XP 스크립트

Source Thread: http://www.creationasylum.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=568

  말 그대로 돈 액수를 세자리씩 끊어서 표기(123,456,789$)하는 스크립트입니다.

# ** Window_Gold
# This window displays amount of gold.

class Window_Gold < Window_Base
# * Refresh
def refresh
#Advanced Gold Display mini-script by Dubealex.
case $game_party.gold
when 0..9999
gold = $game_party.gold
when 10000..99999
gold = $game_party.gold.to_s
array = gold.split(//)
gold = array[0].to_s+array[1].to_s+","+array[2].to_s+array[3].to_s+array[4].to_s
when 100000..999999
gold = $game_party.gold.to_s
array = gold.split(//)
gold = array[0].to_s+array[1].to_s+array[2].to_s+","+array[3].to_s+array[4].to_s+array[5].to_s
when 1000000..9999999
gold = $game_party.gold.to_s
array = gold.split(//)
gold = array[0].to_s+","+array[1].to_s+array[2].to_s+array[3].to_s+","+array[4].to_s+array[5].to_s+array[6].to_s

self.contents.font.color = text_color(6)
gold_word = $data_system.words.gold.to_s + ":"
cx = contents.text_size(gold_word).width
self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 120-cx-2, 32, gold_word)
self.contents.font.color = text_color(0)
self.contents.draw_text(124-cx2+2, 0, cx2, 32, gold.to_s, 2)

** 같은 쓰레드에 올라온 dragonslayer씨의 간략판을 정리한 것입니다:

# ** Window_Gold
# This window displays amount of gold.

class Window_Gold < Window_Base
# * Refresh
def refresh
gold = $game_party.gold.to_s
unless gold.size > 4
money = gold
case gold.size
when 5
ary = gold.slice!(0,2)
money = ary + ","+ gold
when 6
ary = gold.slice!(0,3)
money = ary + ","+ gold
when 7
ary1 = gold.slice!(0,4)
ary2 = ary1.slice!(1,4)
money = ary1 + ","+ ary2 +","+ gold
cx = contents.text_size($data_system.words.gold).width
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 120-cx-2, 32, money, 2)
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(124-cx, 0, cx, 32, $data_system.words.gold, 2)


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