VX 스크립트

Source Thread: http://www.rmvxp.com/showthread.php?t=1283

 ccoa씨의 날씨 스크립트 RMVX용입니다.  직접 이미지를 작성해야 하는 15번 커스텀 날씨를 제외하면 모두 스크립트상에서 날씨 이미지를 구현하므로 그냥 끼워넣기만 하면 됨(대신 사용할 때 fps떨어지는 것을 감안해야 함).

사용법: 이벤트상에서 $game_screen.weather(날씨유형, 강도, 지속시간)로 호출.  만일 안될 때에는 screen.weather(날씨유형, 강도, 지속시간)를 시도해 보기 바랍니다.


#  VX Weather Script 
#  by Ccoa / Jan 15 2008
#  Weather Types:
#    1 - rain
#    2 - storm
#    3 - snow
#    4 - hail
#    5 - rain with thunder and lightning
#    6 - falling leaves (autumn)
#    7 - blowing leaves (autumn)
#    8 - swirling leaves (autumn)
#    9 - falling leaves (green)
#   10 - cherry blossom (sakura) petals
#   11 - rose petals
#   12 - feathers
#   13 - blood rain
#   14 - sparkles
#   15 - user defined
#   16 - blowing snow
#   17 - meteor shower
#   18 - falling ash
#   19 - bubbles
#   20 - bubbles 2
#   21 - sparkles up
#  Weather Power:
#    An integer from 0-40.  0 = no weather, 40 = 400 sprites
#  Usage:
#    Create a call script with the following:
#       $game_screen.weather(type, power, hue)
#  Usage of user-defined weather:
#    Look at the following globals:

$WEATHER_UPDATE = false   # the $WEATHER_IMAGES array has changed, please update
$WEATHER_IMAGES = []      # the array of picture names to use
$WEATHER_X = 0            # the number of pixels the image should move horizontally (positive = right, negative = left)
$WEATHER_Y = 0            # the number of pizels the image should move vertically (positive = down, negative = up)
$WEATHER_FADE = 0         # how much the image should fade each update (0 = no fade, 255 = fade instantly)
$WEATHER_ANIMATED = false # whether or not the image should cycle through all the images

# take these out if you are using my screen resolution script!
  HEIGHT = 416
  WIDTH = 544

# ** Spriteset_Weather
#  Weather effect (rain, storm, snow) class. This class is used within the
# Spriteset_Map class.

class Spriteset_Weather
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader :type
  attr_reader :max
  attr_reader :ox
  attr_reader :oy
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(viewport = nil)
    @type = 0
    @max = 0
    @ox = 0
    @oy = 0
    @count = 0
    @current_pose = []
    @info = []
    @countarray = []
    @sprites = []
    for i in 1..500
      sprite = Sprite.new(viewport)
      sprite.visible = false
      sprite.opacity = 0
  # * Dispose
  def dispose
    for sprite in @sprites
    for image in @autumn_leaf_bitmaps
    for image in @green_leaf_bitmaps
    for image in @rose_bitmaps
    for image in @feather_bitmaps
    for image in @sparkle_bitmaps
    for image in @user_bitmaps
    $WEATHER_UPDATE = true
  # * Set weather type
  #     type : new weather type
  def type=(type)
    return if @type == type
    @type = type
    case @type
    when 1
      bitmap = @rain_bitmap
    when 2
      bitmap = @storm_bitmap
    when 3
      bitmap = @snow_bitmap
   when 4 # hail
      bitmap = @hail_bitmap
    when 5 # rain w/ thunder and lightning
      bitmap = @rain_bitmap
      @thunder = true
    when 6 # falling autumn leaves
      bitmap = @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0]
    when 7 # blowing autumn leaves
      bitmap = @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0]
    when 8 # swirling autumn leaves
      bitmap = @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0]
    when 9 # falling green leaves
      bitmap = @green_leaf_bitmaps[0]
    when 10 # sakura petals
      bitmap = @petal_bitmap
    when 11 # rose petals
      bitmap = @rose_bitmaps[0]
    when 12 # feathers
      bitmap = @feather_bitmaps[0]
    when 13 # blood rain
      bitmap = @blood_rain_bitmap
    when 14 # sparkles
      bitmap = @sparkle_bitmaps[0]
    when 15 # user-defined
        bitmap = @user_bitmaps[rand(@user_bitmaps.size)]
    when 16 # blowing snow
      bitmap = @snow_bitmap
    when 17 # meteors
      bitmap = @meteor_bitmap
    when 18 # falling ash
      bitmap = @ash_bitmaps[rand(@ash_bitmaps.size)]
    when 19 # bubbles
      bitmap = @bubble_bitmaps[rand(@bubble_bitmaps.size)]
    when 21 # sparkles up
      bitmap = @sparkle_bitmaps[0]
      bitmap = nil
    if @type != 5
      @thunder = false
    for i in 0...@sprites.size
      sprite = @sprites[i]
      sprite.visible = (i <= @max)
      if @type == 19
        sprite.bitmap = @bubble_bitmaps[rand(@bubble_bitmaps.size)]
      elsif @type == 20
        sprite.bitmap = @bubble2_bitmaps[rand(@bubble2_bitmaps.size)]
      elsif @type == 3
        r = rand(@snow_bitmaps.size)
        @info[i] = r
        sprite.bitmap = @snow_bitmaps[r]
        sprite.bitmap = bitmap
  # * Set starting point X coordinate
  #     ox : starting point X coordinate
  def ox=(ox)
    return if @ox == ox;
    @ox = ox
    for sprite in @sprites
      sprite.ox = @ox
  # * Set starting point Y coordinate
  #     oy : starting point Y coordinate
  def oy=(oy)
    return if @oy == oy;
    @oy = oy
    for sprite in @sprites
      sprite.oy = @oy
  # * Set maximum number of sprites
  #     max : maximum number of sprites
  def max=(max)
    return if @max == max;
    @max = [[max, 0].max, 40].min
    for i in 1..40
      sprite = @sprites[i]
      sprite.visible = (i <= @max) if sprite != nil
      if @type == 19
          sprite.bitmap = @bubble_bitmaps[rand(@bubble_bitmaps.size)]
        elsif @type == 20
          sprite.bitmap = @bubble2_bitmaps[rand(@bubble2_bitmaps.size)]
        elsif @type == 3
          r = rand(@snow_bitmaps.size)
          @info[i] = r
          sprite.bitmap = @snow_bitmaps[r]
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    return if @type == 0
    for i in 1..@max
      sprite = @sprites[i]
      if @type == 1 or @type == 5 or @type == 13 # rain
        if sprite.opacity <= 150
          if @current_pose[i] == 0
            sprite.y += @rain_bitmap.height
            sprite.x -= @rain_bitmap.width
            if @type == 1 or @type == 5
              sprite.bitmap = @rain_splash
              sprite.bitmap = @blood_rain_splash
            @current_pose[i] = 1
          if @current_pose[i] == 1
            if @type == 1 or @type == 5
              sprite.bitmap = @rain_bitmap
              sprite.bitmap = @blood_rain_bitmap
            @current_pose[i] = 0
          sprite.x -= 2
          sprite.y += 16
          if @thunder and (rand(8000 - @max) == 0)
            $game_map.screen.start_flash(Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255), 5)
        sprite.opacity -= 8
      if @type == 2 # storm
        sprite.x -= 8
        sprite.y += 16
        sprite.opacity -= 12
      if @type == 3 # snow
