XP 스크립트

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# Scene_Switch class definition
# *** P L E A S E R E A D T H I S F I R S T ***
# Indeed, this is one huge comment block, but hopefully, everything you need
# to know will be included.
# This is currently a 4-page script, but I might eventually make them all in
# one single script, but it will work the same.
# This is version 1.04 of this script. I will not change the version number if
# the only changes I have made are in this instruction header. (In other words,
# if it does not change the actual workings of the script, I will not change
# the version number.)
# First of all, read the instructions provided in this header. You will find
# them not far below. If you have questions, please read the Mini-FAQ which is
# also in this huge comment header. If (and only if) the question is not
# answered there, please ask it on the "official" topic in the RMXP.net forums
# at the following URL:
# http://www.rmxp.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=20169
# (If RMXP.net is offline, please go to RMXP.org instead and make a topic if
# there is not one already.)
# Once again, please read the FAQ and instructions before posting on the forum.
# I will not bother answering a question if the one who asked did not bother to
# read the instructions beforehand. I apologize if I sounded harsh, but it is
# quite unpleasant to be asked to repeat yourself over and over.
# On that, happy RPG Making. :)
# About the script provided in this file, it is the scene object, which
# provides the basic functionnality to implement a screen for switching
# characters in and out of the party. It works with three (3) other scripts,
# named Window_SwitchParty, Window_SwitchReserve and Window_SwitchStatus.
# ---------------
# 1.04: Fixed the incompatilibity with the legal version. Also updated the FAQ
# with a few more common questions, and added a link to the "official"
# topic at RMXP.net in the introduction.
# 1.03: Fixed the problem where characters that were subject to any of the
# listed event commands were automatically added to the reserve window.
# Commands: Enter Hero Name, Change HP, Change SP, Change Status
# Complete Healing, Change Experience Points, Change Level
# Change Basic Statistics, Change Skill, Change Equipped Items,
# Change Hero Name, Change Hero Class and Change Hero Graphic.
# No more need for setting Game_Party::actors writable, and
# Actor::actor_id readable.
# 1.02: Added "Known Issues" section, listing various problems you may
# encounter.
# 1.01: Now, the reserve window allows to have as many characters as it can
# fit. The default size is still 10, but if it is greater, it will scroll
# correctly.
# Removed a lot of useless/erroneous code.
# 1.00: Original version.
# ------------
# 1- Open RPG Maker XP and go to the Script Editor.
# 2- Select script "Game_Actor"
# 3- Find the line "attr_reader :skills", and
# right below, add those two lines:
# attr_accessor :mandatory # if actor can be switched out [R/W]
# attr_accessor :unavailable # if actor appears in reserve [R/W]
# 4- Find the line "actor = $data_actors[actor_id]", which is right under
# "def setup(actor_id)", and add those two lines below:
# @mandatory = false
# @unavailable = true
# 5- Select script "Game_Actors"
# 6- Find the line "class Game_Actors", and right below, add this line:
# attr_reader :data # all initialized actors [R-O]
# 7- Select script "Game_Party"
# 8- Find the line "def setup_starting_members", and between the 4th and the
# 5th line below (between the two "end"), add those lines:
# for actor in @actors
# actor.unavailable = false
# end
# 9- Find the line "actor = $game_actors[actor_id]", and add those two lines
# right below:
# # newly-added characters are made "available" by default
# actor.unavailable = false
# 10- You are done with manual editing. :)
# 11- Create three new scripts. Put them preferably with the others "Window_"
# scripts for quicker reference. Call them "Window_SwitchParty",
# "Window_SwitchReserve", and "Window_SwitchStatus"
# 12- Copy the other three scripts in them.
# 13- Create a fourth script called "Scene_Switch" (Put this one in the Scene_
# scripts) and paste this file into it.
# 14- Click OK, then click File/Save.
# ----------
# To display this screen, just make an event, insert a Call RGSS Script command
# and paste the following code:
# $scene = Scene_Switch.new
# I suggest you put this code into a common event, so you do not have to
# remember the code everytime. The screen works very similarily to the party
# switching screens of other (commercial) RPGs. The left window lists the
# selected characters and the right window lists unselected characters that are
# available to be picked. Once you are satisfied with your new party, press B to
# return to the main screen.
# This is all there is to know if you simply want to use this screen. However,
# this provides two additional features. One allows to force a character in the
# party, the other make the character unpickable from the right (reserve)
# window.
# In most games, you absolutely need to have the main character in your party.
# Using a special feature of this script, it is possible to make a character
# unremovable. (Except by manually removing it.) To do this, create an event,
# add a Call RGSS Script command and paste the following code:
# $game_actors[12345].mandatory = true
# Similarily, if you want to make a character removable again, use this code:
# $game_actors[12345].mandatory = false
# In both examples, change 12345 for the number of the character you want to
# affect. For example, the first hero in the database is number 1, the second
# is number 2, etc... (Same numbers you use for the n[12345] commands in
# Show Message.
# Also, while the script makes automatically available a characters as soon as
# she/he joins the party, it cannot guess when you want them to leave your
# party. Just like above, there is a simple RGSS line that will do the work for
# us. To make a character unpickable in the switch screen, use this:
# $game_actors[12345].unavailable = true
# And to make it available again:
# $game_actors[12345].unavailable = false
# Since those two last features require you to modify the script, you cannot
# really put them in a common event like for showing the scene. BUT if you
# really hate having to put scripts manually and prefer using common events,
# you could do this:
# 1- Make a variable called "Switch Param" or something among those lines
# 2- Remember the number of the variable.
