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# ** COGWHEEL Plug 'n' Play Menu Bars (based on Syvkal's revisions)
# by DerVVulfman
# Version 1.1
# 06-28-06
# This is a revision of Cogwheel's famous bargraph system, now set as an inser-
# table script to display bargraphs behind values in the menus.
# To prevent conflict with Cogwheel's RTAB system, two key definitions have been
# renamed: "gauge_rect" to "cw_gauge" & "gradation_rect" to "cw_grad_rect."
# Affected Systems: Main Menu
# Skill Menu
# Status Menu
# Hero Select Menu (for Items & Skills)
# Equipment Menu
# BattleStatus Menu
# The system uses a series of CONSTANTS that can be edited here. They control
# the basic gauge colors and the manner the gauge is filled:
# Gauge Border Colors
COG_COLOR1 = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 192) # Outer Border
COG_COLOR2 = Color.new(255, 255, 192, 192) # Inner Border
# Gauge Empty filler
COG_COLOR3 = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 192) # Half of Inner Shading
COG_COLOR4 = Color.new(64, 0, 0, 192) # Half of Inner Shading
# Alignment
COG_ALIGN1 = 1 # Type 1: (0: Left / 1: Center / 2: Right Justify)
COG_ALIGN2 = 2 # Type 2: (0: Upper / 1: Central / 2: Lower)
COG_ALIGN3 = 0 # FILL ALIGNMENT (0: Left Justify / 1: Right Justify)
# Gauge Settings
COG_GRADE1 = 1 # EMPTY gauge (0: Side / 1: Vertical / 2: Slanted)
COG_GRADE2 = 0 # FILLER gauge (0: Side / 1: Vertical / 2: Slanted)
# ** Game_Actor
# This class handles the actor. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and refers to the Game_Party class ($game_party).
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
# * Get EXP - numeric for calculations
def now_exp
return @exp - @exp_list[@level]
# * Get Next Level EXP - numeric for calculations
def next_exp
return @exp_list[@level+1] > 0 ? @exp_list[@level+1] - @exp_list[@level] : 0
# * End of Class
# ** Window_Base
# This class is for all in-game windows.
class Window_Base < Window
# * Draw EXP w/ Bars
# actor : actor
# x : draw spot x-coordinate
# y : draw spot y-coordinate
alias draw_actor_exp_original draw_actor_exp
def draw_actor_exp(actor, x, y, width = 204)
if actor.next_exp != 0
rate = actor.now_exp.to_f / actor.next_exp
rate = 1
# Calculate Bar Gradiation
if actor.next_exp != 0
rate = actor.now_exp.to_f / actor.next_exp
rate = 1
# Adjust Bar Color based on Gradiation
color1 = Color.new(80 * rate, 80 - 80 * rate ** 2, 80 - 80 * rate, 192)
color2 = Color.new(240 * rate, 240 - 240 * rate ** 2, 240 - 240 * rate, 192)
# Calculate Bar Width
if actor.next_exp != 0
exp = width * actor.now_exp / actor.next_exp
exp = width
# Draw Bar Graph
cw_gauge(x, y + 25, width, 10, exp, color1, color2)
# Call original EXP
draw_actor_exp_original(actor, x, y)
# * Draw HP w/ Bars
# actor : actor
# x : draw spot x-coordinate
# y : draw spot y-coordinate
# width : draw spot width
alias draw_actor_hp_original draw_actor_hp