        case @info[i]
        when 0 # smallest flake, fall the slowest
          sprite.y += 1
        when 1
          sprite.y += 3
        when 2
          sprite.y += 5
        when 3
          sprite.y += 7
        sprite.opacity -= 3
      if @type == 4 # hail
        sprite.x -= 1
        sprite.y += 18
        sprite.opacity -= 15
      if @type == 6 # falling autumn leaves
        @count = rand(20)
        if @count == 0
          sprite.bitmap = @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
          @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @autumn_leaf_bitmaps.size
        sprite.x -= 1
        sprite.y += 1
      if @type == 7 # blowing autumn leaves
        @count = rand(20)
        if @count == 0
          sprite.bitmap = @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
          @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @autumn_leaf_bitmaps.size
        sprite.x -= 10
        sprite.y += (rand(4) - 2)
      if @type == 8 # swirling autumn leaves
        @count = rand(20)
        if @count == 0
          sprite.bitmap = @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
          @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @autumn_leaf_bitmaps.size
        if @info[i] != 0
          if @info[i] >= 1 and @info[i] <= 10
            sprite.x -= 3
            sprite.y -= 1
          elsif @info[i] >= 11 and @info[i] <= 16
            sprite.x -= 1
            sprite.y -= 2
          elsif @info[i] >= 17 and @info[i] <= 20
            sprite.y -= 3
          elsif @info[i] >= 21 and @info[i] <= 30
            sprite.y -= 2
            sprite.x += 1
          elsif @info[i] >= 31 and @info[i] <= 36
            sprite.y -= 1
            sprite.x += 3
          elsif @info[i] >= 37 and @info[i] <= 40
            sprite.x += 5
          elsif @info[i] >= 41 and @info[i] <= 46
            sprite.y += 1
            sprite.x += 3
          elsif @info[i] >= 47 and @info[i] <= 58
            sprite.y += 2
            sprite.x += 1
          elsif @info[i] >= 59 and @info[i] <= 64
            sprite.y += 3
          elsif @info[i] >= 65 and @info[i] <= 70
            sprite.x -= 1
            sprite.y += 2
          elsif @info[i] >= 71 and @info[i] <= 81
            sprite.x -= 3
            sprite.y += 1
          elsif @info[i] >= 82 and @info[i] <= 87
            sprite.x -= 5
          @info[i] = (@info[i] + 1) % 88
          if rand(200) == 0
            @info[i] = 1
          sprite.x -= 5
          sprite.y += 1
      if @type == 9 # falling green leaves
        if @countarray[i] == 0
          @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @green_leaf_bitmaps.size
          sprite.bitmap = @green_leaf_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
          @countarray[i] = rand(15)
        @countarray[i] = (@countarray[i] + 1) % 15
        sprite.y += 1
      if @type == 10 # sakura petals
        if @info[i] < 25
          sprite.x -= 1
          sprite.x += 1
        @info[i] = (@info[i] + 1) % 50
        sprite.y += 1
      if @type == 11 # rose petals
        @count = rand(20)
        if @count == 0
          sprite.bitmap = @rose_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
          @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @rose_bitmaps.size
        if @info[i] % 2 == 0
          if @info[i] < 10
            sprite.x -= 1
            sprite.x += 1
        sprite.y += 1
      if @type == 12 # feathers
        if @countarray[i] == 0
          @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @feather_bitmaps.size
          sprite.bitmap = @feather_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
        @countarray[i] = (@countarray[i] + 1) % 15
        if rand(100) == 0
          sprite.x -= 1
        if rand(100) == 0
          sprite.y -= 1
        if @info[i] < 50
          if rand(2) == 0
            sprite.x -= 1
            sprite.y -= 1
          if rand(2) == 0
            sprite.x += 1
            sprite.y += 1
        @info[i] = (@info[i] + 1) % 100
      if @type == 14 # sparkles
        if @countarray[i] == 0
          @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @sparkle_bitmaps.size
          sprite.bitmap = @sparkle_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
        @countarray[i] = (@countarray[i] + 1) % 15
        sprite.y += 1
        sprite.opacity -= 1
      if @type == 15 # user-defined
        if $WEATHER_UPDATE
          $WEATHER_UPDATE = false
        if $WEATHER_ANIMATED and @countarray[i] == 0
          @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @user_bitmaps.size
          sprite.bitmap = @user_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
        sprite.x += $WEATHER_X
        sprite.y += $WEATHER_Y
        sprite.opacity -= $WEATHER_FADE
      if @type == 16 # blowing snow
        sprite.x -= 10
        sprite.y += 6
        sprite.opacity -= 4
      if @type == 17 # meteors
        if @countarray[i] > 0
          if rand(20) == 0
            sprite.bitmap = @impact_bitmap
            @countarray[i] = -5
            sprite.x -= 6
            sprite.y += 10
          @countarray[i] += 1
          if @countarray[i] == 0
            sprite.bitmap = @meteor_bitmap
            sprite.opacity = 0
            @count_array = 1
      if @type == 18 # ash
        sprite.y += 2
        case @countarray[i] % 3
        when 0
          sprite.x -= 1
        when 1
          sprite.x += 1
      if @type == 19 or @type == 20 # bubbles
        switch = rand(75) + rand(75) + 1
        if @info[i] < switch / 2
          sprite.x -= 1
          sprite.x += 1
        @info[i] = (@info[i] + 1) % switch
        sprite.y -= 1
        if switch % 2 == 0
          sprite.opacity -= 1
      if @type == 21 # sparkles up
        if @countarray[i] == 0
          @current_pose[i] = (@current_pose[i] + 1) % @sparkle_bitmaps.size
          sprite.bitmap = @sparkle_bitmaps[@current_pose[i]]
        @countarray[i] = (@countarray[i] + 1) % 15
        sprite.y -= 1
        sprite.opacity -= 1
      x = sprite.x - @ox
      y = sprite.y - @oy
      if sprite.opacity < 64 or sprite.x > WIDTH or sprite.x < 0 or sprite.y > HEIGHT or sprite.y < 0
        sprite.x = rand(800) - 100 + @ox
        sprite.y = rand(600) - 200 + @oy
        if [13, 14, 16, 5, 2, 1].include?(@type)
          sprite.opacity = rand(100) + 155
          sprite.opacity = 255
  def make_bitmaps
    color1 = Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255)
    color2 = Color.new(255, 255, 255, 128)
    @rain_bitmap = Bitmap.new(7, 56)
    for i in 0..6
