VX 스크립트

기존의 네오 메시지 시스템이랑 비슷한거 같은데....

그 기능들은 다 있고요

얼굴표시를 화면 상단에 해준다던가

대화중에 액터 얼굴의 입이 움직인다던가 하는 것도 있고

선택지를 텍스트 박스로 만들어 주는 기능도 있네요...

예제만 실행해봐서 사용법은 정확히 모르겠지만... ㅎㅎ

나중에 제가   필요할거 같으므로 일단 올립니다.

# ~~Settings~~
# Settings can be changed in either $game_ats or $game_message, the primary
# difference being that $game_ats modifies the default settings of the script,
# while $game_message only modifies the settings for the next Show Text
# command (or multiple Show Text commands if .appended_text is true). So that
# means that modifying $game_ats will change that setting for every message,
# while $game_message only for the one immediately following. One
# thing to be noted is that when you do change the $game_ats, you will need
# to use the code $game_message.clear to make it so that they will apply to
# the very next message, rather than just all messages after that. Anyway,
# this is the complete list of setting commands. Note that I only use .command
# to indicate that it could be either $game_ats or $game_message prefacing
# these commands.
# .message_x = integer (-1 for default placement)
# .message_y = integer (-1 for default placement)
# .message_width = positive integer
# .message_height = positive integer
# .message_opacity = integer (between 0 and 255)
# .message_fontname = ["font", font"] EX: ["Arial", "Times New Roman"]
# .message_fontsize = integer > 8
# .message_colour = integer between 0 and 31 or Color object
# .message_windowskin = "Window File"
# .skip_disabled = true/false
# .wlh = integer (Window Line Height)
# .paragraph_format = true/false
# .justified_text = true/false
# .appended_text = true/false
# .scrolling = true/false
# .shown_lines = positive integer
# .autopause = true/false
# .faceside = true/false (true => Left, false => Right
# .face_x = integer (-1 for default placement)
# .face_y = integer (-1 for default placement)
# .face_width = positive integer
# .face_height = positive integer
# .face_offset_x = integer
# .face_offset_y = integer
# .face_mirror = true/false
# .face_opacity = integer (between 0 and 255)
# .face_window = true/false
# .face_window_opacity = integer (between 0 and 255)
# .face_windowskin = "Window File"
# .choicebox = true/false
# .choices_appended = true/false
# .choicebox_on_line = true/false
# .choicebox_fitted = true/false
# .choicebox_width = integer
# .choicebox_opacity = integer (between 0 and 255)
# .choicebox_windowskin
# .choicebox_fontname = ["font", font"] EX: ["Arial", "Times New Roman"]
# .choicebox_colour = integer between 0 and 31 or Color object
# .choicebox_offset_x = integer
# .choicebox_offset_y = integer
# .choicebox_x = integer (-1 for default placement)
# .choicebox_y = integer (-1 for default placement)
# .row_max = integer
# .column_max = integer
# .lbl_se = true/false
# .message_se = "filename", volume, pitch (volume / pitch not necessary)
# .mt_se = true/false
# .termination_se = "filename", volume, pitch (volume / pitch not necessary)
# .mp_se = true/false
# .pause_se = "filename", volume, pitch (volume / pitch not necessary)
# .ms_se = true/false
# .start_se = "filename", volume, pitch (volume / pitch not necessary)
# .mf_se = true/false
# .finish_se = "filename", volume, pitch (volume / pitch not necessary)
# .letter_frames = positive integer
# .face_letters = positive integer
# .sound_letters = positive integer
# .namebox_windowskin = "Window File"
# .namebox_colour = integer between 0 and 31 or Color object
# .namebox_fontname = ["font", font"] EX: ["Arial", "Times New Roman"]
# .namebox_fontsize = integer > 8
# .namebox_offset_x = integer
# .namebox_offset_y = integer
# .namebox_x = integer (-1 for default placement)
# .namebox_y = integer (-1 for default placement)
# .namebox_opacity = integer (between 0 and 255)
# .back_sprite = "Name of File in Graphics/System"
# Two codes to exist in $game_message and not $game_ats are:
# $game_message.character = event_id or 0 for player
# $game_message.char_ref = 0-3 referring to Under, Left, Right, and Above
# Those codes set the text box to appear in position with reference to a
# character on the map. They are the same as the uc (Under) lc (Left)
# rc (Right) and oc (Over) commands. For more info, read below.
