XP 스크립트

HP & SP Bars on Map
Version: 1.0

Last Update
May 23, 2006.


This is an updated and better version of my old HP bar script, this one will work faster and have some new features like the SP bar.

  • Display nice bars for the HP and SP.
  • Allow the player change the current actor by pressing A (shift) and R or L (numpad).
  • Display the name and level of the current actor.
  • Changes the x position of the timer if the bars are showing.

# ** HP & SP Bars on Map
# Slipknot
# 1.0
# 05.23.06

# SDK Log
SDK.log('HP & SP Bars on Map', 'Slipknot', 1.0, '05.23.06')

# Begin SDK Enabled Check
if SDK.state('HP & SP Bars on Map') == true

module MapBars_Settings
 HPBar = true
 SPBar = true
 LevelText = 'Lv: '
 AllowChange = true

# Begin Scene_Map Edit
class Scene_Map
 # * Public Instance Variables
 # * Alias
 alias slipknot_mapbars_maindraw main_draw
 alias slipknot_mapbars_updgraphics update_graphics
 alias slipknot_mapbars_maindispose main_dispose
 # * Main Draw
 def main_draw
    @sprite_bars = Sprite_Bars.new
 # * Main Dispose
 def main_dispose
 # * Update Graphics
 def update_graphics
# End Scene_Map Edit

# Begin Interpreter Edit
class Interpreter
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_reader(:hp_bar, :sp_bar, :bars_index)
 # * Alias
 alias slipknot_mapbars_initialize initialize
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize(depth = 0, main = false)
    slipknot_mapbars_initialize(depth, main)
    if main
  @bars_need_refresh = true
  @hp_bar = MapBars_Settings::HPBar
  @sp_bar = MapBars_Settings::SPBar
  @bars_index = 0
 # * Bar's Actor Index
 def bars_index=(index)
    if @bars_index != index
  @bars_index = index
  @bars_need_refresh = true
    return true
 def set_bars_index(index = 0)
    self.bars_index = (index)
 # * Show HP Bar
 def show_hp_bar(value = true)
    @hp_bar = value
    @bars_need_refresh = true
 # * Show SP Bar
 def show_sp_bar(value = true)
    @sp_bar = value
    @bars_need_refresh = true
# End Interpreter Edit

# Begin Spriteset_Map Edit
class Spriteset_Map
 # * Alias
 alias slipknot_mapbars_updpicturesprites update_picture_sprites
 # * Update Picture Sprites
 def update_picture_sprites
    @timer_sprite.x = ($game_system.map_interpreter.sp_bar ||
  $game_system.map_interpreter.sp_bar) ? 400 : 552
# End Spriteset_Map Edit

class Sprite_Bars < Window_Base
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize
    @sprite = Sprite.new()
    @sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(144, 82)
    @sprite.x = 488
    @sprite.y = 8
    @old_hp = @old_sp = false
    interpreter.bars_need_refresh = true
 # * Frame Update
 def update
    if ! hp? && ! sp?
    if MapBars_Settings::AllowChange && Input.press?(11)
  if Input.repeat?(Input::L)
 interpreter.bars_index = (interpreter.bars_index - 1) % $game_party.actors.size
  if Input.repeat?(Input::R)
 interpreter.bars_index = (interpreter.bars_index + 1) % $game_party.actors.size
    actor = $game_party.actors[interpreter.bars_index]
    if need_refresh?
  lvt = MapBars_Settings::LevelText + actor.level.to_s
  width = bitmap.text_size(lvt).width
  draw_text(1, 0, 143 - width, 22, actor.name)
  draw_text(143 - width, 0, width, 22, lvt)
    if hp? && (need_refresh? || @old_hp != actor.hp)
  draw_hp_bar(actor, 0, 22)
  @old_hp = actor.hp
  hp = true
    if sp? && (need_refresh? || @old_sp != actor.sp)
  y = hp != nil ? 30 : 0
  draw_sp_bar(actor, 0, y + 22)
  @old_sp = actor.sp
    interpreter.bars_need_refresh = false
 # * @sprite.bitmap & $game_system.map_interpreter
 def bitmap
 def interpreter
 # * Return Interpreter Variables
 def need_refresh?
 def hp?
 def sp?
 # * Dispose
 def dispose
 # * Draw HP Bar
 def draw_hp_bar(actor, x, y)
    bitmap.fill_rect(x, y, 144, 30, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0))
    bitmap.font.color = system_color
    draw_text(x, y, 32, 30, $data_system.words.hp)
    hp_x = x + 36
    x += 32
    bitmap.fill_rect(x, y + 14, 112, 10, Color.new(0, 0, 0))
    width = 112.0 * actor.hp / actor.maxhp
    red = 144.0
    step = 80.0 / (width - 2).to_f
    for p in 0...(width - 2)
  bitmap.fill_rect(x + p + 1, y + 15, 1, 8, Color.new(red, 64, 32))
  red += step
    bitmap.font.size -= 2
    bitmap.font.color = actor.hp == 0 ? knockout_color :
  actor.hp <= actor.maxhp / 4 ? crisis_color : normal_color
    draw_text(hp_x, y, 48, 26, actor.hp.to_s, 2)
    bitmap.font.color = normal_color
    draw_text(hp_x + 48, y, 12, 26, '/', 1)
    draw_text(hp_x + 60, y, 48, 26, actor.maxhp.to_s)
    bitmap.font.size += 2
 # * Draw SP Bar
 def draw_sp_bar(actor, x, y)
    bitmap.fill_rect(x, y, 144, 30, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0))
    self.bitmap.font.color = system_color
    draw_text(x, y, 32, 30, $data_system.words.sp)
    sp_x = x + 36
    x += 32
    bitmap.fill_rect(x, y + 14, 112, 10, Color.new(0, 0, 0))
    width = 112.0 * actor.sp / actor.maxsp
    blue = 144.0
    step = 80.0 / (width - 2).to_f
    for p in 0...(width - 2)
  bitmap.fill_rect(x + p + 1, y + 15, 1, 8, Color.new(32, 64, blue))
  blue += step
    bitmap.font.size -= 2
    bitmap.font.color = actor.sp == 0 ? knockout_color :
  actor.sp <= actor.maxhp / 4 ? crisis_color : normal_color
    draw_text(sp_x, y, 46, 26, actor.sp.to_s, 2)
    bitmap.font.color = normal_color
    draw_text(sp_x + 46, y, 10, 26, '/', 1)
    draw_text(sp_x + 58, y, 46, 26, actor.maxsp.to_s)
    bitmap.font.size += 2
 # * Draw Outline Text
 def draw_text(x, y, width, height, string, align = 0)
    col = bitmap.font.color.dup
    bitmap.font.color = Color.new(32, 32, 32, col.alpha)
    bitmap.draw_text(x - 1, y, width, height, string, align)
    bitmap.draw_text(x, y - 1, width, height, string, align)
    bitmap.draw_text(x + 1, y, width, height, string, align)
    bitmap.draw_text(x, y + 1, width, height, string, align)
    bitmap.font.color = col
    bitmap.draw_text(x, y, width, height, string, align)

# End SDK Enabled Test
Comment '19'

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