VX 스크립트

# SUTETOAIKON material, the use of animation, recommended

#================================================= =============================
# ■ Ziifee
#================================================= =============================

module Zii
   # ▼ icon (נ16 + vertical side - 1)
   FIGHT = 132 # fight
   ESCAPE = 143 # escape
   ATTACK = 1 # attack (basic)
   GUARD = 52 # defense
   SKILL = 137 # skills
   ITEM = 144 # Item
   # ▼ rotation (a "positive" or "reverse" Cart)
   TURN = "positive"
   # ▼ face graphics (using "use" / if you do not use "")
   # ▼ display settings ( "name" to "" to hide the name)
   STATUS_LINE = "name"
   # ▼ △ size (VX standard size is 20)
   LINE_SIZE = 14
  #------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
  # ● normal rotation of judgement
  #------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
  def self.turn_normal?
    return false if TURN == "reverse"
    return true if TURN == "positive"
    return true
  #------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
  # ● Battle option face Graphics judgement
  #------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
  def self.battle_face?
    return true if STATUS_FACE == ""
    return false
  #------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
  # ● In the Name of judge
  #------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
  def self.line_name?
    return true if STATUS_LINE == "name"
    return false

# �� Window_Base

class Window_Base
  # �� ���O���t�B�b�N���`�� ��
  #     opacity : �s�����x
  def draw_face(face_name, face_index, x, y, size = 96, opacity = 255)
    bitmap = Cache.face(face_name)
    rect = Rect.new(0, 0, 0, 0)
    rect.x = face_index % 4 * 96 + (96 - size) / 2
    rect.y = face_index / 4 * 96 + (96 - size) / 2
    rect.width = size
    rect.height = size
    self.contents.blt(x, y, bitmap, rect, opacity)
  # �� �A�N�^�[�����O���t�B�b�N�`�� ��
  #     opacity : �s�����x
  def draw_actor_face(actor, x, y, size = 96, opacity = 255)
    draw_face(actor.face_name, actor.face_index, x, y, size, opacity)