      @rain_bitmap.fill_rect(6-i, i*8, 1, 8, color1)
    @rain_splash = Bitmap.new(8, 5)
    @rain_splash.fill_rect(1, 0, 6, 1, color2)
    @rain_splash.fill_rect(1, 4, 6, 1, color2)
    @rain_splash.fill_rect(0, 1, 1, 3, color2)
    @rain_splash.fill_rect(7, 1, 1, 3, color2)
    @rain_splash.set_pixel(1, 0, color1)
    @rain_splash.set_pixel(0, 1, color1)
    @storm_bitmap = Bitmap.new(34, 64)
    for i in 0..31
      @storm_bitmap.fill_rect(33-i, i*2, 1, 2, color2)
      @storm_bitmap.fill_rect(32-i, i*2, 1, 2, color1)
      @storm_bitmap.fill_rect(31-i, i*2, 1, 2, color2)
    @snow_bitmap = Bitmap.new(6, 6)
    @snow_bitmap.fill_rect(0, 1, 6, 4, color2)
    @snow_bitmap.fill_rect(1, 0, 4, 6, color2)
    @snow_bitmap.fill_rect(1, 2, 4, 2, color1)
    @snow_bitmap.fill_rect(2, 1, 2, 4, color1)
    @sprites = []
    @snow_bitmaps = []
    color3 = Color.new(255, 255, 255, 204)
    @snow_bitmaps[0] = Bitmap.new(3, 3)
    @snow_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(0, 0, 3, 3, color2)
    @snow_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(0, 1, 3, 1, color3)
    @snow_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(1, 0, 1, 3, color3)
    @snow_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 1, color1)
    @snow_bitmaps[1] = Bitmap.new(4, 4)
    @snow_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(0, 1, 4, 2, color2)
    @snow_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 0, 2, 4, color2)
    @snow_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 1, 2, 2, color1)
    @snow_bitmaps[2] = Bitmap.new(5, 5)
    @snow_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(0, 1, 5, 3, color3)
    @snow_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 0, 3, 5, color3)
    @snow_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 1, 3, 3, color2)
    @snow_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 1, 3, 1, color1)
    @snow_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 2, 1, 3, color1)
    @snow_bitmaps[3] = Bitmap.new(7, 7)
    @snow_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 1, 5, 5, color3)
    @snow_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 0, 7, 3, color3)
    @snow_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(0, 2, 3, 7, color3)
    @snow_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 1, 5, 3, color2)
    @snow_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 2, 3, 5, color2)
    @snow_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 2, 3, 3, color1)
    @snow_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(3, 1, 5, 1, color1)
    @snow_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 3, 1, 5, color1)
    blueGrey  = Color.new(215, 227, 227, 150)
    grey      = Color.new(214, 217, 217, 150)
    lightGrey = Color.new(233, 233, 233, 250)
    lightBlue = Color.new(222, 239, 243, 250)
    @hail_bitmap = Bitmap.new(4, 4)
    @hail_bitmap.fill_rect(1, 0, 2, 1, blueGrey)
    @hail_bitmap.fill_rect(0, 1, 1, 2, blueGrey)
    @hail_bitmap.fill_rect(3, 1, 1, 2, grey)
    @hail_bitmap.fill_rect(1, 3, 2, 1, grey)
    @hail_bitmap.fill_rect(1, 1, 2, 2, lightGrey)
    @hail_bitmap.set_pixel(1, 1, lightBlue)
    color3 = Color.new(255, 167, 192, 255) # light pink
    color4 = Color.new(213, 106, 136, 255) # dark pink
    @petal_bitmap = Bitmap.new(4, 4) #This creates a new bitmap that is 4 x 4 pixels
    @petal_bitmap.fill_rect(0, 3, 1, 1, color3) # this makes a 1x1 pixel "rectangle" at the 0, 3 pixel of the image (upper left corner is 0, 0)
    @petal_bitmap.fill_rect(1, 2, 1, 1, color3)
    @petal_bitmap.fill_rect(2, 1, 1, 1, color3)
    @petal_bitmap.fill_rect(3, 0, 1, 1, color3)
    @petal_bitmap.fill_rect(1, 3, 1, 1, color4)
    @petal_bitmap.fill_rect(2, 2, 1, 1, color4)
    @petal_bitmap.fill_rect(3, 1, 1, 1, color4)
    brightOrange = Color.new(248, 88, 0, 255)  
    orangeBrown  = Color.new(144, 80, 56, 255)
    burntRed     = Color.new(152, 0, 0, 255)
    paleOrange   = Color.new(232, 160, 128, 255)
    darkBrown    = Color.new(72, 40, 0, 255)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps = []
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps.push(Bitmap.new(8, 8))
    # draw the first of the leaf1 bitmaps
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(5, 1, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(6, 1, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(7, 1, paleOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(3, 2, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(4, 2, 2, 1, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(6, 2, paleOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 3, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(3, 3, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(4, 3, 2, 1, paleOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 4, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 4, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(3, 4, paleOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 5, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 5, paleOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(0, 6, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 6, paleOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(0, 7, paleOrange)
    # draw the 2nd of the leaf1 bitmaps
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps.push(Bitmap.new(8, 8))
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(3, 0, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(7, 0, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(3, 1, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(4, 1, burntRed)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(6, 1, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(0, 2, paleOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(1, 2, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(2, 2, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(3, 2, burntRed)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(4, 2, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(5, 2, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 3, 3, 1, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(4, 3, 2, 1, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(6, 3, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(2, 4, burntRed)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(3, 4, 3, 1, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(6, 4, burntRed)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(7, 4, darkBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(1, 5, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 5, 2, 1, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(4, 5, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(5, 5, burntRed)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 6, 2, 1, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(4, 6, 2, 1, burntRed)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(0, 7, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(5, 7, darkBrown)
