VX 스크립트

Version: 1.0
Author: Cmpsr2000
Release Date: September 10, 2008

This script allows for the definition of Ammunitions and weapons that can consume them.

  • Create an unlimited number of ammo "types."
  • Fire more than one type of ammo per weapon.
  • Deplete ammunition with skills as well as attacking.
  • Limit the amount of ammo equipable for each weapon (clip size)
  • Reload ammo automatically or by using a skill.


General customization:
# This script allows for the definition of Ammunitions and weapons that can
# consume them. To build an ammunition type, first add the name to the Ammo
# Vocab entry in the redefinitions section of the script.
# To declare a weapon in the database as an ammunition:
# Include the name of the ammo type surrounded by <> in the notes field.
# for example: <arrow>
# To declare a weapon that consumes ammunition:
# Include the term uses: followed by the ammo type surrounded by <> in the
# notes field. for example: <uses:arrow>
# NOTE: Weapons can use more than one type of ammo! Include multiple tags
# for each ammo type you wish to be equipable.
# For example: <uses:bullet> <uses:grenade>
# To restrict the maximum equipable ammo for a weapon:
# Include the max: attribute in the uses tag followed by the amount.
# For example: <uses:bullet max:30>
# NOTE: If you include max: for one ammo type on a weapon, you must include
# it for ALL ammo types for that weapon!
# To reload ammunition when using ammo-restricted weapons:
# Include the reload tag in the notes of the skill.
# For example: <reloads>
# To use ammo with skills:
# Include the spendsAmmo tag followed by the amount to spend in the notes
# field of the skill.
# For example: <spendsAmmo:3>

In Redefinitions::

Set ammo type names and the generic ammo term here:
또 시작
module Vocab
# You can define the names of your ammo types here. These are the terms used
# in the notes field to delcare items as part of the system
Ammo = [ #Ammo1 Name

#Ammo2 Name

#Ammo3 Name
AmmoGeneric = "Ammo"
To add your own damage calculations for ranged weapons:
또 시작!
# includes the calculations for weapons that use ammunition
def hit
if two_swords_style
n1 = weapons[0] == nil ? 95 : weapons[0].hit
n2 = weapons[1] == nil ? 95 : weapons[1].hit
n = [n1, n2].min
elsif weapons[0] != nil and weapons[0].usesAmmo?
n1 = weapons[0].hit
n2 = weapons[1] == nil ? 95 : weapons[1].hit
case $game_ammo.hitRateCalcType
when 0 #addative
n = n1 + n2
when 1 # average (rounds up)
n = ((n1 + n2).to_f / 2).ceil
when 2 #average (rounds down)
n = (n1+ n2) / 2
when 3 #min
n = [n1, n2].min
when 4 #max
n = [n1, n2].max
# scripters can add their own damage calulation for ranged weapons here
# by adding additional "when" statements to the case
n = weapons[0] == nil ? 95 : weapons[0].hit
return n

In Game_Ammo:

Select which damage formula to use:

# set the type of hit calculation for ammos here
# 0: Addative (weapon dmg + ammo dmg)
# 1: Average (rounds up)
# 2: Average (rounds down)
# 3: Min
# 4: Max
@hitRateCalcType = 0

Set auto-reloading behaviors:

# Set this to true if you would like the characters to automatically
# reload their weapons when they expend equiped ammunition.
@autoReload = false
# Set this to true to enable the system to search for the first available
# equipable ammo. Set to false to disable this capability.
@allowBlindReload = true

Comment '2'
  • ?
    찌그만앙마 2008.12.03 01:31
    내용을 보니 탄약을 소비하는 무기에 대한 스크립트이네요.
    무한총알, 한 무기에 따라 여러 타입의 총알 사용, 스킬에 따라 데미지도 오르고, 스킬 또는 자동으로 탄약 충전..등등.. 뭐 이런 내용이네요.
  • ?
    EuclidE 2010.05.03 19:12

    문제는 안된다는거

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