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#    Learn Skills By Use
#    Version: 1.0
#    Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
#    Date: August 27, 2009
#  Description:
#    This script allows you to have actors learn skills by using other skills.
#   For instance, you could set it so that an actor will learn Fire II only 
#   after he has used Fire 50 times. You can also set it so that there can be
#   multiple paths to learning a skill and multiple skill requirements. For 
#   instance, that same actor could also learn Fire II if he has used Flame
#   60 times and Flame II 25 times. However, you can also set class 
#   prohibitions and level requirements, so if you never want a Paladin to 
#   learn Fire II no matter how many times he uses its root skills, then it is
#   easy to set that up, and if you don't want Fire II to be learned by any 
#   actor until they are at least level 7, then that can be setup too. You may
#   also set it up so that it is like an upgrade - Fire becomes obsolete once
#   Fire II is learned, and so you can simply forget Fire once you have Fire II
#    Also, the actors will only learn these skills upon level up, not as soon 
#   as they meet requirements, so if you are using any display levelup scripts,
#   the skills learned by use should show up in that script no problem.
#    Further, this doesn't interfere with the regular skill learning system, so
#   if you set it that a mage will learn Fire II at level 6 in the Class Tab
#   of the database, than the mage will learn Fire II at level 6 no matter if
#   she has met the use requirements of its root skills, and no matter what 
#   the class prohibitions or level requirements are. 
#  Instructions:
#    Place this script above Main and below Materials in the Editor. It should
#   also be below any custom levelup scripts you may have.
#    To set up a skill to be learned through use, you must use this code in a
#   notes box:
#      ROOT_SKILL[skill_id, number_of_uses, <supplement_skills>, forget]
#        skill_id : The ID of the root skill that leads to this skill.
#        number_of_uses : An integer - the number of times the root skill has 
#          be used before it teaches this skill.
#        <supplement_skills> : a list of skill IDs that also have to have their
#          root requirements fulfilled before the skill will be learned. It is
#          of the format: <x, y, z> where x, y, and z are the IDs of the other
#          skills that must have usage requirements met. You can have as many
#          as you like. Note, however, that you must set up one of these 
#          requirements notes for each of the other skills as well, and you 
#          must cross-reference the skills in this path. Defaults to <>, 
#          meaning that the only usage requirements needed to be filled is this
#          one
#        forget : If this is set to 1, then the root skills will be forgotten
#          once this skill is learned. If left blank or set to any other digit,
#          than the root skills will be retained.
#    This code in the notebox of a skill:
#      ROOT_SKILL[9, 100]
#    There is only one path to learning this skill:
#      (i) Use the skill with ID 9 at least 100 times.
#    No skill is forgotten
#    These codes in the notebox of a skill:
#      ROOT_SKILL[1, 20, 1]
#      ROOT_SKILL[4, 15, <5>]
#      ROOT_SKILL[5, 8, <4>]
#    With these codes, there are two paths to learning this skill.
#      (i)  Use the skill with ID 1 at least 20 times.
#      (ii) Use the skill with ID 4 at least 15 times and use the skill with 
#         ID 5 at least 8 times.
#    No matter which path is taken to the skill, the skill with ID 1 will be
#   forgotten as soon as the new skill is learned.
#    The following codes in the notebox of a skill:
#      ROOT_SKILL[6, 100]
#      ROOT_SKILL[7, 100]
#      ROOT_SKILL[6, 20, <7, 8>]
#      ROOT_SKILL[7, 25, <6, 8>]
#      ROOT_SKILL[8, 15, <6, 7>]
#    With these codes, there are three paths to learning this skill.
#      (i)   Use the skill with ID 6 at least 100 times
#      (ii)  Use the skill with ID 7 at least 100 times
#      (iii) Use the skill with ID 6 at least 20 times, the skill with ID 7 at
#          least 25 times, and the skill with ID 8 at least 15 times.
#    No matter which path is taken, no skills will be forgotten.
#    To prohibit a class from learning a skill through usage requirements,
#   put this code in a notebox of a skill:
#      PROHIBIT_CLASS[class_id]
#        class_id : ID of class not allowed to learn this skill through use
#    To set a minimum level for learning a skill through usage requirements, 
#   put this code in the notebox of a skill:
#      MIN_LEVEL[x]
#        x : an integer that is the minimum level. An actor cannot learn 
#          the skill until his level is at least equal to x.

