VX 스크립트

던전에 적정 레벨이 뭔지 표시해주는(화면상에)스크립트입니다.

그러니까 화면상에... 스위치 71(디폴트 온오프 스위치) 를 on시키면 표시를 하지 않고, off시키면 표시를 해주는 스크립트입니다.

직접 만든 HUD도 첨부했으니 꼭 "Lvname.PNG"로 시스템(Graphics/System)에 넣어주시길.

변수(조정 변수-default27)을 꼭 장소 이동 전(예를 들면 문에라던가...)를 조정해주시면, 그 변수의 값 대로 LV를 표시해 줍니다.

꼭 유용한데 쓰시길 바라겠습니다.

아래부터 복사..

# [VX] Level Range Indicator
# by Kilin (kilin08@hotmail.com)
# Shaltix Games
# Version: 1.0
# Notes: This was written to work next to Mog's Map Location
# HUD script. This script can be used with or without it, but
# the basic layout is pretty much the same, with altered
# variable names.
# The idea of this script is to display a recommended level
# value upon entering a map. The range is determined by one
# variable which can be changed through a call script. The
# script is useful for letting players know when they're in
# an area that they won't be able to survive in.
# You will need to declare the variable BEFORE you enter the
# map in order for it to work. A good place to change it is in
# the Transfer Player event.
# Set aside a switch and a variable for this script. The default
# number for both the switch and variable are 11. Let's say you
# already have a switch or variable in slot 11. Simply change the
# value in SWITCH_LEVELRANGE_OFF or LVVAR to match the slots you're
# using. Then when your player is changing rooms, change the
# level variable to whatever you wish and it will show in the
# next room.
module LevelRange
# SCRIPT SETUP - Declares customizable variables (You can change
# any of these values and the script will still run.
SWITCH_LEVELRANGE_OFF = 71 # Turn this switch (default slot 71) on to stop showing the level range
LVVAR = 27 # This is the editable variable (default slot 27) that you'll change through variable actions
# - it signifies the level indication
LVFONT = "Georgia" # Text font
LVFADE = true # Fading on or off - This lets you keep it on the screen at all times if set to false
LVFADETIME = 10 # Fading time - This has no effect if LVFADE is set to false
LVWPOS = 2 # Window Position. 0 - Top Left, 1 - Bottom Left, 2 - Top Right, 3 - Bottom Right
# Game_System - Declares secondary variables.
class Game_System
attr_accessor :fadetm
attr_accessor :lvrn_x
attr_accessor :lvrn_y
alias lvrn_ini initialize
def initialize
@fadetm = 255 + 40 * LevelRange::LVFADETIME
if LevelRange::LVWPOS == 0
@lvrn_x = -300
@lvrn_y = 48
elsif LevelRange::LVWPOS == 1
@lvrn_x = -300
@lvrn_y = 272
elsif LevelRange::LVWPOS == 2
@lvrn_x = 640
@lvrn_y = 48
@lvrn_x = 640
@lvrn_y = 272
def lvrn_x
return @lvrn_x
def lvrn_y
return @lvrn_y
def fadetm
if @fadetm <= 0
@fadetm = 0
return @fadetm
# Window_Base - Controls text and icon drawing.
class Window_Base < Window
def nd_lvpic
lvic = Cache.system("")    
def draw_lvname(x,y)
lvic = Cache.system("Lvname") rescue nd_lvic
cw = lvic.width 
ch = lvic.height
sr_rec = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
self.contents.blt(x , y - ch + 65, lvic, sr_rec)
self.contents.font.name = LevelRange::LVFONT
self.contents.font.size = 16
self.contents.font.bold = true
self.contents.font.shadow = true
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,0,0,255)
self.contents.draw_text(x - 12, y + 32, 160, 32, "Level " + $game_variables[LevelRange::LVVAR].to_s,1)
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255,255,255,255)
self.contents.draw_text(x - 11, y + 31, 160, 32, "Level " + $game_variables[LevelRange::LVVAR].to_s,1)
# Lvname - Declares a final class.
class Lvname < Window_Base
def initialize(x , y)
super($game_system.lvrn_x, $game_system.lvrn_y, 250, WLH + 70)
self.opacity = 0
def refresh
#~ #==============================================================
# Scene_Map - Does all the drawing.
class Scene_Map
alias lvrn_start start
def start
@lvrn = Lvname.new($game_system.lvrn_x, $game_system.lvrn_y)
@lvrn.contents_opacity = $game_system.fadetm
if $game_switches[LevelRange::SWITCH_LEVELRANGE_OFF] == false
@lvrn.visible = true
@lvrn.visible = false 
alias lvrn_term terminate
def terminate
alias lvrn_upd update
def update
$game_system.lvrn_x = @lvrn.x
$game_system.lvrn_y = @lvrn.y
if $game_switches[LevelRange::SWITCH_LEVELRANGE_OFF] == true or $game_system.fadetm <= 0
@lvrn.visible = false
@lvrn.visible = true
if LevelRange::LVWPOS == 0 or LevelRange::LVWPOS == 1
if @lvrn.x < -50
@lvrn.x += 5
elsif @lvrn.x >= -50
@lvrn.x = -50
if @lvrn.x > 400
@lvrn.x -= 5
elsif @lvrn.x <= 400
@lvrn.x = 400
@lvrn.contents_opacity = $game_system.fadetm
if LevelRange::LVFADE == true
$game_system.fadetm -= 3
alias lvrn_upd_trans_player update_transfer_player
def update_transfer_player
return unless $game_player.transfer?
@lvrn.contents_opacity = 0
if LevelRange::LVWPOS == 0
$game_system.lvrn_x = -340
$game_system.lvrn_y = 48
elsif LevelRange::LVWPOS == 1
$game_system.lvrn_x = -340
$game_system.lvrn_y = 320
elsif LevelRange::LVWPOS == 2
$game_system.lvrn_x = 640
$game_system.lvrn_y = 48
$game_system.lvrn_x = 640
$game_system.lvrn_y = 320
@lvrn.y = $game_system.lvrn_y
@lvrn.x = $game_system.lvrn_x
$game_system.fadetm = 255 + 60 * LevelRange::LVFADETIME

이상 루시페르였습니다!

Comment '5'

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