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스리야씨가 이미 올려놓은 스킬쿨타임 스크립트가 있기는 하였지만,
그 스크립트는 파티가 2명이상일때 심각한 문제점이 있습니다.
일단은 첫번째케릭이 스킬을쓰면. 쿨타임이 정상적으로 돌아갑니다.
그런대 큰 오류가 하나있는대.
첫번째 액터가 행동을 하나해놓고, 두번째 액터가 명령을 취소해서 다시 첫번째 액터 행동으로 넘어가면, 쿨타임이 한턴 줄어있습니다.
ㅡ.. 즉 이것만 알면 쿨타임은 없는것이나 마찬가지란겁니다.
그런대 이 스크립트는 그런게 없는듯 하더군요. 구글에서 검색하고 번역기돌리면서 스크립트 뒤지다가 운좋게 발견한 스크립트입니다.
사용법은 스킬의 메모 NoteBox일수도 있음.
라고 입력하면 X만큼 쿨타임이 적용됩니다.(X자리에 숫자를 넣는것을 모르는 바보는 없길바란다.)
라고 메모에 적어두면, 사용후 두턴이 지나야만 사용이 가능해집니다.
그럼 밑에부터가 스크립트입니다. 스크립트자체를 딱히 건드릴 필요는 없을겁니다.
