#=============================================================== # ● [VX] ◦ MiniMap ◦ □ # * Plug N Play Minimap (Don't need image~) * #-------------------------------------------------------------- # ◦ by Woratana [woratana@hotmail.com] # ◦ Thaiware RPG Maker Community # ◦ Released on: 09/06/2008 # ◦ Version: 1.0 #-------------------------------------------------------------- # ◦ Credit: KGC for XP MiniMap Script, # this script can't be done without his MiniMap. #-------------------------------------------------------------- module MiniMap #=========================================================================== # [START] MINIMAP SCRIPT SETUP PART #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- SWITCH_NO_MINIMAP = 10 # Turn ON this switch to NOT SHOW minimap MAP_RECT = [410, 20, 100, 100] # Minimap size and position # [X, Y, Width, Height] # You can change it in game, by call script: # $game_system.minimap = [X, Y, Width, Height] MAP_Z = 0 # Minimap's Z-coordinate # Increase this number if there is problem that minimap show below some objects. GRID_SIZE = 5 # Minimap's grid size. Recommend to use more than 3. MINIMAP_BORDER_COLOR = Color.new(0, 0, 255, 160) # Minimap's border color # Color.new(Red, Green, Blue, Opacity) MINIMAP_BORDER_SIZE = 2 # Minimap's border size FOREGROUND_COLOR = Color.new(224, 224, 255, 160) # Passable tile color BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 160) # Unpassable tile color USE_OUTLINE_PLAYER = true # Draw outline around player in minimap? PLAYER_OUTLINE_COLOR = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 192) # Player Outline color USE_OUTLINE_EVENT = true # Draw outline around events in minimap? EVENT_OUTLINE_COLOR = Color.new(255, 255, 255, 192) # Player Outline color PLAYER_COLOR = Color.new(255, 0, 0, 192) # Player color #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBJECT_COLOR = {} # Don't change or delete this line! #=============================================================== # * SETUP EVENT KEYWORD & COLOR #--------------------------------------------------------------- # ** Template: # OBJECT_COLOR['keyword'] = Color.new(Red, Green, Blue, Opacity) #------------------------------------------------------------- # * 'keyword': Word you want to put in event's comment to show this color # ** Note: 'keyword' is CASE SENSITIVE! # * Color.new(...): Color you want # You can put between 0 - 255 in each argument (Red, Green, Blue, Opacity) #------------------------------------------------------------- OBJECT_COLOR['npc'] = Color.new(30,144,255,160) OBJECT_COLOR['treasure'] = Color.new(0,255,255,160) OBJECT_COLOR['enemy'] = Color.new(139,35,35,160) OBJECT_COLOR['merchant'] = Color.new(255,255,0,160) #=========================================================================== # * [OPTIONAL] TAGS: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Change keyword for disable minimap & keyword for show event on minimap~ #----------------------------------------------------------------------- TAG_NO_MINIMAP = '[NOMAP]' # Tag for disable minimap TAG_EVENT = 'MMEV' # Tag for show event on minimap #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [END] MINIMAP SCRIPT SETUP PART #=========================================================================== def self.refresh if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) $scene.spriteset.minimap.refresh end end def self.update_object if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) $scene.spriteset.minimap.update_object_list end end end #============================================================================== # ■ RPG::MapInfo #============================================================================== class RPG::MapInfo def name return @name.gsub(/\[.*\]/) { } end def original_name return @name end def show_minimap? return !@name.include?(MiniMap::TAG_NO_MINIMAP) end end #============================================================================== # ■ Game_System #============================================================================== class Game_System attr_accessor :minimap alias wora_minimap_gamsys_ini initialize def initialize wora_minimap_gamsys_ini @minimap = MiniMap::MAP_RECT end def show_minimap return !$game_switches[MiniMap::SWITCH_NO_MINIMAP] end end #============================================================================== # ■ Game_Map #============================================================================== class Game_Map alias wora_minimap_gammap_setup setup def setup(map_id) wora_minimap_gammap_setup(map_id) @db_info = load_data('Data/MapInfos.rvdata') if @db_info.nil? @map_info = @db_info[map_id] end def show_minimap? return @map_info.show_minimap? end end #============================================================================== # ■ Game_Event #============================================================================== class Game_Event < Game_Character def mm_comment?(comment, return_comment = false ) if !@list.nil? for i in 0...@list.size - 1 next if @list[i].code != 108 if @list[i].parameters[0].include?