    # draw the 3rd of the leaf1 bitmaps
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps.push(Bitmap.new(8, 8))
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(7, 1, paleOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(6, 2, paleOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(7, 2, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(5, 3, paleOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(6, 3, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(4, 4, paleOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(5, 4, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(6, 4, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(2, 5, 2, 1, paleOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(4, 5, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(5, 5, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(1, 6, paleOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(2, 6, 2, 1, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(4, 6, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(0, 7, paleOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(1, 7, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(2, 7, orangeBrown)
    # draw the 4th of the leaf1 bitmaps
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps.push(Bitmap.new(8, 8))
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(3, 0, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(7, 0, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(3, 1, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(4, 1, burntRed)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(6, 1, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(0, 2, paleOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(1, 2, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(2, 2, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(3, 2, burntRed)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(4, 2, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(5, 2, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(1, 3, 3, 1, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(4, 3, 2, 1, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(6, 3, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(2, 4, burntRed)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(3, 4, 3, 1, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(6, 4, burntRed)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(7, 4, darkBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(1, 5, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(2, 5, 2, 1, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(4, 5, orangeBrown)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(5, 5, burntRed)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(1, 6, 2, 1, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(4, 6, 2, 1, burntRed)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(0, 7, brightOrange)
    @autumn_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(5, 7, darkBrown)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps = []
    darkGreen  = Color.new(62, 76, 31, 255)
    midGreen   = Color.new(76, 91, 43, 255)
    khaki      = Color.new(105, 114, 66, 255)
    lightGreen = Color.new(128, 136, 88, 255)
    mint       = Color.new(146, 154, 106, 255)
    # 1st leaf bitmap
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0] = Bitmap.new(8, 8)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 0, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 1, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 2, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(3, 2, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(4, 2, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(2, 3, 3, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(5, 3, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(2, 4, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(4, 4, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(5, 4, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(6, 4, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(3, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(4, 5, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(5, 5, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(6, 5, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(4, 6, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(5, 6, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(6, 6, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(6, 7, khaki)
    # 2nd leaf bitmap
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[1] = Bitmap.new(8, 8)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 1, 1, 2, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 2, 2, 1, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(4, 2, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 3, 2, 1, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(4, 3, 2, 1, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(2, 4, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(3, 4, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(4, 4, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(5, 4, 2, 1, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(3, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(4, 5, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(5, 5, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(6, 5, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(5, 6, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(6, 6, 2, 1, khaki)
    # 3rd leaf bitmap
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[2] = Bitmap.new(8, 8)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(1, 1, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(1, 2, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(2, 3, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(3, 3, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(4, 3, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(2, 4, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(4, 4, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(5, 4, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(3, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(4, 5, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(5, 5, 2, 1, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(4, 6, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(6, 6, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(6, 7, khaki)
