Ace 스크립트

# ▼ Yanfly Engine Ace - Adjust Limits v1.00
# -- Last Updated: 2011.12.03
# -- Level: Normal
# -- Requires: n/a

$imported = {} if $imported.nil?
$imported["YEA-AdjustLimits"] = true

# ▼ Updates
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# 2011.12.03 - Finished Script.
# 2011.12.02 - Started Script.
# ▼ Introduction
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# There exists some limitations in RPG Maker VX Ace that not everybody's fond
# of. With this script, you can easily adjust the limits of each limitation.
# Here's the list of various limits that can be changed:
# - Gold Max  - Have more than 99,999,999 gold.
# - Item Max  - Have more than 99 items. Customizable per item, too.
# - Level Max - Exceed 99 levels. Parameters are automatically calculated based
#               on the level 99 and level 98 stats in the class parameters.
# - Stat Max  - Stats can exceed 999. Does not adjust for current formulas.
# ▼ Instructions
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script
# to an open slot below ▼ Materials/素材 but above ▼ Main. Remember to save.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Actor Notetags - These notetags go in the actors notebox in the database.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# <initial level: x>
# Sets the initial level for the specific actor. Can go above level 99 as long
# as the max level is higher than 99. Default initial level limit is 99.
# <max level: x>
# Sets the max level for the specific actor. Can go above level 99 as long as
# the higher limit is defined in the module. Default max level is level 99.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class Notetags - These notetags go in the class notebox in the database.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# <learn at level: x>
# This actually goes inside of the skill learning "notes" box. Replace x with
# the level you wish for the class to learn the skill at. This enables classes
# to learn new skills past level 99.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Item Notetags - These notetags go in the items notebox in the database.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# <max limit: x>
# Changes the maximum number of items that can be held from whatever the
# normal amount that can be held. Default amount is 99.
# <price: x>
# Changes the price of the item to x. Allows you to go over the price of
# 999,999 gold if your maximum gold exceeds that amount. Default maximum gold
# is 99,999,999 gold.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Weapon Notetags - These notetags go in the weapons notebox in the database.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# <max limit: x>
# Changes the maximum number of items that can be held from whatever the
# normal amount that can be held. Default amount is 99.
# <price: x>
# Changes the price of the item to x. Allows you to go over the price of
# 999,999 gold if your maximum gold exceeds that amount. Default maximum gold
# is 99,999,999 gold.
# <stat: +x>
# <stat: -x>
# Changes the stat bonus of the piece of equipment to yield +x or -x. Allows
# bonus to go over +500 and under -500. Replace stat with one of the following:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Armour Notetags - These notetags go in the armours notebox in the database.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# <max limit: x>
# Changes the maximum number of items that can be held from whatever the
# normal amount that can be held. Default amount is 99.
# <price: x>
# Changes the price of the item to x. Allows you to go over the price of
# 999,999 gold if your maximum gold exceeds that amount. Default maximum gold
# is 99,999,999 gold.
# <stat: +x>
# <stat: -x>
# Changes the stat bonus of the piece of equipment to yield +x or -x. Allows
# bonus to go over +500 and under -500. Replace stat with one of the following:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enemy Notetags - These notetags go in the enemy notebox in the database.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# <stat: x>
# Changes the stat of the enemy to x value. Allows going over the database max
# values. Replace stat with one of the following:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script Calls - These commands are used with script calls.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# gain_gold(x)
# lose_gold(x)
# Causes the player to gain/lose x gold. Allows you to go over 9,999,999 gold.
# Default maximum gold is 99,999,999.
# gain_item(x, y)
# lose_item(x, y)
# gain_weapon(x, y)
# lose_weapon(x, y)
# gain_armour(x, y)
# lose_armour(x, y)
# Causes the player to gain/lose x item in y amount. Allows you to go over 99
# quantity. Default quantity is 99.
# ▼ Compatibility
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# This script is made strictly for RPG Maker VX Ace. It is highly unlikely that
# it will run with RPG Maker VX without adjusting.

