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두개다 XP로 만드신건데요

화면위에 뿌연 효과

구름? 연기? 이러한 효과 VX로도 스크립트가 있나요?



Comment '2'
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    마에르드 2012.02.16 02:09

    # Allows you to display a fog on map. Brings back the "old" Fog feature from
    # RPG Maker XP.
    # 08-03-2008 (dd-mm-yyyy) ⓒ Hevendor of rmxp.org
    # 09-03-2008 Edits/additions by Jirbytaylor
    # 09-03-2008 (dd-mm-yyyy) Edited by Hevendor
    # Version 1.2.3
    # Latest update: fixed bug where fog showed over pictures

    module Fog_Map_Settings
      # * Configure Fog numbers -> names for setup timesaving. Format:
      # {fognumber => 'fogname.extension', ...}
      # where 'Fogname.extension' must be the name of a fog picture and its extension
      # located in the pictures folder
      Fog_names = {1 => '001-Fog01.png', 2 => '002-Clouds01.png', 3 => '003-Shade01.png', 4 => '004-Shade02.png', 5 => '005-Sandstorm01.png', 6 => '006-Sandstorm02.png'}
      # * Set maps you wish to have fogs here. Format:
      # Fog_maps = {mapID => Fog number, mapID2 => Fog number, ...}
      Fog_maps = {1 => 2, 2 => 3, 9=>2, 10=>2, 11=>1, 23=>3, 24=>5,
      32=>1, 33=>1, 30=>2, 37=>2, 38=>2}
      # * Set up fog settings. Uses (fog number => setting, ...) format
      # - Opacity - Opacity of fog, ranging from 0 (invisible) to 255 (opaque)
      # - Zoom - size of fog. '1' is normal not '100'.
      # - Blend - 0 - Normal, 1 - Add, 2 - Subtract
      # - SxSy - Scroll settings. (fog number => [sx,sy] ...)
      Fog_opacity = {1 => 100, 2 => 100, 3 => 100, 4 => 100, 5 => 100, 6 => 100}
      Fog_zoom = {1 => 3, 2 => 2, 3 => 2, 4 => 3, 5 => 3, 6 => 3}
      Fog_blend = {1 => 2, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 2, 5 => 2, 6 => 2}
      Fog_sxsy = {1 => [4, 4], 2 => [4, 4], 3 => [4, 4], 4 => [4, 4], 5 => [4, 4], 6 => [4, 4]}

    class Game_Map
      # * Public Instance Variables
      attr_reader :map_id                     # map ID
      attr_reader :fog_ox                     # fog oX
      attr_reader :fog_oy                     # fog oY
      # * Alias Definitions
      alias hev_fog_feature_map_update update
      alias hev_fog_feature_map_initialize initialize
      # * Object Initialization
      def initialize
        @fog_ox = 0
        @fog_oy = 0
      # * Update Fog
      def update_fog
        if Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_maps.include?($game_map.map_id)
          @fog_ox -= Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_sxsy[Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_maps[@map_id]][0] / 8.0
          @fog_oy -= Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_sxsy[Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_maps[@map_id]][1] / 8.0
      # * Frame Update
      def update

    class Spriteset_Map
      # * Alias Definitions
      alias hev_fog_feature_initialize initialize
      alias hev_fog_feature_create_viewports create_viewports
      alias hev_fog_feature_dispose dispose
      alias hev_fog_feature_update_viewports update_viewports
      alias hev_fog_feature_update update
      # * Object Initialization
      def initialize
      # * Create Viewport
      def create_viewports
        @viewport4 = Viewport.new(0, 0, 544, 416)
        @viewport4.z = 9
      # * Create Fog
      def create_fog
        @fog = Plane.new(@viewport4)
        if Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_maps.include?($game_map.map_id)
          fog_number = Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_maps[$game_map.map_id]
          @fog.bitmap = Cache.picture(Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_names[fog_number])
          @fog.opacity = Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_opacity[fog_number]
          @fog.zoom_x = @fog.zoom_y = Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_zoom[fog_number]
          @fog.blend_type = Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_blend[fog_number]
      # * Update Fog Sprite
      def update_fog
        if @fog != nil
          @fog.ox = $game_map.display_x / 8 + $game_map.fog_ox
          @fog.oy = $game_map.display_y / 8 + $game_map.fog_oy
      # * Frame Update
      def update
      # * Dispose of Fog Sprite
      def dispose_fog
      # * Dispose
      def dispose

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    황금시계 2012.02.16 16:00


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