VX 스크립트

Repel Effect
1.0 revision final
Author puppeto4
Release Date 04/06/2008


I always want repel effect in pokemon game in VX, so I made one smile.gif


This script will enable random encounter to turn off temporarily and enable
it again when the character has moved up to the defined steps.
# ** Repel Effect
# Author  : puppeto4 (puppeto5@hotmail.com)
# Version : 1.0 revision final
# Date    : 04 / 06 / 2008
# Note    : Order Pizza Hut, support the rebellion.
# Check RPG RPG Revolution(http://www.rpgrevolution.com) for support
# Function :  
#   This script will enable random encounter to turn off temporarily and enable
#   it again when the character has moved up to the defined steps.
# Instruction :
#    Place this script, in a new script page below Material section.
#    Then create a new state(or more) and
#    write the Repel_Text value(default is "*REPEL") in the state's note field.
#    When the state is inflicted, random encounter will immediately disabled.
#    Also, write the Remove_Repel_Text value in the same state's note field.
#    If you don't, the random encounter won't be enabled again.Place it in this
#    format : value[steps] i.e : *REMOVE_REPEL[120]
#       value : Remove_Repel_Text value(default is "*REMOVE_REPEL")
#       steps : Steps taken before the state(the repel effect) is released.
#    Using the repel effect :
#    To use the repel effect from the menu, create a new item/skill and set the
#    item/skill to inflict the state that has repel effect. You need to write the
#    Repel_Text value(default is "*REPEL") in the item's/skill's note field too.
#    This is to enable notification when repel effect is activated.
#    Player Notification :
#    If you want to notify the player when the repel effect is on,
#    in state message field(when actor is inflicted with the state),just write
#    the message that the repel effect is activated, i.e : " effect is activated."
#    It will show "[State name]  effect is activated." in game(not actor name as
#    opposed to usual).
#    As for the notification when the repel effect is off, in the state message
#    field(when state is released), just write the message that the repel effect
#    is off, i.e : " effect is weakened."
#    it will show "[State name]  effect is weakened." in game.
#    Anyway, if you don't want to notify the player, leave both field empty.
# ** RepelEffect : Configuration
# ** Puppeto
#  This module handles setup for any script writen by me ^^.

module Puppeto
# ** Repel
#  This module handles setup for the repel system script.
module Repel
  # * Repel note text
  #     This is the text that you put in the state's note field for the repel
  #     to take effect when the state is inflicted on the character.
  Repel_Text = "*REPEL"
  # * Repel Remover Text
  #     This is the text that you put in the state's note field for the repel
  #     effect to be removed when the state is released for character.
  Remove_Repel_Text = "*REMOVE_REPEL"
  # * Setup for Message Window background and position
  # For the first object in array(default is 0), determine window background.
  # 0 : Normal Background, 1 : Dim Background, 2 : Transparent Background
  # For the second object in array(default is 2), determine window position.
  # 0 : Top Position, 1 : Middle Position, 2 : Bottom Position
  Repel_Notify_Window = [0, 2]
# ** End of Repel module
# ** End of Puppeto module
# ** End of RepelEffect : Configuration
# ** RepelEffect : Script
# ** Class Alias
# * Aliased Class(es) : Game_Battler, Game_Party, Game_Player, Scene_Item,
#                       Scene_Skill
# ** Game_Battler
#  This class deals with battlers. It's used as a superclass of the Game_Actor
# and Game_Enemy classes.
# * Aliased Method(s) : add_state, remove_state

class Game_Battler
  # * Alias Listing
  alias puppet_repel_add_state add_state
  alias puppet_repel_remove_state remove_state
  # * Add State
  #     state_id : state ID
  def add_state(state_id)
    # The usual
    # Call create_repel_steps_count from $game_party
  # * Remove State
  #     state_id : state ID
  def remove_state(state_id)
    # The usual
    # Call clear_repel_steps_count from $game_party
# ** Game_Party
#  This class handles the party. It includes information on amount of gold
# and items. The instance of this class is referenced by $game_party.
# * Aliased Method(s) : initialize, on_player_walk
# * New Method(s)     : repel?, repel_steps_count, create_repel_steps_count,
#                       clear_repel_steps_count, check_repel_steps