    # 4th leaf bitmap
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3] = Bitmap.new(8, 8)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(0, 3, 1, 2, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(1, 4, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(2, 4, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(3, 4, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(4, 4, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(7, 4, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(1, 5, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(2, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(3, 5, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(4, 5, mint)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(5, 5, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(6, 5, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(7, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(2, 6, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(4, 6, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(5, 6, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(6, 6, midGreen)
    # 5th leaf bitmap
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[4] = Bitmap.new(8, 8)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(6, 2, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(7, 2, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].fill_rect(4, 3, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(6, 3, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(2, 4, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].fill_rect(3, 4, 2, 1, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(5, 4, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(6, 4, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(1, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(2, 5, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(3, 5, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(4, 5, mint)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(5, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(2, 6, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[4].fill_rect(3, 6, 2, 1, midGreen)
    # 6th leaf bitmap
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[5] = Bitmap.new(8, 8)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(6, 2, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(4, 3, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(6, 3, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(3, 4, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(4, 4, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(5, 4, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(6, 4, mint)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(1, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(2, 5, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(3, 5, 2, 1, mint)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(5, 5, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(2, 6, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(3, 6, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(4, 6, lightGreen)
    # 7th leaf bitmap
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[6] = Bitmap.new(8, 8)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(6, 1, 1, 2, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(4, 2, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(6, 2, 1, 2, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(3, 3, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(5, 3, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(2, 4, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(3, 4, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(4, 4, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(5, 4, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(1, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(2, 5, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(3, 5, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(1, 6, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(2, 6, midGreen)
    # 8th leaf bitmap
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[7] = Bitmap.new(8, 8)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].set_pixel(6, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].fill_rect(4, 2, 3, 2, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].set_pixel(3, 3, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].set_pixel(2, 4, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].set_pixel(3, 4, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].fill_rect(4, 4, 2, 1, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].set_pixel(1, 5, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].set_pixel(2, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].fill_rect(3, 5, 2, 1, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].set_pixel(2, 6, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[7].set_pixel(3, 6, lightGreen)
    # 9th leaf bitmap
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[8] = Bitmap.new(8, 8)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].fill_rect(6, 1, 1, 2, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].fill_rect(4, 2, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].fill_rect(6, 2, 1, 2, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].fill_rect(3, 3, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(5, 3, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(2, 4, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(3, 4, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(4, 4, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(5, 4, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(1, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(2, 5, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].fill_rect(3, 5, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(1, 6, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[8].set_pixel(2, 6, midGreen)
    # 10th leaf bitmap
