XP 스크립트


Source Thread: http://www.creationasylum.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=12209
  SephirothSpawn씨의 스크립트 모음입니다.  어떤 스크립트들이 있는 지 보시길.

** 이전에 걸어두었던(그리고 백호씨가 옮겼던) 링크는 잘렸습니다.  보존차원에서 파일첨부하여 올립니다.


Seph's Test Bed
Version: 0.4
Last Updated: 2007-08-01


This is a complete collection and merge of all my scripts I have and haven't posted. It is a work in progress. I will try to add a new version as often as I can.


(You will also find scripts not included in the V.4 version that were in the V.3 version here)

Screenshots (~ None Yet. Blame Trickster.)

Please Read all instructions in the script heading. I have tried to document everything, but if I missed something or you don't understand something, I would be happy to provide some support.


Terms & Conditions

Script Usage

These scripts are free to use in both commerical and non-commerical use. I do not demand loyalties if you make any money off you game (I wouldn't mind donations though).

I only ask for 2 things when using my scripts : I would like to be credited for each and everyone of my scripts ; do not delete or modify the script heading, unless making a modification to the script (see below). The reason for not deleting script headings is when I offer support, I will need to see the current version and other notes. Plus, it's good to have for the user.

Script Modifications

I do not mind if you modify one of these scripts, but I do require you to log all modifications to the system itself. It doesn't have to go into great detail, but no "I f1x3d de bug!" I have seen this before. If you would like to post a mod to one of these scripts, I do require you to ask permission first.

Posting Scripts

If you wish to pass my scripts along to other communities, I do not mind. I encourage it. I would like however for you to inform me of this, so I can provide support however. I have seen people confused by my scripts on forums I didn't know existed. I have been known to provide support in non-english speaking forums as well, so don't let that stop you.

Individual Script FAQ

How is this still empty? Or am I just not filling this out?

They are all SDK. Don't ask in this thread to make them non-SDK. Don't debate over it over it either please. I would like to keep this thread open for support.

Credits and Thanks
Near Fantastica, Trickster and anyone else who's script I used for these scripts. Thanks to everyone who requested one of these scripts, reported a bug, or helped make my life a little easier. Special thanks to everyone who sent me a PM or bugged me to work on this thing. Thanks to any and all beta testers as well.

Author's Notes
I did not have time to test all these scripts 100%. If theres an error, explain your configuration of the constants, call script, etc. Tell me as much as possible.

For the time being, Enjoy!


Non-Updated Scripts


The following scripts have not been updated, nor configured to work with the test bed. Some may not even be SDK (meaning they were before the SDK). Most are poor quality, and just not the greatest. I suggest you do not use these in your projects until I update them. Thanks.

(~ Coming Soon)

List of Articles
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