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    Lighna 2012.02.17 20:07

    그림의 표시로 하신거 같은데, 표시하실때 "가산 보통 감산" 세가지중 어느걸로 하셨는지 채크해보세요.

  • ?
    네이피어 2012.02.17 22:06

    $imported = {} if $imported == nil
    $imported["ReiLimitedVision"] = true

    # ** Rei Module
    module Rei
      module LimitedVision
      TOG = 11   # Switch Id to activate this script
      HFR = 72   # How far is the picture's placement from the player
                 # 0 is on the player , negative is behind, positive is in front
      IZX = 130  # Initial horizontal zoom % of the visibility
      IZY = 130  # Initial vertical zoom % of the visibility
      # negative = reduce, positive = add
      RUN = -30  # When player's running, visibility will be added/reduced to this %
      STD = 50   # When player's didn't running, visibility will be added/reduced to
                 # this %
      LGT = 15   # Switch Id to activate "player has a flashlight" that can increase
                 # or reduce visibility when flashlight is active
      BUT = Input::F5 # Player must press this button to activate the flashlight
      RWL = 20   # When player's running (flashlight on), visibility will be
                 # added/reduced to this %
      SWL = 80   # When player's didn't running (flashlight on), visibility will be
                 # added/reduced to this %
      DLY = 20   # Delay to change visibility in frames (60frames=1sec)
                 # Higher values are smoother, but may looks weird when running..
      KTS = false # true = Using KTS, false = not using KTS
      KGC = false  # true = Using KGC's DayNight, false = no   (V.1.2)
      # Below is only usable if KTS = true or KGC = true
      # Above percentage will be added with these..
      # -- For Indoor Maps (Maps without [KTS] OR maps WITH [DN_VOID]) --
      INT = -50  # At the night, visibility will be added/reduced to this %
      IMN = 50   # At the morning, visibility will be added/reduced to this %
      IDY = 75   # At the day, visibility will be added/reduced to this %
      IEN = -25  # At the evening, visibility will be added/reduced to this %
      # -- For Outdoor Maps (Maps with [KTS] OR maps WITHOUT [DN_VOID] ) --
      ONT = -30  # At the night, visibility will be added/reduced to this %
      OMN = 75   # At the morning, visibility will be added/reduced to this %
      ODY = 100  # At the day, visibility will be added/reduced to this %
      OEN = -10  # At the evening, visibility will be added/reduced to this %
      # V.1.1
      VSP = []      # < Don't edit or remove this
      USV = 1       # Variable Id used to change visibility.
                    # To change it, just set variable value to one of the number below

      VSP[0] = "av"  # < Visibility picture no.0
      VSP[1] = "av1" # < Visibility picture no.1
      VSP[2] = "av2" # < Visibility picture no.2
      VSP[3] = "av3" # < Visibility picture no.3
      VSP[4] = "av4" # < Visibility picture no.4
      # Add as many as you want
      SET = 1        # Set this switch Id on if you want the visibility picture's
                     # tone to be changed with the one below.
      TON = Tone.new(255,255,255,255)
      # To change TON variable in game,
      # use REI::LIMITEDVISION::TON = Tone.new(r,g,b,a)
      # Example : REI::LIMITEDVISION::TON = Tone.new(255,0,0,255)
      # r = red, g = green, b = blue, a = alpha/grey

