질문과 답변

Extra Form


 * RS_ExitDialog.js

 * @plugindesc RS_ExitDialog.js

 * @author biud436


 * @param Dialog Name

 * @desc Information Dialog

 * @default Information Dialog


 * @param Show Custom Dialog Name

 * @desc Show Custom Dialog Name

 * @default false


 * @param Exit Message

 * @desc Exit Message

 * @default Do you want to exit the game?


 * @param OK Button

 * @desc OK Button's Name

 * @default OK


 * @param Cancel Button

 * @desc Cancel Button's Name

 * @default Cancel


 * @help


 * =============================================================================

 * Plugin Commands

 * =============================================================================

 * This plugin does not provide plugin commands


 * =============================================================================

 * Setup

 * =============================================================================

 * 1. Add the Notification plugin(cordova-plugin-dialogs) on Intel XDK.

 * 2. Edit an index.html file in your Game Directory using Text Editor such as Notepad++

 * You have to contain Cordova Script into <body> statement, It looks like this.

 *       ...

 *     <body style="background-color: black">

 *       <script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script>

 *       <script type="text/javascript" src="js/libs/pixi.js"></script>

 *       ...

 *     </body>

 * =============================================================================

 * Change Log

 * =============================================================================

 * 2016.05.29 - The incorrect character fixed.


(function() {

  var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('RS_ExitDialog');

  var message = String(parameters['Exit Message'] || "Do you want to exit the game?" );

  var okBtn = String(parameters['OK Button'] || "OK" );

  var cancelBtn = String(parameters['Cancel Button'] || "Cancel" );

  var dialogName = String(parameters['Dialog Name'] || "Information Dialog" );

  var isCustomDialog = Boolean(parameters['Show Custom Dialog Name'] === 'true')

  document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);

  function onDeviceReady() {

      document.addEventListener("backbutton", SceneManager.detectScene, false);


  function onBackKeyDown() {

      if(!Utils.isMobileDevice) return false;

      if(!isCustomDialog) dialogName = $dataSystem.gameTitle || "Information Dialog";

      navigator.notification.confirm(message, function(index) {

          if(index === 1) {



      }, dialogName, [okBtn, cancelBtn]);


  SceneManager.detectScene = function() {

      if(SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Map) {


      } else if(SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Title) {


      } else {







 현재 이 플러그인을 사용하고있는데 모바일 디바이스에서 취소키를 누르면 반드시 타이틀 화면을 거쳐서

 어플을 종료할거냐고 묻는데, 이 과정에서 타이틀 화면을 안 거치고 어디서든 취소키를 입력해서

 어플을 종료할거냐 물어보도록 수정하는 방법이 궁금합니다.

Who's 최빛빛

Choi Bling-Bling
[Dream Project]
[2015 Project: Arena Dream Match]
[2016 Project: 포켓브리더]
Comment '2'

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