def draw_actor_hp(actor, x, y, width = 144)
# Calculate Bar Gradiation
if actor.maxhp != 0
rate = actor.hp.to_f / actor.maxhp
rate = 0
# Adjust Bar Color based on Gradiation
color1 = Color.new(80 - 24 * rate, 80 * rate, 14 * rate, 192)
color2 = Color.new(240 - 72 * rate, 240 * rate, 62 * rate, 192)
# Calculate Bar Width
if actor.maxhp != 0
hp = width * actor.hp / actor.maxhp
hp = 0
# Draw Bar Graph
cw_gauge(x, y + 25, width, 10, hp, color1, color2)
# Call original HP
draw_actor_hp_original(actor, x, y, width)
# * Draw SP w/ Bars
# actor : actor
# x : draw spot x-coordinate
# y : draw spot y-coordinate
# width : draw spot width
alias draw_actor_sp_original draw_actor_sp
def draw_actor_sp(actor, x, y, width = 144)
# Calculate Bar Gradiation
if actor.maxsp != 0
rate = actor.sp.to_f / actor.maxsp
rate = 1
# Adjust Bar Color based on Gradiation
color1 = Color.new(14 * rate, 80 - 24 * rate, 80 * rate, 192)
color2 = Color.new(62 * rate, 240 - 72 * rate, 240 * rate, 192)
# Calculate Bar Width
if actor.maxsp != 0
sp = width * actor.sp / actor.maxsp
sp = width
# Draw Bar Graph
cw_gauge(x + width * 0 / 100, y + 25, width, 10, sp, color1, color2)
# Call original SP
draw_actor_sp_original(actor, x, y, width)
# * Draw Parameter w/ Bars
# actor : actor
# x : draw spot x-coordinate
# y : draw spot y-coordinate
# type : parameter type (0-6)
alias draw_actor_parameter_original draw_actor_parameter
def draw_actor_parameter(actor, x, y, type)
# Choose Color & Parameter Type
case type
when 0
e1 = actor.atk
c6 = Color.new(253, 53, 56, 192)
c5 = Color.new(242, 2, 6, 192)
when 1
e1 = actor.pdef
c6 = Color.new(238, 254, 124, 192)
c5 = Color.new(228, 253, 48, 192)
when 2
e1 = actor.mdef
c6 = Color.new(150, 37, 184, 192)
c5 = Color.new(170, 57, 204, 192)
when 3
e1 = actor.str
c6 = Color.new(253, 163, 33, 192)
c5 = Color.new(254, 209, 154, 192)
when 4
e1 = actor.dex
c6 = Color.new(255, 255, 255, 192)
c5 = Color.new(222, 222, 222, 192)
when 5
e1 = actor.agi
c6 = Color.new(124, 254, 155, 192)
c5 = Color.new(33, 253, 86, 192)
when 6
e1 = actor.int
c6 = Color.new(119, 203, 254, 192)
c5 = Color.new(8, 160, 253, 192)
# Calculate Bar Gradiation
e2 = 999
if e1.to_f != 0
rate = e1.to_f / e2.to_f
rate = 1
# Adjust Bar Color based on Gradiation & Parameter Type
for i in 0..7
r = c6.red * rate
g = (c6.green - 10) * rate
b = c6.blue * rate
a = c6.alpha
# Calculate Bar Width
width = 168
if e1.to_f != 0
par = width * e1.to_f / e2.to_f
par = width
# Equipment Calc Fix
case type
when 0
if e1 == 0
par = 0
when 1
if e1 == 0
par = 0
when 2
if e1 == 0
par = 0
# Draw Bar Graph
cw_gauge(x , y + 25, width, 7, par, c5, Color.new(r, g, b, a))
# Call Original Parameter
draw_actor_parameter_original(actor, x, y, type)
# * Gauge Rectangle (New to Class)
def cw_gauge(x, y, width, height, gauge, color1, color2)