module YEA
  module LIMIT
    # - Gold Settings -
    # Adjust gold settings here. You can change the maximum amount of gold to
    # whatever you want. In addition to that, you can also adjust whether or
    # not you wish for your gold display to show an icon instead, (and change
    # the font size if needed). If there's too much gold that's to be displayed
    # then you can change the text shown in place of that.
    GOLD_MAX  = 999999999999999  # Maximum gold.
    GOLD_ICON = 0              # Icon used for gold. Use 0 for text currency.
    GOLD_FONT = 20               # Font size used to display gold.
    TOO_MUCH_GOLD = "A lotta gold!"   # Text used when gold cannot fit.
    # - Item Settings -
    # Adjust item settings here. You can change the maximum number of items
    # held from 99 to whatever you want. In addition to that, change the prefix
    # used for items when shown in the item display menu (and the font size if
    # needed). Items can have individual maximums through usage of the
    # <max limit: x> notetag.
    ITEM_MAX  = 999     # The default maximum number of items held each.
    ITEM_FONT = 20      # Font size used to display item quantity.
    SHOP_FONT = 20      # Font size used for shop item costs.
    ITEM_PREFIX = "×%s" # Prefix used for item quantity in item lists.
    # - Parameter Settings -
    # Adjust the limits for each of the various stats (for MaxHP, MaxMP, ATK,
    # DEF, MAT, and more). Adjust them as you see fit.
    LEVEL_MAX = 99      # Sets max level to x for those with 99 level limit.
    MAXHP_MAX = 9999999 # Sets MaxHP to something higher than 9999.
    MAXMP_MAX = 9999999 # Sets MaxMP to something higher than 9999.
    PARAM_MAX = 99999   # Sets stat max for something higher than 999.
    EQUIP_FONT = 20     # Changes the default equip window font size.
  end # LIMIT
end # YEA

# ▼ Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing
# computer damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or
# halitosis so edit at your own risk.

module YEA
  module REGEXP
  module ACTOR
    MAX_LEVEL = /<(?:MAX_LEVEL|max level):[ ](\d+)>/i
    INI_LEVEL = /<(?:INITIAL_LEVEL|initial level):[ ](\d+)>/i
  end # ACTOR
  module CLASS
    LEARN_AT_LV = /<(?:LEARN_AT_LEVEL|learn at level):[ ](\d+)>/i
  end # CLASS
  module BASEITEM
    PRICE     = /<(?:GOLD|price|COST):[ ](\d+)>/i
    MAX_LIMIT = /<(?:MAX_LIMIT|max limit):[ ](\d+)>/i
    STAT_SET  = /<(.*):[ ]*([\+\-]\d+)>/i
  end # BASEITEM
  module ENEMY
    STAT_SET  = /<(.*):[ ]*(\d+)>/i
  end # ENEMY
  end # REGEXP
end # YEA

# ■ Icon

module Icon
  def; return YEA::LIMIT::GOLD_ICON; end
end # Icon
# ■ Numeric

class Numeric
  # new method: group_digits
  unless $imported["YEA-CoreEngine"]
  def group; return self.to_s; end
  end # $imported["YEA-CoreEngine"]
end # Numeric

# ■ DataManager

module DataManager
  # alias method: load_database
  class <<self; alias load_database_al load_database; end
  def self.load_database
  # new method: load_notetags_al
  def self.load_notetags_al
    groups = [$data_actors, $data_items, $data_weapons, $data_armors,
      $data_enemies, $data_classes]
    for group in groups
      for obj in group
        next if obj.nil?
end # DataManager

# ■ RPG::Actor

class RPG::Actor < RPG::BaseItem
  # common cache: load_notetags_al
  def load_notetags_al
    @max_level = YEA::LIMIT::LEVEL_MAX if @max_level == 99
    self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
      case line
        @max_level = [[$1.to_i, 1].max, YEA::LIMIT::LEVEL_MAX].min
        @ini_level = [@ini_level, @max_level].min
        @ini_level = [[$1.to_i, 1].max, @max_level].min
    } # self.note.split
end # RPG::Actor

# ■ RPG::Class

class RPG::Class < RPG::BaseItem
  # new method: above_lv99_params
  def above_lv99_params(param_id, level)
    return @params[param_id, level] if level <= 99
    n = @params[param_id, 99]
    multiplier = [level - 99, 1].max
    change = (@params[param_id, 99] - @params[param_id, 98]) + 1
    n += change * multiplier
    return n
  # new method: load_notetags_al
  def load_notetags_al
    for item in @learnings; item.load_notetags_al; end
end # RPG::Class

