질문과 답변

Extra Form
  1. #Basic Window Resizer v1.1
  2. #----------#
  3. #Features: Allows you to resize the window to whatever size you like! (This is not
  4. #            like Graphics.resize, this will scale to fit)
  5. #
  6. #Usage:   Script calls:
  7. #           Window_Resize.r(width, height)     - Self-explanatory
  8. #           Window_Resize.f                    - fits the game window to monitor size
  9. #           Window_Resize.full                 - switches to full screen unless already fullscreened
  10. #           Window_Resize.window               - same as full but opposite
  11. #           Window_Resize.toggle               - toggles between full and window
  12. #
  13. #No Customization
  14. #
  15. #----------#
  16. #-- Script by: V.M of D.T
  17. #
  18. #- Questions or comments can be:
  19. #    given by email: sumptuaryspade@live.ca
  20. #    provided on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DaimoniousTailsGames
  21. #   All my other scripts and projects can be found here: http://daimonioustails.weebly.com/
  22. #
  23. #--- Free to use in any project, commercial or non-commercial, with credit given
  24. # - - Though a donation's always a nice way to say thank you~ (I also accept actual thank you's)
  26. SWPO = Win32API.new 'user32''SetWindowPos'['l','i','i','i','i','i','p']'i'
  27. WINX = Win32API.new 'user32''FindWindowEx'['l','l','p','p']'i'
  28. SMET = Win32API.new 'user32''GetSystemMetrics'['i']'i'
  30. module Window_Resize
  31.   def self.r(width, height)
  32.     resw = SMET.call(0)
  33.     resh = SMET.call(1)
  34.     window_loc = WINX.call(0,0,"RGSS Player",0)
  35.     width +(SMET.call(5) + SMET.call(45)) * 2
  36.     height +(SMET.call(6) + SMET.call(45)) * 2 + SMET.call(4)
  37.     x = (resw - width) / 2; y = (resh - height) / 2
  38.     y = 0 if y < 0;x = 0 if x < 0
  39.     SWPO.call(window_loc,0,x,y,width,height,0)
  40.   end
  41.   def self.f
  42.     resw = SMET.call(0)
  43.     resh = SMET.call(1)
  44.     window_loc = WINX.call(0,0,"RGSS Player",0)
  45.     SWPO.call(window_loc,0,0,0,resw,resh,0)
  46.   end
  47.   def self.full
  48.     resw = SMET.call(0)
  49.     return unless resw > 640
  50.     toggle
  51.   end
  52.   def self.window
  53.     resw = SMET.call(0)
  54.     return unless resw <640
  55.     toggle
  56.   end
  57.   def self.toggle
  58.     keybd = Win32API.new 'user32.dll''keybd_event'['i''i''l''l']'v'
  59.     keybd.call 0xA4, 000
  60.     keybd.call 13000
  61.     keybd.call 13020
  62.     keybd.call 0xA4, 020
  63.   end
  64. end

이런 스크립트를 찾았는데 이걸 어떻게 사용하는지 모르겠네요
이게 게임창 사이즈 바꿀수있는 스크립트 맞나요? 

Comment '1'
  • ?
    페렐 2015.12.14 22:09
    넵 맞는 것 같습니다. 해상도가 아니라 창 크기 말씀하시는 거 맞으시죠?
    사용법은 위에 영어로 나와있네요. 저 명령어들을 이벤트에서 스크립트로 불러오면 실행됩니다.

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