VX 스크립트

                              Thomas Edison VX

Version: 0.1
Author: BulletXt (bulletxt@gmail.com)
Date: 12/06/2009
Script based upon Kylock's (http://www.rpgmakervx.net/index.php?showtopic=2432)

 To make an event glow, put a Comment inside event with one of the following
 light modes. When importing this script to a new project, be sure to copy
 Graphics/Pictures/le.png to your project.
Light Modes:
 GROUND - Medium steady white light.
 GROUND2 - Medium white light with slight flicker.
 GROUND3 - Small steady red light.
 GROUND4 - Medium steady green light.
 GROUND5 - Medium steady blu light.
 FIRE - Large red light with a slight flicker.
 LIGHT - Small steady white light.
 LIGHT2 - X-Large steady white light.
 LIGHT3 - Small white light with slight flicker.
 TORCH - X-Large red light with a heavy flicker.
 TORCH2 - X-Large red light with a sleight flicker.
 TORCH3 - Large white light with a slight flicker.

You can make a specific light type turn off/on by turning
one of the following switches id ON/off. By default, the switches are off so
the lights will show. Of course, turning all switches to ON will make all
light types go off.


#id switch that if ON turns off FIRE mode lights
#applies only to light mode: FIRE
FIRE = 87
#id switch that if ON turns off LIGHT mode lights
#applies to light mode: LIGHT, LIGHT2, LIGHT3
LIGHT = 86
#id switch that if ON turns off GROUND mode lights
#applies to light mode: GROUND, GROUND2, GROUND3, GROUND4, GROUND5
#id switch that if ON turns off TORCH mode lights
#applies to light mode: TORCH, TORCH2, TORCH3
TORCH = 84

# this value can be true or false. If true, it enables compatibility with
# KGC_DayNight script. When it's night, lights will automatically go on, when
# morning comes back lights will go off. If you set this to true, be sure to
# place this script below KGC_DayNight script in the Scripting Editor of VX.

This value must be exactly the same of "PHASE_VARIABLE" setting in KGC_DayNight
script. By default the script sets it to 11.
To make the event light go on/off with DayNight system, set the event page
to be triggered with this variable id and set it to be 1 or above.

Tips and tricks:
  You can't make a single specific light inside event go on/off if
  a condition applies, for example if a switch is ON.
  For the moment, you can achieve this by doing
  a script call immediatley after you make the condition apply.
  If for example the light event must go on if switch 100 is ON, after you turn
  on the switch do this call script:
  $scene = Scene_Map.new
  Be aware that doing this call script will make game freeze
  for 30 milliseconds.


$bulletxt_day_check = 0

class Spriteset_Map
  alias bulletxt_spriteset_map_initalize initialize
 def initialize
  @light_effects = []

  alias bulletxt_spriteset_map_dispose dispose
 def dispose
  for effect in @light_effects
  @light_effects = []
  alias bulletxt_spriteset_map_update update
 def update
    check_day_night if ENABLE_KGC_DAY_NIGHT_SCRIPT

  def check_day_night
    #if night
   if $bulletxt_day_check == 0
    if $game_variables[KGC_DAY_NIGHT_SCRIPT_VARIABLE] == 1
      $scene = Scene_Map.new
      $bulletxt_day_check = 1
    #if morning
    if $game_variables[KGC_DAY_NIGHT_SCRIPT_VARIABLE] == 3
      $game_variables[KGC_DAY_NIGHT_SCRIPT_VARIABLE] = -1
      $scene = Scene_Map.new
      $bulletxt_day_check = 0
 def initialize_lights
  for event in $game_map.events.values
   next if event.list == nil
    for i in 0...event.list.size

     if event.list[i].code == 108 and event.list[i].parameters == ["FIRE"]
      type = "FIRE"
      light_effects = Light_Effect.new(event,type)
      light_effects.light.zoom_x = 300 / 100.0
      light_effects.light.zoom_y = 300 / 100.0
      light_effects.light.opacity = 100
     if event.list[i].code == 108 and event.list[i].parameters == ["LIGHT"]
      type = "LIGHT"
      light_effects = Light_Effect.new(event,type)
      light_effects.light.zoom_x = 1
      light_effects.light.zoom_y = 1
      light_effects.light.opacity = 150
     if event.list[i].code == 108 and event.list[i].parameters == ["LIGHT2"]
      type = "LIGHT2"
      light_effects = Light_Effect.new(event,type)
      light_effects.light.zoom_x = 6
      light_effects.light.zoom_y = 6
      light_effects.light.opacity = 150