# 3- Make a common event called "Set Mandatory" and paste this line, replacing
# 12345 with the number of the variable "Switch Param":
# $game_actors[$game_variables[12345]].mandatory = true
# 4- Repeat for "Reset Mandatory", "Set Unavailable" and "Reset Unavailable"
# 5- When you want to do one of those operations, store the number of the
# character with Change Variable (i.e. 1 for the first hero in the
# database, 2 for the next, etc...) and use Call Common Event to execute
# the operation.
# Sometimes, you want the player to have a fixed amount of party members. By
# default, it allows the player to have one, two, three or four characters, but
# you can change this if you want. When you call the switching screen, either
# in an event or in a common event, you can pass parameters to limit the size
# of the party. Like this:
# $scene = Scene_Switch.new(false, 2, 4)
# The first parameters, "false" in this case, must always be "false" and is
# there only for those who intent to implement it in their menu. (Requires
# knowledge in Ruby.) The second parameter, "2", is the minimum amount of
# characters the player is allowed to select. The third, as you can guess, is
# the maximum amount allowed. So in this example, the new party can comprise
# only two, three or four characters, in other words, solos are not accepted.
# -------------------
# "This is not a bug, this is a feature." -- Bill Gates, Microsoft Corporation
# 1- Calling "$game_actors[12345].mandatory = false" freezes the game.
# This is supposed to be the normal behavior. If you evaluate an
# expression that returns false, the game is supposed to hang and call
# this script again and again until it returns true. Hence why I wrote a
# "return true" line below.
# HOWEVER, there is a bug in the default scripts of RPG Maker XP
# affecting this command, that make that special behavior happen ONLY
# when there the script contains only one line. If an expression that
# returns false has several lines, even if all other lines are comments,
# it will not hang the game like it is supposed to do. Of course, this
# bug has nothing to do with my script. You can try a random expression
# that returns false (i.e. "x = false") and you will get the same result,
# as long as the script has only one line.
# I have written a topic about it. The way that I wrote it is a little
# confusing, but if you are interested, you may consult it here:
# http://www.rmxp.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=20182
# MINI-FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
# -------------------------------------
# Those are questions asked a lot on the old deleted topics, and also questions
# I got by email/PM. I do this from memory, since the deleted topic is...
# deleted! If I get other frequent questions I will add them here without
# increasing the version number.
# 1- I am getting "??? Syntax_Error ?" or "??? NoMethod_Error
# ?" errors!
# Unless you modified a part of this script, (in that case double-check
# your code) that is most probably because you made an error while
# editing the scripts (Game_Actors and Game_Party must be modified a
# little for this script to work) or you did not use a Call RGSS Script
# correctly.
# 2- Does this work mid-battle?
# No. That is because this screen is a "scene", just like the battle
# screen, and only one scene can be active at once. In other words, if
# you open this scene, you will have to close the battle screen. To make
# it work mid-battle, you will have to make this a sub-screen instead.
# This is not impossible to do, but you have no template or example in
# the default scripts.
# 3- How do I incorporate it in my menu?
# Assuming you know have a minimum RGSS knowledge... First prepare your
# menu. (Add a menu command, icon, whatever it takes.) Then call the
# screen like this:
# $scene = Scene_Switch.new(true)
# Set the party size limit if you need. Now, if you are using a modified
# default menu, find the line "$scene = Scene_Menu.new(0)" in
# update_party and set the parameter to the index of the switch command
# in the menu.
# 4- How do I allow more places in the reserve window?
# The reserve window will present 10 places by default, and will resize
# itself if you have more characters. But if you want even more places
# even though you do not have that amount of characters, when you call
# the screen, pass the amount of characters you want as a fourth
# parameter. Note that it will always be an even number though. If you
# request an odd number you will have one more place.
# 5- Is there a demo? Are there screenshots?
# I no longer use RPGXP, nor do I have it on my harddrive. I cannot do
# this. I would really appreciate if someone could do this though.
# 6- Is this script SDK-compatible?
# No. I do not support the SDK at all. I believe that it is not required,
# complicates the work of the coders, and is not even what a real SDK
# should be. I, however, am not trying to force my opinion upon you, so
# if someone were to adapt my work for the SDK, I would have no problem
# in adding a link to the SDK-ed version. Of course, if you have trouble
# with it, I would not be able to help, but at least, you will be given
# the choice.
# 7- Help! I do not see the fonts!
# That is because you are using a pirated version. The previous version
# of this script, which was written well before the legal English version
# came on the market, was adapted for the Postiality Knights edition. Now
# that a legal alternative is out, I adapted the script for it. That
# being said, the lines that supports the Postiality Knights edition are
# still in the scripts. I have simply put them in comment. Find them. I
# will keep those lines, unless someone with authority (a moderator or an
# administrator) insists that I delete those lines.
# Version 1.04, by exseiken. March 16th, 2006

