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Mr. Mo's ABS 4.5를 기반으로 하여 각종 애드온을 추가하고 버그를 수정한 것이라고 합니다. 스크립트와 사용법은 데모(와 동봉된 설명서)를 참조하세요.
- Party Rotation
- Advanced Party follow system
- Party 'pet' system
- Key controlled / Window Dialog controlled Party Members
- Eight directional movement and combat capabilities
- Enhanced movement systems: sneaking and dashing
- Enhanced enemy detection and observation system (may require additional scripts)
- Enemies that run from battle or continue to hunt running targets (may require additional scripts)
- Enemies drop items or leave corpses when killed
- Enemy respawn system
- Melee, Ranged and Explosive /Area Range attack system
- Reloadable and inexhaustible missile weapons
- Boomerang effect weapons
- Multiple Weapon support (requires additional scripts)
- Enhanced skill and explosive skill system
- Throwable and explosive area-range item system
- Landmines and set explosives
- Optional Mouse control and attack system.
- Customizable Damage Pops
- Various script calls that can change the ABS's behavior as well as player/enemy HP and SP scores.
- And more...
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