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[9] = Bitmap.new(8, 8)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].fill_rect(6, 2, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].fill_rect(4, 3, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(6, 3, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(3, 4, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(4, 4, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(5, 4, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(6, 4, mint)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(1, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(2, 5, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].fill_rect(3, 5, 2, 1, mint)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(5, 5, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(2, 6, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(3, 6, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[9].set_pixel(4, 6, lightGreen)
    # 11th leaf bitmap
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[10] = Bitmap.new(8, 8)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(6, 2, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(7, 2, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].fill_rect(4, 3, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(6, 3, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(2, 4, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].fill_rect(3, 4, 2, 1, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(5, 4, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(6, 4, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(1, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(2, 5, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(3, 5, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(4, 5, mint)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(5, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].set_pixel(2, 6, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[10].fill_rect(3, 6, 2, 1, midGreen)
    # 12th leaf bitmap
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11] = Bitmap.new(8, 8)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].fill_rect(0, 3, 1, 2, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(1, 4, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(2, 4, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(3, 4, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(4, 4, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(7, 4, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(1, 5, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(2, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(3, 5, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(4, 5, mint)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(5, 5, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(6, 5, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(7, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].fill_rect(2, 6, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(4, 6, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(5, 6, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[11].set_pixel(6, 6, midGreen)
    # 13th leaf bitmap
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[12] = Bitmap.new(8, 8)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(1, 1, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].fill_rect(1, 2, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(2, 3, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(3, 3, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(4, 3, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].fill_rect(2, 4, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(4, 4, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(5, 4, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(3, 5, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(4, 5, darkGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].fill_rect(5, 5, 2, 1, khaki)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].fill_rect(4, 6, 2, 1, midGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(6, 6, lightGreen)
    @green_leaf_bitmaps[12].set_pixel(6, 7, khaki)
    @rose_bitmaps = []
    brightRed = Color.new(255, 0, 0, 255)
    midRed    = Color.new(179, 17, 17, 255)
    darkRed   = Color.new(141, 9, 9, 255)
    # 1st rose petal bitmap
    @rose_bitmaps[0] = Bitmap.new(3, 3)
    @rose_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(1, 0, 2, 1, brightRed)
    @rose_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(0, 1, 1, 2, brightRed)
    @rose_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(1, 1, 2, 2, midRed)
    @rose_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 2, darkRed)
    # 2nd rose petal bitmap
    @rose_bitmaps[1] = Bitmap.new(3, 3)
    @rose_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(0, 1, midRed)
    @rose_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(1, 1, brightRed)
    @rose_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 2, 1, 2, midRed)
    @feather_bitmaps = []
    white = Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255)
    # 1st feather bitmap
    @feather_bitmaps[0] = Bitmap.new(3, 3)
    @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(0, 2, white)
    @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 2, grey)
    @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 1, grey)
    # 2nd feather bitmap
    @feather_bitmaps[0] = Bitmap.new(3, 3)
    @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(0, 0, white)
    @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(0, 1, grey)
    @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 2, grey)
    # 3rd feather bitmap
    @feather_bitmaps[0] = Bitmap.new(3, 3)
    @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 0, white)
    @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 0, grey)
    @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(0, 1, grey)
    # 4th feather bitmap
    @feather_bitmaps[0] = Bitmap.new(3, 3)
    @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 2, white)
    @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(2, 1, grey)
    @feather_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 0, grey)
    @blood_rain_bitmap = Bitmap.new(7, 56)
    for i in 0..6
      @blood_rain_bitmap.fill_rect(6-i, i*8, 1, 8, darkRed)
    @blood_rain_splash = Bitmap.new(8, 5)
    @blood_rain_splash.fill_rect(1, 0, 6, 1, darkRed)
    @blood_rain_splash.fill_rect(1, 4, 6, 1, darkRed)
    @blood_rain_splash.fill_rect(0, 1, 1, 3, darkRed)
    @blood_rain_splash.fill_rect(7, 1, 1, 3, darkRed)
    @sparkle_bitmaps = []
    lightBlue = Color.new(181, 244, 255, 255)
    midBlue   = Color.new(126, 197, 235, 255)
    darkBlue  = Color.new(77, 136, 225, 255)
    # 1st sparkle bitmap
    @sparkle_bitmaps[0] = Bitmap.new(7, 7)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(3, 3, darkBlue)
    # 2nd sparkle bitmap
