컴퓨스트 플레이어 워크(?)

by Man... posted Oct 27, 2008


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# Earthbound Confusion Walk Script
#    Max
#    rainkimahri@gmail.com
# This script will test to see if an Actor is confused, and, if so, it will
#  change the controls for movement rotating them randomly.
class Game_Player < Game_Character
  @maxtemp = 0
  alias max_move_by_input :move_by_input
  def move_by_input
    return unless movable?
    return if $game_map.interpreter.running?
#Here, 001 is the Actor ID of the
#party member I'm checking for confusion
      if $game_actors.[](001).confusion?
          case @maxtemp
          when 0
            case Input.dir4
            when 2;  move_down
            when 4;  move_left
            when 6;  move_right
            when 8;  move_up
          when 1
            case Input.dir4
            when 4;  move_down
            when 8;  move_left
            when 2;  move_right
            when 6;  move_up
          when 2
            case Input.dir4
            when 8;  move_down
            when 6;  move_left
            when 4;  move_right
            when 2;  move_up
          when 3
            case Input.dir4
            when 6;  move_down
            when 2;  move_left
            when 8;  move_right
            when 4;  move_up
          if Input.dir4 != 0
#Here, 10 means 10% chance on player walk
#that the direction keys rotate
            if rand(100) <= 10
            @maxtemp = rand(4)
            case Input.dir4
            when 2;  move_down
            when 4;  move_left
            when 6;  move_right
            when 8;  move_up

class Game_Battler
attr_accessor :hidden
  alias max_confusion? :confusion?
  def confusion?
    return (not @hidden and restriction == 3)