresh(class_id) text = YE::SUBCLASS::LEARN_SKILL_STATUS_HELP @help_window.set_text(text) when @command_change $scene = Scene_Class_Change.new(@actor_index, @menu_index) end elsif Input.trigger?(Input::R) Sound.play_cursor next_actor elsif Input.trigger?(Input::L) Sound.play_cursor prev_actor end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_class_window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_class_window @class_window.update if @last_index != @class_window.index class_id = $data_classes[@actor.unlocked_classes[@class_window.index]].id @status_window.refresh(class_id) @last_index = @class_window.index end if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel @class_window.active = false @command_window.active = true @status_window.refresh @help_window.set_text("") elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) Sound.play_decision class_id = $data_classes[@actor.unlocked_classes[@class_window.index]].id @skill_list_window = Window_Learn_Skill_List.new(@class_window, @actor, class_id) @skill_list_window.help_window = @help_window @class_window.active = false @class_window.visible = false show_query_info elsif Input.trigger?(Input::R) Sound.play_cursor next_actor elsif Input.trigger?(Input::L) Sound.play_cursor prev_actor end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_skill_list_window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_skill_list_window @skill_list_window.update if Input.trigger?(Input::B) Sound.play_cancel @class_window.active = true @class_window.visible = true @skill_list_window.dispose text = YE::SUBCLASS::LEARN_SKILL_STATUS_HELP @help_window.set_text(text) hide_query_info elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) unless @skill_list_window.skill_id == nil skill = $data_skills[@skill_list_window.skill_id] if @actor.skill_learn?(skill) Sound.play_buzzer elsif skill.require_level >= @actor.level Sound.play_buzzer elsif !met_skill_requirements(skill) Sound.play_buzzer elsif skill.jp_cost > @actor.class_jp(@skill_list_window.class_id) Sound.play_buzzer else YE::SUBCLASS::LEARN_SKILL_SHOP_SOUND.play @actor.learn_skill(skill.id) @actor.change_jp(@skill_list_window.class_id, -skill.jp_cost) @skill_list_window.refresh @status_window.refresh(@skill_list_window.class_id) @class_window.refresh end end elsif $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"] and Input.trigger?(YE::SUBCLASS::SHOW_QUERY_BUTTON) if @skill_list_window.skill_id == nil skill = nil else skill = $data_skills[@skill_list_window.skill_id] end if skill != nil Sound.play_decision @skill_data_window.appear(skill, @skill_list_window, @actor, 2) @skill_list_window.active = false else Sound.play_buzzer end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # met skill requirements #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def met_skill_requirements(skill) return true if skill.require_skill == [] total_met = 0 for skill_id in skill.require_skill if @actor.skill_learn?($data_skills[skill_id]) total_met += 1 end end if total_met == skill.require_skill.size return true else return false end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # show/hide query info #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def show_query_info return unless $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"] return unless YE::SUBCLASS::SHOW_QUERY_HELP_WIN @help_info_window.visible = true @command_window.visible = false end def hide_query_info return unless $imported["DisplaySkillQuery"] return unless YE::SUBCLASS::SHOW_QUERY_HELP_WIN @help_info_window.visible = false @command_window.visible = true end end # Scene_Learn_Skill #=============================================================================== # Scene Title #=============================================================================== class Scene_Title < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alias create game objects #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias create_game_objects_sss create_game_objects unless $@ def create_game_objects create_game_objects_sss $game_switches[YE::SUBCLASS::ALLOW_CHANGE_PRIMARY_SWITCH] = true $game_switches[YE::SUBCLASS::ALLOW_CHANGE_SUBCLASS_SWITCH] = true $game_switches[YE::SUBCLASS::ENABLE_CLASS_CHANGE_SWITCH] = true $game_switches[YE::SUBCLASS::ENABLE_LEARN_SKILLS_SWITCH] = true end end # Scene_Title #=============================================================================== # Window_Base #=============================================================================== class Window_Base < Window #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Draw Actor Class #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_actor_class(actor, x, y, wd = 120, align = 0) if actor.subclass == nil text = actor.class.name else text = sprintf(YE::SUBCLASS::DISPLAY_FORMAT, actor.class.name, actor.subclass.name) end if YE::SUBCLASS::USE_COMPLEX_CLASS_NAMES if YE::SUBCLASS::COMPLEX_CLASS_NAMES_FULL.include?