(comment) return @list[i].parameters[0] if return_comment return true end end end return '' if return_comment return false end end #============================================================================== # ■ Game_MiniMap #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Game_MiniMap def initialize(tilemap) @tilemap = tilemap refresh end def dispose @border.bitmap.dispose @border.dispose @map_sprite.bitmap.dispose @map_sprite.dispose @object_sprite.bitmap.dispose @object_sprite.dispose @position_sprite.bitmap.dispose @position_sprite.dispose end def visible return @map_sprite.visible end def visible=(value) @map_sprite.visible = value @object_sprite.visible = value @position_sprite.visible = value @border.visible = value end def refresh @mmr = $game_system.minimap map_rect = Rect.new(@mmr[0], @mmr[1], @mmr[2], @mmr[3]) grid_size = [MiniMap::GRID_SIZE, 1].max @x = 0 @y = 0 @size = [map_rect.width / grid_size, map_rect.height / grid_size] @border = Sprite.new @border.x = map_rect.x - MiniMap::MINIMAP_BORDER_SIZE @border.y = map_rect.y - MiniMap::MINIMAP_BORDER_SIZE b_width = map_rect.width + (MiniMap::MINIMAP_BORDER_SIZE * 2) b_height = map_rect.height + (MiniMap::MINIMAP_BORDER_SIZE * 2) @border.bitmap = Bitmap.new(b_width, b_height) @border.bitmap.fill_rect(@border.bitmap.rect, MiniMap::MINIMAP_BORDER_COLOR) @border.bitmap.clear_rect(MiniMap::MINIMAP_BORDER_SIZE, MiniMap::MINIMAP_BORDER_SIZE, @border.bitmap.width - (MiniMap::MINIMAP_BORDER_SIZE * 2), @border.bitmap.height - (MiniMap::MINIMAP_BORDER_SIZE * 2)) @map_sprite = Sprite.new @map_sprite.x = map_rect.x @map_sprite.y = map_rect.y @map_sprite.z = MiniMap::MAP_Z bitmap_width = $game_map.width * grid_size + map_rect.width bitmap_height = $game_map.height * grid_size + map_rect.height @map_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(bitmap_width, bitmap_height) @map_sprite.src_rect = map_rect @object_sprite = Sprite.new @object_sprite.x = map_rect.x @object_sprite.y = map_rect.y @object_sprite.z = MiniMap::MAP_Z + 1 @object_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(bitmap_width, bitmap_height) @object_sprite.src_rect = map_rect @position_sprite = Sprite_Base.new @position_sprite.x = map_rect.x + @size[0] / 2 * grid_size @position_sprite.y = map_rect.y + @size[1] / 2 * grid_size @position_sprite.z = MiniMap::MAP_Z + 2 bitmap = Bitmap.new(grid_size, grid_size) # Player's Outline if MiniMap::USE_OUTLINE_PLAYER and MiniMap::GRID_SIZE >= 3 bitmap.fill_rect(bitmap.rect, MiniMap::PLAYER_OUTLINE_COLOR) brect = Rect.new(bitmap.rect.x + 1, bitmap.rect.y + 1, bitmap.rect.width - 2, bitmap.rect.height - 2) bitmap.clear_rect(brect) else brect = bitmap.rect end bitmap.fill_rect(brect, MiniMap::PLAYER_COLOR) @position_sprite.bitmap = bitmap draw_map update_object_list draw_object update_position end def draw_map bitmap = @map_sprite.bitmap bitmap.fill_rect(bitmap.rect, MiniMap::BACKGROUND_COLOR) map_rect = Rect.new(@mmr[0], @mmr[1], @mmr[2], @mmr[3]) grid_size = [MiniMap::GRID_SIZE, 1].max $game_map.width.times do |i| $game_map.height.times do |j| if !$game_map.passable?(i, j) next end rect = Rect.new(map_rect.width / 2 + grid_size * i, map_rect.height / 2 + grid_size * j, grid_size, grid_size) if grid_size >= 3 if !$game_map.passable?(i, j) rect.height -= 1 rect.x += 1 rect.width -= 1 rect.width -= 1 rect.y += 1 rect.height -= 1 end end bitmap.fill_rect(rect, MiniMap::FOREGROUND_COLOR) end end end def update_object_list @object_list = {} $game_map.events.values.each do |e| comment = e.mm_comment?(MiniMap::TAG_EVENT, true) if comment != '' type = comment.gsub(/#{MiniMap::TAG_EVENT}/){}.gsub(/\s+/){} @object_list[type] = [] if @object_list[type].nil? @object_list[type] << e end end end def draw_object bitmap = @object_sprite.bitmap bitmap.clear map_rect = Rect.new(@mmr[0], @mmr[1], @mmr[2], @mmr[3]) grid_size = [MiniMap::GRID_SIZE, 1].max rect = Rect.new(0, 0, grid_size, grid_size) mw = map_rect.width / 2 mh = map_rect.height / 2 @object_list.each do |key, events| color = MiniMap::OBJECT_COLOR[key] next if events.nil? or color.nil? events.each do |obj| if !obj.character_name.empty? rect.x = mw + obj.real_x * grid_size / 256 rect.y = mh + obj.real_y * grid_size / 256 # Event's Outline if MiniMap::USE_OUTLINE_EVENT and MiniMap::GRID_SIZE >= 3 bitmap.fill_rect(rect, MiniMap::EVENT_OUTLINE_COLOR) brect = Rect.new(rect.x + 1, rect.y + 1, rect.width - 2, rect.height - 2) bitmap.clear_rect(brect) else brect = bitmap.rect end bitmap.fill_rect(brect, color) end end end end def update if @mmr != $game_system.minimap dispose refresh end draw_object update_position if @map_sprite.visible @map_sprite.update @object_sprite.update @position_sprite.update end end def update_position map_rect = Rect.new(@mmr[0], @mmr[1], @mmr[2], @mmr[3]) grid_size = [MiniMap::GRID_SIZE, 1].max sx = $game_player.real_x * grid_size / 256 sy = $game_player.real_y * grid_size / 256 @map_sprite.src_rect.x = sx @map_sprite.src_rect.y = sy @object_sprite.src_rect.x = sx @object_sprite.src_rect.y = sy end end #============================================================================== # ■ Spriteset_Map #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Spriteset_Map attr_reader :minimap alias wora_minimap_sprsetmap_ini initialize alias wora_minimap_sprsetmap_dis dispose alias wora_minimap_sprsetmap_upd update def initialize wora_minimap_sprsetmap_ini if $game_map.show_minimap? @minimap = Game_MiniMap.new(@tilemap) $game_system.show_minimap = true if $game_system.show_minimap.nil? @minimap.visible = $game_system.show_minimap end end def dispose @minimap.dispose if !@minimap.nil? wora_minimap_sprsetmap_dis end def update if !@minimap.nil? if $game_system.show_minimap @minimap.visible = true @minimap.update else @minimap.visible = false end end wora_minimap_sprsetmap_upd end end #============================================================================== # ■ Scene_Map #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Scene_Map < Scene_Base attr_reader :spriteset end