Ace 스크립트

 Title: Restricted Move Input
 Author: Tsukihime
 Date: Aug 31, 2013
 ** Change log
 Aug 31, 2013
   - Initial release
 ** Terms of Use
 * Free to use in commercial/non-commercial projects
 * No real support. The script is provided as-is
 * Will do bug fixes, but no compatibility patches
 * Features may be requested but no guarantees, especially if it is non-trivial
 * Credits to Tsukihime in your project
 * Preserve this header
 ** Description
 This script allows you to enable or disable movement for specific
 directions using script calls. When a direction is disabled, the player
 is unable to move in that direction on the map using the direction input keys.
 ** Installation
 Place this script below Materials and above Main

 ** Usage 

 The following script calls will enable or disable specific directions:
 Where the `dir_symbol`is one of the following
 ** Example
 To prevent players from moving up or down, use the script calls
 To enable them again, use the script calls
$imported = {} if $imported.nil?
$imported["TH_RestrictedMoveInput"] = true
# ** Configuration
module TH
  module Restricted_Move_Input
    Input_Map = {
      :DOWN => 2,
      :LEFT => 4,
      :RIGHT => 6,
      :UP => 8
# ** Rest of Script
class Game_System
  def disabled_move_inputs
    @move_input_disabled ||= {}

class Game_Interpreter
  def disable_move_direction(dir_symbol)
    dir = TH::Restricted_Move_Input::Input_Map[dir_symbol]
    $game_system.disabled_move_inputs[dir] = true
  def enable_move_direction(dir_symbol)
    dir = TH::Restricted_Move_Input::Input_Map[dir_symbol]
    $game_system.disabled_move_inputs[dir] = false

class Game_Player < Game_Character
  alias :th_linear_movement_move_by_input :move_by_input
  def move_by_input
    return if $game_system.disabled_move_inputs[Input.dir4]

사용법은.. 그냥 텍스트파일로.

Who's 스리아씨

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    아라비카100 2013.09.27 07:49
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    스리아씨 2013.09.27 07:51
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    아라비카100 2013.09.27 18:21
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    꺼믄고양이 2014.01.07 15:41
    이 스크립트를 사용해도 달라진게 없어요..ㅠ 제가 원하는건 캐릭터칩의 좌우이동만 허락하는 건데..
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    구륨 2014.02.04 10:20
    스크립트를 등록하기만 해서는 작동되지 않습니다.
    설명에 나와 있듯이, 이벤트 페이지 3에 있는 스크립트 항목을 통해 통행 금지 방향을 지정해주어야 됩니다.
    간편하게, example에 있는 네 항목을 복붙하여 사용하면 됩니다.

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