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 스크립트는 전혀 다룰줄 몰라서 다른분의 스크립트를 챁아보아도 적당한것이 보이지 않아

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# Script: Basic Instance Weapon Durability Ver. 1.07

# Author: Selchar

# Credit: Tsukihime

# Required: Tsukihime's Item Instance



이 스크립트는 무기에 대한 내구도를 구현한다.With each use for an attack or

skill, a weapon's durability wil decrease by the amount you specify in the

customization area.  You can that by how much as well via a notetag for skills.

Only weapons with the <use durability> notetag will use this script's function.


# Weapon Notetag


<set durability>

Sets up the weapon to use durability.  See Default Setting down beow.

<max durability: x>

Where x is the starting durability of a weapon, defaults to the setting beow.

<broken weapon change: x>

Where x is the id of the new "weapon" you obtain when the one you are using

breaks.  Like say you wanted a "broken sword" instead of a "Sword 0/100".  This

only works if Destroy_Broken_Weapon down below is set to false.

<skill durability mod x: y>

Where x is the id of the skill who's durability cost you wish to modify and

y is by how much you wish to modify it by.  y can be either a positive or

a negative number.  Weapon Durability can not be "repaired" through this.


# Skill Notetag


<durability cost: x>

Where x is how much of a weapon's durability is used, defaults to the constant

Default_Durability_Cost that you set below, default value is 1


module TH_Instance

  module Weapon

    #Set this for weapon durability designation for when the max durability

    #notetag is not present.

    Default_Durability = 100


    #Set this to what you want the default cost for successfully using skills

    #while equipped with a durability enabled equip to be.

    Default_Durability_Cost = 1


    #When a weapon is destroyed, this determines what will happen to it.  If

    #true, then it disappears from your inventory completely.  If it's false,

    #then either you keep the 0 durability version, or it changes to a new

    #"weapon" that you choose through the broken weapon notetag.

    Destroy_Broken_Weapon = false


    #This determines default Behavior of equips, and the behavior of the

    #<set durability> tag which is always the opposite.

    Durability_Setting = false


    #Format of durability suffix

    Dur_Suf = ' (%s/%s)'




# Rest of the script


$imported = {} if $imported.nil?

$imported[:Sel_Weapon_Durability] = true

unless $imported["TH_InstanceItems"]

  msgbox("Tsukihime's Instance not detected, exiting")



class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase


# On Successful Damage


  alias :process_weapon_durability_mdv :make_damage_value

  def make_damage_value(user, item)

    process_weapon_durability_mdv(user, item)

    user.process_weapon_durability(item) if user.actor? && @result.hit?



# Weapon Durability Methods in Game_Battler


  def process_weapon_durability(item)

    return unless item.is_a?(RPG::Skill)

    weapons.each do |i|

      next unless can_process_weapon_durability(i, item)

      process_individual_weapon_durability(i, item)




  def can_process_weapon_durability(weapon, skill)

    return false unless weapon

    return false unless weapon.use_durability

    return true



  def process_individual_weapon_durability(weapon, skill)

    weapon.durability -= weapon_durability_cost(weapon, skill)

    weapon.durability = 0 if weapon.durability < 0



    weapon.break_by_durability(self) if weapon.durability.zero?



  def weapon_durability_cost(weapon, skill)

    cost = skill.weapon_durability_cost

    cost += weapon.skill_durability_mod(skill.id)

    cost = 0 if cost < 0 #Make sure no negatives

    return cost




# Can't equip if weapon uses durability and has none left.


class Game_Actor < Game_Battler

  alias :zero_durability_wep_equip :equippable?

  def equippable?(item)

    return zero_durability_wep_equip(item) if item.is_a?(RPG::EquipItem) && item.is_template?

    return false if item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) && item.use_durability && item.durability.zero?

    return zero_durability_wep_equip(item)




# Extend log_window


class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base

  attr_accessor :log_window



# Weapon Methods


class RPG::Weapon

  attr_accessor :durability

  attr_accessor :use_durability


  def repair

    @durability = max_durability





  def can_repair?

    @durability < max_durability



  def repair_price

    @durability.zero? ? @non_durability_price : (@non_durability_price - @price)



  def broken_weapon_text(actor)

    message = "%s's %s broke!" % [actor.name, @non_durability_name]




  def break_by_durability(actor)

    actor.equips.each_index do |i|

      if actor.equips[i] == self

        actor.change_equip(i, nil)

        if TH_Instance::Weapon::Destroy_Broken_Weapon

          $game_party.gain_item(self, -1)


          if broken_weapon_change

            $game_party.gain_item(self, -1)

            broke_version = InstanceManager.get_instance($data_weapons[broken_weapon_change])

            $game_party.gain_item(broke_version, 1) 









# Renaming/Price Adjusting


  def durability_suffix

    return TH_Instance::Weapon::Dur_Suf % [@durability, @max_durability]


  def apply_durability_suffix(name)

    name += durability_suffix



  alias :sel_durability_make_name :make_name

  def make_name(name)

    name = sel_durability_make_name(name)

    @non_durability_name = name

    name = apply_durability_suffix(name) if use_durability




  def apply_durability_price(price)

    if @durability.zero? && !@non_durability_price.zero?