# ■ RPG::Class::Learning

class RPG::Class::Learning
  # common cache: load_notetags_al
  def load_notetags_al
    self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
      case line
        @level = [[$1.to_i, 1].max, YEA::LIMIT::LEVEL_MAX].min
    } # self.note.split
end # RPG::Class::Learning

# ■ RPG::BaseItem

class RPG::BaseItem
  # public instance variables
  attr_accessor :max_limit
  # common cache: load_notetags_al
  def load_notetags_al
    @max_limit = YEA::LIMIT::ITEM_MAX
    self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
      case line
        @price = [$1.to_i, YEA::LIMIT::GOLD_MAX].min
        @max_limit = [$1.to_i, 1].max
        case $1.upcase
        when "HP", "MAXHP", "MHP"
          @params[0] = $2.to_i
        when "MP", "MAXMP", "MMP", "SP", "MAXSP", "MSP"
          @params[1] = $2.to_i
        when "ATK"
          @params[2] = $2.to_i
        when "DEF"
          @params[3] = $2.to_i
        when "MAT", "INT", "SPI"
          @params[4] = $2.to_i
        when "MDF", "RES"
          @params[5] = $2.to_i
        when "AGI", "SPD"
          @params[6] = $2.to_i
        when "LUK", "LUCK"
          @params[7] = $2.to_i
    } # self.note.split
  # new method: max_limit
  def max_limit; return @max_limit; end
end # RPG::BaseItem

# ■ RPG::Enemy

class RPG::Enemy < RPG::BaseItem
  # common cache: load_notetags_al
  def load_notetags_al
    self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
      case line
        case $1.upcase
        when "HP", "MAXHP", "MHP"
          @params[0] = $2.to_i
        when "MP", "MAXMP", "MMP", "SP", "MAXSP", "MSP"
          @params[1] = $2.to_i
        when "ATK"
          @params[2] = $2.to_i
        when "DEF"
          @params[3] = $2.to_i
        when "MAT", "INT", "SPI"
          @params[4] = $2.to_i
        when "MDF", "RES"
          @params[5] = $2.to_i
        when "AGI", "SPD"
          @params[6] = $2.to_i
        when "LUK", "LUCK"
          @params[7] = $2.to_i
        when "EXP", "XP"
          @exp = $2.to_i
        when "GOLD", "GP"
          @gold = $2.to_i
    } # self.note.split
end # RPG::Enemy

# ■ Game_BattlerBase

class Game_BattlerBase
  # overwrite method: param_max
  def param_max(param_id)
    return YEA::LIMIT::MAXHP_MAX if param_id == 0
    return YEA::LIMIT::MAXMP_MAX if param_id == 1
    return YEA::LIMIT::PARAM_MAX
end # Game_BattlerBase

# ■ Game_Actor

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  # overwrite method: param_max
  def param_max(param_id)
    return super
  # overwrite method: param_base
  def param_base(param_id)
    return self.class.params[param_id, @level] if @level <= 99
    return self.class.above_lv99_params(param_id, @level)
  # new method: check_levels
  def check_levels
    last_level = @level
    @level = [[@level, max_level].min, 1].max
    return if @level == last_level
    change_exp(exp_for_level(@level), false)
end # Game_Actor

# ■ Game_Party

class Game_Party < Game_Unit
  # overwrite method: max_gold
  def max_gold; return YEA::LIMIT::GOLD_MAX; end
  # overwrite method: max_item_number
  def max_item_number(item); return item.max_limit; end
end # Game_Party