class Game_Party < Game_Unit
  # * Include Puppeto::Repel modules
  include Puppeto::Repel  
  # * Alias Listing
  alias puppet_repel_initialize initialize        
  alias puppet_repel_on_player_walk on_player_walk
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # The usual
    # Set repel
    @repel = false
    # Create @repel_steps_count hash object
    @repel_steps_count = {}
  # * Processing Performed When Player Takes 1 Step
  def on_player_walk
    # The usual
    # If @repel_steps_count is nil
    @repel_steps_count = {} if @repel_steps_count == nil
    # Browse through all object in @repel_steps_count's keys  
    @repel_steps_count.keys.each do |i|
      # if @repel_steps_count's object is more than 0
      @repel_steps_count[i] -= 1 if @repel_steps_count[i] > 0
  # * Determine if repel states inflicted on actor
  def repel?
    # Browse through all actor in members
    members.each do |actor|
      # Return true if repel states is inflicted on actor
      return true if actor.repel?
    return false
  # * Repel Steps Count
  def repel_steps_count
    # Return @repel_steps_count
    return @repel_steps_count
  # * Create Repel Steps Count
  #     state_id : state ID  
  def create_repel_steps_count(state_id)
    # Create state; local variable
    state = $data_states[state_id]
    # Create repel_text; local variable
    repel_text = Remove_Repel_Text.dup
    # If state's note contain repel_text
    if state.note[/#{Regexp.quote repel_text}[(d+)]/].to_a[0]
      # Create n; local variable
      n = $1.to_i
      # Set @repel_steps_count to n
      @repel_steps_count[state_id] = n
  # * Clear Repel Steps Count
  #     state_id : state ID  
  def clear_repel_steps_count(state_id)
    # Delete @repel_steps_count
  # * Check Repel Steps
  def check_repel_steps
    # Browse through all objects in @repel_steps_count's keys
    @repel_steps_count.keys.each do |i|
      # Unless that @repel_steps_count[i] isn't 0
      next if @repel_steps_count[i] != 0
        # Browse through all actor in members
        members.each do |actor|
          # Remove state from actor
        # Create state; local variable
        state = $data_states[i]
        # Ignore if release message for state is empty
        next if state.message4.empty?
        # Set background for message
        $game_message.background = Repel_Notify_Window[0]
        # Set position for message
        $game_message.position = Repel_Notify_Window[1]
        # Push state's release message to message's text
        $game_message.texts << state.name + state.message4
# ** Game_Player
#  This class handles maps. It includes event starting determinants and map
# scrolling functions. The instance of this class is referenced by $game_map.
# * Aliased Method(s) : update_encounter, check_touch_event

class Game_Player < Game_Character
  # * Alias Listing
  alias puppet_repel_update_encounter update_encounter
  alias puppet_repel_check_touch_event check_touch_event
  # * Update Encounter
  def update_encounter
    # Return in repel states is inflicted on any actor in party
    return if $game_party.repel?
    # The usual
  # * Determine Event Start Caused by Touch (overlap)
  def check_touch_event
    # Call check_repel_steps from $game_party
    # The usual
# ** Scene_Item
#  This class performs the item screen processing.
# * Aliased Method(s) : use_item_nontarget

class Scene_Item < Scene_Base
  # * Include Puppeto::Repel modules
  include Puppeto::Repel    
  # * Alias Listing
  alias puppet_repel_use_item_nontarget use_item_nontarget
  # * Use Item (apply effects to non-ally targets)
  def use_item_nontarget
    # The usual
    # If Repel_Text is included in the item's note
    if @item.note.include?(Repel_Text)
      # Browse through all objects in @repel_steps_count's keys
      $game_party.repel_steps_count.keys.each do |i|
        # Create state; local variable
        state = $data_states[i]
        # Ignore if actor message for state is empty
        next if state.message1.empty?
        # Set background for message
        $game_message.background = Repel_Notify_Window[0]
        # Set position for message
        $game_message.position = Repel_Notify_Window[1]
        # Push state's actor message to message's text
        $game_message.texts << state.name + state.message1
    # Return to Scene_Map  
    $scene = Scene_Map.new
# ** Scene_Skill
#  This class performs the skill screen processing.
# * Aliased Method(s) : use_skill_nontarget

class Scene_Skill < Scene_Base
  # * Include Puppeto::Repel modules
  include Puppeto::Repel    
  # * Alias Listing
  alias puppet_repel_use_skill_nontarget use_skill_nontarget  
  # * Use Skill (apply effects to non-ally targets)
  def use_skill_nontarget
    # The usual
    # If Repel_Text is included in the item's note
    if @skill.note.include?(Repel_Text)
      # Browse through all objects in @repel_steps_count's keys
      $game_party.repel_steps_count.keys.each do |i|
        # Create state; local variable
        state = $data_states[i]
        # Ignore if actor message for state is empty
        next if state.message1.empty?
        # Set background for message
        $game_message.background = Repel_Notify_Window[0]
        # Set position for message
        $game_message.position = Repel_Notify_Window[1]
        # Push state's actor message to message's text
        $game_message.texts << state.name + state.message1
    # Return to Scene_Map  
    $scene = Scene_Map.new
# ** End of Class Alias
# ** Game_Actor(New Method)
#  This class handles actors. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and referenced by the Game_Party class ($game_party).
# * New Method(s) : repel?

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  # * Include Puppeto::Repel modules
  include Puppeto::Repel
  # * Determine if repel note is included
  def repel?
    # Browse through all state in states
    states.each do |state|
      # Return true if Repel_Text is included in the state's note
      return true if state.note.include?(Repel_Text)
    return false
# ** End of RepelEffect : Script


Line 67, 73, 81. Change the value there if you want.


Should be compatible with other script, since it was aliased properly(no rewrite method)


Notification when repel effect is activated


State setup...

item setup...

Skill setup...



Comment '1'
  • ?
    제이슨 2009.01.31 18:36
    랜덤으로 적과 조우하는거 100걸음 무효하는거...
    포켓몬스터 벌레스프레이랑 똑같은거네요...

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