(text) text = YE::SUBCLASS::COMPLEX_CLASS_NAMES_FULL[text] end end self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(x, y, wd, WLH, text, align) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Draw Actor Class Abbreviated #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_actor_class_abbr(actor, x, y, wd = 120, align = 0) if actor.subclass == nil text = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ABBREVIATIONS[actor.class.id] else class1 = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ABBREVIATIONS[actor.class.id] class2 = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ABBREVIATIONS[actor.subclass.id] text = sprintf(YE::SUBCLASS::DISPLAY_FORMAT, class1, class2) end if YE::SUBCLASS::USE_COMPLEX_CLASS_NAMES if YE::SUBCLASS::COMPLEX_CLASS_NAMES_ABBR.include?(text) text = YE::SUBCLASS::COMPLEX_CLASS_NAMES_ABBR[text] end end self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.draw_text(x, y, wd, WLH, text, align) end end #=============================================================================== # Window Class Change Actor #=============================================================================== class Window_Class_Change_Actor < Window_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(actor) super(0, 0, 384, 128) @actor = actor refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh self.contents.clear draw_actor_face(@actor, 0, 0) y = 0 draw_actor_name(@actor, 116, y) if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS.include?(@actor.class.id) icon = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS[@actor.class.id] else icon = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS[0] end if @actor.subclass != nil y += WLH draw_actor_class(@actor, 116, y, 200, 0) end y += WLH sety = y draw_icon(icon, 116, y) self.contents.draw_text(140, y, 112, WLH, @actor.class.name, 0) if @actor.subclass != nil if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS.include?(@actor.subclass.id) icon = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS[@actor.subclass.id] else icon = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS[0] end y += WLH draw_icon(icon, 116, y) self.contents.draw_text(140, y, 112, WLH, @actor.subclass.name, 0) end if YE::SUBCLASS::USE_JP_SYSTEM y = sety icon = YE::SUBCLASS::JP_ICON draw_icon(icon, 256, y) class_id = @actor.class.id text = sprintf(YE::SUBCLASS::JP_DEFINITION, @actor.class_jp(class_id)) self.contents.draw_text(268, y, 80, WLH, text, 2) y += WLH if @actor.subclass != nil draw_icon(icon, 256, y) class_id = @actor.subclass.id text = sprintf(YE::SUBCLASS::JP_DEFINITION, @actor.class_jp(class_id)) self.contents.draw_text(268, y, 80, WLH, text, 2) end end end # end refresh end # End Window Class Change Actor #============================================================================== # Window_Class_Change_Jobs #============================================================================== class Window_Class_Change_Jobs < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(actor) super(272, 128, 272, 288) @actor = actor @column_max = 1 self.index = 0 self.active = false refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh @data = [] for class_id in @actor.unlocked_classes @data.push(class_id) end @item_max = @data.size create_contents for i in 0...@item_max draw_item(i) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_item(index) rect = item_rect(index) self.contents.clear_rect(rect) iclass = $data_classes[@actor.unlocked_classes[index]] if iclass.id != 0 rect.width -= 4 enabled = true enabled = false if iclass == @actor.class enabled = false if iclass == @actor.subclass if $scene.index_primary if YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_ONLY_CLASSES.include?(iclass.id) enabled = false end elsif $scene.index_subclass if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_ONLY_CLASSES.include?(iclass.id) enabled = false end end if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS.include?(iclass.id) icon = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS[iclass.id] else icon = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS[0] end draw_icon(icon, rect.x, rect.y, enabled) dx = rect.x dy = rect.y dw = rect.width dh = rect.height self.contents.font.color.alpha = enabled ? 255 : 128 self.contents.draw_text(dx+24, dy, dw-48, dh, iclass.name, 0) if YE::SUBCLASS::USE_JP_SYSTEM icon = YE::SUBCLASS::JP_ICON draw_icon(icon, rect.width-24, rect.y, enabled) jp = @actor.class_jp(iclass.id) self.contents.draw_text(dw-104, dy, 80, dh, jp, 2) end end end end # Window_Class_Change_Jobs #=============================================================================== # Window Class Change Status #=============================================================================== class Window_Class_Change_Status < Window_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(actor) super(0, 128, 272, 288) @real = actor refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh(fake = nil) self.contents.clear self.contents.font.color = normal_color if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS.include?(@real.class.id) icon1 = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS[@real.class.id] else icon1 = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS[0] end if @real.subclass != nil if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS.include?