질문과 답변

Extra Form

That commands, you need put on NOTES of skills, items, weapons, armors, enemies and states.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Commands valid for skills, Items and weapons:

Ranged (That command says to script, that weapon, skill or item is ranged)

Graphic = X (Change X for character name, default is nil)

Index = X (Change X for character index, default is 0)

Speed = X (Change X for movement speed of projectile, default is 4)

Range = X (Change X for distance that performed for the projectile, default is 5)

Delay = X (Change X for delay of projectile, default is 60)

Shot SE = X (Change X for SE name that is played when attack, default is nil)

Path = X (Change X for:

  • Line (The projectile will move in straight line (that is default));

  • Circle (The projectile will move around the player);

  • Boom (The projectile will move forward and come back, like a boomerang);

  • Jump (The projectile will jump 2 squares forward (like Axe of Castlevania));

  • Random (The projectile will walk randomly on map)    )

Attack Character = X (Change X for character name of character attacking)

Attack Index = X (Change X for index of character attacking)

Don’t Show Icon (This command says to script don’t show the icons of weapon when attack)

Commands valid only for Skills and Items:

Explosive (That command, says to script, that is a explosive skill or item)

Area = X (Change X for area (in tiles) that explosion affects the enemies, default is 3)

Command valid only for items:

Bomb (This command says to script, that item is a bomb)

Commands valid only for weapons:

Combo Hits = X (Change X for number of hits needed to gets a combo damage, default is 5)




Move Speed = X (Change X for a speed for character of enemy on map)

That commands, you need put on comments of events on map:

Enemy X (Change X for an ID of a monster in Database)

Die Self Switch A (Turn on the Self Switch A when enemy dies)

Die Self Switch B (Turn on the Self Switch B when enemy dies)

Die Self Switch C (Turn on the Self Switch C when enemy dies)

Die Self Switch D (Turn on the Self Switch D when enemy dies)

Die Switch X (Turn on the Switch X when enemy dies)

Die Variable X (Increase +1 to variable X)

Respawn X (Change X for a delay (in frames) that enemy reborn)

Follow (That command makes the enemy follow the player automatically)

Kill With Weapon X (The enemy will die only if be attacked with weapon X)

Kill With Skill X (The enemy will die only if be attacked with skill X)

Kill With Item X (The enemy will die only if be attacked with item X)

Object (Makes the enemy be an object, and impossible to kill)

Puzzle (Makes the enemy be a puzzle, it can be killed but allies don't follow it, the damage and hp bar is not showed)

Boss (Shows the Boss HP Bar)

Force Update (Ignore the Anti-Lag and update the event even it is out of screen)

Additional Options:

To create a Dead Sprite for allies when it dies, put in the “Graphics/Characters”  folder an image named: $X_Dead, where X is the name of the character.

To change the group order, press Tab.

To change allies’ actions, hold Control and press Tab to change action, and Enter to change actor


Combo Rate = X (Change X  for % of chance to get a combo damage, default is 75%)

Ammo1 = X (Change X for ID of item that is ammunition 1, default is nil)

Ammo2 = X (Change X for ID of item that is ammunition 2, default is nil)

Commands valid only for armors:

Defense Rate = X (Change X for defense rate (in %) that shield block attacks for enemies, default is 50%)

Reflect Rate = X (Change X to reflect damage rate (in%), the rate is added for each armor equipped, default is 0%)

Commands valid only for states:

Animation = X (Change X for a animation id of state, default is 0)

Walk Slower (That command says to script, that state makes player or enemy walk slower)

Walk Faster (That command says to script, that state makes player or enemy walk faster)

Don't Walk (That command says to script, that state makes player or enemy don't walk)

Confusion (That command says to script, that state makes player talk randomly)

Duration = X (Change X for duration (in frames) that actor stay infected, default is 300)

Commands valid only for enemies:

Char Name = X (Change X for a name of the character)

Char Index = X (Change X for a index of the character)

Attack Animation = X (Change X to ID of animation for attack of enemy)

Die Animation = X (Change X to ID of animation that will showed when enemy dies)

Die SE = X (Change X to a SE name that will played when enemy dies)

Weapon Icon = X (Change X for the Index of a icon that be showed like a weapon when enemy attack)

Shield Icon = X (Change X for the Index of icon that will be showed like a shield when enemy defend)

Defense Rate = X (Change X to defense rate (in %) of the enemy, default is 50%)

Reflect Rate = X (Change X to reflect damage rate (in%) of enemy, default is 0%)

Follow Range = X (Change X for a range that enemy follows the actors)

Respawn = X (Change X for a delay that enemy respawn in map)

Move Route = X (Change X for a move route for character:

0 = Stopped;          1 = Random;          2 = Follow actor)



이거 누구 능력자분 해석좀요 ㅠㅠ;


스크립트 사용설명서인데


영어가 안더ㅚ네요 ㅠㅠ;;


특히 몹 경험치를 조정하고싶은데 못찾겠어요 ㄷㄷ;;

Comment '4'
  • ?
    빡새 2014.06.03 21:56
    vx에 저런 영어들이 있는지 모르겠내요 ;
    몹 경험치 조절은 스테이더스에 적캐릭터에서 경험치 조절하면 되지 않나요?
  • ?
    AltusZeon 2014.06.04 04:21

    글 내용을 다시 읽어보시면 아시겠지만
    특정 예제 파일에 첨부되어있는 스크립트의 사용 설명서입니다.
    (아마 Vampyr SBABS 일 것 같군요.)
    VX 기본 툴에 있는 내용이 아닙니다.

    몹 경험치 및 능력치는 말씀하신대로 데이터베이스에서 조절하시면 될 겁니다.

    설명을 참고하면 주석의 Enemy X 를 통해서 데이터베이스와 연동되어있는 것으로 생각됩니다.

  • ?
    빡새 2014.06.04 18:54
    글쿤요 영어도 모르고 스크립트도 모르다 보니 ㅋㅋㅋ
  • ?
    AltusZeon 2014.06.04 04:29
    번역의 경우는 질문보다 타 회원의 재능기부에 가깝다고 봅니다.
    제작의뢰 게시판이 더 적절할 것 같군요.

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