# �� Window_SpinCommand
# �@���]�p�R�}���h�I�����s���E�B���h�E�����B

class Window_SpinCommand < Window_Base
  # �� ���J�C���X�^���X����
  attr_reader   :index                    # �J�[������u
  attr_reader   :help_window              # �w���v�E�B���h�E
  # �� �I�u�W�F�N�g������
  #     cx / cy  : ���S�� X���W / Y���W
  #     commands : �R�}���h�z�� (���e �� [name, kind, pull, enabled?])
  #     setting  : �����n�b�V�� ("R"=>���a "S"=>���� "G"=>�w�i "L"=>����)
  def initialize(cx, cy, commands, setting = {})
    @radius    = setting.has_key?("R") ? setting["R"] : 40  # �`�����a
    @speed     = setting.has_key?("S") ? setting["S"] : 36  # ���]����
    @spin_back = setting.has_key?("G") ? setting["G"] : ""  # �w�i����
    @spin_line = setting.has_key?("L") ? setting["L"] : nil # �������u
    x, y = cx - @radius - 28, cy - @radius - 28
    width = height = @radius * 2 + 56
    super(x, y, width, height)
    self.opacity = 0
    @index = 0
    @commands = commands                                    # �R�}���h
    @spin_right = true
    @spin_count = 0
  # �� �X�s���������`������ (�`�����e �����p)
  #     i  : �C���f�b�N�X
  #     cx : ��� ���S���u X���W
  #     cy : ��� ���S���u Y���W
  def draw_spin_graphic(i, cx, cy)
    case command_kind(i)
    when "icon"
      draw_icon(command_pull(i), cx - 12, cy - 12, command_enabled?(i))
  # �� ���t���b�V�� �o�O�����p
  def refresh
  # �� �������`�� �o�O�����p
  def draw_item(index, enabled = true)
    @commands[index][3] = enabled
  # �� �������R�}���h������������
  def command_name(index = @index)
    return "" if index < 0
    name = @commands[index][0]
    return name != nil ? name : ""
  # �� �R�}���h������������
  def command_kind(index)
    result = @commands[index][1]
    return result != nil ? result : ""
  # �� �R�}���h������ ������
  def command_pull(index)
    result = @commands[index][2]
    return result != nil ? result : ""
  # �� �R�}���h���L���t���O������
  def command_enabled?(index)
    result = @commands[index][3]
    return result != nil ? result : true
  # �� ���O�����u�� index ����������
  def set_index(name)
    n = -1
    for i in 0...@commands.size
      n = i if @commands[i][0] == name
    @index = n if n >= 0
  # �� �J�[������u������
  #     index : �V�����J�[������u
  def index=(index)
    @index = index
  # �� ���S��X���W������
  def center_x
    return contents.width / 2
  # �� ���S��Y���W������
  def center_y
    return contents.height / 2
  # �� ������������
  def item_max
    return @commands.size
  # �� �w�i������ (�����` ����)
  def set_background
    return if @spin_back == ""
    bitmap = Cache.system(@spin_back)
    rect = Rect.new(0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height)
    self.contents.blt(12, 12, bitmap, rect)
  # �� ���������� (�����` ����)
  def set_text
    return if @spin_line == nil
    y = center_y - WLH / 2 + @spin_line
    self.contents.draw_text(center_x - 48, y, 96, WLH, command_name, 1)
  # �� �X�s���A�C�R�����p�x��������������
  def angle_size
    return (Math::PI * 2 / item_max)
  # �� �X�s���A�C�R�����]�����J�E���g ����������
  def set_spin_count
    @spin_count = angle_size * 360 / @speed
  # �� �X�s������ �����s
  #     spin : ���]�t���O (true �������]��)
  def set_spin(spin = false)
    angle = spin ? @speed * @spin_count / 360 : 0
    angle = @spin_right ? angle : -angle
    for i in 0...item_max
      n = (i - @index) * angle_size + angle
      cx = @radius * Math.sin(n) + center_x
      cy = - @radius * Math.cos(n) + center_y
      draw_spin_graphic(i, cx, cy)
  # �� �t���[���X�V
  def update
    if @spin_count > 0
      @spin_count -= 1
      set_spin(@spin_count >= 1)
  # �� �R�}���h�������������
  def command_movable?
    return false if @spin_count > 0
    return false if (not visible or not active)
    return false if (index < 0 or index > item_max or item_max == 0)
    return false if (@opening or @closing)
    return true
  # �� �R�}���h���E������
  def command_right
    @index = (@index + 1) % item_max
    @spin_right = true
  # �� �R�}���h����������
  def command_left
    @index = (@index - 1 + item_max) % item_max
    @spin_right = false
  # �� �R�}���h�I�����X�V
  def update_command
    if command_movable?
      if Input.press?(Input::RIGHT)
        Zii.turn_normal? ? command_right : command_left
      if Input.press?(Input::LEFT)
        Zii.turn_normal? ? command_left : command_right
  # �� �J�[������X�V
  def update_cursor
    if @index < 0
      rect = Rect.new(0, 0, 24, 24)
      rect.x = center_x - rect.width / 2
      rect.y = center_y - rect.height / 2 - @radius
      self.cursor_rect = rect
  # �� �w���v�E�B���h�E������
  #     help_window : �V�����w���v�E�B���h�E
  def help_window=(help_window)
    @help_window = help_window
  # �� �w���v�E�B���h�E�X�V����b�h�������o��
  def call_update_help
    if self.active and @help_window != nil
  # �� �w���v�E�B���h�E���X�V (���e���p���������`����)
  def update_help

# �� Window_LineHelp
# �@�X�L�����A�C�e���������A�A�N�^�[���X�e�[�^�X��������������E�B���h�E�����B

class Window_LineHelp < Window_Base
  # �� �I�u�W�F�N�g������
  def initialize
    super(-16, 0, 576, WLH + 32)
    self.opacity = 0
  # �� �e�L�X�g����
  #     text  : �E�B���h�E���������������
  #     align : �A���C�������g (0..�������A1..���������A2..�E����)
  def set_text(text, align = 0)
    if text != @text or align != @align
      back_color = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 80)
      self.contents.fill_rect(0, y = 12, contents.width, WLH - y, back_color)
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      self.contents.draw_text(20, 0, self.width - 72, WLH, text, align)
      @text = text
      @align = align

