XP 스크립트

Maplinks script by Wachunga@rmxp.net  (이 @이 e-mail주소를 가리키는 것이 아니란 것을 염두에 두시길)

  스크립트를 이용해서 맵의 가장자리로 갔을 때 다음 맵으로 워프하게 하는 것입니다.(맵의 가장자리를 이벤트로 도배하는 것보다 효율적이다?)



  Maplinks - version 0.95 (2005-11-10)


  by Wachunga

 This script simplifies linking maps together: a single event sets up an

 entire edge of the map as a teleport to another map. Players trying to

 leave that edge of the current map are automatically teleported.

 (This can also be achieved with many copies of teleport events along the edges

 of a map or with a parallel-process event that sets variables and uses them to

 teleport, but these methods are not optimal -- causing lag and/or inconvenience

 for the mapper.)

 To link a map with another on a specific edge (north, east, south or west),

 create an event with <maplink> included in its name on the appropriate edge of

 the map. (To avoid confusion, maplink events on corners of the map are

 not valid.) Then, add a teleport ("Transfer Player") command to the event

 to specify the destination map and other details (e.g. player direction,

 fading on/off). If the destination is an east or west edge, then the Y

 coordinate is calculated based on the player's Y coordinate when

 teleporting; likewise, the X coordinate is calculated automatically when

 the destination is a north or south edge.


 Note: unlike normal teleport events, maplinks are activated when the player

 tries to leave the screen instead of when stepping on the last tile. This

 behaviour could be changed, but I feel that it's more natural this way:

 it leaves the whole map open for actual exploration, instead of "wasting"

 the outer tiles of a map.



class Game_Event < Game_Character

  alias ml_ge_init initialize

  def initialize(map_id, event)

    ml_ge_init(map_id, event)

    if @event.name.upcase.include?('<MAPLINK>')

      dir = nil

      if @event.y == $game_map.height-1

        dir = 2 unless @event.x == 0 or @event.x == $game_map.width-1

      elsif @event.x == 0

        dir = 4 unless @event.y == 0 or @event.y == $game_map.height-1

      elsif @event.x == $game_map.width-1

        dir = 6 unless @event.y == 0 or @event.y == $game_map.height-1

      elsif @event.y == 0

        dir = 8 unless @event.x == 0 or @event.x == $game_map.width-1


      if dir != nil

        @list.each { |command|

          if command.code == 201

            # make sure new location isn't be specified by variables

            if command.parameters[0] == 0

              $game_map.maplinks[dir] = Maplink.new(command.parameters)










class Game_Map

  attr_accessor :maplinks


  alias ml_gm_setup setup

  def setup(map_id)

    @maplinks = {}




  def width(map_id = @map_id)

    if map_id == @map_id

      return @map.width


      return load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", map_id)).width     



  def height(map_id = @map_id)

    if map_id == @map_id

      return @map.height


      return load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", map_id)).height






class Maplink


  def initialize(parameters)

    @param = parameters


  def activate

    width = $game_map.width(@param[1])

    height = $game_map.height(@param[1])

    # modify x (p[2]) or y (p[3]) coordinates appropriately

    if @param[2] == 0 or @param[2] == width-1

      @param[3] = $game_player.y

    elsif @param[3] == 0 or @param[3] == height-1

      @param[2] = $game_player.x


    # set up a dummy interpreter just for teleport

    interpreter = Interpreter.new

    interpreter.parameters = @param

    interpreter.index = 0






class Game_Player

  alias ml_cett check_event_trigger_touch

  def check_event_trigger_touch(x, y)





  def check_maplinks(x,y)

    if $game_map.valid?(x, y) then return end

    dir = nil

    if y == $game_map.height then dir = 2

    elsif x == -1 then dir = 4

    elsif x == $game_map.width then dir = 6

    elsif y == -1 then dir = 8


    if dir != nil

      if $game_map.maplinks[dir] != nil







class Interpreter

  attr_accessor :parameters

  attr_accessor :index


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