class Scene_Switch
# Initialize the sub-screen.
# Parameters:
# from_menu: Determines whether or not the scene was called from
# the menu or not. Note that although it can return
# to the menu, it will not reposition the menu cursor
# to the right position. It will reposition it to the
# first position, which is usually "Items". You will
# have to edit this script.
# [true|false; default=false]
# min_party_size: The minimum amount of battlers you want to allow
# the player to select. [1-4; default=1]
# max_party_size: The maximum amount of battlers you want to allow
# the player to select. [1-4; default=4]
# reserve_size: How many places there are in the reserve window.
# [default=10]
def initialize(from_menu = false, min_party_size = 1, max_party_size = 4, reserve_size = 10)
# store the data telling whether or not the scene was called from the menu
@from_menu = from_menu

# store the array founds for the max_party_size and the min_party_size
@min_party_size = [[min_party_size, 1].max, 4].min
@max_party_size = [[max_party_size, @min_party_size].max, 4].min

# store the desired reserve size
@reserve_size = reserve_size

# The main routine, which controls the switching screen.
def main
# create the window containing the current party members
@party_window = Window_SwitchParty.new

# create the window containing all available party members
@reserve_window = Window_SwitchReserve.new(@reserve_size)

# create the window showing information about the selected character, be it
# from the party window or from the reserve window
@status_window = Window_SwitchStatus.new

# unactivate the reserve_window
@reserve_window.active = false

# set this status window as the two other windows' help window
@party_window.help_window = @status_window
@reserve_window.help_window = @status_window