    @sparkle_bitmaps[1] = Bitmap.new(7, 7)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(3, 2, 1, 3, darkBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 3, 3, 1, darkBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(3, 3, midBlue)
    # 3rd sparkle bitmap
    @sparkle_bitmaps[2] = Bitmap.new(7, 7)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(1, 1, darkBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(5, 1, darkBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(2, 2, midBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(4, 2, midBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(3, 3, lightBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(2, 4, midBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(4, 4, midBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(1, 5, darkBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[2].set_pixel(5, 5, darkBlue)
    # 4th sparkle bitmap
    @sparkle_bitmaps[3] = Bitmap.new(7, 7)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(3, 1, 1, 5, darkBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(1, 3, 5, 1, darkBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(3, 2, 1, 3, midBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(2, 3, 3, 1, midBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[3].set_pixel(3, 3, lightBlue)
    # 5th sparkle bitmap
    @sparkle_bitmaps[4] = Bitmap.new(7, 7)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[4].fill_rect(2, 2, 3, 3, midBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[4].fill_rect(3, 2, 1, 3, darkBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[4].fill_rect(2, 3, 3, 1, darkBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(3, 3, lightBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(1, 1, darkBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(5, 1, darkBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(1, 5, darkBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[4].set_pixel(5, 1, darkBlue)
    # 6th sparkle bitmap
    @sparkle_bitmaps[5] = Bitmap.new(7, 7)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(2, 1, 3, 5, darkBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(1, 2, 5, 3, darkBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(2, 2, 3, 3, midBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(3, 1, 1, 5, midBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(1, 3, 5, 1, midBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(3, 2, 1, 3, lightBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[5].fill_rect(2, 3, 3, 1, lightBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[5].set_pixel(3, 3, white)
    # 7th sparkle bitmap
    @sparkle_bitmaps[6] = Bitmap.new(7, 7)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(2, 1, 3, 5, midBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(1, 2, 5, 3, midBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(3, 0, 1, 7, darkBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(0, 3, 7, 1, darkBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(2, 2, 3, 3, lightBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(3, 2, 1, 3, midBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[6].fill_rect(2, 3, 3, 1, midBlue)
    @sparkle_bitmaps[6].set_pixel(3, 3, white)
    # Meteor bitmap
    @meteor_bitmap = Bitmap.new(14, 12)
    @meteor_bitmap.fill_rect(0, 8, 5, 4, paleOrange)
    @meteor_bitmap.fill_rect(1, 7, 6, 4, paleOrange)
    @meteor_bitmap.set_pixel(7, 8, paleOrange)
    @meteor_bitmap.fill_rect(1, 8, 2, 2, brightOrange)
    @meteor_bitmap.set_pixel(2, 7, brightOrange)
    @meteor_bitmap.fill_rect(3, 6, 2, 1, brightOrange)
    @meteor_bitmap.set_pixel(3, 8, brightOrange)
    @meteor_bitmap.set_pixel(3, 10, brightOrange)
    @meteor_bitmap.set_pixel(4, 9, brightOrange)
    @meteor_bitmap.fill_rect(5, 5, 1, 5, brightOrange)
    @meteor_bitmap.fill_rect(6, 4, 1, 5, brightOrange)
    @meteor_bitmap.fill_rect(7, 3, 1, 5, brightOrange)
    @meteor_bitmap.fill_rect(8, 6, 1, 2, brightOrange)
    @meteor_bitmap.set_pixel(9, 5, brightOrange)
    @meteor_bitmap.set_pixel(3, 8, midRed)
    @meteor_bitmap.fill_rect(4, 7, 1, 2, midRed)
    @meteor_bitmap.set_pixel(4, 5, midRed)
    @meteor_bitmap.set_pixel(5, 4, midRed)
    @meteor_bitmap.set_pixel(5, 6, midRed)
    @meteor_bitmap.set_pixel(6, 5, midRed)
    @meteor_bitmap.set_pixel(6, 7, midRed)
    @meteor_bitmap.fill_rect(7, 4, 1, 3, midRed)
    @meteor_bitmap.fill_rect(8, 3, 1, 3, midRed)
    @meteor_bitmap.fill_rect(9, 2, 1, 3, midRed)
    @meteor_bitmap.fill_rect(10, 1, 1, 3, midRed)
    @meteor_bitmap.fill_rect(11, 0, 1, 3, midRed)
    @meteor_bitmap.fill_rect(12, 0, 1, 2, midRed)
    @meteor_bitmap.set_pixel(13, 0, midRed)
    # impact bitmap
    @impact_bitmap = Bitmap.new(22, 11)
    @impact_bitmap.fill_rect(0, 5, 1, 2, brightOrange)
    @impact_bitmap.set_pixel(1, 4, brightOrange)
    @impact_bitmap.set_pixel(1, 6, brightOrange)
    @impact_bitmap.set_pixel(2, 3, brightOrange)
    @impact_bitmap.set_pixel(2, 7, brightOrange)
    @impact_bitmap.set_pixel(3, 2, midRed)
    @impact_bitmap.set_pixel(3, 7, midRed)
    @impact_bitmap.set_pixel(4, 2, brightOrange)
    @impact_bitmap.set_pixel(4, 8, brightOrange)
    @impact_bitmap.set_pixel(5, 2, midRed)
    @impact_bitmap.fill_rect(5, 8, 3, 1, brightOrange)
    @impact_bitmap.set_pixel(6, 1, midRed)
    @impact_bitmap.fill_rect(7, 1, 8, 1, brightOrange)
    @impact_bitmap.fill_rect(7, 9, 8, 1, midRed)
    # Ash bitmaps
    @ash_bitmaps = []
    @ash_bitmaps[0] = Bitmap.new(3, 3)
    @ash_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(0, 1, 1, 3, lightGrey)
    @ash_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(1, 0, 3, 1, lightGrey)
    @ash_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(1, 1, white)
    @ash_bitmaps[1] = Bitmap.new(3, 3)
    @ash_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(0, 1, 1, 3, grey)
    @ash_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 0, 3, 1, grey)
    @ash_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(1, 1, lightGrey)
    # Bubble bitmaps
    @bubble_bitmaps = []
    darkBlue  = Color.new(77, 136, 225, 160)
    aqua = Color.new(197, 253, 254, 160)
    lavender = Color.new(225, 190, 244, 160)
    # first bubble bitmap