# Recharge Skills
# Version: 1.0.1
# Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
# Date: 1 March 2013
# Description:
# This allows you to make it so that skills can be set to need to recharge
# after use. In other words, you can make it so that once an actor uses Heal,
# he or she cannot use Heal again for x number of turns. This script will
# also allow you to make items, weapons, and states that can increase or
# reduce the amount of time it takes to recharge a skill, as well as create
# items and skills that can immediately recharge any skills that are charging
# Instructions:
# Place this script in its own slot in the Script Editor (F11), above Main
# but below any other custom scripts you might have.
# Configuration is fairly easy. To specify how long a skill needs to take to
# recharge, all you need to do is place the following code in its notebox:
# \charge[x]
# where x is the number of turns you want it to be unavailable for after
# using it. It must be a positive integer.
# Example:
# \recharge[2] # Will wait two turns before you can use this skill again
# To set either an item or skill so that, when used, it will refresh all
# skills and get rid of any remaining charges so that all skills will be
# available, all you need to do is put the following code in the notebox:
# \refresh
# To set a weapon, armor, state, or enemy to reduce or increase the default
# charge times of a skill, all you need to do is use the following code:
# \recharge[x]
# You can also specify recharge modifiers by class or actor. See the
# Configurable Region at line 57 for instructions on setting those up. All
# recharge modifiers stack, so if your class normally adds 1 and an armor the
# actor wears adds 2, then it will take 3 extra turns to recharge the skill.
# Also, recharge mods will only add to skills that have a recharge time to
# begin with.
# *** RPG
# Summary of Changes:
# Modified classes - UsableItem, Skill, Weapon, Armor, State, Enemy
module RPG
# Here, you can set recharge modifiers for classes and actors, thus allowing
# the recharge times to be different depending on which actor and what class.
# They both work the same basic way:
# Each line should look as follows (omitting the < and >):
# <class ID> => <modifier>,
# class ID : the ID of the class you want to modify. So, by default,
# 1 would be Paladin, 2 would be Warrior, 3 would be Priest, etc...
# modifier : this can either be an integer or a positive decimal number.
# If an integer, it will add it to the number of turns. If a decimal
# number, it will multiply it by the number of turns.
# If you don't do a line for a class, then it defaults to 0 modifier.
# Remember to put a comma after EVERY one of these lines, except the last.
# 2 => 1,
# Whenever an actor with class 2 uses a skill, it will take one extra turn
# to recharge than it would normally. So, if a skill should take 3 turns
# to recharge, it will take 4 turns for actors with this class.
# 7 => 0.5,
# Whenever an actor with class 7 uses a skill, it will take only half as
# long to recharge as it would normally. If a skill takes 6 turns
# normally, it will take 3 turns to recharge for actors with this class.
# This works the same way, except with actor ID instead of class ID:
# <actor ID> => <modifier>,
# actor ID : the ID of the actor. So, by default, 1 would be Ralph,
# 2 would be Ulrika, etc...
# modifier : same as at line 71.
# If you don't do a line for a class, then it defaults to 0 modifier.
# Remember to put a comma after EVERY one of these lines, except the last.
# 4 => -2,
# Whenever Actor 4 uses a skill, it takes 2 less turns to charge. So if
# the skill normally takes 5 turns, it will take only 3 turns for actor 4.
# 7 => 2.5,
# Whenever Actor 7 uses a skill it 250% longer to recharge. So if a skill
# normally takes 2 turns, it will take 5 turns for actor 7.
# You can also change an actor's recharge modifier in game with a script call:
# $game_actors[<actor ID>] = <modifier>
CLASS_RECHARGE_MODS = { # <- Do not touch.
1 => 0,
2 => 1.0,
} # <- Do not touch.
ACTOR_RECHARGE_MODS = { # <- Do not touch.
1 => 0,
2 => 1.0,
} # <- Do not touch.
# ** UsableItem
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - refresh_charges?
class UsableItem
# * Refresh
def refresh_charges?
return (self.note[/\\REFRESH/i] != nil)
# ** Skill
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - charge_time
class Skill
# * Charge Time
def recharge_time
return self.note[/\\CHARGE\[(\d+)\]/i] != nil ? $1.to_i : 0
# ** Weapon, Armor, State, Enemy
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - recharge_mod
# aliased method - ma_reset_note_values (if have Note Editor)
["Weapon", "Armor", "State", "Enemy"].each { |class_name|
RS_REGEXP = "/\\\\RECHARGE\\[(-?\\d+)(%?)\\]/i"
CLDEF = <<__END__
class #{class_name}
def recharge_mod
if !@recharge_mod
if self.note[#{RS_REGEXP}] != nil
if $2.empty?
@recharge_mod = $1.to_i
x = $1.to_f / 100.0
@recharge_mod = x >= 0 ? x : -1*x
@recharge_mod = 0
return @recharge_mod
if self.method_defined? (:ma_reset_note_values)
alias ma_rchrg_restnot_8ik3 ma_reset_note_values
def ma_reset_note_values (*args)
ma_rchrg_restnot_8ik3 (*args) # Run Original Method
@recharge_mod = nil
eval (CLDEF)
# ** Game_Battler
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - initialize; skill_can_use?; skill_test; skill_effect;
# item_test; item_effect
# new methods - set_skill_recharge; update_skill_recharge; recharge_mod
class Game_Battler
# * Object Initialization
alias ma_skilchrg_initz_5tg2 initialize
def initialize (*args)
@sc_turns_count = {}
@sc_turns_count.default = 0
ma_skilchrg_initz_5tg2 (*args) # Run Original Method
# * Check if Can Use Skill
alias malgbr_chrgskil_canus_9dv4 skill_can_use?
def skill_can_use? (skill, *args)
return false if @sc_turns_count[skill.id] > 0
return malgbr_chrgskil_canus_9dv4 (skill, *args) # Return Original Method
# * Skill Test
alias mal_rchrgskl_tst_4wp9 skill_test
def skill_test (user, skill, *args)
return true if skill.refresh_charges? && !@sc_turns_count.empty?
return mal_rchrgskl_tst_4wp9 (user, skill, *args) # Run Original Method
# * Skill Effect
alias mgba_rchrgskil_efct_2ok7 skill_effect
def skill_effect (user, skill, *args)
@sc_turns_count.clear if skill.refresh_charges?
mgba_rchrgskil_efct_2ok7 (user, skill, *args) # Run Original Method
# * Item Test
alias mogb_rchrg_itmtest_6yh2 item_test
def item_test (user, item, *args)
return true if item.refresh_charges? && !@sc_turns_count.empty?
