VX 스크립트

#  ■ Path Finding
# Near Fantastica
# Version 1
# 29.11.05
# Lets the Player or Event draw a path from an desonation to the source. This
# method is very fast and because the pathfinding is imbedded into the Game
# Character the pathfinding can be interrupted or redrawn at any time.
# Player :: $game_player.find_path(x,y)
# Event Script Call :: self.event.find_path(x,y)
# Event Movement Script Call :: self.find_path(x,y)
# [VX] Simple Mouse System Note: I edited the method
# character.passable?(x, y, direction) to character.passable?(x, y)
# according to change of this method in VX.

class Game_Character
  alias nf_pf_game_character_initialize initialize
  alias nf_pf_game_character_update update
  attr_accessor :map
  attr_accessor :runpath
  def initialize
    @map = nil
    @runpath = false
  def update
    run_path if @runpath == true
  def run_path
    return if moving?
    step = @map[@x,@y]
    if step == 1
      @map = nil
      @runpath = false
    dir = rand(2)
    case dir
    when 0
      move_right if @map[@x+1,@y] == step - 1 and step != 0
      move_down if @map[@x,@y+1] == step - 1 and step != 0
      move_left if @map[@x-1,@y] == step -1 and step != 0
      move_up if @map[@x,@y-1] == step - 1 and step != 0
    when 1
      move_up if @map[@x,@y-1] == step - 1 and step != 0
      move_left if @map[@x-1,@y] == step -1 and step != 0
      move_down if @map[@x,@y+1] == step - 1 and step != 0
      move_right if @map[@x+1,@y] == step - 1 and step != 0
  def find_path(x,y)
    sx, sy = @x, @y
    result = setup_map(sx,sy,x,y)
    @runpath = result[0]
    @map = result[1]
    @map[sx,sy] = result[2] if result[2] != nil
  def clear_path
    @map = nil
    @runpath = false
  def setup_map(sx,sy,ex,ey)
    map = Table.new($game_map.width, $game_map.height)
    map[ex,ey] = 1
    old_positions = []
    new_positions = []
    old_positions.push([ex, ey])
    depth = 2
      loop do
        break if old_positions[0] == nil
        x,y = old_positions.shift
        return [true, map, step] if x == sx and y+1 == sy
        if $game_player.passable?(x, y) and map[x,y + 1] == 0
          map[x,y + 1] = step
          new_positions.push([x,y + 1])
        return [true, map, step] if x-1 == sx and y == sy
        if $game_player.passable?(x, y) and map[x - 1,y] == 0
          map[x - 1,y] = step
          new_positions.push([x - 1,y])
        return [true, map, step] if x+1 == sx and y == sy
        if $game_player.passable?(x, y) and map[x + 1,y] == 0
          map[x + 1,y] = step
          new_positions.push([x + 1,y])
        return [true, map, step] if x == sx and y-1 == sy
        if $game_player.passable?(x, y) and map[x,y - 1] == 0
          map[x,y - 1] = step
          new_positions.push([x,y - 1])
      old_positions = new_positions
      new_positions = []
    return [false, nil, nil]
class Game_Map
  alias pf_game_map_setup setup
  def setup(map_id)
class Game_Player
  alias pf_game_player_update update
  def update
    $game_player.clear_path if Input.dir4 != 0
class Interpreter
  def event
    return $game_map.events[@event_id]

-여기 까지-
메인 색쉰 위에 그냥 넣으세요.
이러면 캐릭터가 알아서 함

Comment '6'
  • ?
    제스킨 2008.10.08 17:50

    path finding..
    최소한 이 기능의 설명이나 스크린샷을 올려주셔야 어떤 스크립트 인지 알고 사용할것 아닙니까..

  • ?
    FireFighter 2008.10.09 21:13
    네... 해결 해 줄것입니다....
  • ?
    다크아머 2008.10.25 10:42
  • profile
    모토키 2008.11.22 16:54
  • ?
    Soul Breaker 2009.01.07 16:15
    어떤 스크립트인가요..;
  • ?
    루시페르 2009.04.18 10:36
    마우스 시스템에서 아무데나 찍으면 주인공이 알아서
    가장 가까운 거리를 찾아가는 스크립트....
    이것만 올리시면 어떡하시라능...

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