# ■ Game_Interpreter

class Game_Interpreter
  # new method: gain_gold
  def gain_gold(value); $game_party.gain_gold(value); end
  # new method: lose_gold
  def lose_gold(value); $game_party.lose_gold(value); end
  # new method: gain_item
  def gain_item(id, amount)
    return if $data_items[id].nil?
    $game_party.gain_item($data_items[id], amount)
  # new method: lose_item
  def lose_item(id, amount)
    return if $data_items[id].nil?
    $game_party.lose_item($data_items[id], amount)
  # new method: gain_weapon
  def gain_weapon(id, amount)
    return if $data_weapons[id].nil?
    $game_party.gain_item($data_weapons[id], amount)
  # new method: lose_weapon
  def lose_weapon(id, amount)
    return if $data_weapons[id].nil?
    $game_party.lose_item($data_weapons[id], amount)
  # new method: gain_armour
  def gain_armour(id, amount)
    return if $data_armors[id].nil?
    $game_party.gain_item($data_armors[id], amount)
  # new method: lose_armour
  def lose_armour(id, amount)
    return if $data_armors[id].nil?
    $game_party.lose_item($data_armors[id], amount)
  # new method: gain_armor
  def gain_armor(id, amount)
    return if $data_armors[id].nil?
    $game_party.gain_item($data_armors[id], amount)
  # new method: lose_armor
  def lose_armor(id, amount)
    return if $data_armors[id].nil?
    $game_party.lose_item($data_armors[id], amount)
end # Game_Interpreter

# ■ Window_Base

class Window_Base < Window
  # overwrite method: draw_actor_level
  def draw_actor_level(actor, dx, dy)
    dw = text_size(Vocab::level_a + YEA::LIMIT::LEVEL_MAX.to_s).width
    draw_text(dx, dy, dw, line_height, Vocab::level_a)
    cx = text_size(Vocab::level_a).width
    draw_text(dx + cx, dy, dw, line_height,, 2)
  # overwrite method: draw_actor_param
  def draw_actor_param(actor, dx, dy, param_id)
    draw_text(dx, dy, 120, line_height, Vocab::param(param_id))
    draw_text(dx, dy, 156, line_height, actor.param(param_id).group, 2)
  # draw_currency_value
  def draw_currency_value(value, unit, dx, dy, dw)
    contents.font.size = YEA::LIMIT::GOLD_FONT
    cx = gold_icon?(unit) ? 24 : text_size(unit).width
    text =
    text = YEA::LIMIT::TOO_MUCH_GOLD if contents.text_size(text).width > dw-cx
    draw_text(dx, dy, dw - cx - 2, line_height, text, 2)
    draw_icon(, dx+dw-24, dy) if gold_icon?(unit)
    draw_text(dx, dy, dw, line_height, unit, 2) unless gold_icon?(unit)
  # new method: gold_icon?
  def gold_icon?(unit)
    return false if unit != Vocab.currency_unit
    return YEA::LIMIT::GOLD_ICON > 0
end # Window_Base

# ■ Window_ItemList

class Window_ItemList < Window_Selectable
  # overwrite method: draw_item_number
  def draw_item_number(rect, item)
    contents.font.size = YEA::LIMIT::ITEM_FONT
    quantity = $game_party.item_number(item).group
    text = sprintf(YEA::LIMIT::ITEM_PREFIX, quantity)
    draw_text(rect, text, 2)
end # Window_ItemList

# ■ Window_EquipStatus

class Window_EquipStatus < Window_Base
  # overwrite method: draw_item
  def draw_item(dx, dy, param_id)
    draw_param_name(dx + 4, dy, param_id)
    draw_current_param(dx + 64, dy, param_id) if @actor
    draw_right_arrow(dx + 110, dy)
    draw_new_param(dx + 132, dy, param_id) if @temp_actor
  # overwrite method: draw_param_name
  def draw_param_name(dx, dy, param_id)
    contents.font.size = YEA::LIMIT::EQUIP_FONT
    draw_text(dx, dy, contents.width, line_height, Vocab::param(param_id))
  # overwrite method: draw_current_param
  def draw_current_param(dx, dy, param_id)
    draw_text(0, dy, dx+48, line_height, @actor.param(param_id).group, 2)
  # overwrite method: draw_new_param
  def draw_new_param(dx, dy, param_id)
    contents.font.size = YEA::LIMIT::EQUIP_FONT
    new_value = @temp_actor.param(param_id)
    change_color(param_change_color(new_value - @actor.param(param_id)))
    draw_text(0, dy, contents.width-4, line_height,, 2)
end # Window_EquipStatus

