맵에 미니맵을 생성해주는 기능을 지닌 플러그인입니다. DynRPG가 설치된 프로젝트에서만 구동 가능하며, DynPlugins 폴더 안에 해당 플러그인의 dll 파일이 들어 있습니다. 위 링크를 통해 배포페이지에서 해당 플러그인의 데모 파일을 다운로드 받을 수 있습니다. DynRPG에 대한 내용은 "습작의 스크립트 이야기 : 번외편 - 7편 : DynRPG("를 참고해주세요. 해당 플러그인의 자세한 사용법에 대한 내용은 리드미를 참고하세요.
#. 리드미 내용
================================================ Kaze Minimap Plugin for RPG Maker 2003 ver 1.01 For DynRPG version 0.14a or higher By Kazesui ================================================ This plugin will generate minimaps with "targets" moving on it, corresponding to actions on the real map. For this plugin to work, you will have to install the DynRPG patch. Once this is done, add the DynMap.dll to the DynPlugins folder. Once this is done, you'll be able to perform actions by comment commands. A comment command can look like this: @set_target_link "link_variable", 2, V4 set_target_link is the command, while "link_variable", 2 and V4 are parameters. Worth noticing here is V4 which refers to the value stored in variable 4. Some of the comment commands allow for colors as parameters. The table below gives which colors can be given as text, rather than numerical values. Colors ------------------------- - red - green - blue - cyan - yellow - magenta - black - white The comment commands: ------------------------- @make_minimap no paraemeters - creates a minimap for the current map @make_target parameter#1: nametag for target (text) - creates a new target to be displayed on the minimap @set_target_color parameter#1: nametag of target (text) parameter#2: color from colortable (text) @set_target_color parameter#1: nametag of target (text) parameter#2: red component from 0 to 255 (numeric) parameter#3: green component from 0 to 255 (numeric) parameter#4: blue component from 0 to 255 (numeric) - Assigns a color to the target either from text or from giving the explicit color in rgb format. @set_target_link parameter#1 nametag of target (text) parameter#2 set type of link (text, see below) parameter#3 ID or x component (numeric) parameter#4 y component (numeric) - links target to a set of coordinates, specified by it's type. The possible types to chose from are "link_coordinate" = set target to given position "link_variable" = x and y parameters give the id of the variables to be used for the coordinates. "link_id" = links the coordinates of the target to an event with id equal to the id id parameter. examples: @set_target_link "test", "link_id", 4 @set_target_link "test", "link_variable", 1, 2 @set_alpha parameter#1 alpha value (0-255, numeric) - sets transparency of the minimap. 0 is entirely transparent. 255 is entirely opaque. @set_position parameter#1 x position (numeric) parameter#2 y position (numeric) - sets the upper left corner of the minimap in screen relative coordinates. @set_size parameter#1 width (numeric) parameter#2 height (numeric) - sets the size of the minimap in tiles. every tile is given 2x2 pixels on the minimap, meaning a 20,15 sized minimap will take 40x30 pixels. @set_map_color parameter#1 color1 (color from table, text) parameter#2 color2 (color from table, text) @set_map_color parameter#1 color1 red (0-255, numeric) parameter#2 color1 green (0-255, numeric) parameter#3 color1 blue (0-255, numeric) parameter#4 color2 red (0-255, numeric) parameter#5 color2 green (0-255, numeric) parameter#6 color2 blue (0-255, numeric) - sets the colors of the minimap, either by giving the colors from the table in text format, or by explicitely giving the rgb components of both colours. @is_minimap parameter#1 id of switch (numeric) - returns on or off to a switch of choice, telling whether there's currently an active minimap. the minimap doesn't get saved when you quit the game so this is a good way of manually restoring the minimap upon loading the game. @destroy_target parameter#1 nametag of target (text) - removes a target from the minimap @destroy_minimap no parameters - destroys the minimap, and all targets on it. |