XP 스크립트

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  스크립트는 첨부된 데모에 포함되어 있습니다.  훔칠 대상은 INT-F부분에 지정됩니다:

1-Steal gold the base amount is skill power
2-Steal item the item is defined within the skill (don't use on player)
2a-Item id is skill power, Amount is EVA-F, Variance is the item type (1-Weapon 2-Armor 3-Item)
3-Steal gold the base amount is the monsters drop gold (or skill power if the target is a player)
4-Steal item the item is the monsters drop item, the secondary item, or the rare item (definable in the script)
4a (Or a random item if the target is a player)
5-Steal a random skill
6-Steal the skill the enemy uses the most (don't use on player)
7-Steals exp the base amount is enemies drop exp (or skill power if target is a player)
8-Steals exp the base amount is skill power
now for more advanced stuff
9-Steals a skill forever
>=10-Steals a skill for (INT-F - 9) Turns

Setting up unstealables
look in the script 'Steal' look for the local variables item_ids, weapon_ids,armor_ids, and skill_ids add the ids that you want to be unstealable in the corresponding array and thats it

Setting up secondary/rare items
look in the script 'Game Enemy Mods' look in the methods get_item_ids and get_rare_ids I have prewritten some examples there already the format is

hash[ENEMY ID] = [item_id, item_type, chance]

where ENEMY ID is the enemies id
item_id is the item id
item_type is the item type (1=item 2=weapon 3=armor)
chance is the chance to get the item

Copy Skills and Last Skill Used Skill

1)Just make sure the steal skill has the Copy Skill Element checked then follow same directions above

2)Just make sure the steal skill has the Used Skill Element checked then follow the same directions above
and thats it

For setting up the Text file read The file Steal.rxdata included with the demo

**몬스터 소지 아이템(통상 드롭 아이템 외)은 Game_Enemy_Mods 섹션(몬스터 추가소지아이템정보를 포함하도록 수정된 Game_Enemy 클래스)에서 수정할 수 있습니다.

**주의: 이 스크립트는 사용하는 전투 시스템과 호환되지 않을 수 있습니다.(특히 ABS류와 함게 사용불능)

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