    @bubble_bitmaps[0] = Bitmap.new(24, 24)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(0, 9, 24, 5, darkBlue)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(1, 6, 22, 11, darkBlue)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(2, 5, 20, 13, darkBlue)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(3, 4, 18, 15, darkBlue)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(4, 3, 16, 17, darkBlue)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(5, 2, 14, 19, darkBlue)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(6, 1, 12, 21, darkBlue)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(9, 0, 5, 24, darkBlue)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(2, 11, 20, 4, aqua)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(3, 7, 18, 10, aqua)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(4, 6, 16, 12, aqua)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(5, 5, 14, 14, aqua)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(6, 4, 12, 16, aqua)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(9, 2, 4, 20, aqua)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(5, 10, 1, 7, lavender)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(6, 14, 1, 5, lavender)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(7, 15, 1, 4, lavender)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(8, 16, 1, 4, lavender)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(9, 17, 1, 3, lavender)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(10, 18, 4, 3, lavender)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(14, 18, 1, 2, lavender)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(13, 5, 4, 4, white)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(14, 4, 2, 1, white)
    @bubble_bitmaps[0].set_pixel(17, 6, white)
    # second bubble bitmap
    @bubble_bitmaps[1] = Bitmap.new(14, 15)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(0, 4, 14, 7, darkBlue)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 3, 12, 9, darkBlue)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 2, 10, 11, darkBlue)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(3, 1, 8, 13, darkBlue)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(5, 0, 4, 15, darkBlue)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 5, 12, 4, aqua)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 4, 10, 6, aqua)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(3, 3, 8, 8, aqua)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(4, 2, 6, 10, aqua)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(1, 5, 12, 4, aqua)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(3, 9, 1, 2, lavender)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(4, 10, 1, 2, lavender)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(5, 11, 4, 1, lavender)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(6, 12, 2, 1, white)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(8, 3, 2, 2, white)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(7, 4, white)
    @bubble_bitmaps[1].set_pixel(8, 5, white)
    # Other option for bubbles
    @bubble2_bitmaps = Array.new
    darkSteelGray = Color.new(145, 150, 155, 160)
    midSteelGray = Color.new(180, 180, 185, 160)
    lightSteelGray = Color.new(225, 225, 235, 160)
    steelBlue = Color.new(145, 145, 165, 160)
    lightSteelBlue = Color.new(165, 170, 180, 160)
    transparentWhite = Color.new(255, 255, 255, 160)
    # first bubble 2 bitmap
    @bubble2_bitmaps[0] = Bitmap.new(6, 6)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(0, 0, 6, 6, darkSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(0, 2, 6, 2, midSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(2, 0, 2, 6, midSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[0].fill_rect(2, 2, 2, 2, lightSteelGray)
    # second bubble 2 bitmap
    @bubble2_bitmaps[1] = Bitmap.new(8, 8)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(0, 2, 2, 4, steelBlue)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 0, 4, 2, darkSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(6, 2, 2, 2, darkSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 6, 2, 2, darkSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(6, 4, 2, 2, midSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(4, 6, 2, 2, midSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(4, 4, 2, 2, lightSteelBlue)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 4, 2, 2, lightSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(4, 2, 2, 2, lightSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[1].fill_rect(2, 2, 2, 2, transparentWhite)
    # third bubble 2 bitmap
    @bubble2_bitmaps[2] = Bitmap.new(8, 10)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(8, 2, 2, 4, steelBlue)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(2, 0, 8, 2, darkSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(2, 6, 8, 2, darkSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(4, 0, 2, 2, midSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(4, 6, 2, 2, midSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(0, 2, 2, 2, midSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(0, 4, 2, 2, lightSteelBlue)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(2, 2, 6, 4, lightSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(2, 2, 4, 2, transparentWhite)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[2].fill_rect(4, 4, 2, 2, transparentWhite)
    # fourth bubble 2 bitmap
    @bubble2_bitmaps[3] = Bitmap.new(14, 14)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(4, 0, 4, 2, steelBlue)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(0, 4, 2, 4, steelBlue)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(12, 4, 2, 4, steelBlue)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(8, 0, 2, 2, darkSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(0, 6, 2, 2, darkSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(12, 6, 2, 2, darkSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(4, 12, 6, 2, darkSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(8, 0, 2, 2, darkSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(2, 2, 10, 10, midSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(6, 12, 2, 2, midSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(2, 4, 10, 6, lightSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(4, 2, 2, 2, lightSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(6, 10, 4, 2, lightSteelGray)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(6, 4, 2, 2, transparentWhite)
    @bubble2_bitmaps[3].fill_rect(4, 6, 2, 2, transparentWhite)
    @user_bitmaps = []
  def update_user_defined
    for image in @user_bitmaps
    #user-defined bitmaps
    for name in $WEATHER_IMAGES
    for sprite in @sprites
      sprite.bitmap = @user_bitmaps[rand(@user_bitmaps.size)]
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    플라니티스 2011.05.04 01:34

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