# display the transition

# enter the main loop
loop do
# flip the screen

# get the keyboard/joypad status

# update the sub-screen

# if the scene has changed, break out of the main loop
if $scene != self

# stop graphics updating

# destroy the sub-windows

# Method called on every frame to update the screen's state.
def update
# update all sub-windows

# if the active screen is party_window, update it, else update the reserve
# window
if @party_window.active

# Called when the focus is on the party window. Read on the keyboard and
# update the state of the scene according to the buttons pressed. If the
# played pressed B while this mode is on, the new party will be set and the
# scene will close.
def update_party
# if the B (back) button was pressed, return to the preceeding screen
if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
# remove all holes in the party
new_party = @party_window.new_party.compact

# ensure that the number of party members is within the allowed range
unless (@min_party_size..@max_party_size).include?(new_party.size)
# play the buzzer and exit

# play the confirm sound

# set the new party
until $game_party.actors.size == 0
# empty the party
for actor in new_party
# add the character to the party

# return to the screen who called
if @from_menu
$scene = Scene_Menu.new(0)
$scene = Scene_Map.new

# refresh the player's sprite

# if the C (confirm) button was pressed, switch the control to the reserve
# window
elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
# if the selected character is not nil or is unavailable, play the buzzer
if @party_window.actor != nil and @party_window.actor.mandatory
# play the buzzer
# play the decision sound

# unactivate the party window
@party_window.active = false

# activate the reserve window
@reserve_window.active = true

# Called when the focus is on the reserve window. Read on the keyboard and
# update the state of the scene according to the buttons pressed.
def update_reserve
# if the B (back) button was pressed, give back the focus to the party
# window
if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
# play the cancel sound

# unactivate the reserve window and activate the party window
@reserve_window.active = false
@party_window.active = true

# if the C (confirm) button was pressed, switch the party member in reserve
# with the one selected in the party
elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
# play the confirm sound

# swap the 2 party members

# unactivate the reserve window and activate the party window
@reserve_window.active = false
@party_window.active = true

# Window_SwitchParty class definition
# A window that displays all 4 character slots in the party, and offers a
# cursor to modify it.
# Read the instructions in the header of Scene_Switch before using!
# Version 1.04, by exseiken. March 16th, 2006

class Window_SwitchParty < Window_Selectable
# Public access variables
attr_reader :new_party # party being built [R-O]

# Constructor of the Window. Create and initialize its contents.
def initialize
# create the window
super(0, 0, 256, 480)

# create the content bitmap
self.contents = Bitmap.new(self.width - 32, self.height - 32)

# *** N O T E ***
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Now, this part is dependant on the translation of RPG Maker XP you are
# using. If you are using the legal version of RPGXP, leave this untouched.
# If you are using the illegal Postiality Knights edition and cannot see
# the font, uncomment (remove the '#') the pair of lines below.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# self.contents.font.name = $defaultfonttype
# self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize

# make and store a copy of the actual party
@new_party = $game_party.actors.clone

# always 4 party members
@item_max = 4

# select the first slot
self.index = 0

# draw the contents of the window

# update the cursor rectangle

# Return the actor currently selected.
def actor
# return the selected actor or nil if none
return @new_party[self.index]

# Update the contents of the window: clear the contents bitmap, then rebuild
# it.
def refresh
# clear the contents of the bitmap

# draw each non-nill party member
for i in 0...@new_party.size
# get the actor
actor = @new_party[i]

# if the actor is valid, draw it on the screen
if actor != nil
# calculate the y coordinate
y = 116 * i

# draw the graphics of the actor
draw_actor_graphic(actor, 24, y + 80)

# print the name of the actor
draw_actor_name(actor, 64, y + 32)

# if the actor is not available, write in red "Cannot Move!"
if actor.mandatory
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255, 0, 0, 255)
self.contents.draw_text(0, y, 224, 32, "Cannot Move!", 1)

# Update the position rectangle of the cursor.
def update_cursor_rect
# reset the cursor rectangle
self.cursor_rect.set(0, 116 * self.index, width - 32, 96)