(@real.subclass.id) icon2 = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS[@real.subclass.id] else icon2 = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS[0] end draw_icon(icon2, 50, 0) end draw_icon(icon1, 26, 0) self.contents.font.color = system_color draw_actor_class_abbr(@real, 80, 0, 60, 2) dx = 0 dy = WLH self.contents.font.color = system_color for i in 0..5 text = YE::SUBCLASS::MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_PARAM[i] icon = YE::SUBCLASS::MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_ICONS[i] draw_icon(icon, dx, dy) self.contents.draw_text(dx+24, dy, 60, WLH, text, 0) dy += WLH end dx += 80 dy = WLH self.contents.font.color = normal_color for i in 0..5 case i when 0 text = @real.maxhp when 1 text = @real.maxmp when 2 text = @real.atk when 3 text = @real.def when 4 text = @real.spi when 5 text = @real.agi end self.contents.draw_text(dx, dy, 60, WLH, text, 2) dy += WLH end dx += 60 dy = 0 self.contents.font.color = system_color if YE::SUBCLASS::MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_USE_ICON icon = YE::SUBCLASS::MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_ICON for i in 0..6 draw_icon(icon, dx+3, dy) dy += WLH end else text = YE::SUBCLASS::MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_ARROW for i in 0..6 self.contents.draw_text(dx, dy, 30, WLH, text, 1) dy += WLH end end return if fake == nil dx += 30 dy = WLH draw_actor_class_abbr(fake, dx, 0, 60, 0) for i in 0..5 case i when 0 old = @real.maxhp new = fake.maxhp when 1 old = @real.maxmp new = fake.maxmp when 2 old = @real.atk new = fake.atk when 3 old = @real.def new = fake.def when 4 old = @real.spi new = fake.spi when 5 old = @real.agi new = fake.agi end self.contents.font.color = new_parameter_color(old, new) if YE::SUBCLASS::MENU_CLASS_CHANGE_SDISPLAY == 1 text = new else text = sprintf("%+d", new - old) end self.contents.draw_text(dx, dy, 60, WLH, text, 0) dy += WLH end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # New Parameter Colour #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def new_parameter_color(old_value, new_value) if new_value > old_value return power_up_color elsif new_value == old_value return normal_color else return power_down_color end end end # End Window Class Change Status #=============================================================================== # Window Learn Skill Status #=============================================================================== class Window_Learn_Skill_Status < Window_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(x, y, actor) dh = 416 - y super(x, y, 160, dh) @actor = actor refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh(class_id = nil) self.contents.clear sw = self.width - 32 dx = (sw / 2) - 48 dy = 0 self.contents.draw_text(0, dy, sw, WLH, @actor.name, 1) dy += WLH draw_actor_face(@actor, dx, dy) return if class_id == nil dy += WLH * 4 if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS.include?(class_id) and class_id != nil icon = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS[class_id] else icon = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS[0] end draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = $data_classes[class_id].name self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, sw-24, WLH, text, 0) dy += WLH skills_learned = @actor.skills_learned(class_id).size if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_SKILL_ALLOW.include?(class_id) skill_size = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_SKILL_ALLOW[class_id].size if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_ONLY_SKILLS.include?(class_id) skill_size += YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_ONLY_SKILLS[class_id].size end if YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_ONLY_SKILLS.include?(class_id) skill_size += YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_ONLY_SKILLS[class_id].size end if skills_learned == skill_size text = YE::SUBCLASS::LEARN_SKILL_STATUS_ALL else mastery = skills_learned * 100 mastery /= skill_size text = sprintf(YE::SUBCLASS::LEARN_SKILL_STATUS_LEARNED, mastery) end self.contents.draw_text(0, dy, sw, WLH, text, 1) end dy += WLH icon = YE::SUBCLASS::JP_ICON draw_icon(icon, 0, dy) text = sprintf(YE::SUBCLASS::JP_DEFINITION, @actor.class_jp(class_id)) self.contents.draw_text(24, dy, sw-24, WLH, text, 2) end end # end class Window_Learn_Skill_Status #============================================================================== # Window_Learn_Skill_Classes #============================================================================== class Window_Learn_Skill_Classes < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(wx, wy, ww, wh, actor) super(wx, wy, ww, wh) @actor = actor @column_max = 1 self.index = 0 self.active = false refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh @data = [] for class_id in @actor.unlocked_classes @data.push(class_id) end @item_max = @data.size create_contents for i in 0...