     if event.list[i].code == 108 and event.list[i].parameters == ["LIGHT3"]
      type = "LIGHT3"
      light_effects = Light_Effect.new(event,type)
      light_effects.light.zoom_x = 1
      light_effects.light.zoom_y = 1
      light_effects.light.opacity = 150
     if event.list[i].code == 108 and event.list[i].parameters == ["TORCH"]
      type = "TORCH"
      light_effects = Light_Effect.new(event,type)
      light_effects.light.zoom_x = 6
      light_effects.light.zoom_y = 6
      light_effects.light.opacity = 150
     if event.list[i].code == 108 and event.list[i].parameters == ["TORCH2"]
      type = "TORCH2"
      light_effects = Light_Effect.new(event,type)
      light_effects.light.zoom_x = 6
      light_effects.light.zoom_y = 6
      light_effects.light.opacity = 150
     if event.list[i].code == 108 and event.list[i].parameters == ["TORCH3"]
      type = "TORCH3"
      light_effects = Light_Effect.new(event,type)
      light_effects.light.zoom_x = 300 / 100.0
      light_effects.light.zoom_y = 300 / 100.0
      light_effects.light.opacity = 100
     if event.list[i].code == 108 and event.list[i].parameters == ["GROUND"]
      type = "GROUND"
      light_effects = Light_Effect.new(event,type)
      light_effects.light.zoom_x = 2
      light_effects.light.zoom_y = 2
      light_effects.light.opacity = 100
     if event.list[i].code == 108 and event.list[i].parameters == ["GROUND2"]
      type = "GROUND2"
      light_effects = Light_Effect.new(event,type)
      light_effects.light.zoom_x = 2
      light_effects.light.zoom_y = 2
      light_effects.light.opacity = 100
     if event.list[i].code == 108 and event.list[i].parameters == ["GROUND3"]
      type = "GROUND3"
      light_effects = Light_Effect.new(event,type)
      light_effects.light.zoom_x = 2
      light_effects.light.zoom_y = 2
      light_effects.light.opacity = 100
     if event.list[i].code == 108 and event.list[i].parameters == ["GROUND4"]
      type = "GROUND4"
      light_effects = Light_Effect.new(event,type)
      light_effects.light.zoom_x = 2
      light_effects.light.zoom_y = 2
      light_effects.light.opacity = 100
     if event.list[i].code == 108 and event.list[i].parameters == ["GROUND5"]
      type = "GROUND5"
      light_effects = Light_Effect.new(event,type)
      light_effects.light.zoom_x = 2
      light_effects.light.zoom_y = 2
      light_effects.light.opacity = 100
 for effect in @light_effects
  case effect.type
  when "FIRE"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 600 - $game_map.display_x) / 8 + rand(6) - 3
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 600 - $game_map.display_y) / 8 + rand(6) - 3
   effect.light.tone = Tone.new(255,-100,-255, 0)
   effect.light.blend_type = 1
  when "LIGHT"
   effect.light.x = (-0.25 / 2 * $game_map.display_x) + (effect.event.x * 32) - 15
   effect.light.y = (-0.25 / 2 * $game_map.display_y) + (effect.event.y * 32) - 15
   effect.light.blend_type = 1
  when "LIGHT2"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 1200 - $game_map.display_x) / 8 - 20
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 1200 - $game_map.display_y) / 8
   effect.light.blend_type = 1
  when "LIGHT3"
   effect.light.x = (-0.25 / 2 * $game_map.display_x) + (effect.event.x * 32) - 15
   effect.light.y = (-0.25 / 2 * $game_map.display_y) + (effect.event.y * 32) - 15
   effect.light.blend_type = 1
  when "TORCH"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 1200 - $game_map.display_x) / 8 - 20
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 1200 - $game_map.display_y) / 8
   effect.light.tone = Tone.new(255,-100,-255, 0)
   effect.light.blend_type = 1
  when "TORCH2"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 1200 - $game_map.display_x) / 8 - 20
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 1200 - $game_map.display_y) / 8
   effect.light.tone = Tone.new(255,-100,-255, 0)
   effect.light.blend_type = 1
  when "TORCH3"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 600 - $game_map.display_x) / 8 + rand(6) - 3
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 600 - $game_map.display_y) / 8 + rand(6) - 3
   effect.light.blend_type = 1
  when "GROUND"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 400 - $game_map.display_x) / 8
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 400 - $game_map.display_y) / 8
   effect.light.blend_type = 1
  when "GROUND2"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 400 - $game_map.display_x) / 8
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 400 - $game_map.display_y) / 8
   effect.light.blend_type = 1
  when "GROUND3"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 400 - $game_map.display_x) / 8
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 400 - $game_map.display_y) / 8
   effect.light.tone = Tone.new(255,-255,-255, 255)
   effect.light.blend_type = 1
  when "GROUND4"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 400 - $game_map.display_x) / 8
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 400 - $game_map.display_y) / 8
   effect.light.tone = Tone.new(-255,255,-255, 100)
   effect.light.blend_type = 1
  when "GROUND5"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 400 - $game_map.display_x) / 8
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 400 - $game_map.display_y) / 8
   effect.light.tone = Tone.new(-255,255,255, 100)
   effect.light.blend_type = 1