# Change the actor selected for another, then redraw the entire window.
# Parameters:
# actors: actor that will replace the selected one
def change_selection(actor)
# change the actor (can be nil to remove it)
@new_party[self.index] = actor

# redraw the window

# Update the help window. (Here, the help window is really the actor status
# window.)
def update_help
# draw the stats of the selected actor, such as its name, level, status
# conditions and stats
@help_window.actor = @new_party[self.index]

# Window_SwitchReserve class definition
# A window that displays all characters available to pick in the party. Offers
# a cursor to select them.
# Read the instructions in Scene_Switch's header before using!
# Version 1.03, by exseiken. August 8th, 2005

class Window_SwitchReserve < Window_Selectable
# Window constructor. Create the contents bitmap and fill it with all
# characters that are not into the party, but that are loaded in the data
# member of the Game_Actors global object.
# Parameters:
# max_size: maximum of characters that can fit into that window
def initialize(max_size)
# initialize the window and its contents
super(256, 128, 384, 352)

# initialize the list for the first time
@actor_list = $game_actors.data.clone

# set the maximum amount of characters the list can contain
@item_max = [max_size, @actor_list.size].max

# remove currently active party members
for actor in $game_party.actors
@actor_list[actor.id] = nil

# remove all actors that are unavailable
for actor in @actor_list
if not actor.nil? and actor.unavailable == true
@actor_list[actor.id] = nil

# remove all holes in the list

# set 2 columns
@column_max = 2

# select the first item but put unactive initially
self.index = 0
self.active = false

# create the contents bitmap
bmp_height = ((@item_max & 0xFE) << 5) + ((@item_max & 0x01) << 6)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(self.width - 32, bmp_height)

# *** N O T E ***
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Now, this part is dependant on the translation of RPG Maker XP you are
# using. If you are using the legal version of RPGXP, leave this untouched.
# If you are using the illegal Postiality Knights edition and cannot see
# the font, uncomment (remove the '#') the pair of lines below.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# self.contents.font.name = $defaultfonttype
# self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize

# draw the window's contents

# draw the cursor rectangle

# Completely redraw the contents of the window.
def refresh
# clear the contents of the bitmap

# display all actors
for i in 0...@actor_list.size
# get the concerned actor
actor = @actor_list[i]

# if the actor is non-nil, draw it
unless actor.nil?
# get the coordinates
x = (i % 2) == 1 ? self.width / @column_max : 0
y = (i / 2) * 64

# draw the actor's sprite
draw_actor_graphic(actor, x + 24, y + 48)

# draw the actor's name
draw_actor_name(actor, x + 64, y + 16)

# Update the position rectangle of the cursor.
def update_cursor_rect
# if the screen is not active or the cursor is invalid, don't display the
# cursor
if not self.active or self.index < 0
# set an empty cursor and exit

# get the row of the item
row = self.index / @column_max

# if the cursor went over the window, scroll up
if row < self.top_row
# set the top row as the current row
self.top_row = row

# if the cursor went farther than the bottom of the window, scroll down
if row > self.top_row + self.page_row_max - 1
# set the bottom row as the current row
self.top_row = row - self.page_row_max - 1

# set the width of the cursor
cursor_width = self.width / @column_max - 32

# get the upper-left coordinates of the window
x = self.index % @column_max * (cursor_width + 32)
y = self.index / @column_max * 64 - self.oy

# set the cursor rectangle
self.cursor_rect.set(x, y, cursor_width, 64)

# Takes a character, put it into the list at the selection position, and
# returns the character that was presently there. (If it was empty, it
# returns nil instead.)
# Parameters:
# actor_to_switch: character to put at the selected position
def swap_characters(actor_to_switch)
# store the old actor (needed for swapping)
old_actor = @actor_list[self.index]

# put the new actor at the selected position
@actor_list[self.index] = actor_to_switch

# redraw the window

# return the old actor
return old_actor

# Update the help window. (Here, the help window is really the actor status
# window.)
def update_help
# draw the selected actor's name, level, status condition and stats
@help_window.actor = @actor_list[self.index]