@item_max draw_item(i) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_item(index) rect = item_rect(index) self.contents.clear_rect(rect) iclass = $data_classes[@actor.unlocked_classes[index]] if iclass.id != 0 rect.width -= 4 if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS.include?(iclass.id) icon = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS[iclass.id] else icon = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_ICONS[0] end draw_icon(icon, rect.x, rect.y) dx = rect.x dy = rect.y dw = rect.width dh = rect.height self.contents.draw_text(dx+24, dy, 172, dh, iclass.name, 0) icon = YE::SUBCLASS::JP_ICON draw_icon(icon, rect.width-24, rect.y) text = sprintf(YE::SUBCLASS::JP_DEFINITION, @actor.class_jp(iclass.id)) self.contents.draw_text(dw-104, dy, 80, dh, text, 2) end end end # Window_Learn_Skill_Classes #============================================================================== # Window_Learn_Skill_List #============================================================================== class Window_Learn_Skill_List < Window_Selectable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initialize #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(window, actor, class_id) wx = window.x wy = window.y ww = window.width wh = window.height super(wx, wy, ww, wh) @actor = actor @class_id = class_id @column_max = 1 self.index = 0 self.active = true refresh end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # refresh #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh @data = [] if YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_SKILL_ALLOW.include?(@class_id) class_skills = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_SKILL_ALLOW[@class_id] if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_ONLY_SKILLS.include?(@class_id) class_skills += YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_ONLY_SKILLS[@class_id] end if YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_ONLY_SKILLS.include?(@class_id) class_skills += YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_ONLY_SKILLS[@class_id] end for skill_id in class_skills @data.push(skill_id) if $data_skills[skill_id].jp_learn? end end for skill in @actor.skills_learned(@class_id) @data.push(skill.id)# unless @data.include?(skill.id) end @data = @data.uniq @data.sort! @item_max = @data.size create_contents for i in 0...@item_max draw_item(i) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # draw item #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_item(index) skill = $data_skills[@data[index]] rect = item_rect(index) self.contents.clear_rect(rect) rect.width -= 4 enabled = true enabled = false if @actor.skill_learn?(skill) enabled = false if skill.require_level >= @actor.level enabled = false if skill.jp_cost > @actor.class_jp(@class_id) if skill.require_skill == [] met_skill_requirements = true else met_skill_requirements = false total_met = 0 reqicon = 0 for skill_id in skill.require_skill if @actor.skill_learn?($data_skills[skill_id]) total_met += 1 else reqicon = $data_skills[skill_id].icon_index if reqicon == 0 end end met_skill_requirements = true if total_met == skill.require_skill.size end enabled = false unless met_skill_requirements dx = rect.x dy = rect.y dw = rect.width dh = rect.height sw = self.width - 32 draw_icon(skill.icon_index, dx, dy, enabled) self.contents.font.color.alpha = enabled ? 255 : 128 self.contents.draw_text(dx+24, dy, 172, dh, skill.name, 0) icon = YE::SUBCLASS::JP_ICON if YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_ONLY_SKILLS.include?(@class_id) and YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_ONLY_SKILLS[@class_id].include?(skill.id) icon = YE::SUBCLASS::PRIMARY_ONLY_ICON elsif YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_ONLY_SKILLS.include?(@class_id) and YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_ONLY_SKILLS[@class_id].include?(skill.id) icon = YE::SUBCLASS::SUBCLASS_ONLY_ICON end if @actor.skill_learn?(skill) text = YE::SUBCLASS::LEARN_SKILL_SHOP_LEARNED elsif skill.require_level >= @actor.level text = sprintf(YE::SUBCLASS::REQUIRE_LEVEL, skill.require_level) elsif !met_skill_requirements text = YE::SUBCLASS::REQUIRE_SKILL icon = reqicon else text = sprintf(YE::SUBCLASS::LEARN_SKILL_SHOP_STRING, skill.jp_cost) end self.contents.draw_text(dw-104, dy, 80, dh, text, 2) draw_icon(icon, dw-24, dy, enabled) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Skill #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def skill_id return @data[self.index] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class_id #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def class_id return @class_id end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update help #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_help if self.skill_id != nil skill = $data_skills[self.skill_id] else skill = nil end @help_window.set_text(skill==nil ? "" : skill.description) end end # Window_Learn_Skill_List #=============================================================================== # # END OF FILE # #===============================================================================