# ■ Window_ShopBuy

class Window_ShopBuy < Window_Selectable
  # overwrite method: draw_item
  def draw_item(index)
    item = @data[index]
    rect = item_rect(index)
    draw_item_name(item, rect.x, rect.y, enable?(item))
    rect.width -= 4
    contents.font.size = YEA::LIMIT::SHOP_FONT
    draw_text(rect, price(item).group, 2)
end # Window_ShopBuy

# ■ Scene_Load

class Scene_Load < Scene_File
  # alias method: on_load_success
  alias on_load_success_al on_load_success
  def on_load_success
  # new method: perform_level_check
  def perform_level_check
    for i in 1..$data_actors.size
      next if $game_actors[i].nil?
end # Scene_Load

# ▼ End of File

  • ?
    카이온 2012.07.07 21:31
    엉엉 날 가져요
    마침 제일 필요했던건데
  • profile
    프럼독 2012.07.07 21:42
    허거거거거거거걱..... 입이 쫙 벌어지게 만드는 이 스크립트...
    한계를 뛰어넘은 사람의 작품이다...
  • ?
    시옷청룡 2012.07.08 12:21
  • ?
    달밤에왈츠 2012.07.11 14:58
    한계돌파 스크립트라면 능력치나 아이템의 한계 수치를 넘길 수 있게 하는 스크립트란 말인가요?
  • ?
    빙룡군 2012.07.13 01:51
    네, 그렇습니다.
    몬스터도 엑터도 모두 제한수치를 넘기게 할 수 있어요.
  • ?
    걍나댄다 2012.07.24 13:41
    그냥 넣기만 하면 되나요?
  • ?
    빙룡군 2012.07.26 18:14
    네. 하지만 아마 이상태로 넣으신다면 레벨은 99까지밖에 안 오르실 겁니다.
  • ?
    Bluesky(新) 2012.08.02 19:53
    사용 방법이 햇갈리네요. 어느 부분을 수정해야 하나요?
  • ?
    빙룡군 2012.08.02 21:41
    LEVEL_MAX = 99 # Sets max level to x for those with 99 level limit.
    이 부분의 숫자가 레벨의 한계입니다.
    999로 바꾸시면 레벨이 999까지 적용됩니다.
    아마 175행에 있을 겁니다.
  • ?
    Bluesky(新) 2012.08.04 21:00
    음. 한계 돌파는 다양한 부분의 한계을 돌파 할 수 있는 것으로 압니다.
    vx 버전은 기본적으로 능력치. 소지금 제한. 아이템 소지수 제한 등이 가능 한 것으로 아는데.
    ace 버전에서는 레벨 제한 이외의 한계 돌파가 가능한건 무엇이 있나요?
  • ?
    빙룡군 2012.08.05 00:37
    레벨, 소지금, 아이템 소지수, 스테이터스, 적 능력치, 적 경험치 등등이 있습니다.
    왠만한 건 다 돌파한다고 보셔도 무방합니다.
  • ?
    Bluesky(新) 2012.08.05 09:04
    GOLD_MAX = 999999999999999 # Maximum gold.
    GOLD_ICON = 0 # Icon used for gold. Use 0 for text currency.
    GOLD_FONT = 20 # Font size used to display gold.
    TOO_MUCH_GOLD = "A lotta gold!" # Text used when gold cannot fit.

    ITEM_MAX = 999 # The default maximum number of items held each.
    ITEM_FONT = 20 # Font size used to display item quantity.
    SHOP_FONT = 20 # Font size used for shop item costs.
    ITEM_PREFIX = "×%s" # Prefix used for item quantity in item lists.

    LEVEL_MAX = 99 # Sets max level to x for those with 99 level limit.
    MAXHP_MAX = 9999999 # Sets MaxHP to something higher than 9999.
    MAXMP_MAX = 9999999 # Sets MaxMP to something higher than 9999.
    PARAM_MAX = 99999 # Sets stat max for something higher than 999.
    EQUIP_FONT = 20 # Changes the default equip window font size.