# Return the index of the top row, that is, the first row that is displayed
# on the window.
def top_row
# divide the coordinate of the top of the bitmap by the cursor's height,
# 64, returning the index of the top row
return self.oy / 64

# Validate, and set the top row too a new value. The validation makes sure
# that the new row is not off-limits.
# Parameters
# row: index of the row to be set as the new top row
def top_row=(row)
# forces the new row to be positive
if row < 0
row = 0

# forces the new row to be less or equal to the maximum
if row > row_max - 1
row = row_max - 1

# return the top of the window by multiplying it by the height of the
# cursor (64)
self.oy = row * 64

# Return the maximum amount of rows that can fit in the window without
# scrolling.
def page_row_max
return (self.height - 32) / 64

# Window_SwitchParty class definition
# A window that displays the status of a character being selected.
# Read the instructions in the header of Scene_Switch before using!
# Version 1.04, by exseiken. March 16th, 2006

class Window_SwitchStatus < Window_Base
# Public access variables
attr_reader :actor # the actor being displayed, or "nil" if none [R-O]

# Constructs the window.
def initialize
# initialize the window
super(256, 0, 384, 128)

# create the contents window
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)

# *** N O T E ***
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Now, this part is dependant on the translation of RPG Maker XP you are
# using. If you are using the legal version of RPGXP, leave this untouched.
# If you are using the illegal Postiality Knights edition and cannot see
# the font, uncomment (remove the '#') the pair of lines below.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# self.contents.font.name = $defaultfonttype
# self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize

# no actor to draw presently
@actor = nil

# redraw

# Redraw the window.
def refresh
# clear the contents of the bitmap

# if the actor to draw is nil, leave the window empty
if @actor.nil?

# draw the graphics of the actor
draw_actor_graphic(@actor, 24, 64)

# draw information about the actor, such as the name, level and stats
# (HP/SP)
draw_actor_name(@actor, 64, 0)
draw_actor_level(@actor, 288, 0)
draw_actor_hp(@actor, 64, 32)
draw_actor_sp(@actor, 64, 64)

# Change the actor being displayed by the window, then refresh the contents.
# Parameters:
# actor: actor to be displayed
def actor=(actor)
# change and refresh only if the actor changed
unless actor == @actor
# set the actor
@actor = actor

# redraw

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458 기타 Defining Encounter Areas by RPG Advocate (사용법 첨부) file 백호 2009.02.22 1201
457 아이템 Item Acquired Window by SiliconHero@rmxp.net 백호 2009.02.22 1099
456 기타 풀스크린 스크립트 2 백호 2009.02.22 1408
455 온라인 Multi-Netplay Extended[구버전용] 3 백호 2009.02.22 2177
454 온라인 Multi-Netplay Extended (신버전) 10 백호 2009.02.22 2865
453 HUD 넷플레이 HUD표시 2 file 백호 2009.02.22 3098
452 메뉴 링 메뉴 Edited by Hypershadow180@rmxp.net 1 file 백호 2009.02.22 1977
451 전투 Steal Script 5.5 by trickster@rmxp.net (SDK호환) file 백호 2009.02.22 1206
450 기타 스크립트 자료 3 file 백호 2009.02.22 907
449 온라인 multy-netplay 로그인창에서 비밀번호를 ***표시해주는 script~! 1 백호 2009.02.22 1899
448 타이틀/게임오버 심심해서 구현해본 타이틀음악만으로 게임 플레이하기 2 백호 2009.02.22 1623
447 기타 Selected phyolomortis.com scripts 1 file 백호 2009.02.22 789
» 파티 Party Switching Screen by exseiken file 백호 2009.02.22 1324
445 기타 창고 시스템 8 백호 2009.02.22 1763
444 장비 Advanced Equip Window 백호 2009.02.22 806
443 장비 장비창 개조 스크립트 from Harts Horn 7 백호 2009.02.22 1776
442 오디오 WinAMP 플러그인을 이용하여 RMXP에서 다른 사운드포맷 지원하기 v3 by Guillame777@rmxp.net 백호 2009.02.22 937
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