VX 스크립트

Provides a means for pulling tag/value pairs out the notes field for anything. This enables simple storage of extra parameters for other scripts in a way that won't work at cross-purposes with itself or other uses for the notes field.

Note that you will probably need to put this script before any others that use it.

In any notes field, you can write: <tag_name tag_value> to store tag_value under the name tag_name. You can also store nothing, if no value is needed, through <tag_name> in the notes field. This slightly updated version supports additional parameters in the tag name.

Download: http://chthonic.150m.com/scratch/Queex_scripts.zip
# TagNote #
# Version 2.0 #
# Author: Queex #
# Licence: Creative Commons non-commercial attributive #
# Allows the easy use of tags in the note field for #
# objects to store data. Syntax is simple, and the system ignores #
# any lines in the notes field that don't match the syntax. #
# #
# Version history: #
# 1.2 Final 1.x version #
# 2.0 Changed to follow Ruby naming conventions #
# #
# Usage: #
# get_tag(<notes field>,<tag name>) #
# has_tag?(<notes field>,<tag name>) #
# has_tag_value?(<notes field>,<tag name>,<tag value>) #
# get_additional_tag(<notes field>,<tag name>,<index> #
# get_additional_tag_by_value(<notes field>,<tag name>,<tag value> #
# ,<index> #
# #
# Syntax in the note field: #
# <tag_name tag_value> #
# <tag_name> #
# <tag_name tag_value param1 param2 ...> #

module TAGNOTE

# get_tag #
# Gets the stored value of the first occurrence of the named tag #
# in the notes field. #
# <tag_name tag_value tag_value2> will return 'tag_value' #
# <tag_name tag_value> will return 'tag_value' #
# <tag_name> will return true #
# if no tag with tag_name, returns nil #
def get_tag(note_field, tag_name)
for line in lines
#process line by line
if line[0,1].eql?("<")
#this line has a tag
line2=line.split(/[<> ]/)
if line2[1].eql?(tag_name)
#there is actually no value
return true
return line2[2]
return nil

# has_tag? #
# Indicates whether the given note field has a tag of that name. #
# <tag_name tag_value tag_value2> and #
# <tag_name tag_value> and #
# <tag_name> will both return true #
# if no tag with tag_name, returns false #
def has_tag?(note_field,tag_name)
for line in lines
if line[0,1].eql?("<")
line2=line.split(/[<> ]/)
if line2[1].eql?(tag_name)
return true
return false

# has_tag_value? #
# Indicates whether the note field has a tag of a given name #
# with a certain value. #
# <tag_name tag_value> returns true #
# <tag_name wrong_tag_value> returns false #
# <tag_name> returns false #
# if no tag with tag_name has the correct value, returns false. #
# tag_value2 is ignored #
def has_tag_value?(note_field,tag_name,tag_value)
for line in lines
if line[0,1].eql?("<")
line2=line.split(/[<> ]/)
if line2[1].eql?(tag_name) and line2[2].eql?(tag_value)
return true
return false

# get_additional_tag #
# Gets additional parameters for a tag of a given name. #
# Calling with an index of 1 returns #
# the first value after the tag name. #
# Returns nil if the index is higher than the last parameter. #
# Returns false if no match for the tag name is found. #
def get_additional_tag(note_field,tag_name,index)
for line in lines
if line[0,1].eql?("<")
line2=line.split(/[<> ]/)
if line2[1].eql?(tag_name)
#Actually no value to get
return nil
return line2[index+1]
return false

# get_additional_tag_by_value #
# Gets additional parameters for a tag of a given name #
# with a certain value. Calling with an index of 1 returns #
# the first value after the tag name. #
# Returns nil if the index is higher than the last parameter. #
# Returns false if no match for the tag name and tag value is found. #
def get_additional_tag_by_value(note_field,tag_name,tag_value,index)
for line in lines
if line[0,1].eql?("<")
line2=line.split(/[<> ]/)
if line2[1].eql?(tag_name) and line2[2].eql?(tag_value)
#Actually no value to get
return nil
return line2[index+1]
return false

Comment '5'

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