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#============================================================================== # 걳RGSS2 # STR27_빒럻긯긏?긿맯맟 v1.1 08/09/05 # 긖??긣갌http://strcatyou.u-abel.net/ # # 갋럚믦궢궫빒럻쀱귩긯긏?긿?렑궠궧귏궥갃 # # 걾럊뾭뺴? #?댥돷궻긚긏깏긵긣귩귽긹깛긣긓?깛긤궳렳뛱궢궫뚣갂 #?긯긏?긿궻?렑"긓?깛긤궳빒럻긯긏?긿귩?렑궠궧귏궥갃 =begin 궞궞궔귞 # 긡긌긚긣 t = "hogehoge" s = 20 # 빒럻긖귽긛 p = 0 # 긲긅깛긣긬??깛 text_picture(t, p, s) 궞궞귏궳 =end # # 겍긲긅깛긣긬??깛궼돷궻먠믦됒룋궳믦?궢귏궥갃 # 겍긲긅깛긣긖귽긛궕룷궠궥궗궫귟묈궖궥궗궫귟궥귡궴 # ?긄깋?궕궳귏궥갃뭾댰궢궲궘궬궠궋갃 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # 뛛륷뿗쀰 # 걻1.0겏1.1 #?""볙궻둂뛱됒룋궶궵궳쪈첈렑궠귢귡긫긐귩뢇맫 # #============================================================================== # 걳 긲긅깛긣긬??깛믦?(먠믦됒룋) #============================================================================== module STRRGSS2 # 겓뫮돒궥귡뭠 # 믅륂궻빒럻 STR27_FLIST = {0 => ["UmePlus Gothic", # 긲긅깛긣뼹 false, # 뫞럻 false, # 롈뫬 true, # 뎓빒럻 false, # 뎼롦귟 Color.new(255,255,255),# 빒럻륡 Color.new( 64, 32,128) # 뎼롦귟륡 ], # 롈귕갋뎼롦귟 1 => ["UmePlus Gothic", # 긲긅깛긣뼹 false, # 뫞럻 true, # 롈뫬 true, # 뎓빒럻 true, # 뎼롦귟 Color.new(255,255,255),# 빒럻륡 Color.new( 64, 32,128) # 뎼롦귟륡 ], } # end #============================================================================== # 걾 Game_Interpreter #============================================================================== class Game_Interpreter #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 걶 빒럻긯긏?긿럚믦 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def text_picture(text, p = 0, size = 20) strfp = STRRGSS2::STR27_FLIST[p] font = Font.new(strfp[0], size) font.bold = strfp[1] ; font.italic = strfp[2] font.shadow = strfp[3] ; font.color = strfp[5] text.gsub!(/[tnrf]*/,"") @strtxpic = [text, STR_DumpFont.new(font, strfp[4], strfp[6])] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 걶 긯긏?긿궻?렑(긄귽깏귺긚) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias command_231_str27 command_231 def command_231 @params[1] = @strtxpic if @strtxpic != nil ; @strtxpic = nil command_231_str27 end end #============================================================================== # 걾 Sprite_Picture #============================================================================== class Sprite_Picture < Sprite #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 걶 긲깒??뛛륷(긄귽깏귺긚) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias update_str27 update def update if @picture.name.is_a?(Array) and @picture_name != @picture.name # 빒럻긯긏?긿 @picture_name = @picture.name if @picture_name != "" self.bitmap.dispose if self.bitmap != nil and not @picture_name.is_a?(String) f = @picture_name[1].undump # 빒럻긖귽긛롦벦 self.bitmap =Bitmap.new(1, 1) ; self.bitmap.font = f[0] size = self.bitmap.text_size(@picture_name[0]) size.width += f[0].size / 4 if f[0].italic size.width += 4 ; self.bitmap.dispose # 귽긽?긙띿맟 self.bitmap = Bitmap.new(size.width + 2, size.height + 2) ; self.bitmap.font = f[0] unless f[1] self.bitmap.draw_text(1, 1, size.width, size.height, @picture_name[0]) else self.bitmap.draw_text_f(1, 1, size.width, size.height, @picture_name[0], 0, f[2]) end end elsif @picture_name != @picture.name # 믅륂긯긏?긿 @picture_name = @picture.name if @picture_name != "" self.bitmap.dispose unless @picture_name.is_a?(String) self.bitmap = Cache.picture(@picture_name) end end # 뚁귂뽣궢 update_str27 end end #============================================================================== # 걾 Bitmap #============================================================================== class Bitmap #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 걶 빒럻뎼롦귟?됪 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_text_f(x, y, width, height, str, align = 0, color = Color.new(64,32,128)) shadow = self.font.shadow b_color = self.font.color.dup font.shadow = false font.color = color draw_text(x + 1, y, width, height, str, align) draw_text(x - 1, y, width, height, str, align) draw_text(x, y + 1, width, height, str, align) draw_text(x, y - 1, width, height, str, align) font.color = b_color draw_text(x, y, width, height, str, align) font.shadow = shadow end def draw_text_f_rect(r, str, align = 0, color = Color.new(64,32,128)) draw_text_f(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height, str, align = 0, color) end end #============================================================================== # 걾 STR_DumpFont #============================================================================== class STR_DumpFont #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 걶 룊딖돸 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(font, edge, ed_color) @name = font.name ; @size = font.size @bold = font.bold ; @italic = font.italic @shadow = font.shadow ; @edge = edge ; @ed_color = ed_color.clone @color = Color.new(font.color.red,font.color.green,font.color.blue,font.color.alpha) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 걶 빾듂 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def undump font = Font.new(@name, @size) font.bold = @bold ; font.italic = @italic font.shadow = @shadow ; font.color = @color return [font, @edge, @ed_color] end end