Good VS EVil?

by Man... posted Oct 28, 2008


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Script Name: Good VS Evil
Written by: Synthesize
Version: 1.0.0
Release Date: January 26, 2008

What is it?
This script allows the end user (you) to give each playable character an alignment and alignment points. The system works similar to the Baldur's Gate 'reputation system', where x amount of Upgrade points increase the actors alignment. The script automatically draws the alignment in the status screen.
# Good VS Evil --- RMVX Version
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 1.0.0
# January 26, 2008
#                            * RMVX Version *
module GoodVSEvil
  # The initial Alignment for actors
  Alignment_initial = {1 => 2, 2 => 3, 3 => -5}
  Alignment_initial.default = 0
  # The names of the alignments
  Alignment_names = ["Very Good", "Good", "Neutral", "Evil", "Devil Child"]
  # maximum amount of points
  Maximum_alignment = 100
  # Maximum amount of evil points
  Maximum_evil_alignment = -100
  # Format = {value => amount to check}
  Rates = {0 => 50, 1 => 25, 3 => -25, 4 => 50}
  # Rates configure how many Alignment points a character needs to have
  # there alignment 'upgrade'
  # $alignment commands:
  # $alignment.add(value, member)   # Adds value of alignment
  # $alignment.remove(value, member)   # Removes value from member
  # $alignment.checksum(amount, member)   # Check value of points then return
  # $alignment.checkname(member, name)   # Check if the alignment level is =name
# Create and set alignment points
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  attr_accessor :alignment
  attr_accessor :alignment_name
  alias syn_gve_setup setup
  # Setup Actor Alignment
  def setup(actor_id)
    @alignment = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_initial[actor_id]
    @alignment_name = "Neutral"
  # Return Alignment Values
  def alignment_value
    @alignment = GoodVSEvil::Maximum_alignment if @alignment > GoodVSEvil::Maximum_alignment
    @alignment = GoodVSEvil::Maximum_evil_alignment if @alignment < GoodVSEvil::Maximum_evil_alignment
    if @alignment >= GoodVSEvil::Rates[1]
      @alignment_name = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_names[1]
      @alignment_name = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_names[0] if @alignment > GoodVSEvil::Rates[0]
      return @alignment_name
    elsif @alignment <= GoodVSEvil::Rates[3]
      @alignment_name = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_names[3]
      @alignment_name = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_names[4] if @alignment >= GoodVSEvil::Rates[4]
      return @alignment_name
      @alignment_name = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_names[2]
      return @alignment_name
# Window_MenuStatus add-on
class Window_Status < Window_Base
  alias syn_gve_refresh refresh
  def refresh
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(32, 350, 120, 32, "Alignment:")
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(156, 350, 120, 32, @actor.alignment_value)
# Alignment Management
class Alignment_Management
  def add(value, member)
    $game_party.members[member].alignment += value
  def remove(value, member)
    $game_party.members[member].alignment -= value
  def checksum(amount, member)
    if $game_party.members[member].alignment >= amount
      return true
      return false
  def checkname(member, name)
    if $game_party.members[member].alignment_name == name
      return true
      return false
# Scene_Title:: Create the Global Variable
class Scene_Title
  alias syn_gve_game_object create_game_objects
  def create_game_objects
    $alignment =
#             * This script will not work with RPG Maker XP *
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 1.0.0
# January 26, 2008
# Good VS Evil --- RMVX Version