- #Basic Window Resizer v1.1
- #----------#
- #Features: Allows you to resize the window to whatever size you like! (This is not
- # like Graphics.resize, this will scale to fit)
- #
- #Usage: Script calls:
- # Window_Resize.r(width, height) - Self-explanatory
- # Window_Resize.f - fits the game window to monitor size
- # Window_Resize.full - switches to full screen unless already fullscreened
- # Window_Resize.window - same as full but opposite
- # Window_Resize.toggle - toggles between full and window
- #
- #No Customization
- #
- #----------#
- #-- Script by: V.M of D.T
- #
- #- Questions or comments can be:
- # given by email: sumptuaryspade@live.ca
- # provided on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DaimoniousTailsGames
- # All my other scripts and projects can be found here: http://daimonioustails.weebly.com/
- #
- #--- Free to use in any project, commercial or non-commercial, with credit given
- # - - Though a donation's always a nice way to say thank you~ (I also accept actual thank you's)
- SWPO = Win32API.new 'user32', 'SetWindowPos', ['l','i','i','i','i','i','p'], 'i'
- WINX = Win32API.new 'user32', 'FindWindowEx', ['l','l','p','p'], 'i'
- SMET = Win32API.new 'user32', 'GetSystemMetrics', ['i'], 'i'
- module Window_Resize
- def self.r(width, height)
- resw = SMET.call(0)
- resh = SMET.call(1)
- window_loc = WINX.call(0,0,"RGSS Player",0)
- width += (SMET.call(5) + SMET.call(45)) * 2
- height += (SMET.call(6) + SMET.call(45)) * 2 + SMET.call(4)
- x = (resw - width) / 2; y = (resh - height) / 2
- y = 0 if y < 0;x = 0 if x < 0
- SWPO.call(window_loc,0,x,y,width,height,0)
- end
- def self.f
- resw = SMET.call(0)
- resh = SMET.call(1)
- window_loc = WINX.call(0,0,"RGSS Player",0)
- SWPO.call(window_loc,0,0,0,resw,resh,0)
- end
- def self.full
- resw = SMET.call(0)
- return unless resw > 640
- toggle
- end
- def self.window
- resw = SMET.call(0)
- return unless resw <= 640
- toggle
- end
- def self.toggle
- keybd = Win32API.new 'user32.dll', 'keybd_event', ['i', 'i', 'l', 'l'], 'v'
- keybd.call 0xA4, 0, 0, 0
- keybd.call 13, 0, 0, 0
- keybd.call 13, 0, 2, 0
- keybd.call 0xA4, 0, 2, 0
- end
- end
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