      price = 2


      price = (price * (@durability.to_f/max_durability)).to_i





  alias :sel_durability_make_price :make_price

  def make_price(price)

    price = sel_durability_make_price(price)

    @non_durability_price = price

    price = apply_durability_price(price) if use_durability




# Weapon Notetag


  def use_durability

    if @use_durability.nil?

      default = TH_Instance::Weapon::Durability_Setting

      @note =~ /<set[-_ ]?durability>/i ? @use_durability = !default : @use_durability = default





  def max_durability

    @note =~ /<max[-_ ]?durability:\s*(.*)\s*>/i ? @max_durability = $1.to_i : @max_durability = TH_Instance::Weapon::Default_Durability if @max_durability.nil?




  def broken_weapon_change

    @note =~ /<broken[-_ ]?weapon[-_ ]?change:\s*(.*)\s*>/i ? @broken_weapon_change = $1.to_i : @broken_weapon_change = false if @broken_weapon_change.nil?




  def skill_durability_mod(skill_id)

    if @skill_durability_mod.nil?

      @skill_durability_mod = []

      $data_skills.each do |i|

        next unless i

        if @note =~ /<skill[-_ ]?durability[-_ ]?mod[-_ ]?#{i.id.to_s}:\s*(.*)\s*>/i

          @skill_durability_mod[i.id] = $1.to_i


          @skill_durability_mod[i.id] = 0








# Skill Notetag


class RPG::Skill

  def weapon_durability_cost

    @note =~ /<durability[-_ ]?cost:\s*(.*)\s*>/i ? @durability_cost = $1.to_i : @durability_cost = TH_Instance::Weapon::Default_Durability_Cost if @durability_cost.nil?





# Instance Manager: setup_instance


module InstanceManager

  class << self

    alias :instance_weapon_durability_setup :setup_weapon_instance



  def self.setup_weapon_instance(obj)


    obj.repair if obj.use_durability




# End of File









■ 질문전 필독!
  • 질문할 내용이 이 게시판이나 강좌에 이미 있는지 확인합니다.
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  • 질문 내용은 답변자가 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 최대한 상세하게 작성합니다.
  • 스크립트의 전문이 필요할 경우 txt 파일 등으로 첨부해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • 답변받은 게시물은 삭제하지 않습니다.
  • 답변이 완료된 경우 해당 답변해주신 분들께 감사의 댓글을 달아줍니다.
    • 처음 오신 분들은 공지 게시물을 반드시 읽어주세요!

※ 미준수시 사전경고 없이 게시물을 삭제합니다.

Comment '4'
  • ?
    LuD 2017.08.16 11:52
    weapon.break_by_durability(self) if weapon.durability.zero?
    앞에 # 붙여서 주석처리 해주면 될것 같습니다.

    #weapon.break_by_durability(self) if weapon.durability.zero?
  • ?
    메카패치 2017.08.16 15:03
    답변주셔서 감사합니다. ^^
    시험해보니 내구도가 없어지면 그냥 장비나 인벤토리에서 사라지는 걸로 구현이 되네요
    def break_by_durability(actor) - 내구도가 없어 짐의 정의
    actor.equips.each_index do |i| - 액터가 그아이템을 착용중일때
    if actor.equips[i] == self - 만약 그아이템이 착용되어있다면
    actor.change_equip(i, nil) -액터의 장비를 해제한다
    if TH_Instance::Weapon::Destroy_Broken_Weapon -만약 부서진장비가 발생하면
    $game_party.gain_item(self, -1) -파티는 그 장비를 제거한다
    if broken_weapon_change -부서진 무기를 바뀐다면
    $game_party.gain_item(self, -1) - 파티에서 그 무기를 제거한다
    broke_version = InstanceManager.get_instance($data_weapons[broken_weapon_change]) -바뀌는 아이템의 정의
    $game_party.gain_item(broke_version, 1) -파티는 부서진 버전의 무기를 얻는다
    end - 끝
    요렇게 해석을 해봤습니다. 그래서 위의 장비를 해제한다 부분도 없애보고 밑에 actor.change_equip(i,broke_version, 1 ) 이렇게도 첨가해보았는데 장렬하게 에러가 발생하여서 도움을 얻고자 하였습니다.
  • ?
    LuD 2017.08.16 19:41
    의미없지만 핑계좀 대보자면.. ㅋ
    질문전 필독 글에도 있긴 한데.. 스크립트 전문은 txt 로....^^;
    아까는 자세히 볼 시간도 없고 본문이 길어서 복붙해서 시험해 볼수도 없어서 대충읽고 답했는데 안됐던거네요..;

    그런데.. 저 줄을 지웠는데 장비가 사라진다는 건가요?
    본문만 가지고는 실행이 안되서 테스트가 안되네요.
    여기 오셔서 작동 안된다는 파일 보내주시면 확인 후 답변드리겠습니다.
  • ?
    메카패치 2017.08.17 10:10
    감사합니다 LuD님 덕분에 문제를 해결하고도 생각도 못했던 것 까지 도움을 받게 되었네요
    행복하셔요 ^^

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