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전투시스템을 사이드뷰를 사용중입니다. (참고: 링크)

질문 : 원거리 캐릭터를 기본공격을 원거리로 만들 방법은 없을까요?

쉽게 설명을 드리자면, 원거리 캐릭에 속하는 활 무기를 이용하는 궁수의 경우,

공격을 선택시 직접 활을 들고 검처럼 몹을 때립니다. 

그래서 커맨드중에서 공격을 선택시 자동으로 원거리 공격을 하게 하고싶습니다.

물론 스크립트로 해야한다고 생각합니다만 'ㅁ' 

쉽게 찾지를 못해서 도움을 얻고자합니다. 

좋은분들의 좋은답변 부탁드립니다. 

PS> 제 질문을 해결하기에 자료가 부족하시다면 추가적인 자료를 보여드릴 수 있습니다.

Who's 퓨어히메


게임을 너무너무 좋아해서 만들게 된 스무한살 소녀 ♥ image_name

Comment '3'
  • ?
    아이미르 2011.12.23 17:12
    Tankentai SBS 3.4d를 받아서 쓰고 있는데 무기의 메모란에 <action: key>를 써주면 key에 해당하는 액션을 불러올수 있더군요 활공격 기본액션이 BOW_ATTACK이니까 활의 메모란에 <action: BOW_ATTACK>을 기입하면 될거 같네요. 다른 버전은 잘 모르겠지만요
  • ?
    퓨어히메 2011.12.23 18:51

    아이미르님의 좋은 답변 잘 읽어보았습니다.

    메모란에 <action: BOW_ATTACK> 입력하고 적용해보니, 

    액션자체가 활 모션이 뜨긴뜨는데 문제는 데미지가 1도 안먹히네요 ㅠㅠ

    마찬가지로  <action: GUN_ATTACK> 도 마찬가지네요;

    제가 스크립트 수정을 해야하는부분인가요 ㅠ;;

