VX 스크립트

#--------------------------=�€� Skill Cooldown �€�=---------------------------------
#---------------------------=�€� by: DrDhoom �€�=-----------------------------------
# Version: 1.1
# Date Published: 05 - 04 - 2011
# Battle Addon
# RPGMakerID Community
# Introduction:
# This script make a skill have cooldown.
# Compatibility:
# - Tankentai Sideview Battle System
# - Wij's Battle Macros
# Note: not tested in other battle system
# How to use:
#  - Insert this script above Main
#  - Insert under all Battle System Core Script

module Dhoom
  module SkillCooldown
    SHOW_COOLDOWN_NUMBER = true #true = cooldown number of skill show
                                #      at the end of skill name  
    #RGB Color
    COOLDOWN_COLOR = Color.new(255,0,0,128)  
    SKILL_CD = []        #<----Don't delete this line # 괄호에 쿨타임이 될 숫자를 삽입합니다.
    #SKILL_CD[skill id] = number of cooldown (1 is minimum number) # 첫번째 괄호에 스킬번호를 넣습니다.

    SKILL_CD[1] = 1 # 쿨타임 1, 해당 주석은 문제가 되면 삭제해주세요.
    SKILL_CD[2] = 9 # 쿨타임 9, 해당 주석은 문제가 되면 삭제해주세요.

# Start

# Window Base

class Window_Base

  def draw_skill_cooldown_name(item, x, y, enabled = true)
    if item != nil
      if @actor.skill_cooldown(item.id) != nil
        if @actor.skill_cooldown(item.id)!= 0
          cd_color = Dhoom::SkillCooldown::COOLDOWN_COLOR
          draw_icon(item.icon_index, x, y, enabled)
          self.contents.font.color = cd_color
          if Dhoom::SkillCooldown::SHOW_COOLDOWN_NUMBER
            self.contents.draw_text(x + 24, y, 172, WLH, item.name + '(' +@actor.skill_cooldown(item.id).to_s + ')')
            self.contents.draw_text(x + 24, y, 172, WLH, item.name)
          draw_icon(item.icon_index, x, y, enabled)
          self.contents.font.color = normal_color
          self.contents.font.color.alpha = enabled ? 255 : 128
          self.contents.draw_text(x + 24, y, 172, WLH, item.name)
        draw_icon(item.icon_index, x, y, enabled)
        self.contents.font.color = normal_color
        self.contents.font.color.alpha = enabled ? 255 : 128
        self.contents.draw_text(x + 24, y, 172, WLH, item.name)

# Window Skill

class Window_Skill < Window_Selectable

  def draw_item(index)
    rect = item_rect(index)
    skill = @data[index]
    if skill != nil
      rect.width -= 4
      enabled = @actor.skill_can_use?(skill)
      draw_skill_cooldown_name(skill, rect.x, rect.y, enabled)
      self.contents.draw_text(rect, @actor.calc_mp_cost(skill), 2)

# Game Actor

class Game_Actor

  alias dsc_actor_setup setup
  alias dsc_skill_can_use? skill_can_use?

  def setup(actor_id)
    @skill_cooldown = []

  def make_cooldown_value(id)
    @skill_cooldown[id] = Dhoom::SkillCooldown::SKILL_CD[id]
    if $imported == nil
      @skill_cooldown[id] += 1
    elsif $imported["TankentaiATB"]
      @skill_cooldown[id] -= 0
    elsif $imported["TankentaiSideview"]
      @skill_cooldown[id] += 1
      @skill_cooldown[id] += 1

  def skill_cooldown(id)
    return @skill_cooldown[id]

  def decrease_cooldown(id)
    @skill_cooldown[id] -= 1
  def reset_cooldown(id)
    @skill_cooldown[id] = 0

  def skill_can_use?(skill)
    if skill_cooldown(skill.id) != nil
      return false if skill_cooldown(skill.id) != 0

# Scene Battle

class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
  alias dsc_battle_end battle_end
  alias dsc_execute_action_skill execute_action_skill
  alias dsc_start_actor_command_selection start_actor_command_selection
  def battle_end(result)
    for actor in $game_party.members
      for skill in actor.skills

  def execute_action_skill
    skill = @active_battler.action.skill
    if Dhoom::SkillCooldown::SKILL_CD[skill.id] != nil

  def start_actor_command_selection
    if @active_battler != nil and @active_battler.actor?    
      for skill in @active_battler.skills
        if @active_battler.skill_cooldown(skill.id) != nil
          if @active_battler.skill_cooldown(skill.id) != 0
    elsif @commander !=nil
      for skill in @commander.skills
        if @commander.skill_cooldown(skill.id) != nil
          if @commander.skill_cooldown(skill.id) != 0

# End



현재 학교라서 구체적인 실험은 하지 못했습니다.

다른 쿨타임 관련 스크립트는 http://rmrk.net/index.php?topic=47726.0 [ 겸 출처 ]

Who's 스리아씨

Comment '3'
  • ?
    스리아씨님 축하합니다.^^ 2013.12.05 14:42
    포인트 팡팡!에 당첨되셨습니다.
    스리아씨님은 7포인트를 보너스로 받으셨습니다.
  • ?
    듀란테 2015.07.25 23:19
    처음에 좀 안되는거같더니, 2번정도 수정좀해주니까 다시됬내요. ㄳㄳ
  • ?
    듀란테 2015.08.18 20:34
    여러분, 이 스크립트는 문제점이있어서 사용을 못함.
    제가올린 [RPG VX]턴알 스킬 쿨타임 스크립트! (잘돌아감)
    게시글에서 가져가는걸 추천드림.

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