# �� Window_PartyCommand

class Window_PartyCommand < Window_SpinCommand
  # �� �I�u�W�F�N�g������
  def initialize
    s1 = [Vocab::fight,  "icon", Zii::FIGHT,  true]
    s2 = [Vocab::escape, "icon", Zii::ESCAPE, $game_troop.can_escape]
    setting = {"R"=>40, "S"=>52, "G"=>"Spin40", "L"=>-12}
    super(72, 356, [s1, s2], setting)
    self.active = false

# �� Window_ActorCommand

class Window_ActorCommand < Window_SpinCommand
  # �� �I�u�W�F�N�g������
  def initialize
    s1 = [Vocab::attack, "icon", Zii::ATTACK, true]
    s2 = [Vocab::skill,  "icon", Zii::SKILL,  true]
    s3 = [Vocab::guard,  "icon", Zii::GUARD,  true]
    s4 = [Vocab::item,   "icon", Zii::ITEM,   true]
    setting = {"R"=>40, "S"=>52, "G"=>"Spin40", "L"=>-12}
    super(72, 356, [s1, s2, s3, s4], setting)
    self.active = false
  # �� �Z�b�g�A�b�v
  #     actor : �A�N�^�[
  def setup(actor)
    @commands[0][2] = Zii::ATTACK
    @commands[1][0] = Vocab::skill
    if actor.weapons[0] != nil
      n = actor.weapons[0].icon_index
      @commands[0][2] = n if n > 0
    @commands[1][0] = actor.class.skill_name if actor.class.skill_name_valid
    self.index = 0

# �� Window_BattleStatus

class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Selectable
  # �� �I�u�W�F�N�g������ ��
  def initialize
    super(128, 288, 416, 128)
    @column_max = 4
    self.active = false
    self.opacity = 0
  # �� �X�e�[�g���X�V �����n�`��
  def draw_neomemo7_back
    @neomemo7_clear = false
    for index in 0...@item_max
      x = index * 96
      self.contents.clear_rect(x + 72, WLH * 3, 24, 24)
      next unless Zii.battle_face?
      actor = $game_party.members[index]
      next if actor.hp <= 0
      bitmap = Cache.face(actor.face_name)
      rect = Rect.new(0, 0, 22, 22)
      rect.x = actor.face_index % 4 * 96 + 72
      rect.y = actor.face_index / 4 * 96 + 72
      self.contents.blt(x + 72, WLH * 3, bitmap, rect, 192)
  # �� �������`�� ��
  def draw_item(index)
    x = index * 96
    rect = Rect.new(x, 0, 96, 96)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    actor = $game_party.members[index]
    draw_actor_face(actor, x + 2, 2, 92, 192) if actor.hp > 0 and Zii.battle_face?
    draw_actor_state(actor, x + 72, WLH * 3)
    if Zii.line_name?
      self.contents.font.color = hp_color(actor)
      size = Zii::LINE_SIZE
      self.contents.font.size = size
      self.contents.draw_text(x, WLH * 1 + 20 - size, 80, WLH, actor.name)
      self.contents.font.size = 20
    draw_actor_hp(actor, x, WLH * 2, 80)
    draw_actor_mp(actor, x, WLH * 3, 70)
  # �� �J�[������X�V
  def update_cursor
    if @index < 0                   # �J�[������u�� 0 ����������
      self.cursor_rect.empty        # �J�[���������������
    else                            # �J�[������u�� 0 ����������
      rect = Rect.new(index * 96, 0, 96, 96)
      self.cursor_rect = rect       # �J�[��������`���X�V