# Use Cogwheel PRESETS
color3 = COG_COLOR1
color4 = COG_COLOR2
color5 = COG_COLOR3
color6 = COG_COLOR4
align1 = COG_ALIGN1
align2 = COG_ALIGN2
align3 = COG_ALIGN3
grade1 = COG_GRADE1
grade2 = COG_GRADE2
# Create Rectangle Width based on gauge max.
rect_width = width
case align1
when 1
x += (rect_width - width) / 2
when 2
x += rect_width - width
case align2
when 1
y -= height / 2
when 2
y -= height
self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, width, height, color3)
self.contents.fill_rect(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2, color4)
if align3 == 0
if grade1 == 2
grade1 = 3
if grade2 == 2
grade2 = 3
if (align3 == 1 and grade1 == 0) or grade1 > 0
color = color5
color5 = color6
color6 = color
if (align3 == 1 and grade2 == 0) or grade2 > 0
color = color1
color1 = color2
color2 = color
self.contents.cw_grad_rect(x + 2, y + 2, width - 4, height - 4, color5, color6, grade1)
if align3 == 1
x += width - gauge
self.contents.cw_grad_rect(x + 2, y + 2, gauge - 4, height - 4, color1, color2, grade2)
# * End of Class
# ** Bitmap
class Bitmap
# * Gradation Rectangle
def cw_grad_rect(x, y, width, height, color3, color4, align = 0)
if align == 0
for i in x...x + width
red = color3.red + (color4.red - color3.red) * (i - x) / (width - 1)
green = color3.green +
(color4.green - color3.green) * (i - x) / (width - 1)
blue = color3.blue +
(color4.blue - color3.blue) * (i - x) / (width - 1)
alpha = color3.alpha +
(color4.alpha - color3.alpha) * (i - x) / (width - 1)
color = Color.new(red, green, blue, alpha)
fill_rect(i, y, 1, height, color)
elsif align == 1
for i in y...y + height
red = color3.red +
(color4.red - color3.red) * (i - y) / (height - 1)
green = color3.green +
(color4.green - color3.green) * (i - y) / (height - 1)
blue = color3.blue +
(color4.blue - color3.blue) * (i - y) / (height - 1)
alpha = color3.alpha +
(color4.alpha - color3.alpha) * (i - y) / (height - 1)
color = Color.new(red, green, blue, alpha)
fill_rect(x, i, width, 1, color)
elsif align == 2
for i in x...x + width
for j in y...y + height
red = color3.red + (color4.red - color3.red) *
((i - x) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
green = color3.green + (color4.green - color3.green) *
((i - x) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
blue = color3.blue + (color4.blue - color3.blue) *
((i - x) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
alpha = color3.alpha + (color4.alpha - color3.alpha) *
((i - x) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
color = Color.new(red, green, blue, alpha)
set_pixel(i, j, color)
elsif align == 3
for i in x...x + width
for j in y...y + height
red = color3.red + (color4.red - color3.red) *
((x + width - i) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
green = color3.green + (color4.green - color3.green) *
((x + width - i) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
blue = color3.blue + (color4.blue - color3.blue) *
((x + width - i) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
alpha = color3.alpha + (color4.alpha - color3.alpha) *
((x + width - i) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
color = Color.new(red, green, blue, alpha)
set_pixel(i, j, color)
# * End of Class
# ** COGWHEEL Plug 'n' Play Menu Bars (based on Syvkal's revisions)
# by DerVVulfman
# Version 1.1
# 06-28-06
# This is a revision of Cogwheel's famous bargraph system, now set as an inser-
# table script to display bargraphs behind values in the menus.
# To prevent conflict with Cogwheel's RTAB system, two key definitions have been
# renamed: "gauge_rect" to "cw_gauge" & "gradation_rect" to "cw_grad_rect."
# Affected Systems: Main Menu
# Skill Menu
# Status Menu
# Hero Select Menu (for Items & Skills)
# Equipment Menu
# BattleStatus Menu
# The system uses a series of CONSTANTS that can be edited here. They control
# the basic gauge colors and the manner the gauge is filled:
# Gauge Border Colors
COG_COLOR1 = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 192) # Outer Border
COG_COLOR2 = Color.new(255, 255, 192, 192) # Inner Border
# Gauge Empty filler
COG_COLOR3 = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 192) # Half of Inner Shading
COG_COLOR4 = Color.new(64, 0, 0, 192) # Half of Inner Shading
# Alignment
COG_ALIGN1 = 1 # Type 1: (0: Left / 1: Center / 2: Right Justify)
COG_ALIGN2 = 2 # Type 2: (0: Upper / 1: Central / 2: Lower)
COG_ALIGN3 = 0 # FILL ALIGNMENT (0: Left Justify / 1: Right Justify)
# Gauge Settings
COG_GRADE1 = 1 # EMPTY gauge (0: Side / 1: Vertical / 2: Slanted)
COG_GRADE2 = 0 # FILLER gauge (0: Side / 1: Vertical / 2: Slanted)
# ** Game_Actor
# This class handles the actor. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and refers to the Game_Party class ($game_party).
