rmxp.net에는 v6까지 올라와 있더군요.(Creation Asylum에서는 못봤는데)
NEW in 6.0 :
-Fixed bug if you had 2 or more of the same armor slot
-New feature : offhand weapon ! Just put the id or the weapon in NEEDS_OFFHAND = [] or add (needs_offhand) in its name to make it requires an offhand weapon. For example you should put the id of a longsword in NEEDS_OFFHAND = [], and don't do anything special for shortswords. This way you could equip two shortswords or a shortsword and a longsword, but not two longsword.
If you don't like this feature change IGNORE_OFFHAND = False to IGNORE_OFFHAND = True.
-You can now add a penality for using two weapons by editing MULTI_WEAPONS_PENALITY = 0 ! 0 is the percent that will be substracted if you use two weapons at the same time. Of course if you leave it at 0 there won't be any penality.
-Now you will use the combined power of all weapons for skills, unless ALL_WEAPONS_FOR_SKILLS = false
-New way to set weapons with many attacks ! You can either add the element 2attacks to the weapon, add its id in DOUBLE_ATTACK_WEAPONS = [] OR put (2atks) in its name. Same for 2handed.
**스크립트는 첨부된 데모를 보시기 바랍니다(단, 그 전에 1.02는 꼭 깔아두고).
**그리고 자기 게임에 쓰실 분, 해당 스크립트 적용 후에 스크립트의 폰트설정 반드시 바꾸세요. 데모에 있는 것 그대로 쓰면 당연히 한글 안나옵니다.
NEW in 6.0 :
-Fixed bug if you had 2 or more of the same armor slot
-New feature : offhand weapon ! Just put the id or the weapon in NEEDS_OFFHAND = [] or add (needs_offhand) in its name to make it requires an offhand weapon. For example you should put the id of a longsword in NEEDS_OFFHAND = [], and don't do anything special for shortswords. This way you could equip two shortswords or a shortsword and a longsword, but not two longsword.
If you don't like this feature change IGNORE_OFFHAND = False to IGNORE_OFFHAND = True.
-You can now add a penality for using two weapons by editing MULTI_WEAPONS_PENALITY = 0 ! 0 is the percent that will be substracted if you use two weapons at the same time. Of course if you leave it at 0 there won't be any penality.
-Now you will use the combined power of all weapons for skills, unless ALL_WEAPONS_FOR_SKILLS = false
-New way to set weapons with many attacks ! You can either add the element 2attacks to the weapon, add its id in DOUBLE_ATTACK_WEAPONS = [] OR put (2atks) in its name. Same for 2handed.
**스크립트는 첨부된 데모를 보시기 바랍니다(단, 그 전에 1.02는 꼭 깔아두고).
**그리고 자기 게임에 쓰실 분, 해당 스크립트 적용 후에 스크립트의 폰트설정 반드시 바꾸세요. 데모에 있는 것 그대로 쓰면 당연히 한글 안나옵니다.