def update_light_effects
  # handle FIRE
  if $game_switches[FIRE]
    for effect in @light_effects
      next if effect.type != "FIRE"
      effect.light.visible = false
    for effect in @light_effects
     next if effect.type != "FIRE"
      effect.light.visible = true

  # handle LIGHT
  if $game_switches[LIGHT]
    for effect in @light_effects
      next if effect.type != "LIGHT" && effect.type != "LIGHT2" && effect.type != "LIGHT3"
      effect.light.visible = false
    for effect in @light_effects
      next if effect.type != "LIGHT" && effect.type != "LIGHT2" && effect.type != "LIGHT3"
      effect.light.visible = true

  # handle GROUND
  if $game_switches[GROUND]
    for effect in @light_effects
      next if effect.type != "GROUND" && effect.type != "GROUND2" && effect.type != "GROUND3" && effect.type != "GROUND4" && effect.type != "GROUND5"
      effect.light.visible = false
    for effect in @light_effects
      next if effect.type != "GROUND" && effect.type != "GROUND2" && effect.type != "GROUND3" && effect.type != "GROUND4" && effect.type != "GROUND5"
      effect.light.visible = true

  # handle TORCH
  if $game_switches[TORCH]
    for effect in @light_effects
      next if effect.type != "TORCH" && effect.type != "TORCH2" && effect.type != "TORCH3"
      effect.light.visible = false
    for effect in @light_effects
      next if effect.type != "TORCH" && effect.type != "TORCH2" && effect.type != "TORCH3"
      effect.light.visible = true




 for effect in @light_effects
  case effect.type

 when "FIRE"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 600 - $game_map.display_x) / 8 + rand(6) - 3
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 600 - $game_map.display_y) / 8 + rand(6) - 3
   effect.light.opacity = rand(10) + 90
 when "LIGHT"
   effect.light.x = (-0.25 / 2 * $game_map.display_x) + (effect.event.x * 32) - 15
   effect.light.y = (-0.25 / 2 * $game_map.display_y) + (effect.event.y * 32) - 15
 when "LIGHT2"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 1200 - $game_map.display_x) / 8 - 20
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 1200 - $game_map.display_y) / 8
 when "LIGHT3"
   effect.light.x = (-0.25 / 2 * $game_map.display_x) + (effect.event.x * 32) - 15
   effect.light.y = (-0.25 / 2 * $game_map.display_y) + (effect.event.y * 32) - 15
   effect.light.opacity = rand(10) + 90
 when "TORCH"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 1200 - $game_map.display_x) / 8 - 20 + rand(20) - 10
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 1200 - $game_map.display_y) / 8 + rand(20) - 10
   effect.light.opacity = rand(30) + 70
 when "TORCH2"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 1200 - $game_map.display_x) / 8 - 20
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 1200 - $game_map.display_y) / 8
   effect.light.opacity = rand(10) + 90
 when "TORCH3"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 600 - $game_map.display_x) / 8 + rand(6) - 3
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 600 - $game_map.display_y) / 8 + rand(6) - 3
   effect.light.opacity = rand(10) + 90
 when "GROUND"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 400 - $game_map.display_x) / 8
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 400 - $game_map.display_y) / 8
 when "GROUND2"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 400 - $game_map.display_x) / 8
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 400 - $game_map.display_y) / 8
   effect.light.opacity = rand(10) + 90
 when "GROUND3"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 400 - $game_map.display_x) / 8
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 400 - $game_map.display_y) / 8
 when "GROUND4"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 400 - $game_map.display_x) / 8
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 400 - $game_map.display_y) / 8
 when "GROUND5"
   effect.light.x = (effect.event.real_x - 400 - $game_map.display_x) / 8
   effect.light.y = (effect.event.real_y - 400 - $game_map.display_y) / 8

  #close def
#close class 

class Light_Effect
 attr_accessor :light
 attr_accessor :event
 attr_accessor :type
 def initialize(event, type)
  @light = Sprite.new
  @light.bitmap = Cache.picture("le.png")
  @light.visible = true
  @light.z = 1000
  @event = event
  @type = type


밤낮스크립트와 같이쓰면 좋습니다.

데모를 반드시 확인해 주세요!


Comment '9'

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