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
# * Get EXP - numeric for calculations
def now_exp
return @exp - @exp_list[@level]
# * Get Next Level EXP - numeric for calculations
def next_exp
return @exp_list[@level+1] > 0 ? @exp_list[@level+1] - @exp_list[@level] : 0
# * End of Class
# ** Window_Base
# This class is for all in-game windows.
class Window_Base < Window
# * Draw EXP w/ Bars
# actor : actor
# x : draw spot x-coordinate
# y : draw spot y-coordinate
alias draw_actor_exp_original draw_actor_exp
def draw_actor_exp(actor, x, y, width = 204)
if actor.next_exp != 0
rate = actor.now_exp.to_f / actor.next_exp
rate = 1
# Calculate Bar Gradiation
if actor.next_exp != 0
rate = actor.now_exp.to_f / actor.next_exp
rate = 1
# Adjust Bar Color based on Gradiation
color1 = Color.new(80 * rate, 80 - 80 * rate ** 2, 80 - 80 * rate, 192)
color2 = Color.new(240 * rate, 240 - 240 * rate ** 2, 240 - 240 * rate, 192)
# Calculate Bar Width
if actor.next_exp != 0
exp = width * actor.now_exp / actor.next_exp
exp = width
# Draw Bar Graph
cw_gauge(x, y + 25, width, 10, exp, color1, color2)
# Call original EXP
draw_actor_exp_original(actor, x, y)
# * Draw HP w/ Bars
# actor : actor
# x : draw spot x-coordinate
# y : draw spot y-coordinate
# width : draw spot width
alias draw_actor_hp_original draw_actor_hp
def draw_actor_hp(actor, x, y, width = 144)
# Calculate Bar Gradiation
if actor.maxhp != 0
rate = actor.hp.to_f / actor.maxhp
rate = 0
# Adjust Bar Color based on Gradiation
color1 = Color.new(80 - 24 * rate, 80 * rate, 14 * rate, 192)
color2 = Color.new(240 - 72 * rate, 240 * rate, 62 * rate, 192)
# Calculate Bar Width
if actor.maxhp != 0
hp = width * actor.hp / actor.maxhp
hp = 0
# Draw Bar Graph
cw_gauge(x, y + 25, width, 10, hp, color1, color2)
# Call original HP
draw_actor_hp_original(actor, x, y, width)
# * Draw SP w/ Bars
# actor : actor
# x : draw spot x-coordinate
# y : draw spot y-coordinate
# width : draw spot width
alias draw_actor_sp_original draw_actor_sp
def draw_actor_sp(actor, x, y, width = 144)
# Calculate Bar Gradiation
if actor.maxsp != 0
rate = actor.sp.to_f / actor.maxsp
rate = 1
# Adjust Bar Color based on Gradiation
color1 = Color.new(14 * rate, 80 - 24 * rate, 80 * rate, 192)
color2 = Color.new(62 * rate, 240 - 72 * rate, 240 * rate, 192)
# Calculate Bar Width
if actor.maxsp != 0
sp = width * actor.sp / actor.maxsp
sp = width
# Draw Bar Graph
cw_gauge(x + width * 0 / 100, y + 25, width, 10, sp, color1, color2)
# Call original SP
draw_actor_sp_original(actor, x, y, width)
# * Draw Parameter w/ Bars
# actor : actor
# x : draw spot x-coordinate
# y : draw spot y-coordinate
# type : parameter type (0-6)
alias draw_actor_parameter_original draw_actor_parameter
def draw_actor_parameter(actor, x, y, type)
# Choose Color & Parameter Type
case type
when 0
e1 = actor.atk
c6 = Color.new(253, 53, 56, 192)
c5 = Color.new(242, 2, 6, 192)
when 1
e1 = actor.pdef
c6 = Color.new(238, 254, 124, 192)
c5 = Color.new(228, 253, 48, 192)
when 2
e1 = actor.mdef
c6 = Color.new(150, 37, 184, 192)
c5 = Color.new(170, 57, 204, 192)
when 3
e1 = actor.str
c6 = Color.new(253, 163, 33, 192)
c5 = Color.new(254, 209, 154, 192)
when 4
e1 = actor.dex
c6 = Color.new(255, 255, 255, 192)
c5 = Color.new(222, 222, 222, 192)
when 5
e1 = actor.agi
c6 = Color.new(124, 254, 155, 192)
c5 = Color.new(33, 253, 86, 192)
when 6
e1 = actor.int
c6 = Color.new(119, 203, 254, 192)
c5 = Color.new(8, 160, 253, 192)
# Calculate Bar Gradiation
e2 = 999
if e1.to_f != 0
rate = e1.to_f / e2.to_f
rate = 1
# Adjust Bar Color based on Gradiation & Parameter Type
for i in 0..7
r = c6.red * rate
g = (c6.green - 10) * rate
b = c6.blue * rate
a = c6.alpha