    이거만 변경 할 수 있는 것으로 아는데. 제가 영어가 약해서 보면
    골드 한계. 골드 아이콘. 골드 폰트. 다음은 모르겠고
    아이템 한계. 아이템 폰트. 상점 폰트. 모르겠고
    레벨 한계. 최대 체력 한계. 최대 마력 한계. 모르겠고. 모르겠네요..
    papam이 능력치 전부를 뜻하는건가요? ㄷㄷ 잘 모르겠습니다.
  • ?
    빙룡군 2012.08.05 10:29
    TOO_MUCH_GOLD는 소지금이 너무 많을 때 시스템에 표시되는 문구를 뜻합니다.
    ITEM_FREFIX는 저는 사용하지 않아서 잘 모르겠습니다.
    PARAM_MAX는 HP, MP를 제외한 모든 스탯을 의미합니다.
    EQUIP_FONT는 장비의 폰트 사이즈를 의미합니다.
  • ?
    Bluesky(新) 2012.08.05 11:43
    그렇군요. 골드 멕스. 아이템 멕스. 레벨 멕스. 멕스hp 멕스. 멕스mp 멕스. param 멕스
    이거만 수정하면 되겠네요. 그럼 아까 말씀하신 적 능력치. 적 경험치 등은 어떻게 수정하나요?
  • ?
    agnos 2012.08.25 08:03
    레벨제한을 수정하고 싶은데
    어느 곳의 스크립트에 덮어쓰기해야 되나요?
  • ?
    DeathLord 2012.08.25 19:09
    그런데 이거 몬스터 한계는 어떻게 돌파시키죠? ;;
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    Ilike게임 2012.09.18 18:41
    레벨을200까지 적용하고 데이타베이스에서 액터를 200까지 만렙을 적용하려 하는데,
    안되네요. 혹시 175행 외에도 다른것들도 수정해야 하나요?
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    혜인 2012.11.10 09:32
    ITEM_PRIFIX는 아이템이 몇 개나 있는지 알려줄 때
    아이템 이름 뒤에 붙는 거라고 되어 있네요.
    만약 "×%s"라면 아이템 이름 '포션' 뒤에 '포션×10' 이런 식으로...
  • ?
    팔슈 2013.04.18 09:49
    어떻게 적용시키는지 모르겠는데....
    사용법 설명 좀요;;
  • ?
    알밤군 2013.05.18 20:56
    스크립트를 넣어도 적용이 안되는데
    어떻게 적용하는지 정확히 가르쳐주세요
  • ?
    시옷청룡 2013.07.14 21:39
    넣어도 아마 데이터베이스에서는 한계를 넘기지 못할 겁니다. 여기서 말하는 한계돌파는, 게임 플레이 중에 레벨99가 되어도 설정해 둔 수치까지 계속 오르는 그런 느낌인 것 같네요. 데이터 베이스의 경우는 이미 프로그래밍할 때 레벨은 2자리 숫자 등으로 한계를 만들어 놓았기 때문에 직접 수정하는 것은 불가능할 것으로 보여집니다.
  • ?
    H3r 2013.08.13 20:26

    메모지에 추가적으로 입력하는 것으로 모든 수치의 한계를 넘길 수 있습니다.
    레벨같은 경우에는 스크립트 중에 직접 경험치 수정하기와 연동하면 되는데,(검색하면 나옵니다.)
    우선 레벨 제한을 150까지 늘리고 싶으면, 레벨 최대값을 150으로 입력하시고,
    각 캐릭터 메모란에 <initial level: 1>, <max level: 150> 이렇게 2줄 입력하시면 최소 레벨1에
    최대 레벨 150, 그리고 경험치 직접 설정 스크립트에 설정한 150까지의 경험치가 전부 적용됩니다.
    참고로 메모란에 입력하는 수치는 반드시 띄워 쓰기 해야 합니다. max level:150 <-이렇게 하면
    인식안합니다. 영어 해석 조금이라도 하실줄 아시는 분들은 상단에 주석 한번 읽어보세요~
    몬스터의 설정값도 메모지에 <maxhp: 100000000> 이렇게 하시면 데이터 베이스에 입력한 보스 HP를
    무시하고 메모란에 설정한 1억이라는 HP를 가진 몬스터가 탄생합니다.
    아이템도 마찬가지입니다. 무기의 경우 기본 제한은 500인데요,
    메모란에 <atk:+1000>이렇게 입력하시면 기본 설정값을 무시하고 메모란에 적힌 1000의 공격력이

  • ?
    늑대고양이 2014.01.23 00:03
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    무겐의P군 2015.04.11 13:25
    오 굳...ㄳ해요.

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