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# ** New Title Screen
# Author  : puppeto4
# Version : 1.0
# Date    : 13th April 2008

# ** Scene_Title
#  This class performs the title screen processing.

class Scene_Title < Scene_Base
  # * Start processing
  def start
    load_database                     # Load database
    create_game_objects               # Create game objects
    check_continue                    # Determine if continue is enabled
    create_title_graphic              # Create title graphic
    play_title_music                  # Play title screen music
    if @continue_enabled              # If continue is enabled
      create_command_window           # Create command window
      create_command2_window          # Create command window
  # * Post-Start Processing
  def post_start
    if @continue_enabled              # If continue is enabled
  # * Pre-termination Processing
  def pre_terminate
    if @continue_enabled              # If continue is enabled
  # * Termination Processing
  def terminate
    if @continue_enabled              # If continue is enabled
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    if @continue_enabled              # If continue is enabled
      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
        case @command_window.index
        when 0    #New game
        when 1    # Continue
        when 2    # Shutdown
      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
        case @command2_window.index
        when 0    #New game
        when 1    # Shutdown
  # * Create Command2 Window
  def create_command2_window
    s1 = Vocab::new_game
    s2 = Vocab::shutdown
    @command2_window = Window_Command.new(172, [s1, s2])
    @command2_window.x = (544 - @command2_window.width) / 2
    @command2_window.y = 288
    @command2_window.openness = 0
  # * Dispose of Command2 Window
  def dispose_command2_window
  # * Open Command2 Window
  def open_command2_window
    end until @command2_window.openness == 255
  # * Close Command2 Window
  def close_command2_window
    end until @command2_window.openness == 0
  # * Command: New Game
  def command_new_game
    $game_party.setup_starting_members            # Initial party
    $game_map.setup($data_system.start_map_id)    # Initial map position
    $game_player.moveto($data_system.start_x, $data_system.start_y)
    $scene = Scene_Map.new
    if @continue_enabled              # If continue is enabled
    Graphics.frame_count = 0

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