# Calculate Bar Width
width = 168
if e1.to_f != 0
par = width * e1.to_f / e2.to_f
par = width
# Equipment Calc Fix
case type
when 0
if e1 == 0
par = 0
when 1
if e1 == 0
par = 0
when 2
if e1 == 0
par = 0
# Draw Bar Graph
cw_gauge(x , y + 25, width, 7, par, c5, Color.new(r, g, b, a))
# Call Original Parameter
draw_actor_parameter_original(actor, x, y, type)
# * Gauge Rectangle (New to Class)
def cw_gauge(x, y, width, height, gauge, color1, color2)
# Use Cogwheel PRESETS
color3 = COG_COLOR1
color4 = COG_COLOR2
color5 = COG_COLOR3
color6 = COG_COLOR4
align1 = COG_ALIGN1
align2 = COG_ALIGN2
align3 = COG_ALIGN3
grade1 = COG_GRADE1
grade2 = COG_GRADE2
# Create Rectangle Width based on gauge max.
rect_width = width
case align1
when 1
x += (rect_width - width) / 2
when 2
x += rect_width - width
case align2
when 1
y -= height / 2
when 2
y -= height
self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, width, height, color3)
self.contents.fill_rect(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2, color4)
if align3 == 0
if grade1 == 2
grade1 = 3
if grade2 == 2
grade2 = 3
if (align3 == 1 and grade1 == 0) or grade1 > 0
color = color5
color5 = color6
color6 = color
if (align3 == 1 and grade2 == 0) or grade2 > 0
color = color1
color1 = color2
color2 = color
self.contents.cw_grad_rect(x + 2, y + 2, width - 4, height - 4, color5, color6, grade1)
if align3 == 1
x += width - gauge
self.contents.cw_grad_rect(x + 2, y + 2, gauge - 4, height - 4, color1, color2, grade2)
# * End of Class
# ** Bitmap
class Bitmap
# * Gradation Rectangle
def cw_grad_rect(x, y, width, height, color3, color4, align = 0)
if align == 0
for i in x...x + width
red = color3.red + (color4.red - color3.red) * (i - x) / (width - 1)
green = color3.green +
(color4.green - color3.green) * (i - x) / (width - 1)
blue = color3.blue +
(color4.blue - color3.blue) * (i - x) / (width - 1)
alpha = color3.alpha +
(color4.alpha - color3.alpha) * (i - x) / (width - 1)
color = Color.new(red, green, blue, alpha)
fill_rect(i, y, 1, height, color)
elsif align == 1
for i in y...y + height
red = color3.red +
(color4.red - color3.red) * (i - y) / (height - 1)
green = color3.green +
(color4.green - color3.green) * (i - y) / (height - 1)
blue = color3.blue +
(color4.blue - color3.blue) * (i - y) / (height - 1)
alpha = color3.alpha +
(color4.alpha - color3.alpha) * (i - y) / (height - 1)
color = Color.new(red, green, blue, alpha)
fill_rect(x, i, width, 1, color)
elsif align == 2
for i in x...x + width
for j in y...y + height
red = color3.red + (color4.red - color3.red) *
((i - x) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
green = color3.green + (color4.green - color3.green) *
((i - x) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
blue = color3.blue + (color4.blue - color3.blue) *
((i - x) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
alpha = color3.alpha + (color4.alpha - color3.alpha) *
((i - x) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
color = Color.new(red, green, blue, alpha)
set_pixel(i, j, color)
elsif align == 3
for i in x...x + width
for j in y...y + height
red = color3.red + (color4.red - color3.red) *
((x + width - i) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
green = color3.green + (color4.green - color3.green) *
((x + width - i) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
blue = color3.blue + (color4.blue - color3.blue) *
((x + width - i) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
alpha = color3.alpha + (color4.alpha - color3.alpha) *
((x + width - i) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
color = Color.new(red, green, blue, alpha)
set_pixel(i, j, color)
# * End of Class