VX 스크립트


#  Screenshot
#  Version: 1.0
#  Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
#  Date: April 5, 2010
#  Description:
#    This script allows the player to take a screenshot of any area in the game
#   that he/she wants. Useful for sharing achievements I suppose.
#  Instructions:
#    All you need to do is set which button you want to use for taking
#   screenshots with at line 31, and set the destination folder for screenshots
#   at line 33.
#    If you want to force a screenshot, you can put this code in a call script:
#       $scene.take_screenshot
# ** Scene_Base
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - update

class Scene_Base
  #  MA_SCREENSHOT_BUTTON - the button to press to take a Screenshot
  #  MA_SCREENSHOT_PATH - the path to save the file
  MA_SCREENSHOT_PATH = "Screenshot "
  # * Frame Update
  alias modag_screenshot_upd_9ik2 update
  def update (*args)
    modag_screenshot_upd_9ik2 (*args) # Run Original Method
    if Input.trigger? (MA_SCREENSHOT_BUTTON)
  # * Take Screenshot
  def take_screenshot
    x = 1
    while FileTest.exist? ("#{MA_SCREENSHOT_PATH}#{x}.png")
      x += 1
    Graphics.snap_to_bitmap.make_png (x.to_s, MA_SCREENSHOT_PATH, 1)
#  Everything below this point is the PNG Saver script, written by 66rpg.com

# PNG Saver by 66rpg.com

module Zlib
  class Png_File < GzipWriter
    def make_png(bitmap, mode = 0)
      @bitmap, @mode = bitmap, mode
    def make_header
      return [0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a].pack('C*')
    def make_ihdr
      ih_size               = [13].pack('N')
      ih_sign               = 'IHDR'
      ih_width              = [@bitmap.width].pack('N')
      ih_height             = [@bitmap.height].pack('N')
      ih_bit_depth          = [8].pack('C')
      ih_color_type         = [6].pack('C')
      ih_compression_method = [0].pack('C')
      ih_filter_method      = [0].pack('C')
      ih_interlace_method   = [0].pack('C')
      string = ih_sign + ih_width + ih_height + ih_bit_depth + ih_color_type +
               ih_compression_method + ih_filter_method + ih_interlace_method
      ih_crc = [Zlib.crc32(string)].pack('N')
      return ih_size + string + ih_crc
    def make_idat
      header  = "x49x44x41x54"
      data    = @mode == 0 ? make_bitmap_data0 : make_bitmap_data1
      data    = Zlib::Deflate.deflate(data, 8)
      crc     = [Zlib.crc32(header + data)].pack('N')
      size    = [data.length].pack('N')
      return size + header + data + crc
    def make_bitmap_data0
      gz = Zlib::GzipWriter.open('png2.tmp')
      t_Fx = 0
      w = @bitmap.width
      h = @bitmap.height
      data = []
      for y in 0...h
        for x in 0...w
          t_Fx += 1
          if t_Fx % 10000 == 0
            if t_Fx % 100000 == 0
              s = data.pack('C*')
          color = @bitmap.get_pixel(x, y)
          data.push(color.red, color.green, color.blue, color.alpha)
      s = data.pack('C*')
      gz = Zlib::GzipReader.open('png2.tmp')
      data = gz.read
      return data
    def make_bitmap_data1
      w = @bitmap.width
      h = @bitmap.height
      data = []
      for y in 0...h
        for x in 0...w
          color = @bitmap.get_pixel(x, y)
          data.push(color.red, color.green, color.blue, color.alpha)
      return data.pack('C*')
    def make_iend
      ie_size = [0].pack('N')
      ie_sign = 'IEND'
      ie_crc  = [Zlib.crc32(ie_sign)].pack('N')
      return ie_size + ie_sign + ie_crc

# ** Bitmap
class Bitmap
  def make_png(name = 'like', path = '', mode = 0)
    Zlib::Png_File.open('png.tmp')   { |gz| gz.make_png(self, mode) }
    Zlib::GzipReader.open('png.tmp') { |gz| $read = gz.read }
    f = File.open(path + name + '.png', 'wb')

$scene.take_screenshot 을 스크립트로 이벤트추가 해주심 됩니다.(전체 단축키스크립트를 이용해 단축기로도 스샷 가능

Comment '14'

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