    # Module RPG
    module RPG
      class State
        def mod_vis
          self.note.each_line {|line|
          return line.gsub!('%mod ', '').chomp.to_i if line.include?('%mod ')
          return 0
    # ** Scene_Map
    #  This class performs the map screen processing.
    class Scene_Map < Scene_Base
      # Alias things
      alias reilimitedvisioninit initialize unless method_defined?('reilimitedvisioninit')
      alias reilimitedvisionstart start unless method_defined?('reilimitedvisionstart')
      alias reilimitedvisionupdate update unless method_defined?('reilimitedvisionupdate')
      alias reilimitedvisionterminate terminate unless method_defined?('reilimitedvisionterminate')
      # * Initialize
      def initialize
        $reivisibility_sprite = Game_Picture.new(21)
      # * Start processing
      def start
        if $game_switches[Rei::LimitedVision::TOG]
          index = $game_variables[Rei::LimitedVision::USV]
          @pic = Rei::LimitedVision::VSP[index]
          Rei::LimitedVision::IZY+Rei::LimitedVision::STD+mod_state_range[1],255, 0)
          @showed = true
      # * Get modified range by states
      def mod_state_range
        result = [0,0]
        for actor in $game_party.members
          next if actor.states.empty?
          for state in actor.states
            next if state.nil? or state.mod_vis == 0
            zoomx = state.mod_vis
            zoomy = state.mod_vis
            result = [zoomx,zoomy]
      return result
      # * Setup visibility coordinate
      def getvis
        result = []
          case $game_player.direction
          when 2
            x = $game_player.screen_x
            y = $game_player.screen_y + Rei::LimitedVision::HFR
          when 4
            x = $game_player.screen_x - Rei::LimitedVision::HFR
            y = $game_player.screen_y
          when 6
            x = $game_player.screen_x + Rei::LimitedVision::HFR
            y = $game_player.screen_y
          when 8
            x = $game_player.screen_x
            y = $game_player.screen_y - Rei::LimitedVision::HFR
        result = [x,y]
        return result
      # * Setup visibility
      def dovisibilitythingy(dur = Rei::LimitedVision::DLY)
        zoomx = Rei::LimitedVision::IZX + mod_state_range[0]
        zoomy = Rei::LimitedVision::IZY + mod_state_range[1]
        opa = 255
        if Rei::LimitedVision::KTS == true
          if $kts_map_data[$game_map.map_id].outside_tint?
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::ONT if $game_switches[KTS::NIGHT]
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::ONT if $game_switches[KTS::NIGHT]
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::OMN if $game_switches[KTS::DAWN]
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::OMN if $game_switches[KTS::DAWN]
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::ODY if $game_switches[KTS::DAY]
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::ODY if $game_switches[KTS::DAY]
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::OEN if $game_switches[KTS::SUNSET]
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::OEN if $game_switches[KTS::SUNSET]
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::INT if $game_switches[KTS::NIGHT]
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::INT if $game_switches[KTS::NIGHT]
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::IMN if $game_switches[KTS::DAWN]
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::IMN if $game_switches[KTS::DAWN]
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::IDY if $game_switches[KTS::DAY]
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::IDY if $game_switches[KTS::DAY]
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::IEN if $game_switches[KTS::SUNSET]
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::IEN if $game_switches[KTS::SUNSET]
        elsif Rei::LimitedVision::KGC == true
          if $game_map.daynight_void?
            phase = KGC::DayNight::PHASE_VARIABLE
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::ODY if phase == 0
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::ODY if phase == 0
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::OEN if phase == 1
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::OEN if phase == 1
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::ONT if phase == 2
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::ONT if phase == 2
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::OMN if phase == 3
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::OMN if phase == 3
            phase = KGC::DayNight::PHASE_VARIABLE
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::IDY if phase == 0
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::IDY if phase == 0
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::IEN if phase == 1
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::IEN if phase == 1
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::INT if phase == 2
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::INT if phase == 2
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::IMN if phase == 3
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::IMN if phase == 3
        if $game_player.moving? and $game_player.dash?
          zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::RUN
          zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::RUN
          zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::STD
          zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::STD
        if Input.press?(Rei::LimitedVision::BUT) and $game_switches[Rei::LimitedVision::LGT]
          if $game_player.moving? and $game_player.dash?
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::RWL
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::RWL
            zoomx += Rei::LimitedVision::SWL
            zoomy += Rei::LimitedVision::SWL
        if $game_switches[Rei::LimitedVision::SET]
        $reivisibility_sprite.move(1, getvis[0], getvis[1], zoomx,zoomy,opa, 0, dur)
      # * Frame Update
      def update
        if $game_switches[Rei::LimitedVision::TOG]
          if @showed == true
            if  @pic != Rei::LimitedVision::VSP[$game_variables[Rei::LimitedVision::USV]]
              @pic = Rei::LimitedVision::VSP[$game_variables[Rei::LimitedVision::USV]]
              @showed = false
            if  @pic != Rei::LimitedVision::VSP[$game_variables[Rei::LimitedVision::USV]]
              @pic = Rei::LimitedVision::VSP[$game_variables[Rei::LimitedVision::USV]]
            Rei::LimitedVision::IZY+Rei::LimitedVision::STD+mod_state_range[1],255, 0)
            @showed = true
          if $reivisibility_sprite.name != ""
            @showed = false
      # * Termination Processing
      def terminate
        @showed = false
    # Woratana script, my version
    class Spriteset_Map
      alias reicreatepic create_pictures unless method_defined?('reicreatepic')
      # * Create Picture Sprite
      def create_pictures(*args);reicreatepic(*args)
    class Sprite_Picture < Sprite
      alias reipic_upd update unless method_defined?('reipic_upd')
      # * Frame Update
      def update(*args);reipic_upd(*args)
        self.z = $game_player.screen_z + 125 if @picture.number == 21;end
    이 스크립트 따와서 고대로 쓴겁니다.

    그림도 따서 하나도 안고치고요.

  • ?
    네이피어 2012.02.17 23:56

    아이고 됬습니다.

    스크립트에서 색조를 (255,255,255,255)인걸 0으로 바꿔주니 됬습니다.

    (내가 왜 이생각을 못했지.)


    데모 프로젝트에선 255해도 잘만 되던데 제 스크립트에선 0으로 해야하는군요.

    왜그럴까요 ㅎㅎ

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