# �� Scene_Battle
# �@�o�g���������������s���N���X�����B

class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
  # �� ��������r���[�|�[�g������
  alias :neomemo13_create_info_viewport :create_info_viewport
  def create_info_viewport
    @info_viewport.rect.set(0, 0, 544, 416)
    @status_window.x = 128
    @actor_command_window.x = 4
  # �� ��������r���[�|�[�g���X�V
  alias :neomemo13_update_info_viewport :update_info_viewport
  def update_info_viewport
    ox = @info_viewport.ox
    @info_viewport.ox = ox
  # �� �p�[�e�B�R�}���h�I�����J�n
  alias :neomemo13_start_party_command_selection :start_party_command_selection
  def start_party_command_selection
    if $game_temp.in_battle
      @party_command_window.visible = true
      @actor_command_window.visible = false
  # �� �p�[�e�B�R�}���h�I�����X�V
  alias :neomemo13_update_party_command_selection :update_party_command_selection
  def update_party_command_selection
    return unless @party_command_window.command_movable?
  # �� �A�N�^�[�R�}���h�I�����J�n
  alias :neomemo13_start_actor_command_selection :start_actor_command_selection
  def start_actor_command_selection
    @party_command_window.visible = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
  # �� �A�N�^�[�R�}���h�I�����X�V
  alias :neomemo13_update_actor_command_selection :update_actor_command_selection
  def update_actor_command_selection
    return unless @actor_command_window.command_movable?
  # �� �����G�L�����I�����J�n
  alias :neomemo13_start_target_enemy_selection :start_target_enemy_selection
  def start_target_enemy_selection
    x = @info_viewport.rect.x
    ox = @info_viewport.ox
    @info_viewport.rect.x = x
    @info_viewport.ox = ox
    @target_enemy_window.x = 544 - @target_enemy_window.width
    @target_enemy_window.y = 288
    @info_viewport.rect.width -= @target_enemy_window.width
  # �� �����G�L�����I�����I��
  alias :neomemo13_end_target_enemy_selection :end_target_enemy_selection
  def end_target_enemy_selection
    x = @info_viewport.rect.x
    ox = @info_viewport.ox
    @info_viewport.rect.width += @target_enemy_window.width
    @info_viewport.rect.x = x
    @info_viewport.ox = ox
  # �� �����A�N�^�[�����I�����J�n
  alias :neomemo13_start_target_actor_selection :start_target_actor_selection
  def start_target_actor_selection
    x = @info_viewport.rect.x
    ox = @info_viewport.ox
    @target_actor_window.y = 288
    @info_viewport.rect.x = x
    @info_viewport.ox = ox
    @info_viewport.rect.width -= @target_actor_window.width
  # �� �����A�N�^�[�I�����I��
  alias :neomemo13_end_target_actor_selection :end_target_actor_selection
  def end_target_actor_selection
    x = @info_viewport.rect.x
    ox = @info_viewport.ox
    @info_viewport.rect.width += @target_actor_window.width

    @info_viewport.rect.x = x
    @info_viewport.ox = ox
  # �� �X�L���I�����J�n
  alias :neomemo13_start_skill_selection :start_skill_selection
  def start_skill_selection
    @skill_window.dispose if @skill_window != nil
    @help_window.dispose if @help_window != nil
    @help_window = Window_LineHelp.new
    @skill_window = Window_Skill.new(8, 64, 528, 216, @active_battler)
    @skill_window.help_window = @help_window
  # �� �A�C�e���I�����J�n
  alias :neomemo13_start_item_selection :start_item_selection
  def start_item_selection
    @item_window.dispose if @item_window != nil
    @help_window.dispose if @help_window != nil
    @help_window = Window_LineHelp.new
    @item_window = Window_Item.new(8, 64, 528, 216)
    @item_window.help_window = @help_window

위에가 스크립트이구요.


이 이미지 꼭 넣어주세요.



맨처음 싸울것인가.? 도망갈것인가.?이구요

싸운다를 누르면 밑에처럼


이렇게 공격 기술 방어 아이템 으로 나옵니다.

참고로 체력마력게이지가 초록색파랑색인건 이 스핀배틀시스템에 있는것이 아닌 다른 스크립트입니다.

전에 아방스님이 올리신거 같은데.. 찾아보니 안보여서 그리고 버젼도 그때보다 더 높은게아니려나싶어서


Comment '38'

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