    Bubs' Bow Add-on (K) 스크립트
    # + Bow Attack Action Sequence for RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System
    #   v2.0 (Kaduki)
    #  Script by Mr. Bubble
    # ++ How to Install
    # * Install below the Tankentai Sideview scripts
    # * Requires Animation 83 from the demo placed in the same ID in your project.
    #   Animation ID can be changed.
    # ++ Assigning a Bow Action to Skills and Weapons
    #   [With Notetag]
    # * In the Notes field of a skill or weapon, type in
    #   You do not need quotes around BOW_ATTACK. Remember that it requires 
    #   Bubs' Notetags for TSBS.
    #   [Battler Configuration]
    # * Assign "BOW_ATTACK" to a weapon or skill under 
    #   Weapon Action Sequence Settings and Skill Action Sequence Settings in
    #   the SBS Configurations script.
    module N01
      # Animation ID for when bow is shown and drawn
      BOW_ANIMATION = 83
      BOW_ANIME = {
      # "DRAW_POSE" is a Battler Frame Animation key.
      # It will play a specific animation from the battler's character sheet.
      # For Kaduki Battlers, it will play its own special row.
      # If an enemy tries to use this key, it will not do anything.
      "DRAW_POSE"      => [ 3,  1,  3,   2,   0,  -1,   0, true,"" ],
      # "DRAW_BOW" is a Battle Animation key.
      # It plays the bow animation from the Database on top of the battler
      # using this key.
      "DRAW_BOW"  => ["anime",  BOW_ANIMATION,  0, false, false, false],
      # "ARROW_ANGLE" is a Flying Graphic Angle key.
      # It modifies the angle of the arrow when it travels from the user to
      # the target. "ARROW_ANGLE" is not directly used within an action sequence.
      # Instead, it is used in the "SHOOT_ARROW" hash.
      "ARROW_ANGLE"     => [ 30, 60,  11],
      # "SHOOT_ARROW" is a Moving Animation key
      # It defines the trajectory of the arrow that is shot at the target.
      # Notice how "ARROW_ANGLE" is used within the hash. "ARROW_ANGLE"
      # is a set predefined values that determine the angle of the arrow
      # while in flight.
      # The Yp (Y-pitch) needed to be moved up 16 pixels so it wouldn't look
      # like an actor shot an arrow from their legs.
      # ANIME Key               Type   ID Object Pass Time Arc  Xp Yp Start Z Weapon
      "SHOOT_ARROW"  => ["m_a", 0,  0,   0, 15,  -10,  0, -16, 0,false,"ARROW_ANGLE"],
      } # <-- Do not delete this!
      # Action Sequence
      # To help explain what the "BOW_ATTACK" sequence does, I've formatted it as
      # a vertical list. It does not matter how much whitespace there is between
      # each key as long as there are commas separating each key from each other.
      # Beside each key is a comment briefly explaining what each key does.
      # Keep in mind that action sequences are processed from left to right, 
      # top to bottom, in order.
      # Action Key
      "BOW_ATTACK" => [ # Anime Keys
                      "STEP_FORWARD", # Battler steps forward a bit
                      "DRAW_BOW",     # Battler plays bow animation on self
                      "DRAW_POSE",    # Play Kaduki pose
                      "16",           # Delays the sequence for 16 frames
                      "SHOOT_ARROW",  # Executes arrow projectile to target
                      "12",           # Delays the sequence for 12 frames
                      "DAMAGE_ANIM",  # Damage the target and play the weapon
                                      # skill's animation (if it hits)
                      "16",           # Delays the sequence for 12 frames
                      "Can Collapse", # Determines if battler is at 0 HP
                                      # and turns off their immortal flag so
                                      # that they can die/collapse.
                      "FLEE_RESET"    # Reset battler to start coordinates
                      ], # Closing square bracket. Don't forgot the comma!
      } # <-- Do not delete this!
    Guns Action Sequence (K) 스크립트
    # + Guns Action Sequence Addon for RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System
    #   v1.3 (Only for Kaduki battlers)
    #  Script original by: Kylock
    #  1.2 By Night'Walker
    #   Requested by gend0 (rpgrevolution.com)
    #   This is a script that adds new functionality to the Sideview battle System
    # in the way of an additional animation for gun weapons.
    #   To use this script, simply add it below the Sideview Battle System scripts
    # and make sure your gun have element 6(Whip) checked in the game database on
    # the weapons tab.  This can be changed below if you like your whip element.
    # ++ Assigning a Gun Action to Skills and Weapons
    #   [With Notetag]
    # * In the Notes field of a skill or weapon, type in
    #   You do not need quotes around GUN_ATTACK. Remember that it requires 
    #   Notetags for Tankentai Add-on
    module N01
      RANGED_ANIME = {
      # Magic Animation
      "FIRE_GUN"       => ["m_a", 87,   4,  0,  12,   0,  0,  0, 2, true,""],
      # Weapon Animations
      "DOWN_TO_LEFT" => [ 3, 0, false, 120, 45, 4, false, 1, 1, 0,  0, false],
      "LEFT_TO_UP" => [ 3, 0, false, 45, -15, 4, false, 1, 1, 0,  0, false],
      "LEFT_TO_UPL" => [ 3, 0, false, 45, -15, 4, false, 1, 1, 0,  0, true],
      "VERT_SWING-"     => [   3,   0,false,-15,  45,  4,false,   1,  1,  0,  0,false],
      # Battler Animations
      "DRAW_WEAPON" => [ 1, 0, 4, 2, 0, -1, 0, true,"DOWN_TO_LEFT"],
      "GUN_FIRE" => [ 3, 0, 1, 2, 0, -1, 0, true,"LEFT_TO_UP"],
      "GUN_FIREL" => [ 3, 0, 1, 2, 0, -1, 0, true,"LEFT_TO_UPL"],
      "WPN_SWING_V-" => [ 1, 0, 4, 2, 0, -1, 0, true,"VERT_SWING-"],
      "FRONT_JUMP"              => [  0, -32,   0,  16,  0,  -3,  "JUMP_ATTACK_POSE"],}
      # Action Sequence
        "5","WPN_SWING_V-","20","WEAPON2_DAMAGE","6","Two Wpn Only","FIRE_GUN",
        "GUN_FIREL","Two Wpn Only",
        "5","Can Collapse","MOVE_TO","RESET"],}
  • ?
    불량토깡 2012.01.03 16:55

    위에 스크립트 읽기도 싫네요 ㅎㅎ ㅋ

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