# ~~Special Message Codes~~
# Retained Codes:
# v[x] - Shows the value located in the variable x
# n[x] - Shows the name of the Actor with ID x
# c[x] - Changes the colour of the text to x. x can be 0 - 31
# g - Shows the gold window
# . - A short pause of 15 frames (1/4 second) before continuing drawing
# | - A longer pause of 60 frames (1 second) before continuing drawing
# ! - Pause. Waits for user input before continuing
# ^ - Pause Skip. Forgoes user input at next pause. Can autoclose message
# Modified Codes:
# > - Speeds up the letter by letter process
# < - Slows down the drawing of the text
# @ - Show Line Fast (the current line gets displayed quickly). This
# replaces the old functionality of >, <
# @@ - Show message fast (to next scroll)
# New Codes:
# pid[x] - Shows Actor ID of Party Member in position X (0-3)
# nc[x]- Shows the name of class with ID x
# np[x]- Shows the name of the Party Member with index x
# ne[x]- Shows the name of Event with ID x on the map
# nm[x]- Shows the name of Monster with ID x
# ni[x]- Shows the name of Item with ID x
# nw[x]- Shows the name of Weapon with ID x
# na[x]- Shows the name of Armour with ID x
# pi[x]- Shows the price of Item with ID x
# pw[x]- Shows the price of Weapon with ID x
# pa[x]- Shows the price of Armour with ID x
# iicon[x] - Shows the Icon of Item with ID x
# wicon[x] - Shows the Icon of Weapon with ID x
# aicon[x] - Shows the Icon of Armour with ID x
# icon[x] - Shows the Icon with ID x
# fn[font name] - Changes the font to font name chosen
# fs[x] - Changes the font size to x
# name[name] - Shows a name box with name displayed in the box
# nb[name] - same as name - just a shorter code
# ani[target_id,animation_id] - Shows animation_id on target_id. 0 => player,
# other numbers indicate the ID of the event
# bln[target_id,balloon_id] - Same as ani, but shows a balloon
# lb - Line Break. Applies only when Paragraph Formatting and it goes
# to next line
# % - Disable Text Skip through user input
# se[sound effect name] - Plays a sound effect
# me[music effect name] - Plays a musical effect
# oc[character_id] - positions the message box over character. 0 => player;
# other positive integers indicate events on map
# uc[character_id] - same as oc, but places box under character
# lc[character_id] - same as oc, but places box to left of character
# rc[character_id] - same as oc, but places box to right of character
# mxy[x, y] - Sets the message box's position to x, y
# fxy[x, y] - Sets the face box's position to x, y
# vocab[value] - prints vocab for that item type. Suitable values for this
# are: level, level_a, hp, hp_a, mp, mp_a, atk, def, spi,
# agi, weapon, armor1, armor2, armor3, armor4, weapon1,
# weapon2, attack, skill, guard, item, equip, status, save,
# game_end, fight, escape, new_game, shutdown, to_title,
# continue, cancel, gold
# f[key] - Show Filter phrase attached to key
# b - Toggles Bold
# i - Toggles Italic
# u - Toggles Underline
# s - Toggles Shadow
# hl[x] - Highlights with color x. hl toggles off
# ac[x]- Shows class of actor with ID x
# a..[x] - Shows the .. of Actor X. .. can be any of the following:
# hp, maxhp, mp, maxmp, atk, def, spi, agi, exp_s, next_exp_s,
# next_rest_exp_s, level, weapon_id, armor1_id, armor2_id,
# armor3_id, armor4_id - and any other methods from Game_Actor.
# c - Centres text
# r - Sets right alignment to text
# There are two commands that can be used only in a choicebox, and these are:
# SOFF[switch ID]
# SON[switch ID]
# These two commands mean that the choice they appear in will only be
# available if the switch with ID switch ID is OFF or ON respectively. Thus,
# having SON[5] means the choice will only be possible if Switch 5 is on.

Untitled-3 copy.jpg Untitled-4 copy.jpg

Advanced Text System Version 2 Demo.rar

Who's 카르와푸딩의아틀리에


엘카르디아 제작자 (현재 MV로 리메이크중)







Comment '13'

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