return mogb_rchrg_itmtest_6yh2 (user, item, *args) # Run Original Method
# * Item Effect
alias malga_rechrge_itmeffect_5th3 item_effect
def item_effect (user, item, *args)
@sc_turns_count.clear if item.refresh_charges?
malga_rechrge_itmeffect_5th3 (user, item, *args) # Run Original Method
# * Set Charge
# skill : the skill used
def set_skill_recharge (skill)
return if skill.recharge_time == 0
@sc_turns_count[skill.id] = skill.recharge_time
direct, percent = recharge_mod
@sc_turns_count[skill.id] += direct
@sc_turns_count[skill.id] = (@sc_turns_count[skill.id] * percent).round
@sc_turns_count[skill.id] += 1
@sc_turns_count.delete (skill.id) if @sc_turns_count[skill.id] < 1
# * Clear Charge
# skill : the skill used
def clear_skill_recharge(skill_id = 0)
if skill_id == 0
# * Update Charges
def update_skill_recharge
for i in @sc_turns_count.keys
@sc_turns_count[i] -= 1
@sc_turns_count.delete (i) if @sc_turns_count[i] <= 0
# * Recharge Mod
def recharge_mod
direct, percent = 0, 1.0
states.each { |state|
x = state.recharge_mod
x.is_a? (Float) ? percent *= x : direct += x
return direct, percent
# ** Game_Actor
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - setup
# redefined super method - recharge_mod
class Game_Actor
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :base_recharge
# * Actor Setup
alias malgb_rechrg_initz_8ik2 setup
def setup (*args)
malgb_rechrg_initz_8ik2 (*args) # Run Original Method
@base_recharge = RPG::ACTOR_RECHARGE_MODS[@actor_id]
# * Recharge Mod
def recharge_mod
direct, percent = super
class_mod = RPG::CLASS_RECHARGE_MODS[class_id]
class_mod.is_a? (Float) ? percent *= class_mod : direct += class_mod
@base_recharge.is_a? (Float) ? percent *= @base_recharge : direct += @base_recharge
equips.compact.each { |equip|
x = equip.recharge_mod
x.is_a? (Float) ? percent *= x : direct += x
return direct, percent
# ** Game_Enemy
# Summary of Changes:
# redefined super method - recharge_mod
class Game_Enemy
# * Recharge Mod
def recharge_mod
direct, percent = super
x = enemy.recharge_mod
x.is_a? (Float) ? percent *= x : direct += x
return direct, percent
# ** Scene_Battle
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - execute_action_skill; turn_end
class Scene_Battle
# * Execute Battle Action: Skill
alias modrn_chrg_exactskil_5th3 execute_action_skill
def execute_action_skill (*args)
modrn_chrg_exactskil_5th3 (*args) # Run Original Method
@active_battler.set_skill_recharge (@active_battler.action.skill)
# * End Turn
alias morba_chrgskl_endturn_4tx1 turn_end
def turn_end (*args)
if args[0] && args[0].is_a? (Game_Battler) # Tankentai ATB Compatibility
($game_troop.members + $game_party.members).each { |battler| battler.update_skill_recharge }
morba_chrgskl_endturn_4tx1 (*args) # Run Original Method
# * End Battle
alias marc_batlend_4kb6 battle_end
def battle_end(*args)
$game_party.members.each { |actor| actor.clear_skill_recharge }
marc_batlend_4kb6(*args) # Call Original Method
여기까지가 스크립트.
추가로 번역을 하려다가 말았는대. 솔직히 스크립트부분 번역이 필요없이 노트박스만 쓰면 되니 그냥 적지않았습니다.
참고로 recharge[]라는것도 있던대 전잘모르겟어욤 ㅇㅂㅇ...
내가이걸 몇시간걸려서 찾았는대 자네는 댓글하나 안쓰고 가져가는가!!!