질문과 답변

Extra Form


# Quick Save Ex

# Soulpour777

# Web URL: www.infinitytears.wordpress.com

# Script Date: 6 / 15/ 2014


# Description:

# This script allows the developer to assign a button where the player can

# just press it and go quickly to the Save Menu and save their progress,

# rather than going to the Menu and saving it there, especially if the player

# is feeling lazy at everything like me.


module Soulpour

  module QuickSaveEx

    SaveIndex = 0 # index of the save file you want to save.

    QS_Button = Input::F7 # The button to open the quick save.

    QL_Button = Input::F8 # the button to open the quick load.




class Scene_Map < Scene_Base

  alias :soulpour_quick_save_ex_update                                :update


  # * Frame Update


  def update





  # * Update Quick Save Ex


  def update_qs_ex

    if Input.trigger?(Soulpour::QuickSaveEx::QS_Button)

      if $game_system.save_disabled 







    if Input.trigger?(Soulpour::QuickSaveEx::QL_Button)







이 스크립트는

F7 을 누르면 저장이되고

F8 을 누르면 불러오기가 되는 스크립트입니다

흠이있다면 이 스크립트로 저장을하거나 불러오기를하면

메세지가 뜨지않습니다

( 예: 저장했습니다, 불러오기되었습니다. 등등 )

이 스크립트에 저장을하거나 불러오기를하면 메세지가 뜨게 바꿔주실수있을까요 

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