# ** Skill
#  Summary of Changes:
#    new methods - ma_root_skills, ma_class_prohibited, ma_level_requirement

class RPG::Skill
  # * Skill roots
  #      Root_Skill[skill_ID, # of uses, <supplement_skills>, forget?]
  def ma_root_skills
    if @ma_root_skills.nil?
      @ma_root_skills = []
      text = self.note.dup
      while text.sub!(/ROOT_SKILL[(d+),?s*?(d+),?s*?<?(.*?)>?,?s*?(d?)]/i) { "" } != nil
        id = $1.to_i
        n = $2.nil? ? 0 : $2.to_i
        forget = $4.nil? ? false : $4.to_i == 1
        supplement_skills = []
        unless $3.nil?
          txt = $3
          while txt.sub! (/(d+?)/) { "" } != nil
            supplement_skills.push ($1.to_i)
        @ma_root_skills.push ([id, n, forget, supplement_skills])
    return @ma_root_skills
  # * Class Prohibited?
  #      Prohibit_Class[class_ID]
  def ma_class_prohibited? (class_id)
    if @ma_prohibited_classes.nil?
      @ma_prohibited_classes = []
      text = self.note.dup
      while text.sub! (/PROHIBIT_CLASS[(d+)]/i) { "" } != nil
        @ma_prohibited_classes.push ($1.to_i)
    return @ma_prohibited_classes.include? (class_id)
  # * Level Requirement
  def ma_level_requirement
    if @ma_level_req.nil?
      @ma_level_req = self.note[/MIN_LEVEL[(d+)]/i] != nil ? $1.to_i : 1
    return @ma_level_req

# ** Game_Actor
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased methods - initialize, level_up
#    new_method - lsbu_check_skill_requirements, skill_count

class Game_Actor
  # * Object Initialization
  alias modalg_brnchskill_init_1cx3 initialize
  def initialize (*args)
    @lsbu_skill_count = []
    @lsbu_forget_skills = []
    # Run Original Method
    modalg_brnchskill_init_1cx3 (*args)
  # * Level Up
  alias malg_skl_brnches_byuse_lvlplus_0kb2 level_up
  def level_up (*args)
    # Run Original Method
    malg_skl_brnches_byuse_lvlplus_0kb2 (*args)
    # Check all skills to see if requirements have been met to learn the skill
    $data_skills.each { |skill|
      next if skill.nil? || skill.ma_root_skills.empty?
      if !@skills.include? (skill.id) && lsbu_check_skill_requirements (skill) 
        # Learn Skill
        learn_skill (skill.id)
        @lsbu_forget_skills.each { |id| forget_skill (id) }
  # * Retrieve Skill Count
  #    skill_id : ID of skill checked
  def skill_count (skill_id)
    @lsbu_skill_count[skill_id] = 0 if @lsbu_skill_count[skill_id].nil?
    return @lsbu_skill_count[skill_id]
  # * Increase Skill Count
  #    skill_id : ID of skill increased
  def increase_skill_count (skill_id)
    @lsbu_skill_count[skill_id] = skill_count (skill_id) + 1
  # * Check Skill Requirements
  #    skill_id : ID of skill checked
  def lsbu_check_skill_requirements (skill)
    return false if skill.ma_class_prohibited? (@class_id)
    return false if @level < skill.ma_level_requirement
    skill_paths = []
    skill.ma_root_skills.each { |requirements|
      @lsbu_forget_skills.push (requirements[0]) if requirements[2]
      # FALSE If root skill not possessed
      next if !@skills.include? (requirements[0])
      # If skill not used enough
      next if skill_count (requirements[0]) < requirements[1]
      # Add path to skill_paths only if other requirements are true
      path = [requirements[0]]
      requirements[3].each { |supplement| path.push (supplement) }
      # Add to skill paths array
      skill_paths.push (path)
    # Check if any paths to this skill have been fulfilled
    while skill_paths.size > 0
      path = skill_paths[0].dup
      skill_paths.delete_at (0)
      count = 1
      # Check if the number of true requirements of this path equal to path size
      while count < path.size
        index = skill_paths.index (path)
        # If there aren't enough reqs for this path, do not return true
        break if index == nil
        skill_paths.delete_at (index)
        count += 1
      return true if count == path.size
    return false

# ** Scene Battle
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased methods - execute_action_skill

class Scene_Battle
  # * Execute Skill
  alias mdrnalg_exctskl_lsbu_4nv2 execute_action_skill
  def execute_action_skill (*args)
    # Increase User's skill count if actor
    @active_battler.increase_skill_count (@active_battler.action.skill.id) if @active_battler.actor?
    # Run Original Method
    mdrnalg_exctskl_lsbu_4nv2 (*args)

# ** Scene Skill
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - use_skill_nontarget

class Scene_Skill
  # * Use Skill Nontarget
  alias malgbra_usesklnotrg_lsbu_5na2 use_skill_nontarget
  def use_skill_nontarget (*args)
    # Increase User's skill count
    @actor.increase_skill_count (@skill.id)
    # Run Original Method
    malgbra_usesklnotrg_lsbu_5na2 (*args)

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