
중복인 것 같아서 여기에 올림
New HUD 2.0

Creating an Enemy:

Build on the map, an event with the following comments:

* Enemy ID (ID change the id of an enemy in the database);

* Erase Die: Deletes the enemy apóes event he dies;

* Die Venue Switch A: Active at The Venue Switch oo enemy dying;

* Die Venue Switch B: Active Venue Switch to B when the enemy dies;

* Die Venue Switch C: Active in Local Switch C when the enemy dies;

* Die Venue Switch D: Active in Local Switch D when the enemy dies;

* Die Switch X: Switch the Active X when the enemy dies;

* Die Variable X: Adds +1 to Variaável X when the enemy dies;

* Follow X (X change by the distance of vision of the enemy, for it follows a hero automatically if it is within your field of vision);

* Kill Weapon ID (ID to change the id of a weapon, so the enemy will die, if only given the weapon is used against him);

* Kill Skill ID (ID to change the id of a skill, so the enemy will die, only if the particular skill is used against him);

* Kill Item ID (ID to change the ide of an item, so the enemy will die, only if the particular item is used against him);

Putting the comment Boss, the bar of HP of the enemy appears in the center of the screen.


Setting the script:

To change the key of attack, look at the script this line:
Right_Attack_Button = Input::Letters["A"]
and change "Letters["A"]" to the key you want.

To change the key of attack with the left hand and key on the shield, look at the script this line:
Left_Attack_and_Shield_Button = Input::Letters["S"]
and change "Letters["A"]" to the key you want.

To create a weapon, skill or items with animation, cut: Animate_Weapons [X] = [Y,Z] X and change to the id of the weapon in the database, the results for the prefix of the name of char attacking, and for Z The Index of Char. For examples:
Animate_Weapons[0] = ["_Attacking",0]
Animate_Skills[0] = ["_Casting",0]
Animate_Items[0] = ["_UsingItem",0]

To create a weapon away, cut: Distance_Weapons[ S] = [T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z] and change: S: ID of Weapon, T: Char, U: Index of Char, V: Speed, W : Distance, X: Time of waiting to attack again, Y: Ammunition 1, Z: Ammunition 2. Example:
Distance_Weapons[4] = ["$Arrow",0,6,5,30,21,22]

To create a skill away, cut: Distance_Skills[ U] = [V, W, X, Y, Z] and change: U: ID of skill, V: Char, W: Index of Char, X: Speed, Y: Distance, Z : Time of waiting to attack again. For example:
Distance_Skills[59] = ["Energy Ball",0,4,5,60]

To create an item away, cut: Distance_Items[ U] = [V, W, X, Y, Z] and change: U: ID of the item, V: Char, W: Index of Char, X: Speed, Y: Distance, Z : Time of waiting to attack again. Example:
Distance_Items[16] = ["Energy Ball",0,6,5,30]

To create a shield, cut: Shields[X] = ["Y",Z] X and change to the id of the shield in the database and Y for the prefix of char using the shield, and Z in the index of char. Example:
Shields[16] = ["_Shield",0]

To change the animations of enemies, cut Enemy_animations[X] = [Y, Z] X and change to the ID of the enemy, and Y to the ID of animation when he dies and Z to the running of the enemy's attack. Example:
Enemy_animations[2] = [13,0]
September 26th
New HUD 2.0

August 31th
Fixed the bug of memorized skills of the actors, now, every actor have your self hotkey, what can be configured in the script.

August 15th
* Fixed some bugs, including the bug of enemies don't die with paralell process event running;
* Fixed the bug of Boss HP bar;
* Included english version in the demo;
* and other little things;

July 27th
* Fixed the bug of enemies don't die with a paralel process event running;
* New system for damage of the eney and actor;
* Fixed other small bugs;

July 10th
* Fixed the bug of Boat and Ship;
* Addeded function to use SE in skills and Items Ranged;
Crissaegrim ABS 2.0.5 
http://dark-crissaegrim.spaces.live.com/ 여기서 업데이트 되면 쓸 수 있음
Comment '4'
  • ?
    Russ 2008.10.31 19:17
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    NewSet 2008.11.01 17:13
    중복인것 같아서 여기 올렷다는건 도데체..
  • ?
    Man... 2008.11.05 18:16
    전에 RPG 부스터 님이 올린 Crissaegrim ABS 2.0.5 이 있었습니다. -_-
    전에 그 님이 올리지 않았으면 제가 스크립트 쪽에 올렸겠지요. -_-[레벨:26]
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    아방스 2008.11.02 19:57
    깔끔하니 괺찮은듯 보이는군요 ^^;

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